The Rape of the Mind - The Psychology of Thought Control Menticide and Brain-Washing by Joost AM Meerloo (1956), ...

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//-->OF THE\tA. M. Meerloo,THERAPEOF T H EMINDSince 1933, when a completely drugged and trial-conditionedhuman wreck confessed to having started the Reichstag fire in Berlin,Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo has studied the methods by which systematicmental pressure brings people to abject submission, and by whichtotalitarians imprint their subjective “truth” on dieir victims5 minds.It is Dr. Meerloo’s position that through pressure on the weakpoints in men’s makeup, totalitarian methods can turn anyone into a“traitor/5 And inThe Rape of the Mindhe goes far beyond the directmilitary implications o f mental torture to describing how our ownculture unobtrusively shows symptoms o f pressurizing people's minds.He presents a systematic analysis o f the methods o f brainwashing andmental torture and coercion, and shows how totalitarian strategy, withits use o f mass psychology, leads to systematized “rape o f the mind.55He describes the new age o f cold war with its mental terror,verbocracy, and semantic fog, the use o f fear as a tool o f masssubmission and the problem o f treason and loyalty, so loaded withdangerous confusion.As JOHN DollardwroteinThe New York Times*.“Dr. Meerloo is a passionate spokesman for the democraticpractice o f life as a general human goal, not merely as a device forbeating o ff the totalitarians ... Ever}? thinking American should takesome o f his ‘self time — his time for self-development — and readthis book. Dr. Meerloo shows in his own person what psychoanalysiscan do when it is freely combined with social science knowledge. He isa remarkably developed individual man; indeed, he is one o f the greatspokesmen o f the democratic world, and everyone should know him.55Dr. Joost Meerloo's best-known work,The Rape of the Mindis written for the interested layman, not only for experts andscientists.The first two and one-half years of World War II, Dr.Meerloo spent under the pressure of Nazi-occupied Holland,witnessing at firsthand the Nazi methods of mental torture.on more than one occasion. During this time he was able touse his psychiatric and psychoanalytic knowledge to treatsome of the victims. Then, after personal experiences withenforced interrogation, he escaped from a Nazi prison andcertain death to England, where he was able, as Chief of thePsychological Department of the Netherlands Forces, toobserve and study coercive methods officially.In this capacity he had to investigate not only traitors andcollaborators, but also those members of the Resistance whohad gone through the utmost of mental pressure. Later, asHigh Cmmissioner for Welfare, he came in closer contact withthose who had gone through physical and mental torture.After the war, he came to the United States, where his warexperiences would not permit him to concentrate solely on hispsychiatric practice, but compelled him to go beyond purelymedical aspects to the social aspects of the problem.As more and more cases of thought control, brainwashing,and mental coercion were disclosed — Cardinal Mindszenty,Colonel Schwable, Robert Vogeler, and others — his interestgrew. It was Dr. Meerloo who coined the wordmenticide,thekilling of the spirit, for this peculiar crime. His knowledge ofthese totalitarian procedures has been officially acknowl­edged; he served as an expert witness in the case of ColonelSchwable, the Marine Corps officer who, after months ofsubjection to physical and mental torture following hiscapture in Korea, was made to confess to having taken part ingerm warfare.JOOST A. M. MEERLOO, M.D.RAPEOF THETHEHINDTHE P S Y C H O L O G Y OFTHOUGHT CONTROL, MENT I CI DE ,AND B RA I N WAS H I N GThe Uni¥ersal LibraryGROSSET&DUNLAPNEW YORKTHE RAPE OFTHE HINDThe Psychology of ThoughtControli Menticidei andBrainwashingby J o o st A . M. M eerloo, M DFacsimile ofthe original 1956 Edition, reprinted byProgressive,PO Box 126,Joshua Tree, Calif., 92252First reprinting, July, 2009. Printed in the USA.ISBN -10:1-61577-376-2, EAN/ISBN-13: 978-1-61577-376-3Library of Congress Catalog Information for the Original Edition:LC Control No.: 56009252. LC Classification: BF633 .M4.Dewey Class No.: 131.33.Tide: The rape of the mind; the psychology of thought control, menticide, andbrainwashingAuthor: Meerloo, Joost Abraham Maurits, 1903-320 p. 22 cmSubjects: Brainwashing.Prw SSmM2009 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
