The Book of Kami, RPG, Pathfinder

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//-->The Book ofKqmi)itsMonster DesignJustin Hollow<lYL:lyoutAlex RiggsDevelopmentAlex Riggs, Joshu<l Z<jb<!ck, Justin Hollow<lYEcologiesAI~xRiggs. Joshu<l Z'Ib;}ck, Justin HoJlow<lYNecromancers of the Northwest, LLC9111 242nd 8t SWEdmonds, WA, 98026www.necrornancers-online.com.. product id=.rity, 80 definedinthre>p.,nGamingli~=rsion1.0<1,!>KnOll 1(£),and ""'notOpenContent:Alltrad=-or\a.,..,g;m,rMtradernarb,pro~r>arnes(chario.....,,,,.deiti~.ric)~ .plot••'oryl"'''''location, characters and tradedress.ProductIdentity: The following IfiII1S=he..,byde~Artwork:AU artinthis hook ;"pro~ofits lesprtti"",,<tin, and Necmrrulncen oftn.,Nort~...pri~toany artu..ccLllin. norisJ>.tsorp=entedh~other thanhaving=i~tMarti,f,p"nninion ro include it.OpenGil"",Content:&reptfor "",..,rial designateddOProduct l<kntityor Artwork(~"hove), t~game mochanics ofthisNK~of theNo~' ~product""" Open Game Content, ... ddinedinthrOpen Gameli<=ueYenion 1.00~on,(d).No portion ofthis,",,'Or!<otherthanOpene.un.,Content maybe<q>roduc.dinany fonnwithout written~"LOn.CompatibilitywiththePdthfind~RoleplayingGaIn.,<equires10M Pathfinder R.<>leplayingGaIn.,from Pai:oo Publishing,u.c.~hrtp:l!pa;:w.com/pathfinderRJ'Gform""" in£o"""tion on tbe Pdlhfinder RoleplayinH Game. Paizo Publiobing, tLCd~not&Uaran'ee compatibility. andd~notendo""thisproduct.Pathfinderis"registeId trademark of Paizo Publiobing,u.c,"nd,hePathfinder Roleplayi"ll Game ami the p"thfinder Role-PlayinH Game CompatibilityLogo "'"trademarks of Paizo Publisbinllo tLC, and are used under the P"thfinde< RoleplayingGame Compatibility License. See hrtp:/{paizo.com{pathfinderRPG/compatihility fo< more information on the compatibilityIicen"".•'Ya6fe ofContents:Tb oCn n :al f ot teesIt d c onr ut no iInhoductionFar~word..,.,.,.,..,.,..,.,." " "...,...,...,5F r od"."..,.,.,.,.,., ,.,.,.5oe r .., ,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,...w.., ,., , ,., , ,.K mi rits..........""".6a Ta s...."""" """""""..6t""""""""..... ........... ..K~miTr~i ............K miaKamiBtee K mi.........a lid a ..........t fl.........8B~HI~Fkld K~mi.........."""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8C~v~rll K~mi...........",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.10C vr K mi..........0ae a ..........1n..........Fr K mi...........am a ......""""...1...........F~emK~mi..."""""""..... 2""""".....""""",12F r t ai.."""""""......4oeN m...........s..........1For~stK mi.........."""..."""""""""",14F re ai.........."".ogK~m...........6..........16Forg~K mi..........1"""""""" """"""""""".G aea K mi.........r yr a ......... 8v d.........Gr~vq~rdKlmi.........1""""""""""""""""".18L rtyK mi.......... 0i a a ..........2b y..........Libr~rK~mi..........."""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.20Ma ep c K mi........3k a........M~r tl e a ........2rkdpl~c~ K~mi........"""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.23Tmp K mi..........5e l a ..........e..........T~mpl~ K~mi..........2""""""""""""""""""".25Wa r a ........... 7tK~mi............27e..........2W~t~rK mi..........""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.••--------------.....cn'8~$IT1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -S e a:emioo yi b rTr n lgdF rearao stib owillrf t te esnrn igthegme sh “ u go Mas o oolegal reasons, this bookwl e ro hpersonu nn hgameathe "Dungeongl eoet , rr”Forl lesn,hs o k irefertothep rrunningte aaste D n enMaestro," or"DM"frh r T iterm reflectstea ta a u goMaestrorn te ain af insimilar toa“ M”o sotThistr rfl csh f th t D n enMas o u shgamei aaho s l t aDforshort.. hsem e etthe fact thata Dungeoncetruns thegmenfashioni a orsmi rmas odirecting anoc et : ev gtogetherdvr a du rl e pee t fr a o ei s r Iet i t a rh s aweavingoeh r i s n ne td i so omcohesive story.tr e nrneeacv o.maestrodrcig norchestra:w ai tgtediverse and unrelated piecestoform ach s e t yItak o l gsh cmpe tof thejb i o t d ig nunnecessarysne fhgrandiose.S acn we ethe complexityfhjobwt uaddinga n eesrsense of thega doeSimilardxyhmi racknowledgeste o l i o teowithouta dnanu n csay e s o te rn is.i ltlwouldsth p r nrn igthegme b v te l esmii z gtheiri otnenteie o l ethe personu nn hgamea oe hplayers,nmi n h i mp r cinhtsoy ,iratitlesw udsette esrunningte aabove thepa rminimizingteimportanceithegmestorya dconclusion.. hs h n esnnameo l a din no wayidc ea change in thea ’ t y n o c i T ichange is inaonly,,n n o aindicatesa h n en hsouoagame'ss randcn ls nThisc a g ii n me nyandi n w yn i ts c a g i terso s it s fh Dep ni liof the DM.b ieresponsibilitieso te M.-------~.,-------ForeworqIn If..,~~I..."O,M,lim;i,th~ )~Piln= wot~ret,pi,ft>.n~utillfott."ate.."",, inif",Shinto f..itb. I"\1..,Shima ....0<1<1vi"",.~i"9p!.Jee>, obj"cn,i11l<l,,'ttu,.lk,nn;rlion,h~,pim, orlltni.~invi,ibl" ,pitH,ark",,,'' ' <Ito In I".)"" ", rilU'l1retbl""i",/,atiIi1'".u>!,,'"~i"9',....hid,itplilcr> in hi<Jh~'<I,IQrni I,oft~con,i<l,,'e<!iI'YlJOlly""fo,'9"'l"gUi<lilllCl', .11<1 II,., 5hinlo,digicnet!cou'i1,!<"it>renal"er>toP'lytl,.,"tID=!~prdtolk",",'""fty:I" thi'book.lim;ii'",pi'...cflh.. btJ<l. MO>! "rlh.,ti~ l~=irliniI""!>ulou,,,!u~I--df..,'e.l1mh"i1di"'lInot"ii' iI!.l'¥->QI" milgic:.lldl'.,et,,imi!.l,tohallow thill! i1nild"'llc~ut,,_Dilt..,,,,,,i1~will'll"" "'"to<!;ft",,,,,,limb IQmt~tU;"k.1mii1ppr.;ltink"emwh~"oth.,,.,iI"""iI'inbl=i1tJ<1ot~,HII~,"nly inmil~liI=_Tk "''' limi1..,,,,i1'""nly If..mostcotntnorl~.•11<1 otk,~ofk.lmitn~""lsl,i"du<!ilJ<jlQmith<tliI'"t~to 'prdlic obj"ro,~...thanlil'¥i1'e.j,.EilchiYf'"oFk.lmi hit>ih'owtI'f"'CiillorcollC<'tn.i1"q~"""i1',i11l<lwill i"'''told,,1tb PC, ill <lilte",,,tw'ly>,batbm""b~IIi~11y ~,,<If1~votfuUy.I"~="",koltni~,~ li~ ~""" ki"<1of~I~~[,tkyrep'='tnor~compl""~I~""'rm tb~II Ii,~, ~;',e<lrtb,~,,<I W~8.i"rle.l<l 'q-'"",rrli"'l·.dem~"b· ~""co"cept> ,ueb'l>tb~pu"ui! of""""'bI¥-t~ b~",<\ ofl>.J-ttl~I",. ~II<1 t~,till".,., oftb~9101"', ot~,~~mbo<lim..""ofl:kI~,,<I.fo,~"'Impk--.ri"9'l>l:k·~I~m~"QI·oft~fo""'.0' ofave-""orofl~ke,~,,<I ~~II'.8.oQu,,"l:ky~,~nottieol toth~ kill'"~of~I~m~"hfeu"",, 011l:kdem~"QIpbne.th"",klmi~,~i"rle.l<l;moci~eoIwitht~ ,,~u,~1worl<l.which"wbytkyh~ th~ "~;",, .u~.'iv"",I"0'<I~'10 p,ope-Iy co,,"')' thi' tiel. fUve' illth~i'.t.ltirlio. kltni~eoI ~ v~ti~of'P""i~1 ~,,<I >Otn""~cotnpl"" ,,,I,,,.As,ueh,,.,.., rlto"'lly""",m""',,<1I~you t.lk.e~tno""''''tor=i""th~mil>oflh.klmi,u~frn..II" 011 tl.., ""'"twoJ>il9"',befot~co"tillui"9 OIltotl.., kolmi tl..,rr=I"".Ase,e<l!u'", which 'p",,<1 mooofth~itti"",~dil!<Jtno'"lik" 'p"11~.klmi <1o"otfu"d"'" 'lui\"I~ ,..tn~'l>you''lV~'~'l"tno,,>kt.Th~"kyou fort.lki"'ll~ tim~to"""·,,I<>l" thi'book,~"",.,..,bop"th~tl.., klmip'ovi<l~" I..t~will9i'" you~II<1yout 9'ouP hou" of~"'~tllillm~"t5il!C<''''ly.Th.N""'otn~"~,,ofth~North""'" Te<ltn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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