The leadership challenge, @Leadership

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Third Edition
Praise for Kouzes and Posner’s
The Leadership Challenge, 3rd Edition
“Leadership books are a dime a dozen, and most don’t last a week let alone
The Leadership Challenge
has lasted because it is research based, it is
practical, and it has heart! Believe me, Jim and Barry have hard evidence for
what we usually think of as a soft topic. This book especially shines when
ordinary folks can take these practices and work them into our lives on a
moment-by-moment basis. Both authors are leaders in their own right,
which doesn’t hurt a bit. Why offer a new revision? Practically speaking, Jim
and Barry have piles of new data to share, new real-life examples to tell, and
updates given the wild and crazy new economy.”
—Tom Peters, management guru, founder and chairman, Tom Peters
Company, and author of
In Search of Excellence
“Based upon evidence collected from around the world and over decades,
Leadership Challenge
provides practical guidance on how to lead and inspi-
ration to make the effort.”
—Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor, Stanford Business School, and author of
The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First
“Kouzes and Posner are correct—leadership hasn’t changed, but the context in
which leaders operate has shifted dramatically. And that makes all the dif-
ference, as the two authors, who have conducted perhaps the most impor-
tant research on leadership, describe in eloquent language and instructive
case studies. If you read their first book, it’s time to go back to the classroom
and place your knowledge about leadership in a new context. If you didn’t
read the first edition, reading this book may be the most important thing
you do this year to develop yourself as a leader!”
—Janelle Barlow, president, TMI, US, and coauthor of
A Complaint
Is A Gift, Emotional Value,
Smart Videoconferencing
“Kouzes and Posner have written a book of reaffirmation. They have reaf-
firmed—with scholarship, stories, and their own ability to express ideas
clearly—what it takes to lead. They return again and again to the essential
qualities and values that enable one person to influence others, the capacity
to reach and touch one another as caring, compassionate human beings.”
—David Lawrence, M.D., chair/CEO, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
“Kouzes and Posner give us breadth and depth with real-world examples of
everyday leadership from everyday people who are meeting the extraordi-
nary challenges of our time. A book of exceptional, real-world insight on
what it takes to be a leader in our most complex and challenging times.”
—Regis McKenna, chairman, The McKenna Group,
and author of
Total Access

The Leadership Challenge
has been my primary leadership text since 1988. It
is the blueprint for getting others to want to do what we are convinced needs
to be done and is required reading for anyone who aspires to be a next-
generation leader.”
—Andy Stanley, founding pastor, North Point Community Church
The Leadership Challenge,
chairs, deans, and provosts will find inspiration
as well as practical suggestions that fit well with the difficult situations with
which leaders in the academy struggle.”
—Ann Lucas, professor of organization development, Fairleigh Dickinson
University, and author of
Strengthening Departmental Leadership
Leading Academic Change
“This is perhaps the most comprehensive field guide ever written for leaders.
The principles are powerful, and have been a key part of my personal jour-
ney as a leader for years.”
—Patrick Lencioni, president, The Table Group, and author of
The Five
Temptations of a CEO
“Jim and Barry have done the most practical, comprehensive, and inspiring
research on leadership that I have ever read. Instead of another version of
‘celebrity leadership,’
The Leadership Challenge
helps us gain practical wis-
dom from real leaders at all levels in many types of organizations. Every
leader can relate to the knowledge in this book!”
—Marshall Goldsmith, cofounder of the Financial Times Knowledge
Dialogue and the Alliance for Strategic Leadership, coeditor of
for Leadership,
and one of
five top executive coaches
“Twenty years of research back this twenty-first century expression of core
leadership practices. Inspiring stories and practical suggestions build your
commitment to action, help you become the leader you want to be.”
—Geoff Bellman, consultant and author of
Things Done When You Are Not In Charge
“By closely attending to the rich stories of thousands of successful leaders, the
authors offer those who would be leaders—or would be better leaders—a
treasure trove of insights about what makes a good leader. These qualities,
as applicable to improving a public school as a private corporation, lie wait-
ing within each of us.”
—Roland S. Barth, educator, author, former teacher, principal, and founding
director of the Harvard University’s Principals’ Center
“The latest edition of
The Leadership Challenge
is pragmatic, humanistic, and
inspirational. It is brimming over with collective wisdom and stories of lead-
ership that are absolutely aligned with today’s global needs. If ever a book
gave meaning to the phrase ‘leading with integrity,’ this is it. I recommend
this book to anyone who is serious about leading anything or anyone!”
—Sue Cheshire, managing director, The Academy for Chief Executives (UK)
“Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner present an inspiring treatise on leadership and
its importance on developing the maximum potential of the individual.”
—Joseph R. Bronson, executive vice president and chief financial officer,
Applied Materials, Inc.
“Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner have taken a great book and made it even bet-
ter in the new, third edition. Executives and students often ask me for a short
list of the best books on leadership. For almost two decades, I have consis-
tently recommended this remarkable collection of simple-but-powerful
lessons. The new volume is thoroughly updated to recognize key changes in
the leadership environment in recent years, but still retains its key strength—
its clear and practical exposition of the best practices of successful leaders.”
—Lee Bolman, Marion Bloch/Missouri Chair in Leadership, Bloch School of
Business and Public Administration, University of Missouri-Kansas City,
and coauthor of
Leading With Soul
Reframing Organizations: Artistry,
Choice, and Leadership

The Leadership Challenge
is in a class by itself among leadership publications.
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership—passionately yet practically
described by the authors— really resonate with those in the helping profes-
sions and illustrate how professional leaders can provide much-needed
vision and support for caregivers.”
—Judith Skelton-Green and Beverley Simpson, designers and facilitators,
the Dorothy M. Wylie Nursing Leadership Institute, Toronto, Canada
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