The Sutra of Innumerable Meanings, Księgozbiór Wielkiej Pradżni

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The Sutra of Innumerable Meanings
ÐIn Forty years and more, the truth has not been revealed yet.Ñ
Chapter I
Thus Have I Heard. Once the Buddha was staying at the city of royal palaces on mount
Grdhrakuta with a great assemblage of great Bhikkhus, in all twelve thousand. There
were eighty thousand Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas. There were gods, dragons, yakshas,
gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, and mahoragas, besides all the Bhikshus (monks),
Bhiksunis (nuns), Upasakas (laymen), and Upasikas (laywomen). There were Great
wheel rolling kings, small wheel rolling kings, and kings of the golden wheel, silver
wheel, and other wheels; further kings and princes, ministers and people, men and
women, and great rich persons, each encompassed by a hundred thousand myriad
followers. They went up to the Buddha, made obeisance at his feet, burned incense, and
scattered flowers. After they variously worshipped, they retired and sat to one side.
Those BodhisattvasÓ names were Son of the Law-King Manjushri, Son of the
Law-King Great Dignity Treasury, Son of the Law-King Great Eloquence Treasury, The
Bodhisattva Maitreya, The Bodhisattva Leader, The Bodhisattva Medicine King, The
Bodhisattva Medicine Lord, The Bodhisattva Flower Light Banner, The Bodhisattva
King Commanding Dharanis At Will, The Bodhisattva Regarder Of The Cries Of The
World, The Bodhisattva Great Power Obtained, The Bodhisattva Ever Zealous, The
Bodhisattva Precious Stick, The Bodhisattva Above The Triple World, The Bodhisattva
Vimabhara, The Bodhisattva Scented Elephant, The Bodhisattva Great Scented Elephant,
The Bodhisattva King Of The Lions Roar, The Bodhisattva LionÓs Playing In The World,
The Bodhisattva LionÓs Force, The Bodhisattva LionÓs Assiduity, The Bodhisattva Brave
Power, The Bodhisattva LionÓs Overbearing, The Bodhisattva Adornment, And The
Bodhisattva Great Adornment: such Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas as these, eighty thousand
in all.
Of these Bodhisattvas there is none who is not a great saint of the Law Body.
They have attained commands, meditations, Wisdom, emancipation, and the knowledge
of emancipation. With Tranquil minds and constantly in contemplation they are peaceful,
Indifferent, non-active, and free from desires. They are immune from any kind of
delusion or distraction. Their minds are calm and clear, profound and infinite. They
remain in this state for hundreds of thousands of kotis of kalpas, and all of the
innumerable teachings have been revealed to them. Having obtained the great wisdom,
they penetrate all things, they completely understand the reality of their nature and form,
and clearly discriminate existing and non-existing, long and short.
Moreover, well knowing the capacities, natures, and inclinations of all, with
Dharanis and the unhindered power of discourse, they roll the law wheel just as Buddhas
do. First, dipping the dust of desire in a drop of the teachings, they remove the fever of
the passions of life and realize the serenity of the law by opening the gate of nirvana, and
fanning the wind of emancipation. Next, raining the profound law of the twelve causes,
they pour it on the violent and intense rays of sufferingÏignorance, old age, illness,
death and so on; then pouring abundantly the supreme Mahayana, they dip all the good
roots of living beings in it, scatter the seeds of goodness over the fields of merits, and
make all put forth the sprout of Buddha hood. With their wisdom brilliant as the sun and
the moon and their timely tactfulness, they promote the work of the Mahayana and make
all accomplish Perfect Enlightenment speedily; and with eternal pleasure wonderful and
true, and through infinite compassion, they relieve all from suffering.
These are the true good friends for all living beings, these are the great field of
blessings for all living beings, these are the un-summoned teachers for all living beings,
and these are the peaceful place of pleasure, relief, protection, and great support for all
living beings. They become great good leaders or great leaders for living beings
everywhere. They serve as eyes for blind beings, and as ears, nose, or tongue for those
who are deaf, who have no nose, or who are dumb; make deficient organs complete; turn
the deranged to the great right thought. As the master of a ship or the great master of a
ship, they carry all living beings across the river of life and death to the shore of Nirvana.
As the king of medicine or the great king of medicine, they discriminate the phases of a
disease, know well the properties of medicines, dispense medicines according to the
disease, and make people take them. As the controller or the great controller, they have
no dissolute conduct; they are like a trainer of elephants and horses who never fails to
train well, or like a majestic and brave lion that inevitably subdues and overpowers all
Bodhisattvas, playing in all the paramitas, being firm and immovable at the stage
of Tathgata, and purifying the Buddha-country with the stability of their vow power,
will rapidly accomplish Perfect Enlightenment. All these Bodhisattvas-Mahasattvas have
such wonderful merit as seen above.
Those Bhikshus names were Great Wisdom Shariputra, Supernatural Power
Maudgalyayana, Wisdom Life Subhuti, Maha-Katyayana, MaitrayaniÓs son Purna,
Ajnata-Kaundinya, Divine Eye Aniruddha, Precept Keeping Upali, Attendant ånanda,
BuddhaÓs son Rahula, Upananda, Revada, Kapphina, Vakkula, Acyuta, Svagata, Dhuta
Maha-Kasyapa, Uruvilva-Kasyapa, Gaya-Kasyapa, and Nadi-Kasyapa. There are twelve
thousand Bhikshus such as these. All are Arhats, unrestricted by all bonds of faults, free
from attachment, and truly emancipated.
At that time the Bodhisattva-Mahasattva Great Adornment, seeing that all the
groups sat in settled mind, rose up from his seat, went up to the Buddha with the eighty
thousand bodhisattvas-Mahasattvas in the assembly, made obeisance at his feet, a
hundred thousand times made procession round him, burned celestial incense, scattered
celestial flowers, and presented the Buddha with celestial robes, garlands, and jewels of
priceless value which came rolling down from the sky and gathered over all like clouds.
The celestial bins and bowls were filled with all sorts of celestial delicacies, which
satisfied just by the sight of their color and the smell of their perfume. They placed
celestial banners, flags, canopies, and playthings everywhere; pleased the Buddha with
celestial music; then went forth to kneel with folded hands, and praised him in verse,
saying with one voice and one mind:
ÐGreat! The Great Enlightened, The Great Holy Lord,
In Him there is no defilement, no contamination, no
The Trainer of Gods and men, elephants and horses,
His moral breeze and virtuous fragrance
Deeply permeate all.
Serene is his wisdom, calm his emotion,
And stable his prudence.
His thought is settled, his consciousness extinct,
And thus his mind is quiet.
Long since, he removed false thoughts
And conquered all the laws if existence.
His body is neither existing nor non-existing;
Without cause or condition,
Without self or others;
Neither square nor round,
Neither long nor short;
Without appearance or disappearance,
Without birth or death;
Neither created nor emanating,
Neither made nor produced;
Neither sitting nor lying,
Neither walking nor stopping;
Neither moving nor rolling,
Neither calm nor quiet;
Without advance or retreat,
Without safety or danger;
Without right or wrong,
Without merit or demerit;
Neither that nor this,
Neither going nor coming;
Neither blue nor yellow,
Neither red nor white;
Neither crimson nor purple,
Without a variety of color.
Born of commandments, meditation,
Wisdom, Emancipation, and Knowledge;
Merit of contemplation, the six divine facilities,
And the practice of the way;
Sprung of benevolence and compassion,
The ten powers, and fearlessness;
He has come in response
To good karmas of living beings.
He reveals his body,
Ten feet, six inches in height,
Glittering with purple gold,
Well proportioned, brilliant,
And highly bright.
The mark of hair curls as the moon,
In the nape of the neck there is a light as of the sun.
The curling hair is deep blue,
On the head there is there is a protuberance.
The pure eyes, like a stainless mirror,
Blink up and down.
The eyebrows trail in dark blue,
The mouth and cheeks are well formed.
The lips and tongue appear pleasantly red,
Like a scarlet flower.
The White teeth, forty in number,
Appear as snowy agate.
Broad the forehead, high bridged the nose,
And majestic the face.
The chest, with a swastika mark,
Is like a lionÓs breast.
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