The Orbiting Meteor by IDreamOfEddy (Incomplete Pref-23), T - Z

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Fanfiction Based On Characters From Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series
Rated MA for Mature Adult
The Orbiting Meteor
By IDreamOfEddy
Three and a half years after escaping from the mythological and heartbreaking world of Forks,
Bella is moving on with her life. What happens when a mysterious stranger catapults her back into the world
she so desperately wanted to leave behind? AU/OC/OOC
April 10, 2009
Bella Swan walked through the arched doorway of the light sienna Stamm home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was
hers, bought and paid for by her mother, Renee. Bella was not having an entirely good day. Things better left in
the past were on her mind. It's taken two and a half years of hard work and investment in building a new life for
her to finally be able to find some peace and move on from the events in Forks that began almost four years ago.
Bella's father, Charlie, had called and given her some news about Jake. Now she was determined to not have the
whole day completely turn to shit.
Bella headed down the narrow stone path that ran through the small garden she had created the summer before.
Her front yard was covered in desert rocks of all sizes. She had the perfect mix of mulch to keep moisture in for
her buffalo grass, various spots of chasma, succulents, and the fragrant sumac she planted last fall. The sun was
out, and a slight breeze was blowing in from the southwest. It wasn't the warmest of days, the temperature only
reading sixty-five on the little garden gauge as she walked by, but the sun felt warm on her skin.
Bella walked to the mailbox in an oversize Santa Fe Community College sweatshirt. She had on a pair of black
sweats that were cut off just below the knees, and she was wearing furry, light blue, flip-flop slippers. She was a
little worse for wear in the middle of the afternoon, but Bella had just woken up. She opened the lid of the
mailbox, not noticing her elderly neighbor across the street watching her. Bella wasn't wearing a bra.
Her mahogany brown hair flew around her face. Three years ago, when she unexpectedly left Forks, WA, she
finally decided to cut it. Her hair had always been thick, and after becoming acclimated to the cold and wet
weather of Forks, Santa Fe's weather in the summer made taking care of her hair more of a hindrance. Her tresses
were now layered, the length shortened by six inches, hanging just below her breasts. Her hair was more vibrant
now, and it accentuated her defined face even more. She'd liked the cut so well, she'd kept the same style ever
since she'd had it done.
There was a man watching her from the small patch of trees that ran beside Bella's house. He wasn't human, but
he also wasn't her enemy. In fact, he was far from it. He was watching her hair blow around her face, the healthy
strands catching the sunlight, and he thought she glowed.
Bella's whole body seemed to go through a metamorphosis of sorts after her first six months of living in Santa Fe.
She began to eat more - and healthier. She still indulged in cereal bars and Pop Tarts for breakfast, but once she
began to cook again, she gained weight in all the right places. Bella was also a walker. At least four days a week
she would do eight laps around the small pond, which equaled out to close to two miles. Her legs and arms were
lean, strong, and toned. In every sense, she had become a young woman, and nothing about her was plain.
Bella pulled out the contents of her mailbox - the weekly circular with her Wal-Mart and grocery store ads, a
cable bill, and a yellow envelope with the Hallmark symbol on the back. She pushed her hair back behind her ear
and flipped it over. Of course it was addressed to her, but the return address was what she looked to immediately.
J. Black
140 Main Street,
La Push, WA 98350
At the same moment, a little, red Toyota Prius came barreling around the corner of her street, turning into Bella's
driveway. It was Debbie, the closest friend Bella had in Santa Fe. The small woman stepped out with a hanger of
clothes covered with white plastic.
During her first summer in Santa Fe, while she was working full-time as a clerk for an insurance company, Bella
took a temporary part-time job that paid pretty well with a local warehouse - working in shipping and receiving.
That was when they met.
Bella was trying to save up some money for her first year of community college, and Debbie was a workaholic.
She was thirty two, and Bella liked her immediately. Debbie wasn't nosy, but she could tell that Bella had been
through some difficult and devastating times. It showed in Bella's eyes and face, and she was a good judge of
character. Debbie was supportive of Bella without prying, and though some of their interests were different,
Debbie could be just as sarcastic. She was also not to be messed with, and drop dead gorgeous.
Debbie was the one who got Bella the job at Generations, she had worked at the club for over three years, and
knew the bosses quite well. The insurance company that Bella worked for was laying off its employees, and not
having any sort of seniority, Bella was on the hit list. She had been at Generations now for just over a year, and
though Bella wasn't the cocktail waitress or bartender type, she actually loved it. It was a little rough when she
first started. She had to learn how to deal with drunk people, and generally just talk to them in general. She also
had to work through her clumsiness. Her bosses actually found it funny the first few times a tray of drinks would
land on a guest, but after a while they became irritated with all the comps they were dishing out.
Tony - one of the owners - had her come in when they were closed a few times to practice carrying a fully loaded
tray around an obstacle course, and after some time she learned the act of balancing and walking. Her random acts
of clumsiness were now rare. When she first started, she was a hit with Tony, and he was always hitting on her in
the most interesting of ways. The handsome, Italian flirt was quite the ladies man, but he always found someone
more fascinating. Tony and Vince both felt protective of her when they found out she had no family and not many
friends in the Santa Fe area. They were very kind to her and worked with her schedule for school. Bella worked
hard, and she was there whenever they needed her to cover some hours. When it came to backing up the guys at
the bar, Bella had a knack for bar tending.
Generations was the number one hot-spot in Santa Fe and northern New Mexico. It was open everyday, closing
only for major holidays that didn't fall on a weekend. Every night the music was different. It was a huge club, that
even had a large area for the sports fanatics, with eight big screens to cover every game and every sport.
Bella knew there was under-the-table betting in the establishment, but the lid was sealed tightly around it - and as
long as it didn't involve her, she ignored it. They're was a small family eatery attached to the club that served
really great Italian food, where she worked when she first started. There was a large dance floor and one main bar
that was situated above the dance floor, with a side bar in the game room.
Bella only made $7.00 an hour, but on weekends, her take-home in tips would average out to around a hundred, a
hundred and fifty, a night. During the week, it was about half. She had every other weekend off, and she always
worked the night shift from six to three. Bella would pick up extra hours occasionally for those who were sick or
needed a day off, just as long as it didn't interfere with her school schedule. The fact was, Bella liked mostly
everyone she worked with and she loved the job. It kept her busy along with school, and she liked keeping busy.
Debbie was dressed in her own downtime clothes - a pair of yoga pants and a red tank top over a white one.
Debbie liked anything that enhanced her new cleavage. Three months ago, she finally got up the nerve to do what
she'd always wanted. She had her breasts enhanced. It was a hasty decision that was made and she now regretted
it. When she finally went to get properly sized for new bras, she had went from an A to a DD. While they didn't
look overly large they were quite different, and they affected Debbie's back badly.
Debbie had oversize sunglasses on. Her hair was about medium length, layered and light brown, with blond
highlights. She smiled at Bella and chuckled to herself. "You're really gonna like this shit. Be afraid, Bell. Be very
Debbie stepped through the garden, hopping over a small aloe vera succulent. She dodged a small tree's blowing
branch, making her way over to Bella, who waited on the stone sidewalk.
"Please, tell me it's not that bad." Bella's face held a little side of worry, and her eyes were fixed on the
plastic-covered hangers that Debbie was carrying.
Debbie lifted the plastic off the hangers as she talked. "I can't do that. But, I guess that depends on how you
compare it to that frilly shit we're wearing now. Take a look."
Under the plastic dry cleaning cover that Debbie pulled off were three hangers carrying three identical outfits.
Tony and Vince were going to start providing the girls with a more provocative uniform, and Bella was a little
concerned about the choice they would make. This was the first night it would make its debut. Debbie had had to
pick hers up, so she had grabbed Bella's along the way. She started work an hour earlier than Bella did, and they
usually always worked together. Debbie lived six blocks away in a small house her mother had left her when she
passed away. They really did have a lot in common.
The new, black, two-piece outfit was made out of polyester and spandex, and it had a sparkle thread woven in to
the material. The halter top tied behind the neck and behind the back, and it would expose a lot of cleavage. The
cups built in would hold very little breast. The top would be basically, barely there. It split and gathered into a
large metal ring that attached the top to the skirt in the front. The skirt would fit low on the waist and had
bloomers attached underneath the gathered ruffles.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." There was no other way for Bella to respond, even though she knew
Debbie wasn't joking with her. Bella was just a tad mortified.
"Nope," Debbie popped the 'p' and started laughing at the look on Bella's face. "Hey, at least you don't need to
worry about falling out of the shit. I tried mine on at the club, and I need a seven. Vinny ordered all of ours in our
old sizes - and no extras - so I've got to put up with half my tits on display for the next two weeks. Besides, Bell,
you'll look really cute in this. You've got to admit, in a way it's sort of a step up. At least there's no fucking taffeta
involved in this one." Debbie laughed at Bella's face again - she was currently lifting up the ruffled skirt on one of
the three outfits to check out the attached underwear.
Bella shook her head slowly and sneered at the outfit. "Yeah, but I can hear Vern already. He'll be giving me shit
because I'm too white. 'Black on white, white on black, once you go black you'll never go back'."
Bella's imitation of Vern's voice was very poor, but Debbie laughed anyway. Vern had said that to every one of
the girls. He was one of the bouncers, and very, very large. He stood at 6'6", about he was about three hundred
and twenty pounds. He was nice, and he knew Bella liked to keep to herself, so it was rare for him to give Bella a
hard time. He always kept his eyes on
ladies and he made sure they always made it to their cars every night
after the bar closed. Vern was happily married, with a child on the way. His wife, Beth, was the real estate agent
who had sold Bella the house.
"Look, go to the Tan Emporium once a week and get little color if you're that concerned about it. Really, Bell,
you're beautiful. I'm going home. I need another hour or two of sleep before I've got to go in. I'll see you later."
Debbie squeezed Bella's hand and threw the hangers over Bella's free arm.
"Thanks for picking them up for me," Bella told her with a smile.
Debbie had already turned around to head back to her idling car. "No problem. Get some sleep." She got in and
pulled out, heading east to the corner, and turned left.
Bella sighed out loud, looking at the bag draped over her arm. She took a look around, watching the neighbor's
three year old across the street pulling a dandelion out of the grass. Bella loved the neighborhood she lived in,
mainly because it was quiet. Her house was at the end of a short, dead end road, and the front of her house faced
the east. South of her house was a nature reserve of sorts, filled with honey locusts and young sycamores. It was
just a small line of shade that ran east-to-west to the boulevard two blocks away.
Bella turned back to the house, taking a look at her garden. As she walked to her arched doorway, Bella glanced
over at the flat piece of limestone by the white ash tree she'd planted last year. It was a rock that originally came
from the house in Arizona where Renee, Phil, and Bella lived. It was her mother's favorite outdoor piece -
something she had always brought along whenever they moved. Phil let Bella have it when Renee passed away.
A year and a half ago, Phil and Renee took a short vacation down to Cancun to celebrate Phil's new position as an
assistant coach to the Tampa Bay Rays. They were going to move to St. Petersburg as soon as they sold the house
in Jacksonville. During their trip, Renee picked up a rare virus that put her in the ICU in Jacksonville with
pneumonia. Bella, of course, flew down to stay with her mother because she was not getting better, only steadily
Antibiotics were not killing the infection that was in both of Renee's lungs, and after two weeks, her heart failed
from her weakening state. Though it was a sudden death, and Renee did not suffer, the doctors had warned Phil
and Bella that this could occur. Bella had spent some time with her mother, promising to take the time she needed
to heal and live her life to the fullest extent.
Renee, who had been so full of life, so exuberant, did not believe she was going to pull through. It was a side of
her mother that Bella had never seen. Renee just seemed to...know that she was going to die.
Of course, Bella promised her mother, and she was actually doing just that. She knew her mother meant more,
though; she knew that Renee wanted her to find love again. But Bella promised her anyway. Surviving after
having her heart ripped from her chest and torn in two once had been hard enough, but suffering the same fate a
second time wasn't something that she ever expected to recover from. But, Bella was happy with her life now.
Sure, she was alone and didn't have a significant other, but she wasn't complaining. She was happy. She just still
had her moments, and today was one of them.
Bella opened her front door, and walked inside. Phil had promised Renee that Bella would be taken care of in case
things turned for the worst, and he made good on his promise. Bella took with her the items from their home that
Renee would've wanted her to have, and Phil gave her the majority of Renee's life insurance policy as well. With
that money, Bella would finish college. She also bought the house after she grew tired of living in apartments,
wanting more room, privacy, and her own washer and dryer. The only bills she really had were for utilities,
insurance, and property taxes. Most of that was covered with her checks from work. The school loans would come
later, but Bella kept herself on a strict budget.
The house was paid for, and the black Ford F-150 crew cab pickup that sat in her garage was a gift from the Las
Vegas gods when she went to an English Literature seminar over a weekend last year. She took five bucks to a
bank of slot machines surrounding the massive vehicle, and after spending a dollar fifty, she put three car symbols
on the line. There was five thousand included, which took care of the taxes. She sold the little Ford Festiva she'd
paid five hundred bucks for to a teenager down the street. Luck was finally on Bella Swan's side. She had a good
year, and this one was proving to be the same.
Bella's house was about thirty years old, and the design was Pueblo. It had two bedrooms, one large bath, a small
kitchen with a nice sized pantry, and a laundry room. The living room had a kiva fireplace, and hardwood floors
ran throughout the house. The entire ceiling was beamed with huge vigas. It wasn't large, but for Bella it was
perfect. The living room contained a large, brown leather sofa that faced the southern window. Her mother's
favorite blue recliner, two mahogany end tables, and a coffee table that matched also made up pieces in her living
room. She had a new twenty-five inch flat screen TV that Vinnie and Tony gave to all of the waitresses last
Christmas as a bonus. It was near the east window by the fireplace on a small entertainment center.
Bella walked through the living room, dropping off most of the mail on a long table by the wall. She proceeded to
head into the kitchen through another arched doorway, and she made her way to the covered patio outside the
back door. Bella's backyard was partially fenced in because her neighbors to the north and to the west both had
fenced in yards, and they combined. With the little wooded area on the south side, this was her favorite place in
the whole house. Outside was a wicker patio set, along with an outdoor fireplace. Even on the cold days she
would often sit out there and read, and the occasional car horn or kids playing out front didn't disrupt the peace
she had found in this place.
Bella sat down on the cushion of the rocking chair with the yellow envelope in her hand. She already had a good
idea about what it contained. It was a congratulations card because she had received her Associate's Degree in
Education. Though she could go to work as a teacher's aide, or as a teacher in early childhood education, Bella
opted to keep going to school for her Bachelor's and continue to work at the bar. She really liked it there. She
frowned at the card, swallowing hard. She was good at hiding the pain in her chest now.
The man watching her would have hardly noticed, if he didn't know already, that the pain would sometimes flare
up again - it wasn't as strong as it once was.
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