The Spastic Forms Of Cerebral Palsy 2010, Pediatria(2), MPDZ
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The Spastic Forms of Cerebral Palsy
Adriano Ferrari
Giovanni Cioni
The Spastic Forms
of Cerebral Palsy
A Guide to the Assessment
of Adaptive Functions
Forewords by
Alain Berthoz
Pietro Pfanner
Adriano Ferrari
Child Rehabilitation Unit
S. Maria Nuova Hospital
Department of Neuroscience
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Reggio Emilia, Italy
Giovanni Cioni
Department of Developmental Neuroscience
Stella Maris Scientific Institute
Division of Child Neurology and Psychiatry
University of Pisa
Pisa, Italy
This is a revised, enlarged and completely updated version of the Italian Edition published under the title
Le forme spastiche della paralisi cerebrale infantile
Guida all’esplorazione delle funzioni adattive
edited by A. Ferrari, G. Cioni
© Springer-Verlag Italia 2005
All rights reserved
Translation: Maurizio Boni and Vincent Corsentino, Italy
ISBN 978-88-470-1477-0
e-ISBN 978-88-470-1478-7
DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-1478-7
Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London Milan New York
Library of Congress Control Number: 2009936779
© Springer-Verlag Italia 2010
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by A. Berthoz
The publication of this volume, edited by Adriano Ferrari and Giovanni Cioni, is a major
event for several reasons. Most importantly, it concerns an area of child pathology that has
yet to be fully explored. In this context, the authors’ efforts to compile their observations
as well as those of other clinicians and to elaborate their theories have resulted in an essen-
tial step in the field of cerebral palsy (CP).
The originality of the book is its very clear focus, while at the same time the authors
have encouraged the book’s contributors to express their ideas and personal opinions. This
leads sometimes to redundancy, but this is precisely one of the benefits of the book be-
cause the same problems are then exposed from different points of views. The reader is
thus spared the normative attempts of many other pathology books, in which the complex-
ity of a given disease is hidden by the authors’ or editors’ desire to impose a rigid taxono-
my or epidemiology.
The chapters in the book offer a lively, up to date discussion about the mechanisms of
CP as well as the possible approaches to the child with CP. This will be fruitful to the read-
er, whether he or she is involved in practical training and rehabilitation or in clinical prac-
tice. Furthermore, the book is a rich source of information for designers of rehabilitation
equipments, basic research scientists, and those who are interested in the social conse-
quences of this pathology (education, transportation, etc.).
A special feature of this book is that, in accordance with the originality of the Stella
Maris Institute and its departments of Child Neurology and Psychiatry, it also includes
chapters in which the psychiatric and psychosocial dimensions of CP are discussed.
This book is of interest not only because of the diversity of its approaches to CP, but al-
so because it contains a number of extremely new ideas concerning the mechanisms of this
condition. For instance, the possible involvement of top-down, cognitive, and perceptive
factors in so-called motor deficits is extensively discussed. This is crucial because too of-
ten motor pathology is attributed only to low-level or muscular deficits. However, as fre-
quently stated in the book, an understanding the relationship between cognitive, percep-
tive, and bottom-up sensory-motor factors still requires extensive research.
The consequences of this and related research will be important for the design of new
rehabilitation methods; but they will also lead to “remediation” procedures, i.e., activities
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