The Bad Boy Blueprint, pua, Dean Cortez, Badboy Blueprint
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//-->M.A.C.K. TACTICS PRESENTS:!"#$!!!"#$!!"%&!!!!%&'$()*+"!How to integrate the “RockStar Edge” into your gameand be sexually irresistible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,-!./01!2345/6!!!3!"0,7/!38!2315/159!"#$%&'()$*&#!+,!-./#!0&%$.12222222222222222222222222222222222222222223!42 -.5*#*#6!$7.!8/'!8&,2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222249!:2 ;/%'<*%.'!=&%!>.?2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222::!@2 -.5./$*#6!=.A/B.!>)%..#*#6!C.)7/#*DAD2222222222:9!E2 >$./B$7!07/BB.#6.D!F!G#H%.'*)$/+*B*$,22222222222222222@4!32 0&#$%&B!;.%!I./B*$,222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222E4!92 J($!;.%!*#!J(%D(*$!C&'.22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222EK!L2 M7.!C/N.%*)O!J%*#)*HB.22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223@!K2 8.!$7.!-.)*'.%222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222239!P2 J%&Q.)$*#6!"##.%!J&<.%RRRRRRR2222222222222222222223K!4S2 ;&<!M&!T/A!$7.!=.A/B.!I/'/%22222222222222222222222222222293!442 8/'!8&,D!0B&D.!$7.!-./BRRRRRRRRR22222222222K:!4:2 ;&<!8/'!8&,D!>$/,!&($!&5!$7.!=%*.#'!U&#.22R2P:!!4%:+';!2#<("$);!M/)$*)D!5&%!V$$%/)$*#6!W;*67!>$/$(DX!=.A/B.D2222222222222222224SL!M7.!8/'!8&,!>.)%.$D!8.7*#'!VBH7/!I(B.!Y44R222222222222243:!I.)/HH*#6!$7.!4S!C2V202Z2!0&AA/#'A.#$D2222222222222222222494!V'N/#).'!J7&#.![/A.!M/)$*)D22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222249K!M7.!8/'!8&,!>.'()$*&#!>.\(.#).22222222222222222222222222222222222222224LE!J%.N*.<D!&5!M7.!VBH7/!]*5.D$,B.!J%&6%/ARRRRRR24L9!!!!!!!!!5!!*+"):.'2"*:+!%=!.$<+!2:)"$>!Welcome to “The Bad Boy Blueprint,” presented by the top namein the dating game:M.A.C.K. Tactics.If you’re like most men, you’ve felt at times that being too muchof a “nice guy” is holding you back from sleeping with more women.You’re respectful to girls, you’re caring, kind and generous…qualitiesthey should be looking for in a guy, right?But the reality is that women prefer men with Bad Boycharacteristics. They’re drawn towards men with forcefulpersonalities and an unpredictable, rebelliousedge.Bad Boys are abletocontrolandcaptivatewomen, because they frame themselves asa valuableprizewhich females must pursue...while the nice guysseek approvalfrom women and jump through hoops to pleasethem. (This only causes women to tune out and lose interest.)If a Bad Boy winds up cheating on his girlfriend or dumping her,that’s when she’ll turn to her “nice guy” friend. He will provide ashoulder to cry on, because hethinksthat this brings them closertogether, and eventually she’ll realize he was “Mr. Right” all along.But does she ever have this revelation? Does the nice guy win inthe end? Of course not. This poor shmuck is so deep in the“FriendZone”with her, she’d sooner sleep with her own brother. It’s only a6matter of time before she meets another guy with Bad Boycharacteristics, and then, off she goes into her nextrelationship...while the nice guy keeps WISHING that she will cometo her senses, stop dating these guys who are all WRONG for her, andbe with him.Well, she never will. And if you’ve ever played the “nice guyfriend” role with a woman you were attracted to -- as I did severaltimes in the past -- you know exactly what I’m talking about. And youknow that itSUCKS.So what’s up with this? Why do so many sensible, attractivewomen lose their heads when it comes to Bad Boys? Why do theychoose to involve themselves with men who are selfish, arrogant, andunable to stay faithful?Well, there’s actually a lot of biology and human nature behindhis phenomenon. I’m about to explain how it all works. And moreimportantly, I’m going to show you how to integrate Bad Boy Tacticsinto your own game. I want you to become the best of both worlds: aman with strong character, integrity and respect -- for himself, andfor women -- but with a sexy, unpredictable, exciting “edge” thatdrives the chicks wild.The goal with these Tactics is to switch up your game so thatwomen feel curious and sexually attracted when they meet you,instead of shutting you down or just treating you as a “friend.” Rather
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