The Modern Dispatch 101 - Powderkeg 2, Podreczniki RPG, The Modern Dispatch

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The year is 2256 and the PCs are about to become
part of history. After discovering coded information
in the memory banks of the freighter Sauvegarde, the
PCs decipher it and discover something terrible: war
is coming. The common folk of the moons must now
make their stand against the largest and most powerful
fleet in Earth’s history. War is coming.
system. This era sees the colonization of the moon,
the mining of Earth’s asteroid belt and numerous
exploratory missions to map and explore the planets
of the solar system.
This era also introduces aliens to the setting, with
humans making first contact with The Prime, a
telepathic, aquatic race living in oceans of the Jovian
moon Europa, as well as the discovery of numerous
ruins suggesting a now extinct alien species had
colonized many planets in the Earth system in the
distant past.
Prometheus Rising is the signature setting of
RPGObjects’ series of Future d20 toolkits,
Blood and
Space II
. In brief the Prometheus Rising setting is a
PL 6 setting technologically and takes place entirely
in the Earth solar system. The Prometheus setting is
broken down into several distinct eras, allowing it to
accommodate many different styles of play. The eras
of the setting are: Genetic Age, Age of Discovery,
Jovian Wars and Age of Expansion.
Finally this era introduces the last of the major
fantastic elements to the setting: artificially intelligent
robots who are used for work considered too
dangerous for human or clone.
The Jovian Wars
, from 2300 to 2400, this era sees
widespread human colonization of the moons of
Jupiter, called the “Jovian Moons” in the setting.
These colonists, years away from Earth, preyed
upon by pirates and at the mercy of the megacorps
and a distant Earth government, rebel and attempt
to set up their own government, free of Earth and
corporate interference. This war sees the United Earth
Government and all major corporations on one side
and the Jovian colonists, artificially intelligent robots
and The Prime on the other. The war ends with the
Jovian Moons attaining independence and establishing
an uneasy truce with Earth.
The Genetic Age
encompasses the years 2000
through 2220, is something of a cyberpunk/post
apocalyptic. In this age genetic engineering is
discovered, various “models” of cloned humans are
developed for warfare, labor and pleasure and society
gradually deteriorates into a state of open warfare and
anarchy. This era also sees the rise of multinational
corporations from businesses to political and military
entities in their own right.
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
United States and other countries and are used
with permission
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 6.0. A copy of this License can
be found at
The Age of Discovery
, from 2220 through 2300, sees
mankind recovering from the warfare of the previous
age and attempting to rebuild the shattered Earth,
while the corporations begin to explore the solar
Finally, during
The Age of Expansion,
Rising begins to see many of the elements typical of
space opera. With the discovery of barely understood
Powderkeg #2
FTL drives, called “quicksilver drives”, humanity’s
colonization of the Earth system takes on a much
more rapid and intense pace. Jovian moons that were
years away are now minutes or hours away and the
new frontier becomes the moons of Saturn, Neptune
and Uranus. These moons are hotly competed over by
the UEG, the corps and the Jovian colonists, with a
new round of hostilities possible.
AML Hokushin (Fast Freighter)
The Hokushin, or “North Star” has been in the service of the African Mining League since 2286. Currently
franchised by Kweku Mutakanyi, Hokushin used to make regular mining runs from Ganymede to the
asteroid belt and back. Since the blockade, it has been making a different kind of run: evading the blockade
to pick up medical supplies and foodstuffs from an independent hauler in the belt, then back through the
blockade. The Hokushin is able to slip through easier than independent ships, as long as it maintains the
pretense of being a good corporate franchise vessel.
Also, advanced ships with faster FTL drives begin
exploring star systems besides the Earth system,
encountering more alien ruins and more alien life
forms. This era also sees the formation of the Aegis
Project, a galactic survey arm of the United Earth
Government dedicated to exploring the cosmos and
making peaceful contact with alien life forms.
Colossal (–8 size)
Fast freighter
Tactical Speed:
3,500 ft. (7 sq.)
110 feet
Flat-footed Defense:
450 tons
Autopilot Defense:
Targeting System Bonus:
4 (trained +4)
Hit Dice:
16d20 (320 hp)
Passenger Capacity:
Despite the strong desire for peace on all sides, this
era sees first contact with the predatory Fyr’Toll
as well, a time traveling race that was attempting
to conquer Earth by the path of least resistance, by
gaining power over it during it’s primitive past. Now
that humanity has acquired FTL and has begun to
make contact with friendly alien races, the Fyr’Toll
see them as a greater threat and declare war on all
Initiative Modifier:
Cargo Capacity:
300 tons (100 tons with mines)
Pilot’s Class Bonus:
Grapple Modifier:
Pilot’s Dex Modifier:
Base Purchase DC:
Gunner’s Attack Bonus:
Restricted (+2)
Attack of Opportunity:
Standard PL 6 Design Specs
Ion engine, thrusters
Defense Systems:
Autopilot system, magnetic field, radiation shielding
Class II sensor array, targeting system
Laser transceiver, radio transceiver
2 Fusion Mines (used in extreme circumstances when being pursued)
Grappling Systems:
Equipment Carried on board:
8 Combat Space Suits (Light Duty Vest, Environment Seal): these are
corporate issued survival suits built with combat in mind and are standard issue on all corporate vessels.
1. The Code: PCs decipher the information gained
from the Sauvegarde’s computer. It is the reason the
ship was attacked: a coded message they intercepted
that orders the blockade force to attack. War is coming
to the Jovian Moons.
electronic frontier, meaning no news of the attack will
get to Earth, allowing the blockading force to make up
any story they want.
Locating a nearby UEG transmit station, the PCs
receive an unexpected transmission from the base
commander and must then decide whether to use force
or subtlety to use the station to warn their comrades.
2. Suppressed Transmission: The PCs attempt to
contact their allies in the Jovian moons and can’t
get through. The blockade has now extended to the
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3. The Black Box: After subduing the guards and
sending the signal, the PCs must determine what to
do with the case around the base commander’s wrist.
If they kill him, cut the chain holding the case to his
wrist or force the lock on the case, a signal is sent to
the transmit station that seals the station and activates
a self destruct sequence, forcing the PCs to attempt
to make their way out of the station as quickly as
possible before the station explodes.
Mission Information:
Depending on the amount of
information the PCs are able to gain (and providing
they are able to communicate it to the Jovian forces
successfully in later encounters) will determine how
poorly the Jovians fare in this initial attack.
If the PCs do not successfully warn the rebels of
the coming attack, the Jovian forces will be almost
completely wiped out and the revolt will end before it
can begin.
If the PCs learn of the attack and communicate that
to the rebels, the attack will be a serious defeat for the
rebels but enough of their leaders and combat vessels
will survive to salvage the situation and keep the
rebellion going.
If the PCs learn the timing of the attack (a roll of
11-20) then the attack will be a mild victory for the
UEG forces. The rebels will look like a very credible
fighting force to have fares so well despite being
outnumbered and outgunned.
If the PCs learn the entire battle plan (roll of 21+)
the battle will be a bloody draw with the UEG forces
losing more ships than the rebels. This will force
the UEG to temporarily withdraw and will leave
them without enough ships to enforce the blockade,
allowing trade in and out of the region to occur much
more easily.
military transmission station near here that’s our best
bet, so I want plans for getting a signal through as
soon as possible.
Sensor/Computer Logs:
On a Computer Use check
the PCs can find the following information about the
transmit station:
(DC 15) The UEG transmit station provides
secure transmissions, mail services, lasernet access
and entertainment to the moons, along with secure,
powerful military transmissions on restricted
frequencies (this is what will be needed to penetrate
the blockade jamming).
(DC 20) The transmit station is protected by a
battery of UEG marines. Depending on the level of
pirate activity, from one to two dozen marines will be
present at a given time.
(DC 25) Besides the attack option, it is possible the
PCs could hack into the systems of the transmit station
to send their message remotely.
Also make a Knowledge (streetwise) check for
any PCs who have ranks in the skill. On a DC 15 or
better, reveal the following information to the PC in
question: many UEG officers are open to “side jobs”
as a way to supplement their meager incomes. It might
be possible to approach the commander of the base
and, with a suitable offering, convince him to send the
message himself.
The PCs have several options to use the UEG
station to send their message to the colonists. Of
course there are many more ways the PCs might
tackle the situation, but most approaches will involve
some combination of the main approaches (force or
subtlety). If the PCs come up with something truly
inventive, the GM will have to adjudicate how well it
works (or doesn’t work).
And of course the PCs might use more than one
approach. If their attempt to hack the base fails,
they might then try to bribe the base commander,
only to turn around and attack the station when his
In this episode the crew of the Hokushin deciphers the
coded information they took from the memory banks
of the Sauvegarde and learns something terrible: that
the UEG and Megacorp forces of the blockade have
been ordered to execute a surprise attack on the ships
and colonies of the Jovian moons and bring them to
Captain’s Briefing:
The coded entries in the
Sauvegarde’s memory banks might be valuable. They
might also give us a clue as to why a corporate raider
would slaughter the entire crew. Let’s find out what
secrets she held.
Now that the PCs have the information on the attack,
they must attempt to warn the Jovian colonists before
the attack is launched. After attempting to contact the
Jovians, the PCs realize that all transmissions to the
region are being jammed by the blockading force. The
PCs must now find a way to contact their comrades
before the attack.
Sensor/Computer Logs:
Decoding the message
requires a Computer Use skill check. The better the
PCs roll, the more information they will be able to
retrieve from the coded message. A roll of 10 or less
means the PCs learn the UEG is planning an attack, on
a roll of 11-20 the PCs learn the attack is coming in 2
weeks and on a roll of 21 or greater the PCs learn the
precise attack plan.
Captain’s Briefing:
Since we can’t get a signal
through to the moons, we have to find a way to contact
our friends at home. There’s a sparsely populated
Powderkeg #2
asking price is too high! Although the PCs are not in
command, have the Captain defer to their judgment on
the best course of action. Whatever the PCs
to do, the captain will place them in charge of it. So
if they decide to board the station by force, the PCs
will lead the first wave of the attack. Isn’t being a hero
commander realizes what a stupid thing he just did. In
either case, read the following:
the “weight” around the base commander’s neck.
Base Assault:
If the PCs decide to assault the base,
they will need to pop the airlock with a Disable
Device skill check (DC 20) and then face a relatively
light compliment of marines (one dozen) led by the
station commander. If the PCs fail to pop the lock
they will need to cut their way through the airlock.
This will allow the defenders time to set up a barrier
providing ½ Cover and allow the defenders an upper
hand in the battle to come, automatically winning
Initiative (take the highest PC initiative roll and set the
defenders’ initiative one higher).
The base commander will lead his troops in this
fight, a strange black case in one hand and a laser
pistol in the other. On a Spot check (DC 25) they will
notice the case is handcuffed to his wrist.
Though he is leading his troops in the fight, the
base commander has no intention of dying with them
if he can avoid it. Should the fight turn against his
forces (if the PCs outnumber the station marines at
any point in the battle or the station commander is
reduced below 13 HP), the station commander will
throw up his hands and say the following:
”Oh, damn! Who… Sergeant! Scan that vessel
this instant! Attention unknown vessel, you are
approaching a highly secure facility of the United
Earth Government. Do not approach or we will
blow you out of the air!”
Complication (Voice in the Dark):
Regardless of
the PC’s plans, when they first approach the base,
something unexpected will happen.
As soon as they come into sensor range, the base
commander will hail
with the following
The PCs now have one last chance to jump in with
a Bluff (DC 30). Succeeding at either check will get
the base commander to let them dock and meet them
with a few of the base marines, who won’t be paying
particularly close attention. The PCs will have an
excellent opportunity to seize the base with minimal
conflict. They
have to fight however, even if they
manage to capture the base commander. Turns out the
Joes that work for him don’t much like him and have
no intention of surrendering to a freighter crew. If the
base commander gets fragged in the crossfire, that’s a
When the PCs first see the base commander, they
will notice he carries a slick, black briefcase fitted
with a complex magnetic lock. On a Spot check (DC
20) they will notice that this case is handcuffed to his
wrist. The case is a key component of the adventure
and if the base commander is killed, the case is
detached from the chain on his wrist or the lock on the
case is forced then proceed immediately to the events
described under Encounter #3 The Black Box below.
“Thank God! What took you so long! You were
supposed to be here days ago! And here I sit all
alone on this dinky little transmit station with just
a squad of marines to protect it. This thing is like
a weight around my neck. The longer I sit here
with it the heavier it gets!”
What’s called for here is some quick thinking
on the PCs’ part. If they jump right in quickly and
confidently, they can Bluff their way through on a skill
check (DC 15). Make a mental count in your head
or glance at your watch after reading the above text,
raising the DC by one for each second the PCs wait
before responding (try to be subtle about this, don’t
click a big stop watch as soon as you finish reading
the flavor text, the PCs shouldn’t realize they’re “on
the clock”). Also note that Captain Mutakanyi will
jump in on his own. He’s a freighter captain,
and despite his Charisma, simply will not seize the
initiative here. That’s up to the PCs. If this seems to
stretch the boundaries for you, you could have the
Captain temporarily off the bridge when the message
is received. Either way, this is a moment for the
PCs to shine (or not). If the PCs fail their check, or
transmit no messages for 30 seconds or more, the base
“Whoa! Whoa! I… I mean we surrender!
Listen, this case, the one chained to my wrist, it’s
worth a lot of money to the UEG. You guarantee
my safety and you’ll be rewarded, beyond… well
let’s just say it’ll be worth your while. And if you
kill me or take the case, this whole place will go
sky high!”
Mission Information:
Depending on how the PCs
handle the complication above, they could either
bypass this information entirely, having talked their
way right onto the transmit station, or they will be left
with the original three options they pondered before
the encounter began. Of course the complication
complicates things (duh) so PCs originally planning
on hacking their way through the encounter might
scrap that plan in favor of an assault to get a look at
How the PCs respond to this is up to them. They
might assume the UEG will arrest rather than reward
them if they hand over the station commander with
the case intact (true) or that the station commander is
simply lying through his teeth to save his own skin
over those of his men (false- he is telling the truth
about everything except a reward for the PCs).
Hack the communications array:
If the PCs try
Powderkeg #2
to hack into the system, they must succeed at a
skill vs. skill Computer Use test against the station
commander, who also serves as the station’s system
administrator. If the PC fails this check, then the
base commander will be alerted and will scramble all
outgoing communications while he finds what the PCs
implanted in the system.
The ship will have to approach the station and
ask to transmit mail and cargo manifests back to
Earth as a cover, since the station will be able to
detect them once they are close enough to hack the
system. If the PCs fail to do this, sitting in space and
ignoring hails from the station while they try to hack
in, the base commander will scramble all outgoing
communications (he’s not stupid).
Bribe the base commander:
Lastly there is bribing
the commander. In this instance the ship will approach
and ask to transmit mail back to Earth as above but
then the PCs will have a chance to speak to the base
commander privately.
Base Commander (Earther Charismatic Hero
CR 3; Medium-size humanoid; HD 3d6+3; HP
14; Mas 13; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; Defense 15, touch
12, flatfooted 14 (+0 size, +1 Dex, +1 class, +3
equipment); BAB +1; Grap +0; Atk +0 melee (1d6+-
1/19-20, Metal Baton), or +2 ranged (2d8+0, Laser
Pistol); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ ; AL none; SV
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0; AP 1; Rep +2; Str 8, Dex 12,
Con 13, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 17.
Technician (Computer Use,
Knowledge [Technology], Repair)
Bluff +9, Computer Use +10, Craft (writing)
+8, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Civics)
+8, Knowledge (Current Events) +8, Knowledge
(Technology) +8, Repair +10
Armor Proficiency (light), Gearhead,
Lightning Reflexes, Personal Firearms Proficiency,
Simple Weapons Proficiency
Talents (Charismatic Hero):
Undercover Vest, Metal Baton, Laser
Sensor/Computer Logs:
On a Computer Use
check (DC 20) the PCs will be able to determine
that a transmission passed from the black box to the
station’s computer which has initiated an overload of
the station’s fusion reactor. This reaction cannot be
stopped. The station will explode in minutes.
Mission Information:
The PCs have three minutes
(30 rounds) until the station explodes. The damage
from this explosion will be 300 points of damage.
Each round the Hokushin gets to put distance between
it and the station will reduce this damage by 10 points
(meaning the ship will have to leave right away,
without the PCs, to take no damage at all).
How long it will take for the PCs to make their
way to the command center and finish their business
will depend on the timing of the activation of this
encounter. If the base commander is killed by a lucky
shot while all his troops are still alive, the PCs will
have to dispense with the marines, make their way to
the station and then send the message (assume 5-10 or
1d6+4 rounds once all opposition is dealt with) then
make their way off the ship and back to the Hokushin
(3-6 or 1d4+2 rounds).
Base Marines (Joe Tough Hero 3):
CR 3; Medium-
size humanoid; HD 3d10+6 plus 3; HP 26; Mas 15;
Init +3; Spd 25 ft; Defense 20, touch 14, flatfooted 18
(+0 size, +2 Dex, +2 class, +6 equipment); BAB +2;
Grap +4; Atk +4 melee (1d6+2/19-20, Metal Baton),
or +5 ranged (2d8+0, Laser Pistol); FS 5 ft by 5 ft;
Reach 5 ft; SQ ; AL UEG; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will
+2; AP 1; Rep +1; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis
13, Cha 8.
Military (Knowledge [Tactics], Pilot)
Craft (structural) +2, Drive +5, Intimidate
+2, Knowledge (Tactics) +3, Listen +3, Pilot +4, Spot
Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor
Proficiency (medium), Personal Firearms Proficiency,
Simple Weapons Proficiency
Talents (Tough Hero):
Robust, Fire Resistance
Tactical Vest, Metal Baton, Laser
This encounter can be triggered at any time by one or
more of the following events: the base commander
is killed, the chain holding the black box to the base
commander is severed or the black box is opened.
Doing any of these things will trigger a signal to the
transmit station reactor that will rig it to blow in 3
minutes. This will require the PCs to quickly send
the transmission warning the colonists about the
impending attack, get back to the Hokushin and then
get as
away as possible.
Hopefully the PCs have made their way off the station
before it explodes, in which case the Hokushin should
be able to weather the explosion unless it is very close
and/or seriously damaged from a previous adventure.
Depending on the outcome, there are several
directions the game master could take the adventure
from here.
First, if the PCs didn’t make it off the station, then
the PCs will be rolling up new characters. Captain
Mutakanyi will leave if it becomes clear the PCs
aren’t going to make it back and will take the heavily
damaged Hokushin to Casino, the illicit smuggler’s
Captain’s Briefing (only once mission is triggered):
Hokushin to boarding party, Hokushin to boarding
party, we are registering some very unusual energy
readings from the station’s core. Can you confirm?
Powderkeg #2
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