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The Puppy Linux Book
Puppy Linux version 4.1.2
Getting started
Grant Wilson
aka smokey01 and wombat01
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Table of Contents
Purchase a hard copy of the book............................................................................3
Make a Donation to the author................................................................................3
Why Use Puppy when I am happy with Windows?...................................................5
Software Accessible from the Desktop....................................................................7
Pmount the drive/media mounter........................................................................9
PETget package manager..................................................................................10
Geany is a brilliant text editor............................................................................12
Abiword a MS Word compatible word processor................................................17
SeaMonkey Composer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor.............................................18
InkscapeLite is a vector drawing program ........................................................19
Gnumeric an Excel compatible spread sheet application...................................20
Seamonkey a great browser similar to Internet Explorer...................................21
mtPaint is similar to Windows paint. I like this better........................................22
SeaMonkey mail and news is an excellent email client......................................23
ROX is the file manager. This takes the place of Windows explorer..................24
Gxine is a media player. ....................................................................................25
Ayttm is a chat client. .......................................................................................26
Osmo the personal organiser.............................................................................27
Internet Connection Wizard................................................................................28
Menu Structure and a whole lot more software.....................................................29
Desktop Menu....................................................................................................29
System Menu......................................................................................................30
Setup Menu........................................................................................................31
Utility Menu........................................................................................................32
File System Menu...............................................................................................33
Graphic Menu.....................................................................................................34
Document Menu.................................................................................................35
Calculate Menu...................................................................................................36
Personal Menu....................................................................................................37
Network Menu....................................................................................................38
Internet Menu.....................................................................................................39
Multimedia Menu................................................................................................40
Fun Menu...........................................................................................................41
Help Menu..........................................................................................................42
Where to get the Puppy Software..........................................................................43
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 Puppy CD ..............................................................................................................44
BIOS setup.............................................................................................................45
Taking Puppy for a run...........................................................................................47
Installation to a USB Flash Drive............................................................................50
Selecting a USB Flash Drive...............................................................................50
Preparing the flash drive with GParted .............................................................50
Installing Puppy onto the Flash Drive.................................................................56
Frugal installation of Puppy...................................................................................61
Full Installation of Puppy........................................................................................63
Connecting to the Internet.....................................................................................65
The Puppy Master..................................................................................................69
You use the information contained in this book entirely at your own risk, it comes
with absolutely no warranty implied or otherwise.
The author takes responsibility for absolutely nothing.
This book was written entirely within the Puppy Linux environment.
If this book gives you a better computing experience, I will have achieved my
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If you would like to purchase a hard copy of this book please visit Lulu at:
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Thank you
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I continually hear from people who are frustrated with their computers and the
many problems they encounter with various operating systems. Now don't
misunderstand me, it's not my intent to discredit any operating systems, rather to
bring your attention to an alternative.
The alternative I refer to is Linux, Puppy Linux to be exact. As you are probably
aware Linux is not new. It has been around for many years. There are literally
hundreds of variations of this great operating system. These operating systems
are known as distros, short for distributions. If you have a look at the
web site you will notice there are over 350 listed.
Although Puppy is not as popular as the big Linux boys, like Ubuntu, it does rate
quite respectfully around twelfth position at the time of writing.
Why did I bother to write this book/tutorial?
I have been involved with computers and operating systems since 1977. Believe
me, computing has changed considerably since then. The first piece of software I
wrote was using marked cards, not an enjoyable experience especially if you drop
the cards. It was very difficult putting them back in the correct order.
As operating systems have progressed they have become bigger, more
complicated and more functional. It has made computing easier and also more
difficult. Many years ago before Windows there was DOS (Disk Operating System),
it was very small and quite fast. Unfortunately it had many limitations and was
difficult for many to use. Adding peripherals (printers etc) was quite difficult as
you had to locate the appropriate drivers or write your own
I'm told a full installation of Windows Vista requires about 15 Gigabytes of disk
space. Puppy requires about 94 Megabytes when installed frugally. More about
frugal installations later in the book.
Puppy Linux is not Windows, it is different, but not as much as you might think. It
has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) just like windows, as a matter of fact Puppy
can be configured to look and operate very similar to Windows. The transition
from Windows to Linux is quite simple these days. You don't have to be a geek.
Most people do not like change. The majority of computer users have Windows or
Apple software and like to reside in their comfort zones. There are a number of
other operating systems in use but I will mainly discuss Windows and Puppy
Linux. If you are happy with Windows, why change?
Although Puppy is easy to use some instruction will simplify the learning process,
hence the reason for this book.
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 Why Use Puppy when I am happy with Windows?
How long does it take to load Windows?
Have you ever had to reinstall Windows?
Have you ever had a virus which has damaged your operating system?
Do the long installation times of Windows bother you?
Would you like an operating system that can be installed in a matter of seconds?
Would you like better reliability?
If you have answered YES to any of the above, trust me, Puppy is worth a look.
I have been using Puppy for two years, maybe longer. Puppy comes with a lot of
built in help and the on line forums are great. The Puppy forum users are very
helpful. There is a Puppy manual which is very helpful but I wanted to provide
some very basic guidance to friends when giving them a copy of Puppy.
I will attempt to keep this book as non technical as possible. Now lets have a look
under the hood.
Puppy Linux is a full featured operating system. It comes with many programs
that will allow you to do almost anything you want. There are literally thousands
of other programs that may be installed if you wish.
Puppy may be installed, mainly, in two ways, full or frugal. A full installation
requires a Linux partition to exist on your hard drive or on another media device.
This means all the Linux files are uncompressed the same as Windows. This
requires about 200M disk space. Boot times are faster but management is more
difficult than frugal.
The other method of installation is Frugal. From Puppy Linux version 4.0, only
three files are required. These three files are compressed with many other files
contained within. A fourth file is created when you shut down for the first time.
This file is called the pup_save file and this is where all your personal settings and
data is saved. You don't have to save your data within the pup_save file as it can
be saved in any other device you have mounted such as USB flash drives, USB
hard drives, memory cards etc. The word mounted may be unfamiliar, it simply
means logically connected to your computer. At first, mounting a drive will seem
like a pain but it has some great advantages. For example, if your drive is not
mounted you cannot get a virus on that drive. It's good practice to surf the
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