The History of Rock 1972, The History Of Rock

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//-->a monthly tripthrough music’sgolden yearsthis issue:1972starring...DaViD BOWiE“I’ve got massive plans”LED zEppELinmOtt thE hOOpLEsimOn & garfunkELBLack saBBathrOLLing stOnEsgEnEsisLOu rEEDrOxy musict. rExPLUS!alice cooper|wings|lennon|can|slade|mc5|david cassidy1972monthbymonthFWelcometo 1972or the last18 months, a sense of fun has gradually beensqueezing out the worthy musical explorations of the recentblues boom. “Underground” spirit lives on in the likes ofHawkwind, 1972’s unlikeliest chart stars. For the most part,however, the year’s most successful music is colourful andboldly stated.The dominant music listener is no longer the serious universityundergraduate, but the teenager, who propels a flashy and addictive version ofrock’n’roll revivalism into a popularity unseen since The Beatles. 1971’smessiah, Marc Bolan, is the year’s biggest seller, but his elfin head lies uneasyunder the crown.Our cover star, David Bowie, instantly presents a more serious proposition. Hewrites, performs and inspires frantic adoration for his theatrical rock. He evenrejuvenates careers – a service he performs this year for Mott The Hoople, IggyPop and Lou Reed. The papers call his music “camp rock”. Rod Stewart doesn’tknow what to think.Bowie balances his multiple roles with apparent ease, and the character of theyear is altered irrevocably by him, as he changes musical trends, wieldsinfluence, and becomes a topic of everyone’s conversation. He is everywhere, orso it seems.This is the world ofThe History Of Rock,a monthly magazine that follows thetremors of rock revolution as they mount in intensity. Diligent, passionate andincreasingly stylish contemporary reporters were there to chronicle them. Thispublication reaps the benefits of their understanding for the reader decadeslater, one year at a time.In the pages of this eighth issue, dedicated to 1972, you will find verbatimarticles from frontline staffers, compiled into long and illuminating reads.Missed an issue? You can find out how to rectify that on page 144.What will still surprise the modern reader is the access to, and the sheervolume of, material supplied by the artists who are now the giants of popularculture. Now, a combination of wealth, fear and lifestyle would conspire to keepreporters at a rather greater length from the lives of musicians.At this stage, though, representatives fromNew Musical ExpressandMelodyMakerare where it matters. Bitching about Bolan. Smoking with Lennon in NewYork. Watching Lou Reed’s ego run riot. “Everyone else is now at the point whereI was at in 1967,” says Lou in these pages. “Where will they be in five years?”Join him here. Or even there. It’ll be good to rap together.HISTORY OF ROCK 1972|319726NewsmonthbymonthContentsa new agenda of love, music anda “reality vibration”.An impressive live showingfrom a new-look David Bowie.Jagger revolts. Chuck Berry’s intown. Introducing… Don McLean.42News28Slade12David Bowie16Paul Simon20CanEyEvInE“I’m gay…” WithHunky Doryin the shops and a new album inthe can, the singer tells all.One interview with NoddyHolder traces Slade’s part in a newmini-phenomenon. Live, all hellbreaks loose.343641Singles/LPsA n interviewwith Roger Dean,the in-house artistof Yes and Osibisa.Neil Young iscoming to town.Taking thetermperature of theGerman rock scene.Simon & Garfunkel are nomore. As he releases a new soloalbum, Paul Simon looks back onhis recent succeses.The Faces’ Ian McLaganreviews the singles, as does BeeGee Robin Gibb, who faces downa football single.48Iggy Pop52Judee SillThe improvising Germanmusicians come into town totalk about life outside therecord business.The singer-songwriter tellsall about her extraordinary earlylife, her new music and candidlyreviews the singles.A meeting withthe (already) legendaryStooges frontman. “Wewere all pretty weird bythis time…” he confides.HawkwindLetters24MC5No longer just kicking outthe jams, the Detroit band promoteWhat kind of saxophoneis played by David Bowie, andother pressing issues from thecorrespondence pile.Long a beacon ofthe underground scene,Hawkwind are now inthe charts. Freedom,pornography and spacediscussed with the “SilverMachine” stars.roxy Music– pages 69and 10256Led ZeppelinDoes anyone backin England know howbig Led Zeppelin reallyare? That’s what’sworrying Led Zep(though in truth not that much)as they decimate the USA.with Bill Withers, toilet-fittermade good.62T. RexElfin pop star Marc Bolansurveys the landscape from thetop of the tree. John Lennon andMick Jagger are pals, while Ringois making a movie about him.What gives?80Alice CooperOn stage, he dismembers dolls,and is hanged for his crimes. Offit, he’s a beer-drinking nice guy,who you’re safe eating lunch with.And the American showbusinessphenomenon of 1972.68Singles70Slade’s Dave Hill and BlackSabbath’s Tony Iommi bend an earto the latest sounds.84David BowieIn-depth chats with the staras he crests the wave of ZiggyStardust, “my gift to you”. A chatwith Mick Ronson, and a reviewof the competition.The Rolling StonesReturned from France andLos Angeles, Mick Jagger andKeith Richards discuss the makingofExile On Main St– and the“thieving froggies…”92Albums76NewsMarc Bolan previews hisnew album,The Slider.The London Rock’n’RollShow 1972 is a surprise success,if not for Little Richard. The vitalstatistics of teen heart-throbDavid Cassidy. And an interview94New York DollsSomething extraordinary,and theatrical, is happeningin New York.t. rex – pages62 and 9298GenesisThe well-spoken formerprotégés of Jonathan King finallydiscover their métier.Underground man. “Alicedoesn’t make it as a dragqueen… He’s so ugly.”102Roxy Music116Mott The HoopleIntroducing Bryan Ferryand his band, who have a newsingle designed to get themonTop Of The Pops.On the influenceof David Bowie, now as atastemaker and record producer.“David is a very sage fellow…”138130Black Sabbath134John LennonThe former Beatle goes live, andis rejuvenated.The band return fromthe USA. Drugs, confesses OzzyOsbourne, may have been taken.Singles108David Bowie112Lou Reed120The FacesPhil Spectordelights in the reissue ofhis Christmas album.Ziggy played guitar – infact, played it all summer. Bowie’srevolutionary show, caught onthree occasions.The band’s easy charmcontinues to dominate audiencesin the United States. “We’ll showMarc Bolan a trick or two…”140145WingsLike The Beatles neverhappened… kind of. PaulMcCartney speaks frankly.126NewsA bitchy but tellingencounter with the former VelvetRingo makes a newmovie. A Roxy/Crimsoncollaboration is afoot.LettersPressing issues fromthe mailbag at year’s end.HISTORY OF ROCK 1972|5MICHAEL PUTLAnd/PHoToSHoTTime Inc. (UK) Ltd, 8th Floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark St, London SE1 0SU |EditorJohn Mulvey, whose favourite song from 1972 isReelin’In The Years by Steely DandEputy EditorJohn RobinsonMoonage Daydream by David Bowieart EditorLora FindlayAll The Young Dudesby Mott The Hoopleproduction EditorMike JohnsonSilver Machine by Hawkwindart dirEctorMarc JonesPopcorn by Hot ButterdEsignErStuart JonesRocket Man by Elton JohnpicturE EditorKimberly KrieteStarman by David BowiecovEr photo© Sukita/Bowie Archivethanks toHelen Spivak, Thomas Seal, Jennifer Johnson, Georgia TannerMarkEtingCharlotte TreadawaysuBscriptionsSonja ZevenpuBlishing dirEctorJo SmalleycovErs printEd ByPolestar WheatonstExt printEd ByPolestar Chantry | [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
