The Modern Dispatch 104 - Line Zero, Podreczniki RPG, The Modern Dispatch

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black the government does not know it exists.
Above politics and beyond concerns of diplomacy,
Line Zero exists to safeguard the nation, sometimes
from itself. Those recruited into the team are known
to have strong, personal convictions—convictions
based on the spirit and hope of the nation itself. These
men and women have all attempted to serve the nation
in one form or another. Some became known within
the community of their endeavors, some labored in
obscurity, but all let their morals lead them. Whether
famous, infamous, or simply invisible, these individuals
had intelligence, skills, and ethics.
“Well, soldier, this is your lucky day.”
Jackson shifted in his chair. Flanked by a couple of sunglass-
wearing suits, he didn’t feel lucky. The fact that number
three in the little entourage, apparently the mouthpiece, wore
a short skirt rather than a suit and didn’t cover the brilliant
green playground of her eyes did nothing to put Jackson at
“I’ve had plenty of those,” Jackson said. “You maybe want to
cut to the chase, so I can get back to doing what I do?”
Line Zero works because it gives an outlet for the
convictions of its members. Economics, diplomacy, and
international reputation are important to a state, but the
security and survival of the nation is paramount. It has
Bright-eyes smiled, showing perfect teeth. “Don’t you
worry, you’ll be doing what you do. Only from now on,
you’ll actually make a difference. I’m offering you an in to
something special.”
Rising from the chair, Jackson’s mouth twisted into a half-
smile. “Yeah, sell that somewhere else. I have to get back to
my team, ma’am.”
“We aren’t spooks.” Bright-eyes offered Jackson an envelope.
“Well, we aren’t the kind of spooks you think we are. As
much as can be explained, is explained in that letter. I can
tell you that you’ll be working alongside the best of the best.
You think your team is hot? They’re pedestrians compared to
team we’ve got.”
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Jackson took the envelope. His curiosity got the better of him.
He slid out the letter and started reading. “You have got to be
playing me.”
Bright-eyes gave Jackson a wink. “You are going to love your
new toys.”
There is no history of Line Zero. The past is as
shrouded in misdirection and euphemisms as the future
is in conjecture and secret wishes. What is known is
that during the Cold War, a collection of individuals
with inluence formed a special team, so deep in the
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been accepted in Line Zero that the government of the
nation considers its own interests before the interests of
the nation. This has led to many dangerous moments.
Sadly, politicians can rarely be trusted to adhere to the
fundamental ideas and ethics of the nation.
“What’s wrong with my cell?” Jackson hefted both phones in
his hands, and could feel no difference in weight.
together once a history of trust has been established.
There is no base, nor are there any functional locations
permanently tied to the unit. When contacted by
CINCINNATUS, directions to a safehouse in which
the operatives will ind required equipment. The
equipment always includes a laptop which has a Zero
Chip to provide communications and a connection to
the CINCINNATUS database for information retrieval.
Like the Zero Chip in the cell phone, this chip can self-
destruct, and will if any attempt is made to alter or
tamper with it. The safehouses are only temporary, and
once the mission has been completed, CINCINNATUS
withdraws its protection. Whatever overwatch or
ownership CINCINNATUS has exerted is removed.
“Your old cell is just a cell phone.” Angela tapped the cell she
had given Jackson. “This one is the one Cincinnatus will use
to contact you. This is your Line Zero hotline.”
This does not make Line Zero a force for international
conlict. It is well-understand that a secure and stable
world helps create a secure and stable nation. However,
concepts such as inviolate sovereignty are ignored
when involvement in a foreign state’s internal struggle
is required to protect the nation.
Each Line Zero operative has a special cell phone with
which Codename CINCINNATUS can initiate contact,
and with which the operative can contact or receive
communications from other operatives. A search of the
cell phone will reveal a Zero Tech chip—known as a
Zero Chip—that allows for the communication, and
also allows the cell phone to maintain communications
even when normal cell phones would lose the signal.
This chip has an integral self-destruct that cannot be
removed from the assembly without destroying the
chip. When activated, the self-destruct melts the chip.
This is how operatives are removed from Line Zero.
Line Zero is controlled by Codename CINCINNATUS,
named after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a hero of
the Roman Republic and symbol of public service
while sacriicing private gain. The creators and/or
directors of Line Zero are not known. It could be
a single individual, but the word among the Line
Zero operatives is it’s led by a council. Whatever the
truth, Codename CINCINNATUS directs Line Zero
by feeding information and providing missions. The
various operatives of Line Zero are self-governed,
though within recent memory, a team of operatives was
directed to remove another member, who had betrayed
the unit by selling special technology known only to the
unit—called Zero Tech. Another, less violent, incident
had an operative frozen out. This operative had passed
on information about Line Zero to a journalist. The
operative was not sanctioned, merely removed from
the team.
Bright-eyes—she used the name Angela, but was known as
Two-Seven in the team—handed Jackson a cell phone. It
looked exactly like his existing cell. He pulled that out and
compared the two.
CINCINNATUS chooses very speciic operatives for
a mission, but if an operative prefers to work within
a set team, that is the operative’s decision. Line Zero
only recruits members that CINCINNATUS judges to
have the initiative and personal morality required to
undertake missions independently and in a manner that
relects the spirit and morals of the nation.
Jackson sat across from Angela. He sipped coffee and eyed
her warily. “Three weeks and I hear nothing from you guys.”
“You’re still getting the pay checks, aren’t you?” Angela
smiled. “Lighten up. Our operational tempo can be slight, but
sooner or later, things blow up.”
All operatives are known by numbers. Though they
may exchange names and other personal information,
CINCINNATUS always refers to operatives by their
numbers. Based on the operatives now active, there
does not seem to be any particular code or meaning to
the numbers, and they may simply be random.
Jackson put down his mug. “And things have blown up?”
“And then some.”
Jackson pulled out his cell phone and laid it on the table.
“Why did I get a call from you and not Cincinnatus?”
Game Information
Any nation could act as the parent country for Line
Zero, and the outline has been left relatively vague
regarding the location for that purpose. If required
by the campaign, Line Zero might be attached to an
international organization such as the United Nations or
NATO. Further, Line Zero might not even be afiliated
with a particular government. In a world in which an
Alien conspiracy is kidnapping innocents, Line Zero
might be the secret anti-Alien resistance organization.
“I got the call,” Angela said. “And I chose you to be on my
team. I igured you’d be bored. If you’re not interested . . .”
Jackson held up his hands in mock surrender. “Oh no, I’m
plenty interested.
“That’s your new cell,” Angela said. “It’s already got your
number programed, so you can stuff your cell in a sock
drawer somewhere.”
There is very little organization to Line Zero. Teams
are luid, though some operatives prefer to work
This is the ultimate NPC, a motivator and information
bank the GM can use to pass on vital information or
prod the characters into action. For all intents and
Line Zero, without this
entity, there would be no Line Zero. The removal of
CINCINNATUS means the removal of Line Zero
access. Further, it should be made clear to PCs that
they are expected to act in a manner acceptable to the
general concept and ideas of a free nation, rather than
thuggery or mob justice. Actions outside the parameters
set by CINCINNATUS will likely mean the characters
are frozen out of Line Zero.
equipment and deactivate it if it falls into the wrong
hands. The removal of a Zero Chip is pretty much
impossible without rendering the pieces of equipment
inoperative and destroying its secrets. People and
characters will—of course—try to remove the chip. As
such, it requires a Craft (electronics) skill check against
DC 40 followed by a Repair skill check against DC 50
to remove the chip without destroying the equipment.
Further, it requires a Craft (electronics) skill check
against DC 30 to note the alarm on the chip that will
alert CINCINNATUS to the chip’s removal. If the
alarm is noted after the chip’s removal, it is already
too late. If it is noted before the chip’s removal, it
requires a further Craft (electronics) check against DC
40, followed by a Repair skill check against DC 50 to
disarm the alarm. Even with the alarm disarmed, the
individual attempting to remove the chip must continue
on with the skill checks for the actual removal.
of weapons with interchangeable accessories and parts.
All HWS weapons will accept the listed accessories.
The HWS ires a unique 7.2X25 mm caseless round.
Various ammunition types are available in this
cartridge, but it is only available through Line Zero and
is unknown to the general public.
All HWS weapons are manufactured from composite
materials that are not usually detectable by standard
metal detectors. The minute amount of metals in the
key components is very dificult to detect. In game
terms, it would require a Computer Use skill check
against DC 30 to detect.
Zero Tech
The equipment used by Line Zero is usually at least
1 Progress Level higher than the general technology
available in the setting. The origin of this technology
is not addressed, but depending on the campaign it
could be reverse-engineered from Alien technology
or CINCINNATUS may have secret research facilities
about which the players know nothing. From wherever
it comes, Zero Tech is beyond the general technology
available in the setting. In a standard Modern campaign,
the Progress Level would likely be Progress Level 5,
Information Age. In such a campaign, Zero Tech would
encompass most of the equipment available in Progress
Level 6, Fusion Age, and some general equipment is
listed below.
Each HWS weapon includes a personalized security
setting. If desired, this security setting can ensure
the weapon only functions properly for the owner or
owners of the weapon, or for a particular group. If an
unauthorized individual picks up or attempts to use the
weapon, a special trap is immediately triggered. After
a trap is triggered, only an authorized user can reset the
weapon to its normal state.
Line Zero Equipment
This equipment is available to Line Zero operatives.
Equipment usually awaits the characters at the
safehouse designated by CINCINNATUS. If the
characters request equipment above and beyond
what CINCINNATUS delivers, as long as the request
is within reason, CINCINNATUS tends to deliver
whatever is requested. Requests for nuclear weapons,
cloning technology, and/or expensive sports cars would
likely lead CINCINNATUS to reconsider the inclusion
of the characters in Line Zero.
Initially, the security module will emit a stunning shock
through the grip of the weapon, forcing a Fortitude save
against DC 18. Failure will leave the target stunned for
1d4 rounds. If the target does not release the weapon
at that time, the security module will discharge an
electric shock dealing 1d6 points of electricity damage.
The security module will continue to discharge an
electric shock each round until the weapon is reset by
an authorized user.
Line Zero weaponry is at the highest end of its Progress
Level. While a gadget system or other system to
increase the effectiveness of weapons could be used,
Line Zero operatives in a Modern campaign should
not have access to laser weapons. Some advanced
weaponry available to Zero Ops is included below.
The equipment listings do not include Purchase DCs as
no Line Zero equipment is intended for purchase or sale.
The restrictions on most Line Zero equipment is Illegal,
not because it is outlawed but because it is not supposed
to exist, nor would it have been attained through legal
channels unless supplied by CINCINNATUS.
Some HWS weapons include a select-ire mode. These
weapons can be ired on semi-automatic, 3-round burst
and full automatic modes. When using the 3-round
burst mode with the Burst Fire feat, it ires only three
bullets instead of ive and can be used with only three
bullets in the weapon. This setting does not grant the
ability to make burst ire attacks without the Burst Fire
Zero Chip
All Zero Tech includes a Zero Chip. The purpose of
the chip is to allow CINCINNATUS to track Line Zero
Hades Weapon System
The Hades Weapon System (HWS) includes a group
ire and variable ammunition features, as discussed
above. When used for Double Tap, the Mk 12 incurs
a -2 penalty and a -4 penalty when used for Burst Fire
or Autoire, unless the HWS Recoil Compensator is
used. This penalty stacks with other penalties for using
Double Tap, Burst Fire or Autoire.
HWS Mk 15 Sub-Machine Gun
: The Mk 15 is the
largest of the HWS weapons, and includes a folding
stock. While the Mk 15 magazine holds 40 rounds, it
cn accept the magazines from other HWS weapons.
The MK 15 has the select-ire and variable ammunition
features, as discussed above. With the stock folded,
The Mk 15 incurs a -2 penalty when used for Burst Fire
or Autoire, unless the HWS Recoil Compensator is
used. Further, with the stock folded, this weapon grants
a +1 circumstance bonus to Sleight of Hand checks
made to conceal the weapon. With the stock retracted
and the magazine removed, this weapon grants a +2
circumstance bonus to Sleight of Hand checks made to
conceal the weapon.
feat; if a character uses the setting without the feat, he
or she makes a normal attack, and the extra two bullets
are wasted.
Another feature on some HWS weapons is a variable
ammunition feed. The standard HWS magazines can
be loaded with two different kinds of ammunition. A
selector allows the user to choose one ammunition type
or the other. Once one type of ammunition has been
spent, the weapon will continue to ire the second type
of ammunition, no matter on which the selector is set.
HWS Mk 5 Personal Defense Weapon
: The Mk 5
is only slightly larger than a machine pistol. While
the Mk 5 magazine holds 30 rounds, it can accept the
magazines from other HWS weapons. The Mk 5 has
the select-ire feature, as discussed above. When used
for Burst Fire or Autoire, the Mk 5 incurs a -2 penalty
unless the HWS Recoil Compensator is used. This
penalty stacks with other penalties for using Burst Fire
or Autoire. With the magazine removed, this weapon
grants a +1 circumstance bonus to Sleight of Hand
checks made to conceal the weapon.
HWS Mk 7 Autoloader Pistol
: This is the smallest
version of the HWS. While its magazine holds 16
rounds, it can accept the magazines from other HWS
weapons. When used for Double Tap, the Mk 5 incurs
a -2 penalty unless the HWS Recoil Compensator is
used. This penalty stacks with other penalties for using
Double Tap.
HWS Mk 12 Variable Ammunition Autoloader
: This handgun is the standard sidearm for Line
Zero operatives. It is larger than the Mk 7, and while its
magazine holds 24 rounds, it can accept the magazines
from other HWS weapons. The Mk 12 has the select-
Table: Ranged Weapons
Damage Type
Range Incr
Rate of Fire
Purch DC
HWS Mk 7 pistol
30 ft.
16 box
2 lb.
HWS Mk 12 pistol
40 ft.
24 box
3 lb.
50 ft.
S, A
30 box
5 lb.
60 ft.
S, A
40 Box
6 lb.
HWS Accessories
7.2 HWS Armor Piercing Ammunition
: HWS armor
piercing ammunition provides a +1 attack bonus
against armored opponents or opponents with natural
armor, but incurs a -1 penalty to damage.
7.2 HWS Explosive Ammuntion
: HWS explosive
ammunition explodes on contact with a target,
delivering +1d6 damage, but using this ammunition
incurs a -2 attack penalty.
7.2 HWS Hollow-point Ammunition
: HWS hollow-
point ammunition provides a +1 modiier to damage but
incurs a -1 attack penalty against armored opponents or
opponents with natural armor.
7.2 HWS Non-Lethal Ammunition
: HWS non-lethal
ammunition only inlict non-lethal damage and incurs
a -2 attack penalty.
Laser Aiming Device
: This small laser mounts on a
irearm, and projects a tiny red dot on the weapon’s
target. A laser sight grants a +1 equipment bonus on all
attack rolls made against targets no farther than 30 feet
away. The device can be switched from visible laser to
infra-red. The infra-red is visible to individuals using
nightvision equipment.
Recoil Compensator
: The recoil compensator is a small
device afixed to the barrel in order to increase the
weapon’s handling when iring on burst or automatic
settings. When attached, the Recoil Compensator
incurs a -1 circumstance penalty to Sleight of Hand
checks made to conceal the weapon .
Removable Suppressor
: The suppressor its on the end of
the irearm, capturing the gases traveling at supersonic
speed that propel a bullet as it is ired. This eliminates
the noise from the bullet’s iring, dramatically reducing
the sound the weapon makes when it is used. The only
sound is the mechanical action of the weapon (Listen
check, DC 15, to notice). When used, the suppressor
increases the size of the weapon by one category,
meaning the Mk 7 pistol would be small, the Mk 12
pistol would be medium, and both the Mk 5 PDW and
Mk 15 SMG would be large.
Table: Armor
Maximum Dex
(30 ft.)
2 lb.
Polyiber Tac Tactical
4 lb.
strip on one side. Each DEC carries a single program
designed for a single purpose; this may be to open
doors, bypass security restrictions, crash a computer, or
even to modify information. Almost any task that can
be performed by using the Computer Use skill can be
encoded into a DEC. DECs can be swiped in magnetic
keycard readers and can be inserted into CD/DVD
drives on computers with the same ease.
Polyiber Armor
: This fabric armor includes thin plates
of an advanced polymer known as
. It covers
the torso and upper thighs. The polyiber and polystern
plates are of an unknown material, but provides greater
protection than kevlar. It is easily concealable and can
be worn under regular clothes.
Polyiber Tac Armor
: This is the tactical version of
polyiber armor. It includes complete protection of the
body, as well as a polyiber/polystern helmet. While
light, this armor can only be concealed with dificulty
and cannot be concealed when wearing the helmet.
When the helmet is worn, the armor’s equipment bonus
is increased to +8.
When a character uses a DEC for its designated
purpose, the DEC’s Computer Use bonus (+20) is used
in the place of the character’s. DECs can be modiied
to allow for other connections with computers, such as
a USB port. These attachments slid onto the DEC and
cover the magnetic strip.
Zero Tech Equipment
This is some of the standard equipment that would be
provided by CINCINNATUS. A variety of other types
of equipment exist, but these are the most common.
: Strong as steel, lexible as rubber, and
almost as light as normal rope, duracable has replaced
cables and ropes for Line Zero operatives. Duracable
is made of lightweight and durable wiring wrapped
hundreds of times in a swirl that reinforces itself as
more stress is placed on the coil. Duracable is able to
support up to 10 metric tons of weight. The standard
dispersement is 50 ft.
Computer, ZT notebook
: This Zero Tech notebook
computer is extremely thin and light. It also has twice
the power and speed of the most powerful desktop
available to the public. It has an integral satellite modem
that operates at iber-optic speeds. It has extremely
powerful security software and hardware, and has
encrypted access to the CINCINNATUS database.
Grappler Tag
: Often used in conjunction with
duracable, the grappler tag is a small disc roughly
six inches in diameter. When placed against a solid
surface, the grappler tag attaches to that surface by
magnetism (if the surface is ferrous) or by an array of
nearly microscopic metal barbs (if not). The tag can
then be attached to duracable and used as an anchor for
climbing, pulling, or any other purpose. A button on the
top of the disc releases the grappler tag’s hold.
: A marvel of computer technology, the Data
Encryption Card is designed to allow those who are not
computer savvy to bypass technological and computer
barriers or perform computer-related tasks. Each DEC
is an individual data-carrying card roughly the size of
a credit card with a hole in its center and a magnetic
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