The Modern Dispatch 016 - CyberStealth Action, Podreczniki RPG, The Modern Dispatch

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CyberStealth Action
by Philip Reed
About the Author
Philip Reed has been working professionally in the
roleplaying game industry since 1995. In that time
he has worked for such companies as Atlas Games,
Paradigm Concepts, Steve Jackson Games, and Dork
Storm Press. Today Philip spends his days at home
running Ronin Arts, writing and designing new games,
and trying to force himself to take a break so that his
wrist will heal. To learn more about Philip Reed – and
Ronin Arts – please visit
An action genre that blends wonderfully into futuristic
D20 Modern campaigns is the stealth-based mission.
Made immensely popular in various computer/console
games, few GMs have taken the time to incorporate
stealth action into their game sessions. This article
provides GMs with the tools necessary to sample
stealth action. Scattered throughout this article are
adventure hooks waiting to be expanded into full-
length adventures.
The new feats and the prestige class must be
approved by the GM before they can be used in a
campaign. For more cybernetic material see Ronin
Future: Heroes – Cyborgs, Future: 13
Cybernetic Enhancements,
Future: 13 Cyborg
New Feats
To create effective characters for use in cybersteath
campaigns, the following feats should be considered.

Cybernetic Feats
These feats are written for use with characters
dependent upon cybernetic enhancements.
Open Game Content
All of the text in this PDF is designated as open game
content. The graphics, artwork, and layout of the PDF
are not open and this PDF may not be distributed
without the permission of the author.
Cybernetic Compatibility
You have a natural resistance to the negative effects of
taking too many cybernetic attachments.
If you are forced to take negative levels
due to having too many cybernetic attachments (as
detailed in the basic cybernetics rules in the SRD),
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This elite mission force, organized and operated by the highest levels of government, is a covert action
agency charged with protecting the government’s agents, citizens, and interests across the solar system.
ShadowShield, a distant descendent of the former United States’ NSA, operates above, outside of, and in
direct opposition of the law. ShadowShield fields some of the best-trained steath operatives in the business
and devotes its resources and energies to eliminating threats before they take place.
Throughout this article you will find boxes marked “ShadowShield Case File.” These special boxes
are the adventure hooks written solely for the use of the GM. If you are a player in any campaign it
is recommended that you overlook these boxes since they may prove to be the basis for an upcoming
adventure. GMs are encouraged to use these boxes as disinformation to distract and confuse players that
cannot obey instructions.
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
United States and other countries and are used
with permission
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 6.0. A copy of this License can
be found at
ShadowShield Case File #1589: Neutralize the Gray Goo Device
On an orbital research station in deep space, a splinter terrorist agency is reportedly nearing completion
of a new weapon of mass destruction – a nanite “gray goo” explosive device. Our agent within the facility
has not reported in over 72-hours and his last report indicated that the weapon would be launched by FTL
missile within a week. You – and your team – are tasked with the responsibility of infiltrating the station,
locating the device, and disabling it before it can be launched.
The mission calls for complete stealth – being spotted, either on approach or once inside the station,
will lead to a premature launch of the weapon. Cargo shuttles ferry between the station and the planet it is
orbiting on a daily basis – sneaking aboard one of these shuttles will be the safest method of gaining access
to the station.
We have reports that the station is guarded by an elite force of military cyborgs. Exercise caution and
patience on this mission.
The weapon is already in flight. The agents must locate the command/control center onboard the
station and disable the weapon while it is in transit to its target. Once onboard the station the agents have
less than 30 minutes to destroy the weapon before it reaches its target.
you may make a DC 35 Fortitude check at the time the
cybernetic that would normally force a negative level
is installed – if the check succeeds you automatically
gain the Cybertaker feat as a bonus and the newly-
installed cybernetic attachment has no negative effect
on you. If the check fails, you gain two negative levels
for this one new cybernetic attachment.
Withstand Massive Damage to Cybernetics
You are better able to withstand the effect of attacks
against your cybernetic attachments.
One or more cybernetic attachments.
Whenever you fail a Fortitude save against
massive damage, and are forced to roll for effect as
described in the basic rules for cybernetics, a roll of
“Side Effect” has no effect and is ignored.
Implant Focus
Choose a specific cybernetic implant, such as a
mindscreen implant or a rage implant. You are
especially good at using this implant’s ability.
An implanted cybernetic attachment.
You add a +1 to all rolls you make using
the selected implant. The specific type of roll depends
upon the chosen implant.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Each
time you take this feat, you must select a different
implanted cybernetic attachment.
Stealth Feats
The following feats are designed specifically for
stealth action campaigns. They are suitable for use in
either modern or futuristic campaigns.
Back to the Wall
By flattening yourself against a wall – when in partial
shadows – you are more difficult to spot.
When flattened with your back to a wall
you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on
This bonus stacks with the bonus for Stealthy.
Shadow Dash
Your experience in stealth has taught you how move
quickly when hidden within dark, shadowed places.
Stealthy, Hide 4 ranks.
When in shadowed areas – during either
night or day – you may move up to your full speed
and suffer no penalty on
checks. It is difficult,
but not practically impossible, to hide while running
or charging (-10 penalty). Attacking while hidden is
still practically impossible (-20 penalty).
Moving at more than half and up to full
speed while hidden is a –5 penalty. Running and
charging while hidden is just as difficult as attacking
(-20 penalty).
ShadowShield Case File #1723: Data Theft
Ice Station Delta Five, under control of an enemy government, has been identified as a storehouse of enemy
military and technological research secrets. Your mission is to drop to the planet’s surface using a one-man
orbital lander, approach the station stealthily, infiltrate the station’s research lab, and steal the primary data
disks. A military shuttle will retrieve you when the mission successful sign is transmitted through your
subcutaneous communicator (cell phone or other device).
A rogue merc force is attacking the station when the agents arrive. Their job becomes more
difficult now that they have two parties to contend with.
Attacking while hidden is practically
impossible (-20 penalty).
check or not.
This feat does not affect items left behind,
such as bugs or explosives.
Sudden Disappearance
You are skilled at hiding quickly, concealing yourself
from sight seconds after creating a diversion.
Shadow Dash.
After creating a diversion (as described
under the
skill in the basic rules), you maneuver
into a hiding place that is within 2 feet for every rank
that you possess in
. Your Hide check is at a –5
penalty because you have to move fast.
A successful diversion allows you to move
to a hiding place that is within 1 foot for every rank of
. The check is at a –10 penalty.
Vertical Escape
When suddenly discovered, if you are near a wall,
you’re able to create a diversion and hide above your
Stealthy, Climb 4 ranks, Hide 4
When you are spotted – and within 5 feet
of any non-slippery wall – you may create a diversion
and hide attempt as described under the
skill in
the basic rules. If this check is successful you must
immediately make a
check – failure indicates
that your attempt at hiding has failed and you remain
in the square in which you were in when spotted. You
gain a synergy bonus to your
check equal to
ranks. Any
checks you must make
after executing this ability, when you are clinging to
the wall or ceiling, gain a synergy bonus equal to your
Silent Step
You are experienced at moving in a manner that
greatly decreases the amount of noise that you make.
Stealthy, Move Silently 4 ranks.
You may move up to your full speed at
no penalty. When attacking (with silenced or melee
weapons), running, or charging you take a –10
It’s practically impossible (-20 penalty) to
move silently while attacking, running, or charging.
Strike from the Shadows
When carefully hidden in the shadows, you’re able
to make ranged attacks against opponents and remain
Stealthy, Hide 6 ranks.
If you’ve already successfully hidden in a
shadowed area, at least 10 feet from your target, you
can make one ranged attack and then immediately
hide again. You take a –10 penalty on your
to conceal yourself after the shot. Hiding immediately
after this attack is a move action.
If you have the Sudden Disappearance feat
you gain a +2 synergy bonus to your
check when
using this feat.
You have developed the habit of removing signs of
your passage: wiping away fingerprints, smudging
footprints, and wearing gloves have all become
natural to you.
Int 13+.
The DC for any attempts to notice your
presence or passage (i.e. whether you’re in the same
room as them now or have been before) is increased
by a number equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Further, no one may take 10 or 20 when making a skill
check to notice your presence or passage. This ability
works whether the pursuer is making an opposed skill
CyberOp Prestige Class
The CyberOp is part spy and part assassin, charged
with executing covert operations deep behind
enemy lines. Mixing his cybernetic enhancements
with specialized stealth training, the CyberOp is an
experienced infiltrator prepared to follow his orders
The CyberOp gains the Cybertaker feat at 1st, 3rd, and
5th levels. This feat allows the character to have more
cybernetic attachments than normal – but see the box
for cybernetic rejection.
Base Attack
Cybertaker, ShadowWare
Bonus Feat, Bonus Cybernetic Attachment
Cybertaker, Direct Link
Bonus Feat, Bonus Cybernetic Attachment
Bonus Feat
At 2nd and 4th, level, the CyberOp gets a bonus
feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the
following list, and the character must meet all of the
prerequisites of the feat to select it.
Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alertness, Athletic,
Attentive, Blind-Fight, Cautious, Combat Martial
Arts, Deceptive, Defensive Martial Arts, Elusive
Target, Focused, Iron will, Lightning Reflexes,
Mobility, Nimble, Stealthy, Toughness, Unbalance
Opponent, and all of the stealth feats described at the
beginning of this article.
Cybertaker, ShadowShield Drone
and complete his mission. A CyberOp is one of the
most important members of ShadowShield.
Skill Points at Each Level:
5 + Int modifier (4 +
Int modifier for nonhumans).
To qualify to become a CyberOp, a character must
fulfill the following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus:
The character must have a minimum
of 3 cybernetic attachments.
Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks.
Class Features
The following class features pertain to the CyberOp
prestige class.
At 1
level, the CyberOp is implanted with a special
cybernetic enhancement that bends light away from
the CyberOp. The CyberOp gains a +10 (+ CyberOp
level) bonus to
checks if immobile or a +5
+CyberOp level) bonus to
Checks when moving.
This bonus stacks with any other bonuses. This
implant does not count against the CyberOp’s limit on
Bonus Cybernetic Attachment
The CyberOp gains one free cybernetic attachment
at 2
and 4th levels. To receive this attachment the
character must return to the facility in which he was
enhanced where he spends four weeks having the
item installed and undergoing mandatory refreshment
training and reorientation.
Class Information
The following information pertains to the CyberOp
prestige class.
Hit Die
The CyberOp gets 1d8 hit points per level. The
character’s Constitution modifier applies.
ShadowShield Case File #2067: Target Elimination
Your target is a high-level enemy general. The general is known to be traveling with a military convoy of
star freighters. The convoy is under protected – only two light escorts – so it is possible that the agents will
be able to close in on the general’s ship and silently board it. For this operation a ShadowShield cloakship
and pilot have been loaned to the team. To determine the general’s ship the agents will need to close in tight
and scan each ship in the convoy. Once the proper ship is discovered they’ll need to climb into a spacesuit
and transfer to the general’s ship. If the agents are unable to complete the assignment in under 1 hour an
enemy patrol will rendezvous with the general’s ship and transfer a security squad aboard to deal with the
The general is better protected than expected. A trio of combat robots are assigned to the general as
his bodyguards.
Action Points
The CyberOp gains a number of action points equal to
7 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every
time he attains a new level in this class.
Class Skills
The CyberOp’s class skills are as follows.
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Computer Use (Int),
Disable Device (Int), Hide (Dex), Investigate (Int),
Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Repair
(Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis).
This bonus cybernetic attachment may be any single
piece of cybernetic equipment with a value equal to
or less than a Purchase DC of 20 + 3 x the character’s
CyberOp level.
Cybernetic Rejection
This is completely optional – check with your GM to see if he will be using this rule in his
Once a character has five or more cybernetic attachments – even if he is under no risk of gaining negative
levels – there becomes a risk of rejection. Each time a new cybernetic attachment is added to a character’s
body, starting with the fifth attachment, the character must make a Fortitude save – DC = 15 + the total
number of attachments the character possesses, including the newly added attachment. On a successful
check the character suffers no negative consequences (assuming he is not at risk of gaining negative levels
as described in the core cybernetics rules). On a failed check, the newly added cybernetic attachment
is rejected by the character’s body – the character suffers 1d6 Con damage and an additional 1 point of
Con damage for each day the rejected cybernetic attachment is not treated by a skilled cybersurgeon.
Treating cybernetic rejection requires a new cybernetic attachment be purchased – the old one can be sold
as described in the core rules – and a successful (DC 25 + the total number of attachments the character
possesses) Treat Injury check be made by a skilled cybersurgeon (a character with the Cybernetic Surgery
feat). If this Treat Injury check fails the character’s body rejects the new attachment and the process must
repeats itself.
Direct Link
At 3
level, the CyberOp gains a special implant
that allows him to interface with computers. This
never gives the CyberOp negative levels or triggers
rejection. This ability grants the CyberOp a bonus to
all Computer Use checks equal to his CyberOp level.
ShadowShield Drone
At 5
level, the CyberOp is given a special drone
that functions as an advance scout and an extra set of
eyes and ears. This drone is only a foot in diameter
and looks like a metallic sphere covered with a large
number of lenses, microphones, and antenna. The
drone flys (30 ft., clumsy) and can operate up to
300 feet from its operative. Using the drone is a free
action and, when not guided, the drone circles the
CyberOp at a range of 20 ft. The drone has defense
bonus +2, hardness 5, and 30 hit points. As long as
it is operational the CyberOp gains a +4 bonus on all
Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks.
The CyberOp also gains a +2 to initiative and cannot
be surprised.
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