The Occult Technology of Power, Różne

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//-->**********************TheOccultTechnologyArcaneofPower**********A Project of theSociety for Illuminatingthe Sources of Power**********^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Occult Technologyof Power, 64 page Paperback Edition $8.95Copyright 1974 by Alpine EnterprisesPO Box 766Dearborn, Michigan 48121All Rights Reserved for Printed EditionsE-text editions may be distributed without limitas long as the address of the Copyright Holderor publisher is included. Print-outs from e-textare not allowed.Published by:Alpine EnterprisesPO Box 766Dearborn, MI 48121ISBN 0-55950-009-3Library of CongressCard Catalog Number 88-083670For further information, sources, comments, & discussion write:Alpine EnterprisesPO Box 766Dearborn, Ml 48121The Initiation of the Son of aFinance Capitalist into theSecrets of Political and EconomicPower(Include $2.00 postage and handling fee)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^To My Son". . . the world is governed by very differentpersonages from what is imagined by those who arenot behind the scenes."-Benjamin Disraeli(Earl of Beaconsfield)In this thin volume you will find the transcripts of yourinitiation into the secrets of my empire Read them againnot for the arcane knowledge which is now second natureyou, hut in order to re-experience the shock and awe you felttwenty years ago when at age thirty the fabulous scope ofmy power was revealed to you by my trusted, and nowmostly departed advisors. Remember the surprise, to thepoint of disbelief, with which you beheld the invisiblydelicate, but invincible chains of deceit, confusion, arcoercion with which we finance capitalists enslave this chaoticworld. Remember the feats of will and strategy that havebeen required to retain our position. Then, inspect yourretinue carefully. Your heir must be equal to and eager forthe task much as you were. Choose him carefully. As I liehere waiting for the end I can afford to relish the thoughtour empire lasting forever as I never dared while in charge.Rational power calculations, so easily disrupted by the thrillof power, are now entirely in your hands."Know!--Will--Dare--and be Silent!"Aleister Crowley^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE TRANSCRIPTSMy Introduction to your Initiation1. Professor A. on the Role of Fraud in Nature2. Professor Q. on Occult Knowledge asthe Key to Power3. Professor M. on the Economics ofCentral Banking4. Professor B. on the Functions of the CentralBank in the Mature Finance Capitalist System5. Professor G. on Social and Business Legislationand Policy6. Professor D. on the Role of Public Education7. Professor X. on Prestigious Associations andSecret Societies8. Professor Y. on Covert Operationsand IntelligenceMy Closing RemarksAfterword by the TranscriberSources:Indispensable Thoughts on History, Economics, Politics,Philosophy, and Human NatureThe Left on the Ruling ClassThe Right on the Conspiracy Theory of History^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MY INTRODUCTION TOYOUR INITIATION"Man is a rope stretched between the animal andthe Superman a rope over an abyss. ""I teach you the Superman. Man is something to besurpassed."-Friedrich Nietzsche"Self reverence, self-knowledge, self-control thesethree alone lead to sovereign power."-Alfred Lord Tennyson"And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one'sself is. "-Walt Whitman"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."-Aleister CrowleyThe Book of the LawMy Son, the time has arrived to make formal what youhave confidently awaited for some years. Of all yourbrothers, sisters, and cousins, as well as the offspring of myclose allies, I have chosen you to be heir to my empire. Allthe trust funds, foundations, and accounts through which myempire is controlled shall pass into your hands upon myretirement. All my alliances, understandings, and enmitieswith my handful of peers around the globe shall graduallybecome yours. Over the next twenty years we shall collaboratecloser and closer, you and I, until, we finally act as one.For ten years you have toured my empire in a successionof managerial assignments and are now familiar with theoutward operations of my crucial banking, foundation, gov-ernmental, and think tank organizations. Until now, my ad-visors and I have deflected your questions as to how and ifmy diverse operations and holdings, which seem autonomousand even contradictory, are integrated into an organic wholeto serve the dynasty's interests. The fact that you askedthese questions, rejecting my carefully nurtured public imageas an idle, coupon clipping philanthropist, was a majorfactor in the high esteem in which I hold you. Most of yourcompetitors found puppet leadership in any one of my organi-zations so awesome and gratifying that they immediatelyeliminated themselves from the contest for the top positionwhich you have won. Such men of limited vision are neces-sary for my success. They bend unconsciously to the subtlepressures to which I expose them. They can be led in anydirection I choose by simple-minded rationalizations aimed attheir vanity without being privy to my motives which wouldbe short lived secrets in their undisciplined and enviousminds .Most important in your selection as my successor,however was your psychological nature which has beenfaithfully reported to me over the years by my associatesmany of whom have advanced psychological training. A manin my position must have total mastery over his emotions.All actions affecting the power of the dynasty must be takenon the basis of coldly reasoned power calculations il thedynasty is to survive and prosper at the expense of itssubjects and rivals. All power is impossible to those whosepursuit is ruled by sentimentality, love, envy power-lustrevenge, prejudice, hatred, justice, alcohol, drugs, or sexualdesire. Sustained power is impossible to those who repressall their irrational longings into their subconscious only tohave them return in compulsive, out of control behavior thatinevitably leads to their ruin. Although often clothed in therationalizations of power calculation, compulsive behavior isat root, the emotionalism of a frightened child, desperatelyprojecting his inner agony into a reality he is afraid to understand, much less master.Although you now must begin to pursue it consciously youhave already displayed the alienation from your emotionalnature that is so essential to achieving real worldly power.You must recognize your emotional nature as a primitivesurvival mechanism that was appropriate for the jungle andperhaps useful to common men, but useless for the tasks thatconfront us finance capitalists. Attachment to what you do,just because you do it, is the primary psychologicalcharacteristic of ordinary mortals. Such cognitive dissonancespells disaster for us. Our emotional mechanism makes ourlives worth living, but is no guide to the occult arts ofintrigue. So, continue to gratify your senses and emotionsfully at your leisure. As long as the empire prospers you willhave the resources to indulge in systematic gratificationwhich will leave your irrational urges sated and, therefore,powerless. You will never be in the unenviable position of themiddle class strivers who must, from lack of resources,repress their emotional natures if they are to attain anypower whatever during their lives. Typically, they end uptaking their pleasure from the victories and cruelties of theirstruggle. Thus, their end ceases to be power and they event-ually defeat themselves with reckless behavior in pursuit ofdominant thrills.I have brought you into seclusion with my most trustedadvisors in order to inaugurate a new phase of your instruct-tion. Your formal training in the "official" political-economicworld is now complete. This weekend will mark the begin-ning of your training in the occult technology of power thatlurks behind outer appearances. As your tutors will explain,"occult" or secret knowledge is the basis of all power inhuman society, so I use the word "occult" advisedly, in itspristine usage. As I am sure you are aware by now, produc-tivity in itself does not secure power and therefore does notsecure the gratifications of life. After all, slaves can beproductive. None of my organizations in which you served sowell are concerned with advancing the techniques of satisfy-mg human needs and desires. Rather, all are dedicated to thesurreptitious centralization of productive, but especiallycoercive, efforts in my hands or in creating the intellectualclimate in which such veiled control would be tolerated in tbfuture. I destroy or paralyze productive efforts that cannotbe ensnarled in my webAfter a break Professor A. will take the floor in order toput finance capitalism into full biological perspective. Hisshort talk will be followed by similar abbreviated summariesby his six associates, all of whom you know well. The rest ofthe weekend will be devoted to forthright fielding of yourquestions.**1**PROFESSOR A. ON THEROLE OF FRAUD IN NATURE"Are we not all predatory animals by instinct? Ifhumans ceased wholly from preying upon eachother, could they continue to exist?"-Anton Szandor LaVey"Nature, to be commanded must be obeyed "-Francis BaconOrganisms typically base their success primarily on de-ception and rely on actual force or mutually advantage-ous trade (symbiosis) as little as possible. This should benearly self-evident, but is generally overlooked due to themoral codes we elitists foist on our subjects. Let me give afew examples in case the moral culture has to some extentimpaired your powers of objective observation. Camouflageis universal among predators and victims alike. Blossomsimitate fragrances and colors which are sexually attractive to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
