The A-Z of Correct English Common Errors in English, inne

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//-->TEAMFLYThe A to Z ofCorrectEnglishANGELA BURT2nd editionhowtobooksPublished by How To Books Ltd, 3 Newtec Place,Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE. United Kingdom.Tel: (01865) 793806. Fax: (01865) rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproducedor stored in an information retrieval system (other than forpurposes of review) without the express permission of thepublisher in writing.#Copyright 2002 Angela BurtFirst edition 2000Second edition 2002Angela Burt has asserted the right to be identified as the authorof this work, in accordance with the Copyright, Designs andPatents Act 1988.British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the BritishLibrary.Cover Design by Baseline Arts, OxfordProduced for How To Books by Deer Park ProductionsTypeset by PDQ Typesetting, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs.Printed and bound by The Cromwell Press, Trowbridge,WiltshireNOTE: The material contained in this book is set out in goodfaith for general guidance and no liability can be acceptedfor loss or expense incurred as a result of relying in particularcircumstances on statements made in the book. Laws andregulations are complex and liable to change, and readersshould check the current position with the relevant authoritiesbefore making personal arrangements.IntroductionThe A–Z of Correct Englishis a reference book which has beenwritten for the student and the general reader. It aims to tackle thebasic questions about spelling, punctuation, grammar and word usagethat the student and the general reader are likely to ask.Throughout the book there are clear explanations, and exemplarsentences where they are needed. When it’s helpful to drawattention to spelling rules and patterns, these are given so that thereader is further empowered to deal with hundreds of related words.The aim always has been to make the reader more confident andincreasingly self-reliant.This is a fast-track reference book. It is not a dictionary although,like a dictionary, it is arranged alphabetically. It concentrates onproblem areas; it anticipates difficulties; it invites cross-references. Byexploring punctuation, for example, and paragraphing, it goes farbeyond a dictionary’s terms of reference. It is not intended toreplace a dictionary; it rather supplements it.Once, in an evening class, one of my adult students said, ‘Ifthere’s a right way to spell a word, I want to know it.’ On anotheroccasion, at the end of a punctuation session on possessiveapostrophes, a college student said rather angrily, ‘Why wasn’t I toldthis years ago?’This book has been written to answer all the questions that mystudents over the years have needed to ask. I hope all who now useit will have their questions answered also and enjoy the confidenceand the mastery that this will bring.Angela BurtvHow to use this bookFor ease of reference, all the entries in this book have been listedalphabetically rather than being divided into separate spelling, usage,punctuation and grammar sections.You will therefore findhypocrisyfollowinghyphens;paragraphingfollowingparaffin; who or whom?followingwhiskey or whisky?;and so on.WANT TO CHECK A SPELLING?Cross-referencing will help you locate words with tricky initialletters.aquaintWrong spelling. SeeACQUAINT.Plural words are given alongside singular nouns, with cross-referencing to relevant rules and patterns.knife(singular)knives (plural). SeePLURALS(v).There is also a general section onpluralsand another onforeignplurals.If it’s the complication of adding an ending that is causing youtrouble, you will find some words listed with a useful cross-reference.dining or dinning?dine + ing = dining (as in dining room)din + ing = dinning (noise dinning in ears)SeeADDING ENDINGS(i) and (ii).There are individual entries for confusing endings like-able/-ible;-ance,-ant/-ence,-ent; -cal/-cle; -ise or -ize?and for confusingbeginnings likeante-/anti-; for-/fore-; hyper-/hypo-; inter-/intra-and many others.vii [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
