Thrilling Tales Advanced Class Gumshoe, Podreczniki RPG, Thrilling Tales

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Mack Brolin sloshed gin over two sticky shot
glasses and slid half the pair across his desk
to the weeping blonde in front of him. He
hated this part of his job- hell, he would
have to think harder than he wanted
too to find a part he did like, lately.
Normally he would stay as far away
from cheating husband cases as he
could and still pay the bills- but
Andrea Smith was the leggiest,
blondest…healthiest dame
who’d come through his
door in years, and as
close as Mack was
to his .38 special,
it didn’t exactly
keep him warm at
“Mr. Brolin, Johnny Chin is my dry cleaner- he
told me you were very discrete. Can I count on
you to be discrete…Mack?”
Mack polished off his second drink
and nodded his head. He folded his
hands in his lap and leaned back in
his chair. “Mrs. Smith, discrete is
my middle name. However, before
we go into any more particulars
about this case, can I ask you to
place that cute revolver on the desk,
and keep your hands where I can see
Smith’s face clouded over as she
complied, her hands moving slowly as
Mack raised his own, pointing his .38
in her direction. Mack smiled at her
frustrated expression.
He’d been in the
business long
enough to know
something was
screwy- wives
as put together as
Mrs. Smith didn’t
get cheated on very
often. He watched
her knock back his
offered drink and
then followed suit. She
blew her nose daintily and then
refilled their glasses for him, setting down her
pocketbook next to the bottle. Her pocketbook
with the silver handles. Mack added ten
percent to the figure he had in his head.
“I don’t keep that big
mirror in the corner to
look at my pretty mug,
Mrs. Smith. Now, why
don’t you tell me your
real reason for coming
here tonight?”
Mack felt a bit of alarm as
the beauty in front of him smiled
just as her features began to blur.
“Clever, Mr. Brolin- Chin told me your were
clever too. But he also told me you couldn’t
resist blondes or gin. I hope you don’t mind, I
added a little something special to yours.”
All the alarms were going off as Mack’s piece
fell from his nerveless fingers and he slumped
forward. His vision faded out, as did his last
thoughts of the evening. “Damn…second time
this month…”
To qualify to become a Gumshoe a character
must fulfill the following criteria:
Ability Score:
Int 12 or higher, Con 11 or
Base Attack Bonus
: +2
Investigate (Int) 3 ranks, Gather
Information (Int) 3 ranks
The Gumshoe, P.I., Detective; they all refer
to the tough-as-nails, rough around the edges,
hard boiled investigator of the pulps. A file
cabinet filled with cases, a weather-beaten
desk, a name on the door and a reputation
for getting his man- many times this is all a
Gumshoe has to call his own- but while his life
is often unglamorous, it is hardly ever boring.
Class Information
Hit Die
: The Gumshoe gains 1d8 hit points per
level. The character’s Constitution modifier
The Gumshoe can be a person’s last hope-
when the police don’t seem to care and you
haven’t a friend in the world, you can call on
him- his door is always open. Just don’t be
surprised to see a chalk outline or two on the
way up the stairs.
Action Points:
The Gumshoe gains a number
of action points equal to 6 + one-half his
character level, rounded down, every time he
attains a new level in this class.
Class Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +1 +2 +1 +1 Home turf, Fisticuffs, +1 +1
2nd +2 +3 +1 +1 Fisticuffs, Citizenʼs Arrest +2 +2
3rd +2 +3 +2 +1 Home turf, Contact +3 +2
4th +3 +4 +2 +1 Office, Citizenʼs Arrest +4 +3
5th +4 +4 +2 +2 Home turf, Hard Bitten +4 +3
6th +4 +5 +2 +2 Fisticuffs, Citizenʼs Arrest, +5 +4
7th +5 +5 +3 +2 Home turf, Deductive Reasoning +5 +5
8th +6 +6 +3 +3 Citizenʼs Arrest, Hard Bitten +6 +5
9th +6 +7 +3 +3 Home turf, Contact +6 +6
10th +7 +8 +3 +3 Enough Rope, +7 +7
Satellite Office
Class Skills
: The Gumshoe class skills are as
Bluff (Cha), Demolitions (Int), Diplomacy
(Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha),
Drive (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gamble (Wis),
Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex),
Intimidate (Cha), Investigate (Int), Knowledge
(crime) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
(Dex), Read/Write Language (None),
Repair (Int), Research
(Int), Search
Home Turf Advantage
: The Gumshoe knows
his turf and, more importantly, knows how
make the most of it. Starting at 1
the Gumshoe gets a +2 bonus to any of the
following skills when used in his ‘turf’, due
to his extensive knowledge of the inhabitants,
laws, layout and resources in this area:
Diplomacy, Drive, Gather Information, Hide,
Investigate, Knowledge (crime), Navigate,
Search, Spot, and Survival. At 1
level his turf
is the block his office is located on. At 3
this area expands into the neighborhood the
block is in. At 5
level the turf encompasses
into one adjoining neighborhood, and increases
by one neighborhood every second
level thereafter.
Note- this
duplicates in
any city in
which the
of Hand
(Dex), Speak
Language (None),
Spot (Wis), Swim (Str)
,Treat Injury (Wis)
Skill Points
at each level
: 6 + Int
Gumshoe opens a Satellite
: The Gumshoe
makes a living on the edge
of the law, and as such does his best to avoid
ventilating citizens. In order to bring his quarry
down, he often has to resort to a good old-
fashioned haymaker over a more permanent
solution. At 1
level the Gumshoe gains the
The following features pertain to the Gumshoe
advanced class.
Feats Brawl and Knockout
Punch. At 2
level the Feat
Improved Brawl is gained,
and at 6
level Improved
Knockout Punch is gained.
: At 1
level the
Gumshoe starts with an
office with the barest of
essentials…sometimes just a
desk with one drawer, a filing
cabinet, and a chair for clients
to sit in. If the Gamemaster
agrees, the character can
live in an adjoining room,
although he may have to hide
that fact from the landlord.
At 4
level the Gumshoe’s
career has advanced enough
that he can afford to outfit his
place of business a bit more
respectably- the player and
Gamemaster should decide
together on equipment, size
of the office, etc. When in his
office the Gumshoe feels most at home, and
gets double his Hometurf Advantage bonus.
He also gets a +2 defensive bonus while in
his Office- often the only thing between him
and an assassin’s knife in the back on a rainy
October evening… At 10
level a Satellite
Office can be opened in another city, and will
be fully equipped and staffed as needed.
service.) The Gamemaster will determine the
likelihood of the request being granted, based
on the possible negative impact to the Contact;
the Gumshoe will attempt a Diplomacy skill
check at +4, modified by any roleplaying
bonuses. The purpose of the Contact is to not
only serve as an advantage to the character, but
a roleplaying opportunity as well. Some ideas
for Contacts are: data processor at the Police
Department, numbers runner for a local crime
boss, and local newspaper reporter.
At 3
, 6
and 9
levels, the
Gumshoe gains a Contact. This Contact is a
full-fledged NPC, which could be developed
jointly with the Player and the Gamemaster.
The Contact should be an expert in their
field and very well connected. The character
can approach a Contact once per adventure
or act, and request a favor (usually access
to information or a location beyond the
character’s ability, or specialized equipment or
: At 5
level the Gumshoe has
escaped enough trash compacters, sinking cars,
burning buildings, and beat-down sessions to
have developed a thick skin. The character
gains two of the following feats: Endurance,
Great Fortitude, or Toughness. They gain the
remaining feat at 8
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