The Metropolitan Museum Journal v 25 1990, Japonia, Katalogi sztuki japońskiej

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//-->MUSEUMMETROPOLITAVolume 25/1990F-.Ii-------_l--iixR1(The Metropolitan Museum of Artis collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access toMetropolitan Museum Journal®www.jstor.orgMETROPOLITAN MUSEUMVolume 25/1990JOURNALTheMetropolitan Museum Journal is issuedannually by The Metropolitan Museum ofArt, New York, and serves as a forum for thepublication of original research. Its focus ischiefly on works in the collections of the Mu-seum and on topics related to them. Contri-butions, by members of the curatorial andconservation staffs and by other art historiansand specialists, vary in length from mono-graphic studies to brief notes. The wealth ofthe Museum's collections and the scope ofthese essays make the Journal essential read-ing for all scholars and amateurs of the finearts.Of special interest in this volume is a groupof three essays about a suite of furniture de-signed for a garden room at Schloss Seehofin Bavaria; the pieces were recently put onpermanent display in the Museum's CentralEuropean galleries. A monograph is devotedto an unpublished notebook kept by theFrench architect Jerome-Charles Bellicardduring a Grand Tour of Italy in 1750-51,when he recorded some of the discoveriesbeing made at Herculaneum. Other contri-butions range from Roman wall-painting toJapanese costume.For the first time an index of authors andsubjects for the twenty-five volumes of theJournal is included.Wind Towers in Roman Wall Paintings?ELFRIEDER. KNAUERFine Manner vs. Broad Manner in TwoFifteenth-Century Florentine EngravingsMARK J. ZUCKERA Chimneypiece from SaintongeDANIELMEYERMichele Todini's Golden Harpsichord: AnExamination of the Machine of Galatea andPolyphemusSTEWARTPOLLENScontinued backonflapVolume25/1990METROMUSEUMJOURNALEditorial BoardGUY C. BAUMANAssistant Curator, European PaintingsGuy Bauman died on February 25, 1990. He will besorely missed by all who worked with him on theJournal.BURLEIGH-MOTLEYMARIANHead, Office of Academic ProgramsJAMES DAVID DRAPERCurator, European Sculpture and Decorative ArtsJULIE JONESCurator, Primitive ArtJOAN R. MERTENSCurator, Greek and Roman ArtManuscripts submitted for the Journal and all correspon-dence concerning them should be addressed to JamesDavid Draper. Guidelines for contributors are available onrequest.Executive editor, Barbara BurnMuseumThe MetropolitanJournalis published annually byThe Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue,New York, N.Y. 10028, and is distributed by the Universityof Chicago Press, P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, 11l.60637.ISSN 0077-8958Libraryof CongressCatalogueNumber 68-28799Copyright? 1990 by The MetropolitanMuseumof ArtAll rights reserved.No part of this publicationmay be reproducedortransmittedin any form or by any means,electronicor mechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,or any informationstorageor re-trievalsystem,withoutpermissionin writingby the publisher.Designed by Peter OldenburgProductionby Peter AntonyCompositionby GraphicComposition,Inc.;Press;printedby Meriden-Stinehourbound by Acme BookbindingCo., Inc.ContentsWind Towers in Roman Wall Paintings?ELFRIEDER. KNAUER5Fine Manner vs. Broad Manner in Two Fifteenth-CenturyFlorentine EngravingsMARKJ.ZUCKER21A Chimneypiece from SaintongeDANIELMEYER27Michele Todini's Golden Harpsichord: An Examination of theMachine of Galatea and PolyphemusSTEWARTPOLLENS33Jerome-Charles Bellicard's Italian Notebook of 1750-51:The Discoveries at Herculaneum and Observations onAncient and Modern ArchitectureALDENR. GORDON49Seehof StudiesThe Garden Room from SchlossSeehof and Its FurnishingsDANIELLEO. KISLUK-GROSHEIDE143The Design for the "Berceau"Room atSeehofBURKARDVON RODA161The Conservation of the SeehofFurnitureKATHRYNGILLJACK SOULTANIANANTOINEM. WILMERING169 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
