Thrilling Tales Retro Rockets Action Cards, Podreczniki RPG, Thrilling Tales

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Welcome to the
Retro Rockets Action Cards
, friend. This latest release in the
series takes a break from presenting the latest in rocket ship designs so that we
can provide you with a deck of cards for use with almost any roleplaying game on the
market. To use these cards in your next game session you will need to:
Print one copy each of pages three through five. I recommend using heavy, white
cardstock since you’ll be cutting these pages up in order to create a card deck.
If you like, print page six on the reverse side of pages two through five (so that
you’ll have an attractive card back). If you don’t want to do this it’s really not an issue.
Cut out the 27 cards (9 to each page). Shuffle the cards together. To make your
life easier I’ve created these cards at the same size as standard CCG cards – you can insert
these cards into card sleeves so that they’ll last longer.
You’re ready to start using the
Retro Rockets Action Cards
in your next session.
Using the Cards in Your Game . . .
To use these cards the GM simply shuffles the deck before each game session and
deals two cards to each player. During the course of the game a player may, in place of a
regular action for your chosen game system, play a card from his hand (on himself, anoth-
er player, or just to the entire game, depending on the card played). The GM must imme-
diately apply the effects of that card to the game or grant the player that played the card
an experience (or equivalent, depending on your game system) bonus. (Usually 5% of
whatever experience is needed to acquire the next level is appropriate.)
After the card is played the player may draw another card. A played may also draw
another card on his turn by sacrificing his action for that and the next turn.
At the end of the game session each player with one or more unplayed cards suffers
an experience penalty as determined by the GM (I recommend a 5% of whatever experi-
ence is needed to acquire the next level penalty for each unplayed card).
Designed by
Philip Reed
Copyright © 2006 Philip Reed. You may not distribute this document without permission of the publisher. Some artwork copyright Time Tunnel, Inc.,
used with permission.
Ronin Arts and the Ronin Arts logo are trademarks of Philip Reed and Christopher Shy. For more information on Ronin Arts, and Ronin Arts’ sister
company, Studio Ronin, please visit and
Thrilling Tales is a trademark of Adamant Entertainment, used with permission.
Disaster Strikes!
An unexpected disaster – either natural or artificial
– strikes the area that one of your dependents is at.
You must rescue your dependent from the disaster-
stricken area; until your dependent is rescued you
suffer a -4 penalty on all actions.
A dependent that is currently with you suddenly
falls – if there is nothing nearby that someone could
fall from a sudden earthquake or similar disaster
rips a gash beneath your dependent’s feet, sending
her tumbling.
One of your dependents is kidnapped by an intelligent
foe. For every hour of in-game time that your depend-
ent remains in the hands of your foe that enemy gains
a +1 bonus on all actions made to against you. This
bonus is when your dependent is safe.
Either through bad luck, carelessness on her part, or
the actions of an enemy, a dependent that is cur-
rently with you becomes separated. You must track
down your missing dependent and until you do so
you suffer a -4 penalty on all actions.
One of your dependents is reduced to a tiny size –
either through terrible science or wicked magic –
and must once again be rescued. Until you manage
to rescue your dependent, and change her back to
normal size, you suffer a -4 penalty on all actions.
A dependent that is with you is suddenly grabbed
by a mindless opponent that you did not see until it
was too late. The creature, with your dependent in
tow, immediately flees the area. Until your depend-
ent is rescued you suffer a -4 penalty on all actions.
Unknown Power!
A dependent that is with you is suddenly surrounded
by a group of enemies that you did not notice until it
was too late.They can be moon monsters, hired thugs,
or whatever else is appropriate, but there are 6 of
them and a new one joins the group every minute of
in-game time until you’ve dealt with the issue.
One of your dependents is frightened by something
beyond her control.Whether is be an invading army,
an unexpected storm, or the approach of an enemy
you suffer a -4 penalty on all actions until your
dependent is calmed down.
A dependent that is with you, through some unex-
pected accident, gains unknown powers that make
her more powerful than you. For the remainder of
this game session the game statistics of you and
your dependent are switched. This effect is gone by
the start of the next game session.
Weird Allies!
Back from the Dead!
Look Out Behind You!
Someone (or better yet, something) you thought
would be a mindless opponent turns out to be a
friend, unexpectedly coming to your assistance in
An enemy that you thought dead has returned –
and has the drop on you! Your once-dead foe sur-
prises you and gets to act before you do. How will
you get out of this predicament?
You manage to turn just at the last possible instant,
saving yourself from an ambush or surprise attack.
You’ve moved fast enough that you’ve taken this
new opponent by surprise.
Painful Sounds!
As the tide turns, and it appears that you’re about to
be defeated in battle, you suddenly find a means of
escape. You flee the combat site, leaving your foes
staring at where you once stood. Victory is stolen
from their hands!
A nearby enemy has grabbed you, knocking your
weapons (if any) from your grasp. You are now held
tight and until you manage to free yourself your
action choices are limited (and any actions that you
can take suffer a -6 penalty).
Some external force, be is an enemy or a natural
event, generates a painful sound that rips through
the air around you. You, and anyone else in the area,
suffer a -2 penalty on all actions for as long as the
sound persists.
Unexpected Reinforcements!
You can smell victory, your opponents so close to
defeat that you can see the terror in their eyes,
when reinforcements suddenly come to their aid.
You now face twice as many opponents as you did
before this card was played.
You are shot and drop to the ground, helpless,
unable to act. It is up to your allies to save you before
you are captured by your enemies.
You move in close to an opponent and grab at him,
preventing him from acting for a few minutes. You
gain a +2 bonus on all hand-to-hand combat
attempts made against your chosen opponent until
he manages to break free.
They’re Alive!
Catastrophic Event!
More Dangerous!
A tree, rock, building – anything! – turns out to be
alive. Without warning you are your allies are
attacked by something that, just a moment ago, you
were leaning against (or sitting on, or . . . you get the
Something completely unexpected, and dangerous,
happens. You’re eliminated from play until your
friends find a way to reverse the catastrophe – in
the meantime select one of your dependents and
bump them up to star status.
Just as you think you’ve defeated a terrible enemy
you discover that you were fighting the baby – the
mommy is here now and ready to take you down. A
duplicate of whatever you were fighting, only twice
as big and powerful, is standing over you.
Your Evil Duplicate!
Unexpected Encounter!
They’re Giant Bugs!
A mad scientist, arcane master, or alien intelligence
has created an exact duplicate of you. An evil dupli-
cate. For as long as this duplicate exists it is con-
stantly going around causing trouble; trouble that
you’re blamed for.
You encounter life – or an object, or anything else –
in a place that it just shouldn’t be. Whether there is
more than one of this being (or thing) has yet to be
A swarm of giant bugs move in and attack. (There’s
two bugs for every hero present.) These mindless,
savage creatures cannot be talked with and must be
destroyed! If you allow them to flee then they con-
tinue to cause problems for the rest of the session.
Robot Attack!
Launch Platform Disaster!
Rampaging Giant!
A giant robot attacks a major city, starport, or other
populated location. And, as always, it’s your job to
deal with it. Roll any die – on an even roll there are
actually two giant robots.
Just as a rocket ship is about to launch there is an acci-
dent at the platform. If you (or the other heroes) are
on-board the rocket then the accident is a set-back –
a problem but not deadly. If none of the heroes are on-
board it’s a fatal accident. Who is responsible?
A giant – either a natural oddity or a radioactive acci-
dent – is loose in the city. Once intelligent, this madman
is now near-unstoppable. There’s a 50% chance that
this is a dependent that has been changed – until you
solve the problem you suffer a -2 penalty on all actions.
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