The Demonic Bible, ► Okultyzm, Ezo

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The Demonic Bible
by Magus Tsirk Susej, Antichrist
servant & disciple of the Dark Lord
as revealed to him by his Unholy Guardian Demon
the spirit Azael
© 1999, 2004, the Embassy of Lucifer
A New And Numinous Art
The reality of the present is that personal feelings, based on relationships, and the
personal struggles and/or sufferings of individuals, have all been described by artistic
means in the past two millennia or so. There are centuries of work concerning and created
because of personal love and personal relationships - and the problems of ordinary living
and society - in literature, music, drama and so on. What has needed to be said, written
and expressed about such things, has been said, written and expressed by the many great
artists of the past two millennia.
What is needed now is to build upon these foundations - to turn outward, and away from
the inner world of the personal psyche and the world of mundane society. What is needed
is to describe and express what is relevant to the next stage of our evolution, as human
beings. This next stage is the stage of new adventures, of new worlds, of new ways of
living brought through striving for a numinous and thus supra-personal goal.
The personal life should now take care of itself - if there is a numinous goal to strive for.
In brief, the great Art of the past has enabled us to achieve an understanding of ourselves
- it has brought us to individuation, to the wisdom of a genuine Adeptship founded upon
the reconciliation of opposites. We have discovered and learnt to know ourselves - and
have discovered the unity, the wholeness, which lies beyond the Shadow and the Self.
We have learnt that we are - or can be - both Destroyer and Creator, both Lucifer and
God, as we have learnt the natural necessity of both these forces of creation, and
destruction, and how renewal and re-birth proceeds from them. We now need to and
should go beyond this - for anything else is unhealthy and a waste of life. It is also the
negation of the work of those great artists which has allowed us this understanding.
Thus, there is no longer any need for those who desire to be great artists to endure or
desire personal suffering to aid their development and their understanding, as there is no
longer any need for individuals to describe their inner suffering, their personal
development and their personal understanding through artistic means. What should and
must be understood in the personal sense now can be rationally understood through an act
of will - through a conscious understanding of the works of Art of the past two millennia.
There needs to be a whole new artistic movement - or many such movements - which
seek to go beyond this personal understanding and which seeks to develop new forms of
Art to express and describe what must be expressed and described in the numinous realm
which lies beyond this personal understanding.
We need to free ourselves from the mundane world of the past, and achieve a real
understanding of and a real balance with Nature Herself. We need to strive to free
ourselves of this planet of ours, at first in artistic visions and dreams, and then in practical
reality as we reach out toward other planets around other stars. We need to dream great
visions again, as we need to strive to make these visions real. Thus, do we need to
become inspired by greatness - we need to dream of and create new civilizations, new
aeons, new Empires to stretch ourselves in, to explore and discover, and to use to create
an entire new species of higher beings who are fulfilling the promise of existence latent
within them. In essence, we need to capture and express the numinous itself and mould
that numinous through a unique work or works of Art.
Anything less than this is unworthy of us.
Preface to the Second Edition
It has been four years since the Demonic Bible was first released on the Internet. Since
then, it has influenced the lives of many individuals. Those who have experimented with
the rituals have, undoubtedly, experienced the apparent subjective reality implied by the
author of the text. Since the books appearance on the Embassy of Lucifer website (May,
2001), it has been reproduced several times on other Satanism websites. As is often the
case on the Internet, few of these sites have given credit to the author of the work. Some
have claimed that the Demonic Bible is a “work of fiction”. As anyone who has
experiment with the rituals can attest to, however, this “work of fiction” has a profound
psychological impact upon the practitioner. The reader ignores at his own peril the
author’s warnings that improper use of the rituals can lead to a psychological breakdown
with reality.
This is not a “work of fiction” but rather the foundation of what is now known as
The roots of
magic lie in
(as practiced by the O.T.O./A.A.) and
magic (from the Church of Satan/Temple of Set tradition), but it is also heavily
influenced by the
septenary system
of the O.N.A. Magus Tsirk Susej says plainly that it
is only by THELEMA and XEPER that one can attain DEITUS. An understanding of
philosophy will certainly aid in understanding some of the concepts
presented in this book. Since the system of magic presented in the Demonic Bible is a
dynamically evolving one (with its own XEPER), it is only fitting that we present an
updated version of this text. Here then, once again, is the Demonic Bible.
Preface to the First Edition
If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, then the omnipotent creator of
heaven and earth must be the most evil son-of-a-bitch who ever lived. Non-Christians, we
are told, are damned to hell because they have not accepted Christ as their personal
savior. Non-Catholics, we are told, are damned to hell because they have rejected God's
Holy Church. And Catholics, we are told, are damned to hell for bowing down to and
worshipping graven images. The irony of organized religious thought is the damnation
of all, regardless of belief or quality of life.
It has often been said by scholars that devils are "fallen" gods, or deities men no longer
worship. But then, are not gods simply devils men choose to worship? Could it be that
Yahweh and Allah are simply more "politically correct" devils than Astaroth and
Beelzebub? The followers of every religion have been condemned by others as "devil-
worshippers" at some time or another. In the "tolerant" social climate of today, the
Christian still condemns the Jew; the Jew still condemns the Muslim, and the Muslim still
condemns the Christian. Each is willing to kill and commit heinous crimes in the name of
his "god". Would it not be more honest for man to admit that he is a worshipper of devils
and a believer in fairy tales? It is with these thoughts in mind that the Demonic Bible
is written. Stop now at the horror of these words and cower in fear for your immortal
soul, or read on and discover true and undefiled wisdom... for enlightenment speaks to
the brave.
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