The Dungeon Under the Mountain Rooms & Encounters - Desecrated Temple, Podreczniki RPG, The Dungeon Under the ...

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Desecrated Temple
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Written by Jan Willem van den Brink
Graphic Design by O’Bully
Cartography by Mario Barbati
Artwork by O’Bully, Paul Daly
Software Authoring by Anna Fava
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First edition: May 2006
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Dungeon Under The Mountain and Desecrated Temple © by Øone Roleplaying Games
Some artwork copyright Paul Daly, used with permission.
Monsters will scale, DCs will
change, traps and behaviors of the
villains will change, according with the
level of play you choose.
The smaller map features the “Rule
the Dungeon” button. Clicking this
button, you can customize the map by
opening or closing the doors, remov-
ing the furniture or removing the ill
in the walls and more, depending on
the room’s layout. All the choices
made on the smaller map are relected
on the larger one.
What is this Product
This product contains one room
or one dungeon -based encounter.
All the rooms featured here are taken
from one of
The Dungeon Under
the Mountain
products, available at, although these
products are not necessary, since the
encounter can be adapted without ef-
fort to any existing dungeon.
Nevertheless, this is not all.
Beside each paragraph you will
ind the same button found before,
but much smaller. This button allows
you to change only the appropriate
paragraph. Therefore, if you need
stronger monsters in your low-level
encounter, you can adjust them and
use mid-level monsters instead of
low-level ones. Likewise, if you want
traps tougher, just click on the para-
graph button and change the level of
the traps paragraph. Blank spaces, due
to different text lengths, will be illed
with placeholder artwork, so you will
have a good-looking page.
The Background
The Dungeon Under the Moun-
is a massive dungeon complex
extending endlessly below the ground.
In a remote past, ancient evil beings
dwelled in the area. Now, the remain-
ing of these mysterious evil beings
have seized the dungeons and illed it
with deadly traps and monsters. Also,
many known villains have established
their strongholds in the depths of
Dungeon Under the Mountain
. No-
body knows why this dungeon is illed
by danger, but nobody cares, since this
dungeon is the most prized adventure
ground of the world. However be
warned, adventurers, your life will be
not easy here and dozens of self-call-
ing heroes never returned from the
Dungeon Under the Mountain!
How to
Use this Product
This product takes advantage from
the PDF technology, joining old-fash-
ioned style with the most advanced
electronic features. In order to use this
product you must use Adobe Acrobat
6 or later.
This product has been designed
to help busy referees in preparing
dungeon adventures and encounters.
Instead of wasting time scaling the
encounters and adapting them to your
party, here you will ind a pre-scaled
encounter suitable in three different
versions (for low, mid and high level
of play). At the beginning of the en-
counter text, you will ind a big button
like this.
Finally, a paragraph called “Person-
al Notes” is left blank. This paragraph
features a text ield you can ill with
your notes about the encounter, sim-
ply click and write.
The document saves automatically
the notes when you close it. In order
to recall the notes present on a docu-
ment you must choose “Load Notes”
from the paragraph button. Note that
if you load the previous notes they will
override the notes you are writing
The buttons will not be printed.
“You Have Been
The Maps
Those familiar with
The Dun-
geon Under the Mountain
will found the maps easy to use. The
product comes with two maps of the
room. A smaller version of the map
is intended for the referee; the second,
larger one, may come split in more
than one sheet and it is intended for
miniature play.
By clicking on this button you can
choose which level want to play (low,
medium, high). When you have made
your choice all the relevant portions of
the text will change accordingly.
bodyguard of the temple’s last high
priest. Ardiv stayed in the temple
to protect it from desecration, even
after he died. He has managed to
keep wandering monsters out, but he
knows he will not be able to get rid
of this group of adventurers. He has
been hiding in the walls of the temple,
watching them tear it apart, and biding
his time. Ardiv plans on following the
adventurers, and to attack them when
he gets an opportunity, preferably
when they are ighting.
Room Description
for the Players
You enter a vast hall, some 50 by 65
foot. The 20 foot high, vaulted ceiling
is supported by 30 pillars, and riddled
with cracks.
Tapestries hang in tatters from the
walls, and it’s impossible to tell what
was once depicted on them. Some
remnants of words or aphorisms
remain, painted on the pillars, a single
letter still legible in places. Wooden
benches are piled up against the walls,
apparently to clear the loor of the
room. At several places, the large grey
tiles of the loor have been removed,
and holes have been dug underneath.
Some people are camping in the
center of the room. There’s a smolder-
ing ire, and about it lie three bedrolls,
a large leather bag, and a couple of
shovels and pickaxes.
1, r
and Lead-ins
This large room was once a temple
to a now forgotten deity. Recently, a
group of adventurers discovered it.
This group of three evil individuals
searched the room, but found noth-
ing of value. They were about to leave,
when one of them noticed a large
tile with an inscription, in the loor.
It read: ‘In honor of Sir Garhan. A
knight in life, a hero in death. He shall
not be forgotten.’ The adventurers dis-
covered seven more of these plaques
in the loor. They assumed it were the
burial places of temple’s fallen heroes.
The three decided to dig them up, and
see if there were any valuable posses-
sions in the graves.
Before they began digging, the
tomb-raiders took some safety pre-
cautions. They hid the doors to the
temple, to make sure anyone or any-
thing wouldn’t wander into it. They
also put a magical alarm in place, so if
anyone did enter, they would know in
The adventurers smashed the tiles
in the loor and started digging. They
did not ind anything, however, since
the tiles were merely there to honor
the dead heroes. Led by the stubborn
wizard Thameon, the adventurers
dug holes underneath each of the
eight tiles, but found nothing but dirt.
Finally, they gave up. The group is cur-
rently preparing to leave the temple.
Although the adventurers couldn’t
ind any tombs, there is one dead
creature in the temple – an undead
creature. It is the spirit of Ardiv, the
Unbeknownst to anyone, includ-
ing Ardiv, a swarm of hundreds of
bloodspiders lives in holes in the
ground above the temple. The spiders
can quickly enter the temple through
cracks in the ceiling, and will do so if
they smell blood.
The entrance doors to the temple
are hidden. They’re covered in plaster
that has been sculpted and painted by
Korthar, to resemble the rest of the
hallway. It was a rush job, however.
When the PCs discover a corridor that
seems to be a dead-end at irst glance,
they might realize there’s a fair chance
a door is hidden there.
Finding one of these secret doors
requires a Search check.
Thameon makes sure there are
spells active in the hall-
ways. If anyone enters the hallway, the
wizard is alerted by a mental alarm.
The spells’ faint aura can be detected
Detect Magic
. A Spellcraft check
is required to determine the school of
Read the following if Thameon’s
warned him of the approaching
A tall half-elf, wearing a coat
made from dozens of animal skins,
is standing near the ire. He carries a
shortspear and a shield, and there’s
an enormous, snarling rat at his side.
He doesn’t seem to be surprised to see
“Who are you, and what are you
doing here?” the man asks bluntly.
Read the following if the PCs man-
aged to enter the room without setting
off the
There are three men in the room. A
tall half-elf is sitting on a bench. He’s
wearing a coat made from dozens of
animal skins. He seems to be dozing
off. An enormous rat lies at his feet. An
angry looking human is leaning against
one of the pillars. The third man is
a dwarf, who’s rolling up one of the
Room Environment
: Four
set in sconces on the pillars
(clear illumination).
: Normal. There are eight
holes in the room, each roughly a ive
foot square, and three foot deep.
tries to keep the conversation going
as long as possible (see the Roleplay-
ing Tactics section for more details).
During the conversation, when the
PCs are talking, Breoth tries to cast as
many as the following spells as pos-
sible before the ight starts:
(AC 17),
Magic Fang
Rekki (+5 bite (1d4+1 plus disease)),
Summon Nature’s Ally II
The PCs may make Spellcraft
checks to identify the spells.
tries to keep the conversation going
as long as possible (see the Roleplay-
ing Tactics section for more details).
During the conversation, when the
PCs are talking, Breoth tries to cast as
many as the following spells as pos-
sible before the ight starts:
Greater Magic Fang
on Rekki (+12
bite (1d4+3 plus disease)),
(AC 23),
Bear’s Endurance
(hp 70, Fort
+9), drink his
Potion of Bull’s Strength
shortspear +1
+10/+5 (1d6+4), sling
+8/+3 (1d4+3), Grp +9),
Rekki (AC 27),
(spd 30 ft.),
Summon Nature’s Ally IV
(dire boar).
The PCs may make Spellcraft
checks to identify the spells.
While the PCs are talking to
Breoth, Thameon casts as many of the
following spells as possible:
Mage Armor
(AC 16),
20, negates
Magic Missiles
tious Retreat
(speed 60 ft.).
and what they are doing here, Breoth
tries to keep the conversation going
as long as possible (see the Roleplay-
ing Tactics section for more details).
During the conversation, when the
PCs are talking, Breoth tries to cast as
many as the following spells as pos-
sible before the ight starts:
Antilife Shell
10/adamantine, prevents max. 150
Animal Growth
on Rekki (Size
Medium, AC 28, hp 80, Fort +14, Ref
+16, Will +8, +13/+8 bite (1d6+9), Grp
+14, disease DC 18, DR 10/magic),
Greater Magic Fang
on Rekki (+17/+12
bite (1d6+13)),
on Rekki (AC
(AC 29),
Bear’s Endur-
(hp 115, Fort +15),
Bull’s Strength
shortspear of frost +1
(1d6+4 plus 1d6 cold), sling +14/+9/+4
(1d4+3), Grp +14),
Cat’s Grace
31, Ref +13, sling +16/+11/+6 (1d4+3)),
(spd 30 ft.), use
Bag of
Thameon tries to catch the foe
he thinks is most dangerous in a
. He uses his
of Death
, and
before he
blasts his enemies with area spells.
and attack one of their allies. He’ll try
to prevent people from healing their
Ardiv doesn’t stay in one body
long, but often moves around during
the ight.
know if he can trust the PCs not to
desecrate the temple any further. The
ghost would like the PCs to be victori-
ous in a ight, but preferably after they
were heavily wounded themselves.
Ardiv tries to make sure this will
be the outcome of the ight by using
his malevolence ability.
He’ll control Rekki when the
animal is lanking with Korthar, and
simply wander off. The ghost will
merge with Breoth or a PC warrior
and attack one of their allies. He’ll try
to prevent people from healing their
Ardiv doesn’t stay in one body
long, but often moves around during
the ight.
If the three villains still manage to
kill the PCs, Ardiv immediately attacks
them, before they can fully recover.
Room Description
for the Referee
If the PCs set off the
, Tham-
eon and Korthar will be hidden when
they enter. If they don’t spot either or
both adventurers, the three bedrolls
should provide a clue on the number
of people in the room.
Besides this, the room holds two
surprises for the PCs. The ghost of Ar-
div, who is hidden in the walls, biding
his time; and the bloodspiders that live
in the ceiling.
Breoth does not stop ighting
until he’s incapacitated, or Thameon
commands him to do so. Korthar and
Thameon both surrenders as soon as
they’re brought down to less than 10%
of their hit points.
See the Roleplaying Tactics section
below for information on how they
will respond to interrogation.
If the three villains still manage to
kill the PCs, Ardiv immediately attacks
them, before they can fully recover.
If the PCs win, see the Roleplaying
Tactics section below for more infor-
mation about Ardiv’s actions. Should
the PCs get into a ight with the ghost,
Ardiv uses his malevolence ability on
a heavily armored PC, and uses the
body of that unfortunate adventurer to
attack the others.
While the PCs are talking to Bre-
oth, Thameon casts
Mage Armor
A lot of what happens in the des-
ecrated temple depends on how the
PCs interact with the NPCs.
See the next two sections for
: Ardiv hates the three
tomb-robbers, but he also doesn’t
know if he can trust the PCs not to
desecrate the temple any further. The
ghost would like the PCs to be victori-
ous in a ight, but preferably after they
were heavily wounded themselves.
Ardiv tries to make sure this will
be the outcome of the ight by using
his malevolence ability.
He’ll control Rekki when the
animal is lanking with Korthar, and
simply wander off. The ghost will
merge with Breoth or a PC warrior
and attack one of their allies. He’ll try
to prevent people from healing their
Ardiv doesn’t stay in one body
long, but often moves around during
the ight.
In Combat
: Breoth and Rekki
(and the summoned lion) attack the
foe who looks like he’s the easiest to
hit. Korthar tries to tumble into posi-
tion behind this person, so he lanks
him, and can use his sneak attack.
Thameon ires his
Scorching Ray
Magic Missile
, and then starts us-
ing his wands.
If the PCs and the three villains
don’t attack each other, Ardiv tries to
cause a ight. He uses his malevolence
ability to merge with Korthar or Bre-
oth, and attacks one of the PCs.
Combat Tactics
Combat Preparation
: If the
PCs set off the
spell before
entering the temple, there’s little they
can do to avoid combat. Thameon
considers the PCs an opportunity to
make up for the treasures he did not
ind in the temple, and with some
time to prepare for it, he’s very willing
to engage them.
(See the Roleplaying Tactics section
below to see what happens if the PCs
managed to avoid the
before entering the room.)
If the PCs win, see the Roleplaying
Tactics section below for more infor-
mation about Ardiv’s actions. Should
the PCs get into a ight with the ghost,
Ardiv uses his malevolence ability on
a heavily armored PC, and uses the
body of that unfortunate adventurer to
attack the others.
Combat Preparation
: If the
PCs set off the
spell before
entering the temple, there’s little they
can do to avoid combat. Thameon
considers the PCs an opportunity to
make up for the treasures he did not
ind in the temple, and with some
time to prepare for it, he’s very willing
to engage them.
(See the Roleplaying Tactics section
below to see what happens if the PCs
managed to avoid the
before entering the room.)
Combat Preparation
: If the
PCs set off the
spell before
entering the temple, there’s little they
can do to avoid combat. Thameon
considers the PCs an opportunity to
make up for the treasures he did not
ind in the temple, and with some
time to prepare for it, he’s very willing
to engage them.
(See the Roleplaying Tactics section
below to see what happens if the PCs
managed to avoid the
before entering the room.)
As soon as the
spell is set
off, Thameon warns his companions
to get ready for battle. The irst thing
he does himself is cast
In Combat
: Rekki (and the
summoned dire boar) attack the foe
who looks like he’s the easiest to hit.
Korthar tries to tumble into position
behind this person, so he lanks, and
can use his sneak attack.
Breoth hits his foes with a
, before engaging them in
melee combat.
Thameon irst casts
on someone who looks like a
ighter or barbarian. Then he’ll cast
Phantasmal Killer
before simply dealing as much damage
as possible with his evocation spells.
Breoth does not stop ighting
until he’s incapacitated, or Thameon
commands him to do so. Korthar and
Thameon both surrenders as soon as
they’re brought down to less than 10%
of their hit points.
See the Roleplaying Tactics section
below for information on how they
will respond to interrogation.
While the PCs are talking to
Breoth, Thameon uses his
Boots of
to levitate to the ceiling, and
casts as many of the following spells as
Mage Armor
(AC 20),
24, negates
Magic Missiles
Globe of
(excludes all spell effects
of 4th level or lower),
True Seeing
(ly 60 ft.).
: When anyone in
the room is wounded, the bloodspi-
ders smell this and attack. They act on
their initiative in the round after the
irst blood is shed.
Breoth does not stop ighting
until he’s incapacitated, or Thameon
commands him to do so. Korthar and
Thameon both surrenders as soon as
they’re brought down to less than 10%
of their hit points.
See the Roleplaying Tactics section
below for information on how they
will respond to interrogation.
If the PCs and the three villains
don’t attack each other, Ardiv tries to
cause a ight. He uses his malevolence
ability to merge with Korthar or Bre-
oth, and attacks one of the PCs.
A faint sound from above catches
your attention. Hundreds of ist-sized,
pale yellow spiders appear from cracks
in the ceiling, and run down the walls
and pillars.
In Combat:
Rekki (and the
summoned creature from the
Bag of
) attacks the foe who looks like
he’s the easiest to hit. Korthar tries
to tumble into position behind this
person, so he lanks, and can use his
sneak attack.
Breoth uses his
Greater Dispel
on a foe who might have a lot
of protective spells on him, and then
hits the same person with his
of Death
. The druid casts his other of-
fensive spells, like
Fire Storm
, and only
enters melee when Korthar needs him,
or when he runs out of spells.
: Ardiv hates the three
tomb-robbers, but he also doesn’t
know if he can trust the PCs not to
desecrate the temple any further. The
ghost would like the PCs to be victori-
ous in a ight, but preferably after they
were heavily wounded themselves.
Ardiv tries to make sure this will
be the outcome of the ight by using
his malevolance ability.
He’ll control Rekki when the
animal is lanking with Korthar, and
simply wander off. The ghost will
merge with Breoth or a PC warrior
If the three villains still manage to
kill the PCs, Ardiv immediately attacks
them, before they can fully recover.
: When anyone in
the room is wounded, the bloodspi-
ders smell this and attack. They act on
their initiative in the round after the
irst blood is shed.
There’s one swarm of bloodspi-
As soon as the
spell is set
off, Thameon warns his companions
to get ready for battle. The irst thing
he does himself is cast
As soon as the
spell is set
off, Thameon warns his companions
to get ready for battle. The irst thing
he does himself is cast
If the PCs win, see the Roleplaying
Tactics section below for more infor-
mation about Ardiv’s actions. Should
the PCs get into a ight with the ghost,
Ardiv uses his malevolence ability on
a heavily armored PC, and uses the
body of that unfortunate adventurer to
attack the others.
Breoth casts
Bull’s Strength
on Ko-
rthar (
short sword +1
+14/+9 (1d6+4),
Grp +9), before the dwarf hides him-
self. The PCs must succeed at a Spot
check to notice Korthar.
A faint sound from above catches
your attention. Hundreds of ist-sized,
pale yellow spiders appear from cracks
in the ceiling, and run down the walls
and pillars.
Korthar drinks his
Potion of Cat’s
(AC 20, Ref +7, mwk short bow
+7) and hides himself. The PCs must
succeed at a Spot check to notice him.
Breoth casts
Bear’s Endurance
Korthar (hp 130, Fort +12), before the
dwarf hides himself. The PCs must
succeed at a Spot check to notice
After asking the PCs who they are
and what they are doing here, Breoth
After asking the PCs who they are
and what they are doing here, Breoth
: Ardiv hates the three
tomb-robbers, but he also doesn’t
There are two swarms of blood-
After asking the PCs who they are
If the PCs and the three villains
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