The God-Machine Chronicle, #DO DRUKU

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From: Anna
To: Contacts
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Free Movie Passes!
Forward this email to 10 of your friends and win free movie
passes! The National Union of Theatre Owners is doing a promo-
tion and tracking the spread of emails. Just be sure to keep the
promotion number at the bottom of this email in the email when
you forward, and once you’ve forwarded it on to 10 people you’ll
get an email with instructions on how to get your movie passes!
Promotion code: 273423-X
-Hey figured it was worth a shot!
From: Paul Richards
To: Anna
Subject: Nothing’s free, baby
Anna, would you kindly stop forwarding every damn thing in
your inbox to everyone in your contacts list? It’s not “worth a
shot.” It’s not a “free promotion.” These are things that bored
idiots create and send around, and then they watch it mutate.
Here, want some proof? Just google “National Union of Theatre
Owners.” It DOESN’T EXIST. There’s an organization called the
National *Association* of Theatre Owners, but does that sound
like the kind of mistake they’d make during a big promotion?
And how would they track all of these emails, anyway? Through a
promotion code? That’s not the way the Intertubes work, sweetie.
You want to go to the movies, I’ll take you. Just please give
these emails a rest.
From: Anna
To: Paul Richards
Subject: Fwd: Your movie passes
Hey, Paul. Look what I got today! Want to go to the movies
with me this weekend? I get free tickets! ;)
Thank you for participating in our promotion activity. Please
enter the coupon code below when purchasing tickets from any
of our theatres. This coupon code will remain valid for one
month from today.
From: Paul Richards
To: Anna
Subject: re: Fwd: Your Movie Passes
OK, wtf? That coupon actually *worked*?
From: Anna
To: Contacts
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Gift card!
Check it out! I would have thought this was junk, but I’ve al-
ready heard from a couple of people whose friends have claimed
their gift cards already. You can even choose the store you
want the card from! Forward this to 20 people, and keep the
promotion code at the bottom (just like before they must be
using the same program LOL) and you get a $100 gift card for
any of 10 stores in your area!
Promotion code: 273423-X
From: Paul Richards
To: Anna
Subject: Crazy
You got free movie tickets, sure, and those are actually worth,
what, a couple thousand bucks to the theatre owners group, al-
together? This is bigger money. I doubt this is working.
But just for fun, I spent the morning setting up some dummy
accounts, and forwarded your message on to them and some other
address that I knew weren’t in use. Let’s see if that works.
From: Gray Marketing, Inc.
To: Paul Richards
Subject: Claim your Gift Card
Thank you Mr. Richards for forwarding our email! You can claim
your gift card by replying to this email with your choice of
shopping institution from the following list and a valid de-
livery address. We will purchase the gift card in the amount
of 100 of your dollars and have it mailed to you. Happy shop-
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