The Art Of Woodworking Vol 09 - Shop-Made Jigs And Fixtures, Cnc, The Art of Woodworking(1)

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//-->THEARTOFWOODWORKINGHOMEWORI$HOPWORKSHOP IDEGUINVENTORY JIGHARDWAREOFWood acrewaOval(below,lefL)and flat head (below,cenLer) ueedfor counLereinktnq;areroundhead(below,rtqht) can beremovedeaerly.Typtcallyavail-ablefrom'l Lo 6incheelonq;com-mon head typeeincludeelotted,Fhilipe,and equareWaeheraUaedt.o helpdiaLributeloadwhenueinqnuta and bolte;lock(cenLer)and epltL(rt4hL)Lypeedeai7ned keepnu1,tofrom looaen-tnq;avatlable a vanety of aizeotn@@(affi;rfrToggleclampeQutck-acLin4clampe that are faaLened tojiqa Lo hold etock in placeiifir:'@W&AHHfaetentn4 wood;ofetandard hexnut1eneral(above,left) provideaeaeyacceeafor t urnrn4;wtngnuL (above,cent,er)ta uaed wheredio-aeeemblyand reaeeembly expecLed;ieT-nut(above,riqhL) te ueed ae a knockdownfaeLen-er or rn ertuaLionswherebolLie no| acceeetbleafter aeeembly;avatlable a varieLy aizeetnofThreadedinaertKnockdownfaatenerusedwith acrewgorbolt;o join compa-Loapplicattonel#t#,'wTT T7FlFIFltrIllIlllII|IC,fvv 'r n nvn,v | )atahleand eaeilymachrned,auchaa_plaeLiceacryltc,polycarbonaLe,phenoliceheel,,and polyeLhylene(HDFE) are often ueedae eee-throu7hand4uarde, Lemplateo,tneertplaLee rouLerLableeforKnockdown hardware iLem allowtnqjt7Lo be taken aparL and reaesembledwiLhouLeLripptng ecrew Lhreade;threaded dowel te ineert ed in onepart of ji4 perpendtcular to bolL; bolLsranqe between 1and 3 incheeCommonnaile FlFeatureqroovedllahankaforllotrenqthand llh o l d i n 7 p o w e rl :llenathtvpicallv llJr tv|TTb e L w e e n l a n dl l|6 incheeII[J ll" VtlIIU6oltaPlaetic knobsand handleejiqeFor conLrolltnq durin4opera-ttona;offer comfortablegrtppin4eur-face;nylonwaaherareducevibrationUeed wiLh nuLe for faeLenin7wood; carria7e bolt (near rtght)feaLurce oquare necl Lo keep bolrfrom roLaLtng, hanger bolt (farri7ht) featuree machine fhreadeon one end and wood 1crew thread'on Lhe o1;her;eizeo typtcally ranqe'/,from 1 Lo 6 tnchea rn lenqLhand I to /, inch in diameLerEEEEEREPneumaticclampUeeeairnrpaattrpf ^Cam clampUeedto aecureworkpieceinjiq; LurnhandleLoincreageclampinqPreaaureF+t*>Miter bar'/,"Ftl,eetandard x'1" miter 4auqeelol,;aerveo foundaLton a numbera6forof ueefuljtge tncludtnq Lableaeaw croaacul;jig, a miterjtg, and a feaLher-POaraoecure workpteceer;ojiqe:clampinqpreaeure adju.,t -able from 20 to 160pounde: varieLy of clamp-inq arme available for aran7e of applrcatlonzS O U R C E S R I GH A R D W A R EFO JM a n y a r d w a r e o r e a n dw o o d w o r k ihstsngs u p p l h o u s eo f f e r p e c i a l i z h a r d w a r eys sedf o rs h o p - m a d g sa n df i x t u r e st. i s allieg o o d d e a o h a v e s u p p lo f 1 i g a r d -itayhw a r en a v a r i e to f s i z e o n h a n di niysy o u rs h o p , i n c e p e n d i n o om u c hsstgt i m em a k i n a j i g d e f e a tp a r o f i t sp u r -gs tp o s e . h ei t e m s b o v e r o v i da b a s i cpeTajiglistof essential hardware: moreforspe-c i f i c p p l i c a t i oc h e c o u tb u s i n e a s dans, ksntradedirectorieswellasmanufacturersasa n d u p p l i eo fsi n d u s t r i p r o d u c t s .sralddTHEARI OFWOODWORKINGSHOP-MADEFDilURESIIGSANDTHEART OF WOODWORKINGSHOPMEFDffT'RESIIGSAI.{DTIME-LIFEBOOKSALEXANDRIA,VIRGINIAST.REMYPRESSMONTREAL.NEWYORK [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
