The Book of Doom, ► Okultyzm, Ezo

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The Book of Doom
The Unholy Bible of Doom
which is
The nastiest grimoire
the world has ever seen
Book I
The First Book of Lucifer
Translated by:
Frater Algolis, O.A.I.
Published by: Ordo Algolis Interstellaris
Copyright by Frater Algolis, Pontifex Maximus Ordinis Caputis Medusae.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
without prior permission in writing by the author or publisher.
Published by O.A.I., Box 666-033, Marietta, GA 30066
If you dare to violate this copyright or the copyright of any other O.A.I. or
Faust Material (Doctor Johannes Faust's Miracle and Magic book, or The
Black Raven or The Threefold Coercion of Hell, Doctor Johannes Faust's
Infernal Tarot, etc.), or if you are in possession of the Book of Doom or any
Faust material that has been produced in violation of this copyright, you
will be automatically the target of the most powerful magical attack unless
you destroy these materials! The magical trap, staffed by the spirits of hell,
is wide open and waiting!
You are allowed to upload this material, provided that it is exactly the same
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Liber Primum
The Book of Lucifer
Caput Primum:
About The Book of Doom
1.1. Eons ago, long before mankind roamed this planet, there is a
brotherhood of sorcerers.
1.2. They are masters of wisdom, science, and knowledge unheard of yet in
the history of mankind of our days.
1.3. They decide to have their knowledge accessible to all who are ready,
willing, and worthy.
1.4. Therefore they create a book that contains the keys to all their power,
science, knowledge, and wisdom.
1.5. The name of this book is the Book of Doom.
1.6. This is so because this book means doom to servitude, mediocrity,
and weakness.
1.7. The Book of Doom has been available for mankind as long as they
roamed this planet, first as an oral tradition, then in written copies or in
ideogrammic forms that were well guarded.
1.8. It exists in many forms and translations.
1.9. Each of its forms contains the keys that unlock the knowledge, power
and wisdom of the Ancient Empire.
1.10. With the power of the Book of Doom you will receive the keys so that
you can work toward being accepted into the Great Interstellar Order of
1.11. The decision lies always with you.
1.12. This is so because you are the one who decides about his or her own
1.13. If you think that you are ready for the book of doom, you may go
ahead to reach for the keys that help you unlock your powers.
1.14. If you still think that you have to lean on some deity, this book is not
for you.
1.15. In this case it is better for you not to proceed.
1.16. Read the Book of Doom with insight, book for book, and chapter for
1.17. Look for the meaning in between the lines, then the keys will be given
to you and you will find your teacher.
1.18. Open your being to the Book of Doom!
Translator's Note: Be aware of the italics and capitals! There are 18 verses
per chapter, which amounts to three times 6 verses!
Caput Secundum:
The Order of Algol and Sorcery
2.1. Sorcery is a spiritual science that encompasses the whole of the
human being.
2.2. It involves knowing your own nature and the nature of the universe at
large to bring about the change that you want in your life.
2.3. This change is always under YOUR control, not under control of a deity
or of any other being above the clouds.
2.4. Sorcerers know themselves to be gods, and they act accordingly.
2.6. This means that sorcery is not for the irresponsible, nor for the weak.
2.7. Sorcerers do not worship any force in the universe.
2.8. They control it!
2.9. They do not bow to anything nor anyone!
2.10. Therefore, if you feel you need to lean on something, the Left Path
and the Black Arts are not for you!
2.11. The sorcerers are the powerful, the proud, and the resourceful in the
2.12. Therefore they are not religionists of any kind.
2.13. O.A.I. stands for Ordo Algolis Interstellaris vel Infernalis.
2.14. It is an interstellar order of black magicians that is older than
2.15. It is for the proud, for the powerful, and for the resourceful.
2.16. Algol symbolizes the principle of creative dynamics in the universe at
the threshold of creation.
2.17. Structured deities that emanate from Algol take undeserved credit for
some creation in the past.
2.18. Seeded by Algol, the O.A.I. was one of the most powerful dynamic
and creative forces in human history.
Caput Tertium:
Imperium Infernalis
3.1. True power expresses itself in its effects.
3.2. It is not in need to express itself in exterior form.
3.3. The choice is yours: you may wield power openly or in secret; in either
case you can benefit from the fruits of it.
3.4. Hierarchies of spirits reflect processes of power.
3.5. With any hierarchy of spirits you have the keys to specific expressions
of power.
3.6. In the beginning is chaos.
3.7. Algol is the gate of chaos which creates the worlds.
3.8. The world creates from the below of the chaos to the above.
3.9. Created deities will always claim to have created the worlds.
3.10. This is so because created deities can neither understand themselves
nor can they understand time.
3.11. The Great Infernal Empire is the threshold of chaos and abyss.
3.12. There are four main realms in the Great Infernal Empire.
3.13. The first realm of the Great Infernal Empire is the Infernal
Government, with Lucifer, Belial, Satan, Beelzebub, Astaroth, and Pluto.
3.14. The second realm of the Great Infernal Empire is the domain of the
Seven Infernal Grand Dukes, whose names are: Mephistophilis, Ariel,
Anifel, Marbuel, Aziel, Aziabel, and Barbuel.
3.15. The third realm of the Great Infernal Empire is the domain of the five
Grand Ministers and Secret Infernal Counsels, whose names are:
Asmodeus, Leviathan, Baal, Belphegor, and Lucifuge.
3.16. The fourth realm of the Great Infernal Empire is the domain of the
Twelve Dukes, whose names are: Ashmunaday, Kedemel, Set, Hasmoday,
Sorath, Hekate, Lilith, Barzabel, Behemoth, Nambroth, Zazel, and Hismael.
3.17. Study well what the spirits of the Infernal Hierarchy have to tell you,
and all the power will be yours.
3.18. The structure of the O.A.I. is following the principles of the Infernal
Hierarchy and so should all groups that are truly Left Path, small and large,
from the top to the bottom.
Translator's Note: The Algolic spiritual Hierarchy is somewhat reflected in
the grimoire "the Threefold Coercion of Hell by Doctor Johannes Faust,"
translated into English by K.H.W. However, the names of the infernal spirits
have been somewhat distorted in this German classic. The hierarchy of the
O.A.I. is indeed following these ancient principles as shown in this chapter,
and so is the hierarchy of all branches of the O.A.I.
Caput Quartum:
The Infernal Alphabet of Doom
Part 1: Letters from F through G
4.1. The first letter of the Infernal Alphabet is F; it is ruled by Lucifer, who is
Emperor Supreme of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.2. The second letter of the Infernal alphabet is H; it is ruled by Belial, who
is Viceroy of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.3. The third letter of the Infernal Alphabet is T; it is ruled by Satan, who is
Governor Supreme of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.4. The fourth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is TH; it is ruled by Beelzebub,
who is Governor of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.5. The fifth letter of the Infernal alphabet is L; it is ruled by Astaroth, who
is Governor of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.6. The sixth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is B; it is ruled by Pluto, who is
Governor of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.7. The seventh letter of the Infernal Alphabet is K; it is ruled by
Mephistophilis, who is Grand Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.8. The eighth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is O; it is ruled by Ariel, who
is Grand Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.9. The ninth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is Y; it is ruled by Anifel, who is
Grand Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.10. The tenth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is A; it is ruled by Marbuel,
who is Grand Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.11. The eleventh letter of the Infernal Alphabet is S; it is ruled by Aziel,
who is Grand Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.12. The twelfth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is R; it is ruled by Aziabel,
who is Grand Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.13. The thirteenth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is M; it is ruled by
Barbuel, who is Grand Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.14. The fourteenth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is E; it is ruled by
Asmodeus, who is Grand Minister of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.15. The fifteenth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is U; it is ruled by
Leviathan, who is Grand Minister of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.16. The sixteenth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is N; it is ruled by Baal,
who is Grand Minister of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.17. The seventeenth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is I; it is ruled by
Belphegor, who is Secret Infernal Counsel of the Great Infernal Empire.
4.18. The eighteenth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is G; it is ruled by
Lucifuge, who is Secret Infernal Counsel of the Great Infernal Empire.
Translator's Note: It is interesting that the sounds of these letters correlate
to the system of eighteen runes of the armanen system. This is irrefutable
proof that this system is based on the only authentic school of runes there
ever has been. However, the sequence of the sounds is different from the
sequence of the armanic runes. Why this is so is to remain a mystery for
the uninitiated person. No doubt we have to do here with the keys to
powerful mantras that add greatly to the power of the system of the only
authentic runes on the planet. You have to learn the symbols and the
correct pronunciation of the letters for maximum effect of the mantras and
spells that you use them for. The symbols of the letters of the Infernal
alphabet are only accessible to initiates of the O.A.I. Note also that the first
eighteen letters refer to the first three infernal realms. The number eighteen
refers to the world crystal which has six facets on top, six facets in the
middle, and six facets at the bottom. The eighteen spirits of these three
infernal realms are therefore the true creative forces of the universe!
Caput Quintum:
The Infernal Alphabet of Doom
Part 2, the Other Letters and Uses
5.1. The nineteenth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is C; it is ruled by
Ashmunaday, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.2. The twentieth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is AE; it is ruled by
Kedemel, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.3. The twenty first letter of the Infernal Alphabet is D; it is
It is ruled by Set, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.4. The twenty second letter of the Infernal Alphabet is UE; it is ruled by
Hasmoday, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.5. The twenty third letter of the Infernal Alphabet is Z; it is ruled by
Sorath, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.6. The twenty fourth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is I(*); it is ruled by
Hekate, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.7. The twenty fifth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is X; it is ruled by Lilith,
who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.8. The twenty sixth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is J; it is ruled by
Barzabel, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.9. The twenty seventh letter of the Infernal Alphabet is P; it is ruled by
Behemoth, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.10. The twenty eighth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is Q; it is ruled by
Nambroth, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.11. The twenty ninth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is W; it is ruled by
Zazel, who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.12. The thirtieth letter of the Infernal Alphabet is V; it is ruled by Hismael,
who is Duke of the Great Infernal Empire.
5.13. The worthy only know and understand the Infernal Alphabet of Doom.
5.14. This is so because the Infernal Alphabet of Doom is their key to
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