The Woodworker & Woodturner - March 2016, 04.04.2016

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//-->1THE ORIGINALWORTH £300EST. 190IRWIN DRILL BITSAND STILL THE BESTMarch 2016www.getwoodworking.comCHILD’S PLAYtailor-madebench:altarambition’sTheROLL UP!TOP SAWnBirdboxesnTurned ash boxnPlate display racknPegged mortise & tenonWOODWORKING GROUPPLUS:LATEST WOODWORKING NEWS AND TOOLS£4.25RANGECALL0808 168 28 28OR GO ONLINETO GET YOURUK’S BIGGEST15,000 PRODUCTSIN STOCKFOR NEXT DAY DELIVERYFREECATALOGUEGET IT NEXT DAYORDER BY 8PMOVER £45*FREE DELIVERYFREE RETURNSWITHIN 30 DAYSMINIMUM5 YEARGUARANTEELOWDOWNLOAD OUR FREE APPTRADEPRICES*Ex VATCALL7am-8pm 7 days a week0808 168 28 28ONLINEShop 24/7!IronmongeryDirect.comFIND US ONWelcomehere are some jobsthat seem as if they willnever get done, andno matter how muchwork you do, the end seemsas far away as ever. It mightnot come as any surpriseto you the reader that I aminvolved in such a job rightnow. It was one of those oneswhich you take on in a singleweak moment and regret fora great many weaker ones.It’s a restoration job and hasinvolved a large amount ofsite work in a very exposedposition, with only occasionalrelief in a dark gloomyinterior.Having been rained offyesterday (‘Hurricane Jonas’I was informed by Tom myhelper, doing his best toconverse normally throughchattering teeth and bluelips), I found myself an insidejob today and watchedwistfully as people strolledabout under a blue sky in thegolden sun the whole daylong. But at least things aren’tdull when one is workingoutdoors, the uncertainty ofthe weather alone providessomething bordering onexcitement. It’s notuncommon to have toolsand kit – including mystep ladder – blownabout and generallyrained upon as youstruggle to tighten theTclamps up or somethingequally as imperative.And first thing in the morning,the sound of torrential rainon the bedroom window canspark a childish feelingof excitement for theunexpected day off school,and you find that you justhave to give in and pullthe covers up for another10 minutes. It’s a wonderhow anything gets builtsometimes, but as long asyou’ve not signed up to apenalty delay clause, thena few days extra on a jobisn’t such a bad thing.So, whether it’s in the(relative) warm and dry of theworkshop or the characterbuilding challenges of anoutdoor site in January, it’sall good fun and definitelyhelps to keep thiswoodworker from gettingstale. And let’s not forget,freshness is the vital thing,whether naturally of mindand spirit or brought aboutby taking on a new typeof work that has yet to befully explored. Whateverit is, though, and before youstart, just make sure that theend won’t be too far away…You can contact Mark on mark.cass@mytimemedia.comTH £3THE BESTALWD STILL00INORIGBIANOR1THEDRILLINTSEST. 190IRWMarch 2016working.comwww.getwoodCHILD’S PLAYTheatailor-m: debenchaltartion’sambiIf you can’t always find a copy of themagazine, help is at hand! Completethis form and hand it in at your localstore, and they’ll ensure that a copyof each issue is reserved for you.Some stores may even be able toarrange for it to be delivered to yourhome. Just ask!Please reserve/deliver my copy ofThe Woodworkeron a regularbasis, starting with issueTitleSurnameAddressFirst namePostcodeTelephone numberROLL UP!TOP SAWWOPLUS:LATESTP01 WW March1CoverTFMC.inddnBirdboxesh boxnTurned asy racknPlate displartise & tenonnPegged moODAND TOOLSWORKING NEWSGROUPWOODWORKINGIf you don’t want to miss an issuewww.getwoodworking.comThe Woodworker Summer 2011309:1101/02/2016£4.25CONTENTSWOODWORK14 Neat as a pinAndy Standing shows you how tomake a pegged mortise & tenon18 Write on!Colin Simpson takes you throughthe first stages of restoring alovely writing bureau back toits former glory27 Child’s playTony ‘Bodger’ Scott makesa puzzle for kids that bafflesgrown-ups32 A home for feathered friendsJohn English shows you how tomake an easy-clean home forbirds using small scraps36 Sunday best on showGordon Warr shows you an easyand effective means of displayingyour favourite mugs and plates50 The altar of ambitionA tailor-made bench that suitsyour needs and preferences,says Tony Sutton, reflects yourwoodworking aspirations67 Skirting round the detailsEven simple skirting can providea decorative feature, as JamesHatter shows73 Weapon of choiceMike Riley’s quick on thedrawknife’s benefits, but there’sa startling concession, tooWhat’s in store foryou this monthT HE APRILOUT ON 11 ISSUE ISMARCHNEXTISSUE14 Master thepegged mortise& tenon withAndy Standing59184The WoodworkerMarch 201632www.getwoodworking.comMarch 2016Published byMyTime Media LtdEnterprise House, Enterprise Way,Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6HFTel: 0844 412 2262From outside UK: +44 (0)1689 869840www.getwoodworking.comUK– New, Renewals & EnquiriesTel: 0844 243 9023Email: & CANADA– New, Renewals & EnquiriesTel: (001)-866-647-9191REST OF WORLD– New, Renewals & EnquiriesTel:+44 1604 828 748Contact: Editor:Tegan FoleyEmail: tegan.foley@mytimemedia.comEditor:Mark CassEmail: mark.cass@mytimemedia.comDesigner:Malcolm ParkerRetouching Manager:Brian VickersAdvertising Production:Robin GrayBusiness Development Manager:David HoldenEmail: david.holden@mytimemedia.comTel: 01689 869867Online Sales:David HoldenEmail: david.holden@mytimemedia.comTel: 01689 869867TURNING43 Turn up your ownaccessoriesIan Wilkie shows how you cansave some pennies by turningyour own regularly used workshopaccessories, including sandingdrums and a DIY mandrel59 Offset eleganceColin Simpson goes back tobox making this month andshares an idea for incorporatinga graceful curveSUBSCRIPTIONSBACK ISSUES & BINDERSEDITORIALPRODUCTIONON TEST78 FestoolHK 55 EQ sawwith FSK 420 rail80 TritonT20 combi hammer drill81 SmartSMTX Multi-Fit blades82 KennedyBenchtop Workstation&KeterFolding Workbench84 StubaichiselsADVERTISINGMARKETING & SUBSCRIPTIONSSubscriptions Manager:Kate HallSubscriptions:Sarah PradhanTel: +44(0)1858 438798SUBSCRIBE& SAVE UP TO 38%PLUS: RECEIVE A FREEPICA-DRY & PICA POCKET MARKERSEE PAGE 64FOR DETAILSREGULARS3Welcome10News13News from D&M Tools30Diary49Readers’ letters64Subscriptions89Marketplace90ArchiveHead of Design & Production:Julie MillerGroup Advertising Manager:Rhona BolgerEmail: rhona.bolger@mytimemedia.comTel: 01689 869891Chief Executive:Owen DaviesChairman:Peter HarknessMANAGEMENT© MyTime Media Ltd. 2016All rights reserved ISSN 1752-3524The Publisher’s written consent must be obtained before any part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, includingphotocopiers, and information retrieval systems. All reasonable care istaken in the preparation of the magazine contents, but the publisherscannot be held legally responsible for errors in the contents of thismagazine or for any loss however arising from such errors, includingloss resulting from negligence of our staff. Reliance placed upon thecontents of this magazine is at reader’s own risk.The Woodworker & Woodturner, ISSN 1752-3524, ispublished monthly with an additional issue in summer byMYTIME MEDIA Ltd, Enterprise House, Enterprise Way,Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6HF, UK.The US annual subscription price is 59GBP (equivalent toapproximately 98USD). Airfreight and mailing in the USA byagent named Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue,2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA.Periodicals postage paid at Jamaica NY 11431.US Postmaster: Send address changes to The Woodworker& Woodturner, Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue,2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USASubscription records are maintained at 3Queensbridge, The Lakes, Northampton, NNA 7BF.Air Business Ltd is acting as our mailing agent.OFFER CLOSES 11 MARCH 20167378 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
