The Art and Science of Chess - R. Robinson, Chess, Chess T

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//-->The Art and Science ofChessAStep-by-Step ApproachRobert RobinsonRaymond EdwardsHARPER&ROW, PUBLISHERS, INC.New York, Evanston, San Francisco, LondonCopyright© 1973by Robert Robinson and RaymondEdwar<hAllrights reserved. Printed in Great Britain. No part of this bookmaybeused or reproduced in any manner whatsoeverwithout written permission except in thecaseof briefquotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Forinformation address Harper&Row, Publishers, Inc.,IOEast53rd Street, New York, N. Y. 10022.PIR9T U.1!1. EDITIONSTANDARD 8001< NUllBEK:06-013578-673-7451LIBRARY OP CONORESB CATALOO CARD NUllBBR:ContentsPrefaceAcknowledgmentsNotes on NotationList of SymbolsITHE POWERS OF THE PIECESANDPAWNS;ILLUSTRATIVE ENDINGSA: Preliminaries: King and RookvmxxixiiThe Chess BoardAlgebraic Notation,I:The BoardThe Chess PiecesCheckandCheckmateAlgebraic Notation,2:The PucesCheckmate of Black King by White King and RookDrawn GamesStalemateThe OppositionThe Two RooksB: Bishops,Queens and KnightsThe BishopThe Q.ueenThe KnightCapturemade'en passant'. Promotion of a PawnKing and Pawn EndingKing and Pawnv.KingD:Pawns with PiecesC : The PawnsKnightsv.PawnsBishopsv.PawnsRookv.PawnsQ.ueenv.PawnsE: Starting a Game; Castling and some other RulesII1123447789101012131516161617222223242527oiThe Starting PositionCastlingDrawn GamesChess EtiquetteContents272828303131313333333537383940414243444848495355586262626364656566687070707123SOME TACTI CAL MANOEUVRESGain or Loss of MaterialThe Average Relative Values of the ChessmenBefore Each MoveCapturesConsecutive Captures and RecapturesThe PinPins other than those against the KingGains of Material with Help of ChecksThe ForkDouble Attack and Virtual Double Attack WithoutCheckDiscovered Check and Double CheckOn PlanningThe ElementsNomenclatureTHE MIDDLE GAMEIntroductionExploitation of Material AdvantagesAdvantage in TimeAdvantage in SpaceThe CentreThe Pieces and their Characteristic.a in Middle GamePlaya)b)c)d)e)f)4The KingThe QueenThe RooksThe BishopsTheKnightsThePawnsSacrificeTHE OPENINGGiuoco PianoFour KnightsScotch GameKing's Gambit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
