The Kinky Couples, 03 Single white vampire, 300 Complete Erotic Novels

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IPB-149 The Kinky Couples by Author Unknown
Chapter 1
Janet Howard cringed as she heard her husband's car slam ... Damn, she thought to herself, he's home
for lunch again.
Bob and Janet Howard had been married for only a brief seven months, yet already their relationship
was beginning to show signs of wear. For one thing, Bob seemed to have a much larger sexual appetite
than Janet and it was causing an ever widening gap in their already disintegrating marriage. Not that
anything had really ever been said, it was just becoming more and more obvious to Janet that something
had to be done to break the pattern.
For the past two weeks Bob had been popping home for lunch and as he put it, a quickie. Janet wasn't
that much into fucking in bed at night, let alone at lunchtime - usually she gave it the "old grin and bear it"
attitude but even that was becoming more and more difficult for her.
"How's my little honey," she heard Bob whisper softly into her ear as he crept up behind her in the
kitchen, slipping his arms around her immediately and caressing her voluptuous breasts.
"Oh come on Bob not again," she complained, "we made love this morning."
"Never can get enough," sang Bob turning his wife around and planting his lips fully upon hers.
"If you sold a few more houses for a change we might be in better shape."
"What's my selling houses got to do with fucking?" he groaned, slipping his hand up his wife's housedress
towards the soft resilient curls of her pussy.
"Not now Bob," Janet said angrily wrenching herself away from her husband's bear-like grasp.
"I want to fuck you so bad honey," Bob groaned, "I've been thinking about it all morning long."
"Great ... that's why you aren't selling any houses."
"Oh honey would you get off that kick. Just because I'm not the greatest real-estate salesman in the
world isn't enough reason to have you on my case all the time," the young husband groaned.
Janet thought now of all the hopes she had had before she married Bob. With him in the real-estate
business she had dreamed of her own house and all the comforts in life but her dreams were slowly
crumbling as she realized that Bob was barely making enough money to feed them.
The disgruntled young wife walked out of the kitchen into the living room and sat down on the couch,
"Oh Janet honey, I love you, you know that. I'll make it good, just you wait and see," whimpered her
husband. "Please honey, give me a little loving."
Janet felt her husband's arms encircle her once again and his insistent mouth press down upon hers. She
felt his fingers once again begin to creep up her soft white thighs and she squirmed and whimpered as the
tip of his middle finger found the narrow slit of her now sensitively throbbing vagina, rising boldly upward
 and making sudden, hotly searing contact with the throbbing tip of her clitoris.
"Oh!" Suddenly the entire area of her thin hairlined vaginal slit was wet and slippery, and rush of
unwanted desire permeated Janet's entire body. She strained backward and sucked in her breath,
withholding a groan of sudden passion as it rose to her throat. She had to admit it, it felt so good ... and
yet there was something terrible about the fact that it felt good. She felt herself being pushed down on
the couch now, feeling the almost obscene warmth of her husband's finger pressing at the hidden little
center of her cunt lips. She felt his hands fondle her trembling body, touching her breasts and vagina until
she was so wet between her legs that she felt mortified and embarrassed. Even though he was her
husband it seemed indecent and tears of humiliation flowed slowly down her face. He was teasing up
into the tenderness of her involuntarily moistening pussy with a tiny, fingering rhythm that made her want
to respond by moving her hips and thighs up to his hand.
"Open your legs!" he whispered to her tenderly, but with an underlying tone of animalistic desire that
frightened her. "Let me feel your little cunt wide open honey!"
"Oh no ... Oh God, Bob ... Please don't ... not now!" she pleaded softly through her tears. "Please don't
make me!"
"That's all you ever say recently honey ... what about my rights!" he yelled, angry now.
"That's not true Bob and you know it ... No ..." But his fingers were working a lewd magic within the
soft confines of her helplessly open pussy, as his hands slowly but inexorably forced her legs apart. His
desire hardened cock was nudging insistently against her thigh, and she wondered suddenly how she
could have married a man with such an enormous penis. It go so big sometimes that it didn't seem
normal, and horrified, she wondered if all men were like that.
"I've been thinking about fucking you all day honey," he groaned again as he forced the thickness of his
fingers up a little higher into the moist darkness of her tightly clenching vaginal opening.
"Mmmmmmmmm!" Janet reacted to his moan with a little jump.
"I was trying to show this guy a house this morning and all I could think of was coming home and shoving
my hot cock into your delicious little pussy."
Janet felt her husband's penis give a lurch against the nakedness of her upper thigh and she felt a wave of
helplessness come over her as she realized what he was going to do to her. Then she felt his fingers
pulling downward, leaving the elastically spread walls of her narrow vagina, exiting with a soft, wet,
sucking sound, leaving her insides feeling somehow empty and open. He rolled over on top of her and
moved up between her legs, forcing them open with a rapidity that alarmed her, and she cringed
backward as he reached down toward her, lifting up the crumpled material of her housedress and
removing it by pulling it off over her arms and head. She felt a cool rush of air against her skin as she lay
completely uncovered, completely nude before him. She heard him give a little groan of lust as he took in
the magnificent sight of her nakedness.
Her full round breasts peak upward proudly ... Bob Howard loved his wife's body, especially the
chestnut hair-fringed lips of her delicious pussy, just waiting for the entrance of his cock. He leaned
forward and pushed his young wife's legs far apart, determined that he would get the pleasure he'd been
dreaming of all morning long.
Janet looked down now to see her husband kneeling on all fours between her open legs. He looked just
like an animal, and she felt a moment of pure unadulterated dislike for him. Pressing his thumbs outward
against the sensitive pillowlike lips of her chestnut pussy and slowly, teasingly spreading the silken hairs
 to either side, he peered hungrily into the nakedness of her pink moist cunt. His thumbs trembled
nervously against the widespread outer flanges as he drew the smooth, pink lips apart, completely
exposing the glistening inner flesh to the mercy of his gaze.
She squirmed.
"Let me look at it ... Let me see it," he yelled. "It's mine, isn't it?"
Janet wanted to yell back at him ... to tell him no ... no, it wasn't his ... it belonged to her, and if she had
her way, he wouldn't ever, ever see it! Much less touch it! But she lay frozen to the couch, completely
humiliated by what he was doing, watching his lust-distorted features as he brazenly contemplated her
helplessly exposed genitals.
He looked greedily down at her for a long moment, and then with a sudden inspiration, dropped his
head down to the now openly spread lips of her tiny throbbing cunt. The full length of his long tongue
snaked against the nakedness of her open cunt, wallowing warmly among the folds and mounds of highly
sensitized flesh. Janet jerked backward, her trembling buttocks grinding further down to the mattress as
though there were some escape there. A soul-searing moan came from her lips as she realized the full
meaning of the horrible thing that her husband was doing to her.
It was depraved and ugly. Never had he even intimated that he would do such a thing to her. Her hands
went down to his hair to try to push his face from between her thighs ... to get him to stop his greedy
obscene sucking. Her head was lifted up off the couch as she watched with utter disbelief the horrifying
scene of her husband hungrily lapping between her widespread legs, his head wagging back and forth
like some huge, sex-maddened dog.
Her hands twisting in his hair seemed to have no effect whatsoever, and she could hear him making tiny
little grunting noises that mingled with the lewd wet sucking sounds that rose to the air of their bedroom.
Completely mortified, she let her head fall back on the couch, her entire body rolling helplessly from side
to side as she was buffeted by her husband's tongue, and his strong hands maneuvered her nakedly
squirming hips to his liking. She could feel his tongue spearing wetly into the involuntarily wet and dilated
entrance of her hotly seething vagina ... and she felt terrified by the implication of what he was doing.
How could she ever face him again after he did this to her? And the worst was that in spite of her horror
at what was happening, in spite of her utter revulsion, tiny thrills of pleasure were rippling through her
lower belly. Her body was responding to the forbidden licking of her loins in such a way that she
couldn't help gasping with pleasure. She could see him looking at her, observing her, even as his mouth
remained fastened to the widespread tightness of her besieged pussy, and she read in them a challenge
that she fought desperately to meet. His hands reached up to the white mounds of her breasts, and she
felt him grappling with the tender nipples, twisting them harshly while his tongue still worked at her
hair-lined pussy with unrelenting fury.
Bob continued to look at his wife as he felt the forbidden flesh of her tiny open pussy clenching and
unclenching helplessly beneath his thrusting tongue. The bittersweet taste of her filled his mouth as he
watched the tears rolling down her cheeks. God, it made him feel good to see her like this! He was good
and tired of her arrogance ... and this would teach her a good lesson! But he was going to have to fuck
her soon, or go crazy! Below, his cock hung down thick and heavy as he kneeled forcefully between her
widespread legs.
The huge, lustfully throbbing hardness felt like it was going to burst any second, and although he wanted
to continue the more than pleasurable sucking of Janet's unwilling cunt, he knew that he couldn't last
 much longer. His hanging testicles felt filled and tight with his building sperm ready to let loose at any
second if he didn't get it up inside of her soon.
"OH GOD!" he thought, his eyes never leaving the beautiful young face that he'd fallen so deeply in love
with, his hands never ceasing their deft manipulation of her soft pliant breasts. "I'VE GOT TO FUCK
With lightning speed, he lifted himself up from between her legs, and throwing himself upon her, he held
the pulsing rod of his cock in his hands and tried to direct it to the tiny hair-fringed opening of Janet's
vagina. But Janet squirmed backward, clamping her legs tightly together and twisting to the side.
"No! No!" she cried, terrified both by what might happen and by what might not.
The unexpected shift in his wife's position startled Bob and his heavy cock grazed against the side of her
thigh. His entire being had been geared to entering her that second, and he realized with something akin
to desperation that the mechanisms of orgasm had already been set in motion inside him. Everything was
going lightning fast, and yet it seemed like slow motion as he felt the tremendous force of his climax
speeding to explosion inside him. His cock quivered in his hands and his head snapped back in an
anguished recognition of the powerful release that was coming.
"Aaaaarrrrrhhhhh! OH JESUS!" he cried out. The white hot liquid was starting to spurt and Bob felt the
flying sparks of lust seething through his tensed body. He was straddling his wife's hips as she turned on
her side and it was too late to do anything but slip her over on her back as thick, whitely heated streams
of semen began to arc out from his suddenly jerking cock. They spurted in large, pearl covered droplets
upon Janet's naked, trembling breasts and belly as the continuing madness of the exploding orgasm
continued to rack Bob's body. Thrill after thrill racked him, tormenting and controlling him with acute
sensation. His body twitched, out of control, totally immersed in the wild climax.
"OOOOOHHHHH! GOOOOOD!" The last heated drops dribbled down onto his shocked wife's
smooth naked flesh and Bob could see her face a contorted mask of anger and disgust.
"Honey I'm," he started to say.
"Get out of here you fucking bastard," she screamed, pounding the couch now with her clenched fists.
"Get out of here!"
Bob Howard knew when it was time to leave and this was an obvious case. Maybe she would have
gotten over it by the time he came back from the office later on. Certainly she was in no mood now to
discuss anything. Damn her anyway, why didn't she give herself to me. Why is it so hard for her to
surrender to me, he wondered as he pulled on his clothes.
"See you later, babe," he called out as peacefully as he could as he left the house but there was no
response. "Boy, she's hopping mad with me," thought Bob Howard, "I'd better bring her some flowers
home or something. Something to make it up to her ... if I don't she'll never give it to me again!"
Chapter 2
Gary Spencer had gone to real-estate school with Bob Howard, the only difference between Bob and
 Gary was that Gary knew how to sell. He'd only been in business for a year and already he'd made
enough money to buy his wife the beautiful house of her dreams. He felt sorry for his friend Bob and was
aware that his marriage was really suffering because of his lack of salesmanship.
"You know Julie," he said to his wife across the breakfast table, "I'd like to invite Bob and Janet Howard
here for the week. I got a call from Bob and I sense things aren't what they should be in their marriage.
Maybe a weekend around us would cheer him up."
"My sense is that Janet Howard isn't at all in touch with her sexuality," purred Julie Spencer crossing her
legs to allow her husband a view of her shapely thighs, as well as her panties.
The show was not lost on Gary Spencer either. He considered himself damn lucky to have married as
sexually alluring and seductive a woman as Julie. She was ready any time to fuck, anywhere, as many
times as he wanted. He knew he was a lucky man.
"Does she turn you on at all Gary," Julie smiled, thinking of Bob Howard and how extremely attractive
he was to her.
"A little, well in fact a lot but then I hear she just can't let go, and after you babes, I'm spoiled," he
grinned lewdly.
"Don't you think we should give Bob a little of what he needs."
"You mean don't I think you should give it to him, you sexy wench," laughed Gary.
The Spencer's were loose and easy about each other making love to other people, as far as they were
concerned it improved their marriage rather than took away from it. But they knew they were pretty
unusual in this respect.
Gary leaned over now, reaching out for his lusciously curved wife and pinching one nipple through her
thin caftan.
"Do you remember the last couple we swapped with," groaned Julie as her husband's finger continued to
excite her. "Do you remember the way she wanted both you and her husband to sandwich her between
you at the same time?"
"Do I ever," grinned Gary.
"Well I didn't have that much fun, I had to masturbate like mad to stop myself from flipping out. Next
time it will be different."
"Oh poor baby," Gary teased, as with one hand he reached under her dress, cupping the silken crotch of
her panties and the softly rising mound of her fuzz-covered pussy with his open palm.
"Mmmmmm ..." Julie sighed. "That's nice, but don't stop there ... go on ... go on ..."
Gary Spencer continued to fondle his wife under the breakfast table, it was one of the games they liked
to play, it made them feel so wicked like a teenage couple who couldn't wait to get to the bedroom!
"Mmmmmm ... right there ... yes, that's it ... like that," Julie's words were interrupted now by her
husband's middle finger slithering wetly up under the tight elastic leg of her now warmly moistened
panties. The hotly probing tip teased and slid around and about her thinly bearded vaginal slit for a few
delicious moments which Julie groaned out her pleasure in a soft, passion-laden voice.
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