The Modern Dispatch 092 - Retro Rockets Pack, Podreczniki RPG, The Modern Dispatch

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Retro Rockets Pack
by Philip Reed
Join the Action!
The two rocket ships described in the pages of this PDF
are merely a irst step into a larger world of excitement.
For even more rocket action visit
for the complete line of
Retro Rockets
PDFs -
- all designed for use with Adamant Entertainment’s
Thrilling Tales
Welcome to the
Retro Rockets Pack
, a selecton of two
new rocket ships for use with your d20 campaigns.
Science iction pulps were heavy on the “iction” and
light on the “science.” Man’s irst ventures into orbit
and beyond were still decades away, and many of the
things that we now know about space travel were
merely theories at the time. The writers of the pulps
concentrated on bringing readers fast-paced adventure
tales, liberally seasoned with things that sounded
vaguely scientiic, to give the stories a futuristic
Open Game Content
All of the game mechanics in this PDF are designated
as open game content. The graphics, artwork, and
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be distributed without the permission of the author.
Content Manager:
phil reed, chris davis
Chris Davis
To today’s audience, phrases like “atomic ray pistol”
“electro suits” and “radio rangers” sound absurd, but
to the pulp reader of the time, they were full of wonder
and possibility.
About the Author
Philip Reed has been working professionally in the
roleplaying game industry since 1995. In that time
he has worked for such companies as Atlas Games,
Paradigm Concepts, West End Games, and Dork
Storm Press. Today Philip spends his days at home
running Ronin Arts, writing and designing new games,
and trying to force himself to take a break so that his
wrist will heal. To learn more about Philip Reed – and
Ronin Arts – please visit and
One of the irst jobs that a Game Master running a
pulp SF campaign will have to do is to communicate
these sorts of expectations to the players. 21st century
players will have to willingly suspend their disbelief,
and go with the feel of things. Sure, we now know that
there is no use for aerodynamics in outer space.... but
you know what? It doesn’t matter. Wings and ins on
a starship look cool.... and maneuvers like banking,
power dives and barrel rolls are exciting.
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
United States and other countries and are used
with permission. ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20
System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms
of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy
of this License can be found at www.wizards.
These rocket ships are written up as vehicles, using
the standard Modern D20 vehicle format. Game
masters wishing to use the Future SRD can adapt the
vessel with that system’s starship rules – although,
as presented in the pulps, these ships are universally
treated more like traditional aircraft than starships.
Entertainment, used with permission.
Retro rockets
Open Game License
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan,
Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John
Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich
Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern Dispatch #92 Copyright 2006, Ronin Arts; Author Philip Reed
Retro rockets
The Devil Star
Built in the secret laboratories of the American
Soviet, the space age
Devil Star
is one of the fastest,
most powerful rockets yet constructed on Earth. It was
a prototype
Devil Star
that shot down Major Electrode,
killing one of America’s most loyal, most patriotic
rocket jocks.
For almost three years the American Soviet – that
communist agency that plagues America to this day –
constructed and flew
Devil Stars
, operating out of
secret laboratories in Nevada, Idaho, and New
It was only through the actions of Savage Jones,
American adventurer and archeologist, that the
American Soviet bases were discovered and
destroyed. While on an archeological expedition in
New Mexico Savage Jones, and his ever-trusty side-
kick, stumbled across one of the American Soviet
Today, just a few years after the U.S. government
took possession of the
Devil Stars
, the rocket is being
produced in larger numbers for use by the Americans
and her allies.
Unfortunately, the Soviets also hold the blueprints
to this spectacular rocket and it is only a matter of time
before American
Devil Stars
are forced to contend
with Soviet rockets that possess the same strength and
speed as the American rocket.
Adventure Hooks
250 lb.
Top Speed:
950 (95)
Hit Points:
Purchase DC:
The American Soviet has constructed a new base in the United
States, possibly once again in the desert southwest or maybe the
Florida Everglades, and it is up to the heroes to wipe out this base
before a fleet of new, advanced
Devil Stars
can be completed.
An American spy, grasping at life, falls into the hands of the heroes
and tells one final tale: the
Devil Stars
under the command of the
United States are all equipped with a self-destruct mechanism and
the American Soviet plans to destroy the rockets when they are in-
flight. Can our heroes prevent the loss of these powerful rockets?
Can they prevent some of America’s finest rocket jocks from being
slain by this terrible communist plot?
Recreate the original discovery of the American Soviet bases, with
the heroes replacing Savage Jones and his sidekick. Will our heroes
be capable of not only destroying the secret bases but also capturing
the fleet of
Devil Stars
The Devil Star
The Martian Flyer
A military dropship, the
Martian Flyer
is a troop
transport designed to deliver soldiers on the surface of
alien, hostile worlds. In rare instances the
is used to drop troops on the Earth’s surface, but
in such events the crew is careful to be sure that they
are not spotted.
Adventure Hooks
The heroes are members of a mer-
cenary force that has signed on
with the U.S. government. A team
of scientists exploring one of the
moons of Jupiter suddenly drop
out of contact and the heroes are
sent off to discover what harm
may have come to the scientists.
Upon landing on the moon they
uncover a secret base (Nazis,
Soviets, aliens, whatever works
best for you) and must rescue the
4500 lb.
Top Speed:
500 (50)
Hit Points:
Purchase DC:
Military (+3)
Martian Flyer
goes missing and
it is up to our heroes, a band of
treasure hunters and salvage
experts, to locate the rocket before
she is forever lost or (worse yet)
falls into enemy hands.
Unfortunately, a Nazi salvage
team has discovered the
and the heroes find them-
selves in a race to claim the prize
which is now floating, dead, in a
distant asteroid field.
Prototype Heat Ray:
As a military rocket it should
come as no surprise that the
Martian Flyer
is armed,
though many would be surprised to discover that the
rocket’s weapon is an experimental “heat ray” stolen
from Nazi scientists. The U.S. government has
equipped with
Martian Flyer
with this heat ray so that
they can test it under combat conditions.
Damage Type:
Range Increment:
1,000 feet
Rate of Fire:
Unlimited (runs off the reactor)
300 lbs
Purchase DC:
included with the vehicle
Military (+3)
The heroes are in Antarctica when
they discover a Nazi base and
learn that a “heat ray” is being
developed at the base. Can they
steal the weapon before it is put
into service and kills American
soldiers and citizens?
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