The Dresden Files Volume 2 Our World, Podreczniki RPG, The Dresden Files

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Desden Fies
Ou r Wo r l d
Vo lum e Two
    Step Into
Our World
We are wizards, cops, mechanics, werewolves,
doctors, fairies, mobsters, reporters, holy
warriors, and vampires.
We call upon the dark powers of the Never­
never—or the darkness in human nature.
We are the monsters living next door or
lurking behind a friendly face.
This is the Dresdenverse.
This is
Our World.
his volume of
he Dresden Files RPG
gives you
extensive detail on the factions, creatures, foes,
and allies of the Dresdenverse. You’ll ind over
200 creatures and characters complete with all
the information you’ll need to bring them into
your own game, as well as a detailed chapter on
modern-day Occult Chicago and an original
short story by Jim Butcher.
Together with
Volume One: Your Story
he Dresden Files RPG: Our World
you everything you need to make your own
adventures in the thrilling and dangerous world
New York Times
best-selling author Jim
Dresden Files
he Dresden Files RPG
begins with
Your Story!
ISBN: 978-0-9771534-8-0 EHP3002 $39.99 US
Te Desden Fies
R O L E P L A Y I N G • G A M E
Volume Two: Our World
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he following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and
is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
1. Definitions:
(a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or
trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content;
(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including
derivative works and translations (including into other computer
languages), potation, modiication, correction, addition, extension,
upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in
which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c)
“Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast,
publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game
Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods,
procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content
does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement
over the prior art and any additional content clearly identiied as
Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work
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“Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos
and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures
characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue,
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, like-
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and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions
of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas,
likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments,
creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or efects,
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Open Game Content; (f ) “Trademark” means the logos, names,
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2. he License:
his License applies to any Open Game Content that
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In consideration for agreeing to use
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute:
If You are contrib-
uting original material as Open Game Content, You represent that
Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have
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6. Notice of License Copyright:
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7. Use of Product Identity:
You agree not to Use any Product
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8. Identiication:
If you distribute Open Game Content You must
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uting are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License:
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rized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any
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10. Copy of this License:
You MUST include a copy of this License
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11. Use of Contributor Credits:
You may not market or advertise the
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12. Inability to Comply:
If it is impossible for You to comply with any
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lation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so afected.
13. Termination:
his License will terminate automatically if You
fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation:
If any provision of this License is held to be unen-
forceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0
© 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Fudge System 1995 version
© 1992-1995 by Stefan O’Sullivan, ©
2005 by Grey Ghost Press, Inc.; Author Stefan O’Sullivan.
FATE (Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment)
© 2003 by
Evil Hat Productions LLC; Authors Robert Donoghue and Fred
Spirit of the Century
© 2006, Evil Hat Productions LLC. Authors
Robert Donoghue, Fred Hicks, and Leonard Balsera.
Any material found in this book which is not directly taken from the
above named works is deemed to be product identity.
The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game: Volume 1: Your Story
he Dresden Files Roleplaying Game: Volume 2: Our World
© 2010,
Evil Hat Productions LLC (
Based on the original works in
Dresden Files
series by Jim Butcher
as published by the Roc imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Arranged through the author’s agent: Jennifer Jackson, Donald
Maass Literary Agency.
he Dresden Files
, all of
he Dresden Files
book titles, all of the characters, descriptions, and plots from
Dresden Files
books and stories, and all quoted material from
Dresden Files
books are ©2000-2010 Jim Butcher.
Some art within is ©2008-2010 and used with permission of the
Dabel Brothers Productions LLC.
Wait, what? Who’s this Jim guy? I thought he was just my “player!”
Bsed on Te Desden Fies
Boks by Jim Butcer
Payeters &
Tina Adams, Johnathan E. Angel, homas
Bates, Dane Black, Morgan Collins, Mike
Daugherty, Chris Demink, Aaron Enriquez,
Ashwath Ganesan, Aphrodite Lagios, Lydia Leong,
Joe McKeon, Brad McMillan, Janine Reed,
Jenna Sparks, Jeremy Tidwell, Vandi Williams
Christopher Acker, Margaret Acker, Scott Acker, Jon
Ames, Rick Anderson, Lesley Barnes, Frankie Bates,
Joseph Beam, Ken Beam, Michael Beam, Robert Bohl,
Daniel Bowden, Tom Boyce, Mick Bradley, Wallace
Cady, Laurie Cason, Joanna Charambura, Dave Cleaver,
Nacho Cuellar, James Deykes, Carlos Díaz, Mario Dongu,
John Donoghue, Chris Douglas, Rich Flynn, Micheal
Frantz, Cindy Freeman, Roland Freeman, Veronica
Garcia, Hector Garcidueñas, Sylvia Grove, Carol Hardy,
Chris Heim, Ryan Holdbrooks, Tom Horn, Zach Hunt,
Gilbert Isla, Shane Ivey , Jef Johnsen, Shihea Johnsen,
Bart Jones, Dan Jones, Rick Jones, Clay Karwan, James
Khol, Mark Kinney, Chris Kittinger, Michael Langley,
Kenneth Lavender, René López, Paul Luzbetek, Jason
Manion, Jarys Maragopoulos, Max Massey, homas
Mazorlig, Jose Melgarejo, Kati Melgarejo, Chris Miller,
Erica Miller, David Moore, Erin Moore, Rick Neal,
Brandy Nederlander, Josh Nef, Vic Norris, Devin O’Keefe
, Michael Parker, Oscar Pola, Shaun Ray, Fera Reimer,
Sandy Schumann, Kieran Schumann, Clint Staples, Penny
Staples, Vickie Staples, Joshua M. Stone, Tali Teichman,
Jorge Valdez, Russ Wallace, Phil Walton, Rachel Walton,
Jeramy Ware, Katie Ware, Lee Weaver, Andrew Weaver,
Jill Wetzel, Michael Wheeles, Jared White, Adina
Williams, David Wilcox, Todd Woodall, Michelle Yancey
Ben Alcorn, Dawn Antoline, Lynn Barnetto, Nick Beach,
Alan Bean, Dan Berg, Nicholas Berry, Will Berry, Anna
Breig, Dardrae Breig, Kaylina Breig, Marvin Breig,
Ryan Breig, James Carpio, Stacey Chancellor, Brendan
Conway, Kait & Kyle Cottengim, Emerson Daly, Randy
Davenport, Jim DelRosso, Matt Doernhoefer, Brian
Dorion, Scott Dorward, Jared Edens, Rick Ewing, Clint
Felker, Phil Florian, Kevan Forbes, Jason Freeman,
Jessica Friend, Jim Friend, Jim Gardner, Zac Gibson,
Laura “Red” Gierach, Matt Glover, Judd M. Goswick,
Viktor Haag, Jerrod Hall, Kent Hamilton, Josh Harrison,
Shaun Hayworth, Kristin Hayworth, Kaisa Hirvonen,
Eric Hontz, Brenda Hovdenes, Justin Hovdenes, Ryan
Hupp, Joseph Kerstetter, Kristi Kerstetter, Sean Kessler,
Dawn Kessler, Shoshana Kessock, Rainer Koreasalo,
Kari Koukka, Teuvo Kovanen, Samara Laufer, Brandon
Lemos, Ian Lim, Travis Lindquist, Jabe Lawdonski, Brian
J Martin, Catriona Mcbride, Shane McCarthy, Louisa
McGuinness, Seana McGuinness, Heikki Meriläinen,
Alicia Middlebrook, Warren Morrison, James Nicoll, Sean
Nittner, Friend Olsen, Robin Poole, Justin Reyes, Mike
Resner, Tate Ricker, W. Adam Rinehart, Sami Ropponen,
Benjamin Rose, Matt Sanderson, Tomi Sarkkinen, Ginny
& Bob Schauer, Dan Shulsinger, Rohan Smith, Kyle Tracy,
Lou Umile, Henry Wang, Paul Wilson, Nancy Wolfberg,
Erik Woodbury, Chris Young, Craig Young, Curtis Young
Autumn Armstrong-Berg, Eric Berg, Chandra
Blair, Sean Cowen, Doug Laedtke, Ian Laedtke,
John Hawkins, Heather Heim, Rob Heim, Erik Jordan,
Leif Park Jordan, Gary Lewis, Michael Matlock, Brian
Morgan, Christina Mullins, Morrie Mullins, Chris
Richeson, Brian Smith, Tara Turney, Jae Walker
Chris Hanrahan, Priscilla Spencer
Matthew Gandy
Lead Sytem Developer
Leonard Balsera
Lead Seting Developer
Chad Underkoler
Lead Project Developer
Ryan Macklin
Managing Edior
Amanda Valentine
Leonard Balsera, Jim Butcher, Genevieve Cogman,
Rob Donoghue, Fred Hicks, Kenneth Hite, Ryan Macklin,
Chad Underkoler, and Clark Valentine
Assitant Ediors
Adam Dray, Ryan Macklin, and Chad Underkoler
Toren Atkinson, Talon Dunning, Melissa Gay, Michael Kucharski,
Ed Northcott, Jennifer Rodgers, Chad Sergesketter, David Seidman,
Priscilla Spencer, Christian N. St. Pierre, and Ardian Syaf
Rob and Fred would like to thank their wives, without whom none of this would be
possible, and Jennifer Jackson and Michael Curry who helped make the possibility into
a reality. Lenny would like to thank: his two main internal playtesters, Dane Black and
homas Bates, for helping him with some inal kinks; the rest of the team, for shouldering
him through trials; Bridget and Samantha, for general moral support; and the Burton
Foundation gang (Cole, Willem, Brandt, and Andi), without whom the system used
for this game would not exist. Ryan would like to thank his irst gaming group, Sasha,
Frank & John, for introducing him to this great hobby. Chad would like to thank Fred
for hooking him on the DF crack, and Priscilla for deeply geeky setting kow-tows. Clark
would like to thank Jess and Allandaros for some translation and insight, his kids for
putting up with the insanity that took over the house for a while, and Rob and Fred for
the opportunity to work on a project like this. Amanda would like to thank Fred for
giving her the chance to work on this, Clark for dealing so well with a stressed out wife
who is also his editor, her kids for usually listening to “Mommy’s working right now,” and
the whole gang for making this crazy project a truly amazing experience—it’s been fun!
But most of all we’d like to thank Jim for his trust, conidence, and support over the
last several years, and for sharing the landscape of his wonderfully demented mind
with us all.
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