Threads Magazine 02, Threads Magazine

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//-->Knitting SocksSewing HandwovensQuiltingrom the time, fifteen years ago,that I first sat down at a loom, in thePanama Canal Zone of all places,. knewthat weaving held a special fascinationfor me.After a few years of exper­imentation, started to exploredifferent ways to make myliving as a weaver. I wove rugs,pillows, and yardage, but it tookso long that they simply weren'tprofitable.I gave up on the idea until oneday in latewhen I saw my first Aloom. I instantly knew that I'd found the per­fect production loom.Today, in just three years, my businesshas become highly successful. I now use three AVL"E1....�½Iof"looms and my line of women's fashions "brookweaves," is carried in shops from Honoluluto Martha's Vineyard.I can honestly say that I couldn'thave done it without AVe'11980VL601AVL LOOMS22Orange Street Dept.Chico, California95928(916) 893-4915Send $2 for complete catalog.December 1985/January 1986Number2EditorJohn KelseyArt DirectorRoger BarnesAssociate EditorsDeborah CannareUaBetsy LevineAssistant EditorMary Ga/pinCopy/Production EditorGeraldine Von MaluskiAssociate Art DirectorGlee BarreAssistant Art DirectorLisa LongEditorial SecretaryNancy GarbrechtContributing EditorsRobbie FanningSusan GuagtiurniJoanne MatteraThe TauntonPaul Roman, publisher;Janice A. Roman, associate publisher: TomLuxeder, business manager: Carol Marotti,personnel manager; Lois Beck. office-servicescoordinator; Pauline Fazio. executivesecretary: Mary Ann Colbert. secretary; SusanMcCann, receptionist: Robert LovejOY,maintenance.Accounting:Irene Arfaras.manager: Mary Ames, Catherine Sullivan,Elaine Yamin.Art:Roger Barnes, designdirector; Paola Lazzaro. staff arUst.ks:leslie Carola, publisher; Heather Brine Lambert.associate art director; Scott landis, ChristineTimmons,iate editors; Nancy Stabile,copy/production editor.FulnUment:CaroleE. Ando, subscription manager; Terry Thomas,assistant managerj Oloria Carson, Dorothy4681074768286202428333641445056andLettersTips:Patch pockets; easy elastic; sleeves that won't twistQuestions:Dyestuff disposal; flameproofing fabrics; marking dartsNotes:Rug hooking; quilt exhibit; hatmaking. Clips: Two magazines soldCalendarBooks:Indigo dye, basketry, knitting, surface design, Oriental rugsSupplies:New yarnsHeirlooms:When Jeremy learned to knitPress:Sewing Handwovensby Sandra BetzinaTechniques for shaping and finishing your garmentsA Visit withSome timely talk and a chance to seeAnniAlbersby Martina Margetts40years of Anni's weavingsBooThe Shape of Socksby Theresa GaffeyassocWhen you can turn a heel, you can knit any shape you wantSpindle and Distaffby Gemma FlorentineDreher, Donna leavitt, Peggy leBlanc, DenisePascal. Heather Riccardi. Patricia Rice. NancySchochj Ben Warner, mail-sen'lces clerk. RobertBruschi, distribution supen'isor; DavidBlasko, Mary Ann Costagllola, Linnea Ingram.Aaron Nathenson. Marchelle Sperling.Manufacturing:Kathleen Davis, director; OaryMancini, manager, production sen'icesj DavidDeFeo, coordinator; Barbara Bahr. DeborahCooper, Dinah Oeorge. Mary Ann Snieckus.production assistants; Claudia Blake Applegate,system operator.Marketing:Dale Brown,director; Rosemarie Dowd. trade salescoordinator; Laura Lesando, executivesecretary.Promotion:Jon Miller, managerjMolly Tunnelle. assistant manager; AnneFeinstein, assistant art director.Video:RickMastelll, producer/director; Don Goff, Jr"production assistant.Advertising and Sales:Andrea Ondak.national accounts manager; Carole Weckesser,senior ad sales coordinator; Claudia Inness.circulation assistant. Tel.magazine(ISSNIspublished bimonthly, October, December,February, April, June, and August, by TheTaunton Press, Inc., Newtown, CTTel.Second-<:Iass mailingapplication pending at Newtown,Children learned to spin fine yarn with these lifelong companionsWhere's the Sport in Sportswear?by Richard McCombHowclothing"quotations" travel from participant to spectatorby Gerlinda DeneckeA Coat from a BlanketA simple pattern and blanket stitches turn a coverlet into outerwearLearning toSeePatternby Skye MorrisonA look at surface design in the textiles of Africa, India, and JapanSucceeding with the Knitting Machineby Joanne MatteraThre,"",(203) 426-8�½71.0882-7370)Four artisans have this in common: hard work and very smart clothes(203) 426-8171.additional mailing offices. CopyrightbyThe Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduction withoutpennlsslon of The Taunton Press, Inc.06470.CT06470,1985Buttonsby Deborah AbbottOne of the last things to sew, one of the first things to think aboutThreadsmagazine- Is a registered trademark ofThe Taunton Press, Inc.Subscriptionrates:606469Homemade Feltby Heather MarchA rolling pin, a washing machine, hot water and soapcountries,for one year.for two yeaTS(In U.S. dollars, please). Single copy,Single copy outside U.S. and possessions,Send to Subscription Dept., The TauntonPress, Inc"BoxNewtown, CTAddress aU correspondence to theappropriate department (Subscription, Editorial,or Advertising). The Taunton Press, Inc.,newsstand distribution by Eastern NewsDistributors, Inc.,Cleveland Road,Sandusky, Oil$30United States and possessions.for one year.ror two yearsj Canada and other$19$16$36willdo the trickPO355,$3.50.$4.06470.The Ins and Outs of Hand Quiltingby Maria Giganti and Carol ClyneStitching texture and pattern into fabricWeftPOBox355,Newtown, CT06470.U.S.Taaniko is a flexible way to weave without toolsTwiningby Joyce Ronald Smith113088Sky Curtain44870.Postmaster:Send address changes to Threads Magazine, The Taunton Press,63South Main St., P.O. Box355,Newtown, cr06470,lettersI want to tell you how very pleased I amwith the premier issue ofThreads. . . Onesmall point. On page 24 ("FreestyleEmbroidery") you show a diagram of thecross stitch. Cross stitches should allcross in the same direction. Your pictureshows them alternately crossing left toright down, left to right up. This kind ofcrossing can be used for special effects,but the usual form is for them always tocross the same way . . . ..As you well know, such is not the caseeither historically or presently . . ..years of our time without adequatefinancial rewards.-Sheryl Karas, Santa Cruz, CA-Richard Ha'Ynlow, Montevideo, MN-Janice Fisher, Reading, MA. . . The article I found most interestingwas the one that scrutinized the GeoffreyBeene outfit . . . . Could you possibly takethis concept and make it a regular feature,perhaps choosing garments from otherfashion houses using different fabrics andtypes of garments?-Sharon Buchner, Cincinnati, OH. . . While men were mentioned, and twoof your articles featured the work of men,all of the writing was by women, and allof the illustrations showed women atwork. One might easily have come awaywith the impression that not only do realmen not eat quiche, neither do theyhave anything to do with fiber or fabric... .I'd like to see more about theprofession of being an artisan as well asartists' biographies. I'm also interestedin articles about the fiber arts oftraditional peoples, including interviewswith traditional artists focused on thepersonal meaning, philosophy, orfolklore of their craft, in addition to thetechniques involved. Your magazine isexcellent in presenting the rational side offiber arts, the techniques andprofession, but it needs to have moreheart. It should have at least one articlean issue that includes the human side ofbeing an artist or the meaning behindthe work, the emotional or spiritualthreads that bind us to our art.I do appreciate the magazine treatingfiber arts as serious work, but if our craftsdid not bring us emotional satisfactionor excite us in some philosophical sense,we could not continue to strive againstsociety's disregard for the value of ourwork. Neither could we endure thetedium and frustration of completingprojects involving days, months, or. . . In an effort to shower some muchdeserved attention on outstandingteachers of spinning and weaving, thepublicationTeaching for Learningissponsoring a Teachers-of-the-YearAward. I'd like to ask the readers ofThreadsmagaZine to participate.If any of you have had a teacher whoinspired new work or taught new attitudesand techniques, now's your chance toshow your appreciation and to let the restof us know about it. The winners will beselected by three well-known fiberteachers: Else Regensteiner, lecturer,author, and former head of weaving at theSchool of the Art Institute of Chicago;Persis Grayson, columnist forShutUe,Spindle and Dyepotand teacher atPenland and Arrowmont, and me . . . .To make a nomination, just send thenominee's name and a short essay on whythis teacher qualifies for an award to:Teaching for Learning, Box 7295,Boulder, CO 80306. Nominations will beaccepted January 1 to April 1 5 , 1 986 . . . .-Deborah Chandler, Boulder, CO@Q1a�½�½ffl@@The coloring and patterning offabric and fiber with dyes, pig-And made easier for you! GREAT SCOT's newbobbin-free system putsting Argyles.ments, or manipulation.funand ease into knit­TheGREAT SCOT ARGYLERTheWEE SCOTChild's vest(with easy-to-follow instructions)$32.00$16.50$5.00$2.50$3.50$3.50$18-$22Wonderful Yarnscolor pages full of unusualBe inspired byhand-dyed yarns, luxurious silks, mohair,linen, cotton, cashmere, camelhair, alpaca,ribbons, and natural Maine Wool. Discoverspecial books, baskets, buttons, and totes.andBrowse with yourSURFACE DESIGN JOURNALinnowbeautiful color, is pub-lished quarterly. Subscriptionby membership in Sur faceDesign Association.eTechnical InformationeeExhibition ReviewseeHealth and Safety NewseeCalendar of Eventsee32(a smaller version for stockings)PA1TERNSspecially designed for the ARGYLER(2-12) andvestYarn Sample Setand stockings for stuffedbear (BEARGYLES!)StockingsAdult vestenjoy choosing your next easy·to·knitproject with MARTHA HALL yarns.Child's pullover(Send(32-44)(2-12)YARN PACKSof soft imported Shetland---______- ___._-__-__- -__- - - -__-__-__________-__-____________-___-____________________________NameAddressArtist Profilese...and much more$2for prices and samples)0$1 32page color catalog.0$10 6card Yarn Sample Set of over250CityStateforforAnnual SubscriptionZipStudent with$ 25.00ID$ IS.00Payable in U.S. funds.Susan Kristoterson, SDA Membership,School of FineORDER TODAY FROMGREAT SCOT,DEPT.T5606Mohican Road, Bethesda,MD20816Maryland residents add5%MARTHA HALL4674Main StreetYarmouth. Maine04096yarns and a bonus Gift Certificate.Arts, MiamiUniversity,Oxford, Ohio45056USA4ThreadsMagazineCUSTOM lABELSI.KE�½IV,IIIVVODRY ClEAORHANO WAAND DRY FLAT-Make a name for yourself with....IJtAHiifQ1iJi.NOVELTYCONEDYARNSMINNESOTANORTHMARY LUE'S101 W. BroadwaySI. Peter, MN 56082(507) 931-3702MISSISSIPPINORMA'S KNITSRI. 1 Box48-A(601) 892-3632NEVADAEM. PERKINS CO .FOR HAND AND INDUSTRIAL MACHINES&SOUTH DAKOTAmallAmt",-••••••SEND $1.00 FOR OUR CUSTOM lABEl SAMPLE KIT.CAll OR WRm FOR PRia&. ORDERING INFORMATION.l.68Box 110S TERLING06098NAME TAPECOMPANY(203) 379-5142Printed with your name. logoor artwork of your choiceOne or more ink colorscan be printed on backCare or content informationin small quantitiesDept. C5A - P.O.Winsted. Connecticut'L,KS�½�½,�½�½�½./NKER.�½_.-.�½\\NORIq?ALS..�½-601•"'eK"pitr.2..':I0peI1"·,.LA0..y"'1.,It.1MlmO_..",I...OI.4I"1e.ll,., .......... ..,.IDAIIO�½NATURAL&ARKANSASCrystal Springs, MS 39059J�½�½�½�½MAnDl LMIDurable white or coloredpolyester tapeRavel proofReasonally priced - evenDISTRIBUTORSALABAMAANN'S KNIT CONE SHOPRoute 20 Box2580Dawes RoadMobile. AL 36609(205)633·2095AlASKATHE KNITTtNG MACHINE3407 Airport WayFairoanks, AK 9970t(907)479-55t8206 S. Carson SI.Carson City, NV 89701(702) 882-1526NEW ENGLANDKOZY KORNER KUSTOM KNITTING9 Third SI.Auburn, ME 04210(207)783'{)863NEW MEXICOKELLEY'S KNIT SHOP1513 Eubank N.E.Alburquerque, N M 87112(505) 294-6406FOCUS ON KNtTS8720 E. Latham DriveScottsdale,(602)990'{)704�½AI.85257&CONNECTICUT1201 Broadway(800) 847-4127NEW YORK, NEW JERSEYSCHOOL PRODUCTS CO, INC.New Yorl<, NY 10001CALIFORNIA (North of Fresno)RN. SMITHBox214866Sacramento, CA 95821(916)481'{)226CALIFORNIANORTH CAROLINAKNITIING MACHINE&CRAFTS BY BETBROTHER KNITTING MACHINE CENTER13233 Hamar Blvd.Garden Grove, CA 92643(714)537-5648COLORADOTHE STRAWBERRY CONNECTION(Southof Fresno)3175 C Azalea Garden Rd.Norfolk, VA 23513(804)855-7960OREGONJUNE'S KNIT SHOP6570 SoW. Lombard Ave.Beaverton, OR 97005(503)646-1 049PENNSYLVANINOHIOBONNIE'S KNITTING MACHINES5694 GaBekaLooms1120 D. Magic Lamp WayMonument, CO 80132-8578(303)488-3992FLORIDAKNITTIN, STITCHIN3689 Wilder Rd.(904)587-2112HAWAIIJAC'SP.O. Box 4248&STUFFFairview, PA 16415(814)474-3554TEXAS/OKLAHOMAPEGGY'S YARN FARMRI. 1 Box149-AMoores Mill Rd.Temple,(817)773-2862UTAHJOAN'SKNITTING MACHINE CENTER177 East 5200 SouthOgden, UT 84405(801)479-8392WASHINGTON/IDAHO/MONTANArwoodSI.Cantonment, FL 32533TX76501(808)966-7977ILLINOIS/MISSOURITHE KNIT2417Hila, HI 96720Say((Happy Holidays"WithA BEKA LOOMBeginning and experienced weavers alike enjoy thesimplicity and versatility of Beka's rigid heddlelooms. Each loom includes all the tools needed toweave, plus instructions (stand optional).Bellevillie, IL 62221(618)277-4111Lebanon Ave., Suite F&KNIT SHOPWOKSRINDIANA/KENTUCKYNO'BET WEAVE713 Middlebury(219)533-8239IOWAVITO'S HOUSE OF YARNS324 Custer WayTumwater, WA 9850t(206)786-1607WISCONSI'"KNIT N'PURL LIMITED827 Water SI.Box608Sauk City, WI 53583(608)643-4007HOUSTON AREA AGENTDREDA HILL KNITS7106 LeaderHouston, TX 77074(713)771-9574EAST CANADACOREY SALES COMPANY1497 Durham StreetOakville, Ontario L6J 2P4(416)842-2375WEST CANADAWILLY LlCHAK KNITTINGBox14Innisfree, Alberta TOB 2GO(403) 592-3778Goshen, IN 46526HERTHA'S KNITTING CORNERR.,Strawbe Point, IA 52076rry(319)933-4937LOUISIANANATHALIE'S KNITTING4024 IotaMetairie, LA 70001(504)83H 499loom20"weaving width:24"weaving width:Send check with order to:Beka, Inc. dept.stand set (20% off)$55.00$55.00$ 96.00$104.00St. Paul,$65.00$75.00FRANS KNITIING BOUnaUELaurel, MD 20707&WASHINGTON, D.C.10504 A ScaggsvilleRd.VIRGINIAMICHIGANKNlrN STITCH8415 N.MARYLAND, DELAWARE(301)725-4264TH, 542Selby Ave.MN. 55102Elwell, MI 48832(517)463-541 7OsbornRd.December/January [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
