The Modern Dispatch 072 - Starship Critical Cards, Podreczniki RPG, The Modern Dispatch

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Starship Critcal Cards
by Phil Reed
Based on the optional critical hit rules found the
future SRD, the cards in this PDF open criticals to
more than just extra damage. If this system is used
it completely replaces the optional critical hit rules
found in the future SRD.
Creating the Deck
Open the file starshipcards.pdf and print three copies
of pages 1 and 2, two copies of page 3 and 4, and one
copy each of pages 5 and 6. Cut out the cards and
shuffle them together to create a 108-card deck. If
you like you can use page 7 to create card backs – be
sure to do so before cutting out the cards.
Using the Deck
Whenever a critical hit is rolled on a starship draw a
single card from the deck and apply the results to the
targeted starship.
If GMs want criticals to be more deadly they can
choose to draw one card for every four dice of
damage that the weapon causes. A mass cannon, then,
would deal 2 critical hit cards on a critical attack
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
About the Author
Philip Reed has been working professionally in
the roleplaying game industry since 1995. In that
time he has worked for such companies as Atlas
Games, Privateer Press, and
magazine. Today
Philip spends his days at home running Ronin Arts,
writing and designing new games, and watching
DVDs. To learn more about Philip Reed – and Ronin
Arts – please visit
Open Game Content
All of the text in this PDF, with the exception of
the product identity, is presented as open game
content. While this means absolutely nothing to your
campaign it does give other publishers permission
to use this material as long as they follow the open
game license (see the end of this PDF).
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
United States and other countries and are used
with permission. ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20
System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms
of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy
of this License can be found at www.wizards.
Lesser Critical Hit
The starship’s tactical speed
decreases by 500 feet until the
engines are repaired.
Lesser Critical Hit
The starship is partially blinded
until repaired.
Lesser Critical Hit
Targeting System
The starship’s targeting system
is damaged.
All the ship’s targets gain the
equivalent of one-half
concealment (20% miss chance).
The starship’s targeting system’s
equipment bonus on attack rolls
is decreased by 1 until the
system is repaired.
If another engine critical is
drawn before the damage
is repaired then the effect is
If the ship’s sensors have already
been hit the miss chance
percentage stacks (though the
total miss chance percentage
may never exceed 90%).
If the ship’s targeting system has
already been hit the equipment
bonus decrease stacks (though
the total modifier may never be
decreased below 0).
If the ship’s tactical speed has
already been reduced to 0 feet
due to engine damage, the
engine is destroyed and must be
replaced, not merely repaired.
Lesser Critical Hit
One of the starship’s beam
weapons, projectile weapons, or
missile launchers (attacker’s
choice) is damaged.
Lesser Critical Hit
Artificial Gravity
The starship’s artificial gravity is
disabled for 1d6 rounds.
Lesser Critical Hit
Comm System
One communications system of
the attacker’s choice is disabled
for 1d6 rounds.
During this time, an untrained
crew takes a –4 penalty on all
attack rolls and skill checks
while coping with the zero-
gravity conditions.
If the comm system suffers
another critical hit it is destroyed
completely and cannot be
repaired – it must be replaced.
The weapon’s damage is reduced
to one-half (round down) until it
is repaired.
If this weapon suffers another
critical hit it is destroyed and
may not be used again until it is
Trained, expert, or ace crews take
no penalties, as they are
assumed to have the Zero-G
Training feat.
Lesser Critical Hit
Defense System
One defense system of the
attacker’s choice is disabled for
1d6 rounds.
Lesser Critical Hit
Cargo Hold
A lucky shot penetrates the
ship’s cargo hold and completely
destroys 20% of the ship’s
carried cargo (randomly
Lesser Critical Hit
Crew Compartment
A number of crewmembers and
passengers are killed (this effect
applies only if the ship isn’t
Roll 1d6 to determine the
number of crew fatalities and, if
the ship carries passengers, 1d6
to determine the number of
passenger casualties.
If the defense suffers another
critical hit it is destroyed
completely and cannot be
repaired – it must be replaced.
If the ship’s cargo hold has
already been hit this critical still
effects the remaining cargo.
Only supporting GM characters
are affected.
Lesser Critical Hit
Maneuvering Jets
All turn actions taken by the
starship are now move actions –
instead of free actions – until
the maneuvering jets are
Lesser Critical Hit
Surge Thrusters
The starship loses the ability to
perform a surge forward
maneuver until the surge
thrusters are repaired.
Lesser Critical Hit
Landing Assembly
The starship’s landing gear – or
docking gear if the ship is too
large to use landing gear – is
If any engine critical is drawn
before the damage
is repaired then the starship’s
engines are completely
destroyed and must be replaced.
Landing/docking is a hazardous
maneuver; until the damage is
repaired the starship must make
a successful Pilot check (DC 25)
to land safely. Failure results
in a number of d10 points of
damage equal to the amount by
which the check failed.
If any engine critical is drawn
before the damage
is repaired then the starship
loses the ability to turn and may
only move in a straight line.
Lesser Critical Hit
Antenna Array
The starship’s sensor system is
damaged, imposing a -2 penalty
on all attack rolls and sensor
checks until the damage is
Lesser Critical Hit
Cargo Hold
A lucky shot penetrates the
ship’s cargo hold and completely
destroys 20% of the ship’s
carried cargo (randomly
Lesser Critical Hit
Hull Damage
The attack inflicts damage.
Roll critical hit
damage normally.
If any sensor critical is drawn
before the damage is repaired
then the ship’s sensors are
completely destroyed and must
be replaced.
If the ship’s cargo hold has
already been hit this critical still
effects the remaining cargo.
Lesser Critical Hit
Fuel Line
The starship’s tactical speed
decreases by 500 feet each turn
until the fuel line is repaired.
Once the ship’s speed is reduced
to 0 the fuel line explodes,
dealing 8d10 damage to
the ship.
Lesser Critical Hit
The starship’s viewport is
cracked by the attack and the
ship begins to break apart.
The ship suffers 1d4 points of
damage each round until the
damage is repaired (DC 25
Lesser Critical Hit
The starship’s tactical speed
decreases by 500 feet until the
engines are repaired.
If another engine critical is
drawn before the damage
is repaired then the effect is
If the starship does not require
fuel roll critical hit damage using
a x8 multiplier instead of the
weapon’s normal multiplier.
After 20 points of damage
is inflicted due to this
decompression the ship loses all
atmosphere. After 60 points of
damage the ship is helpless until
the damage is repaired.
If the ship’s tactical speed has
already been reduced to 0 feet
due to engine damage, the
engine is destroyed and must be
replaced, not merely repaired.
Normal Critical Hit
The starship’s tactical speed
decreases by 1,000 feet until the
engines are repaired.
Normal Critical Hit
The starship is partially blinded
until repaired.
Normal Critical Hit
Targeting System
The starship’s targeting system
is damaged.
All the ship’s targets gain the
equivalent of three-quarters
concealment (30% miss chance).
The starship’s targeting system’s
equipment bonus on attack rolls
is decreased by 2 until the
system is repaired.
If another engine critical is
drawn before the damage
is repaired then the effect is
If the ship’s sensors have already
been hit the miss chance
percentage stacks (though the
total miss chance percentage
may never exceed 90%)
If the ship’s targeting system has
already been hit the equipment
bonus decrease stacks (though
the total modifier may never be
decreased below 0).
If the ship’s tactical speed has
already been reduced to 0 feet
due to engine damage, the
engine is destroyed and must be
replaced, not merely repaired.
Normal Critical Hit
One of the starship’s beam
weapons, projectile weapons, or
missile launchers (attacker’s
choice) is destroyed.
Normal Critical Hit
Artificial Gravity
The starship’s artificial gravity is
disabled for 1d10 rounds.
Normal Critical Hit
Comm System
One communications system of
the attacker’s choice is disabled
for 1d10 rounds.
During this time, an untrained
crew takes a –4 penalty on all
attack rolls and skill checks
while coping with the zero-
gravity conditions.
If the comm system suffers
another critical hit it is destroyed
completely and cannot be
repaired – it must be replaced.
The weapon no longer functions
and may not be used again until
it is repaired.
If this weapon suffers another
critical hit it is completely
destroyed and cannot be
repaired – it must be replaced.
Trained, expert, or ace crews take
no penalties, as they are
assumed to have the Zero-G
Training feat.
Normal Critical Hit
Defense System
One defense system of the
attacker’s choice is disabled for
1d10 rounds.
Normal Critical Hit
Cargo Hold
A lucky shot penetrates the
ship’s cargo hold and completely
destroys 40% of the ship’s
carried cargo (randomly
Normal Critical Hit
Crew Compartment
A number of crewmembers and
passengers are killed (this effect
applies only if the ship isn’t
If the defense system suffers
another critical hit it is destroyed
completely and cannot be
repaired – it must be replaced.
Roll 1d10 to determine the
number of crew fatalities and, if
the ship carries passengers, 1d10
to determine the number of
passenger casualties.
If the ship’s cargo hold has
already been hit this critical still
effects the remaining cargo.
Only supporting GM characters
are affected.
Normal Critical Hit
Maneuvering Jets
The starship’s loses the ability to
turn and may only move in a
straight line until the damage is
Normal Critical Hit
Weapon Mounts
The starship’s weapons become
less responsive. Any time that
the ship gains an attack of
opportunity against an
opponent there is a 25% chance
that the weapons fail to respond
in time and the ship loses its
attack of opportunity.
Normal Critical Hit
Electrical Systems
All of the starship’s systems
falter as lights flicker, sparks rain
from panels, and the entire
electrical supply staggers under
the damage.
If any engine critical is drawn
before the damage is repaired
the ship suffers an additional
6d10 points of damage in the
attack and is stunned for 2d4
There is a 10% chance each
round that any system onboard
the ship loses power for that
round and will not function.
If any weapon critical is drawn a
random weapon is completely
If any other critical is scored
against the ship the ship is
shaken for 1d4+1 rounds.
Normal Critical Hit
Hull Damage
The attack inflicts damage.
Normal Critical Hit
Cargo Hold
A lucky shot penetrates the
ship’s cargo hold and completely
destroys 40% of the ship’s
carried cargo (randomly
Normal Critical Hit
One of the starship’s wings is
heavily damaged.
Roll critical hit damage using a
x6 multiplier instead of the
weapon’s normal multiplier.
Roll critical hit damage using a
x8 multiplier instead of the
weapon’s normal multiplier.
In addition, the ship and its crew
are shaken for 1 round.
If the ship’s cargo hold has
already been hit this critical still
effects the remaining cargo.
Additionally, all weapons and
components in the wing are
If the ship does not have a wing
it is immobilized for 1d4+1
Severe Critical Hit
Hull Damage
The attack inflicts damage.
Severe Critical Hit
Hull Damage
The attack inflicts damage.
Severe Critical Hit
Hull Damage
The attack inflicts damage.
Roll critical hit damage using a
x10 multiplier instead of the
weapon’s normal multiplier.
Roll critical hit damage using a
x10 multiplier instead of the
weapon’s normal multiplier.
Roll critical hit damage using a
x10 multiplier instead of the
weapon’s normal multiplier.
In addition, the ship and its crew
are shaken for 2d4 rounds.
In addition, the ship and its crew
are shaken for 2d4 rounds.
In addition, the ship and its crew
are shaken for 2d4 rounds.
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