The great preposition mystery0004, Angielski

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I looked around the apartment where I had spent most of my life. The window was open and
sounds from the street mixed with the talk show from the radio that my mother always kept on. It
seemed that she had even turned the volume up to get her mind off the fact that I was leaving. She sat
in her favorite chair, the one I had had to fix at least twice a year for as long as I remember. Who
would fix it now? I wondered absently.
The doorbell rang and my sister entered without waiting for someone to let her in.
"You sure picked a good day for going south," she yelled over her shoulder at me as she put the
sack of groceries she was carrying on the table. "Arizona couldn't be any hotter than New York
Nobody replied. The heat and the occasion had made us quiet. Eleanor continued her monologue.
"Where's Sara? When is she coming? She should be here by now. Did she talk to you this morning,
The direct question forced Mama to look at my sister. At first she just nodded her head, but then
added, "She said she'd be here about now."
"Well, I hope she comes soon. We need some life in this place. You two are carrying on as if it
were the end of the world. Look at both of you sitting in your chairs waiting for doomsday." She
reached out and put her hand on Mama's shoulder. "Come on now, Mama. He's only going to Flag-
staff. That's not far away. You can still talk to him on the phone. And he'll come back here and visit,
won't you, Dwight?"
She threw a quick sharp look in my direction. I got up from my chair and came over and sat next to
Mama. "Of course I will. You'll be seeing me every holiday."
"And weekends he'll call you when the rates go down." She put her hand on my elbow and gave it
a squeeze.
"Mama, I'll call you even if the rates are up."
"Now don't you go wasting your money like that. You've got to learn to save." The idea of en-
couraging me toward thrift aroused my mother from her sad state. She had a purpose again: looking
after me.
1. Where had Dwight spent most of his life?
2. At the beginning ofthe story where did Dwight's mother sit?
3. How often did Dwight have to fix the chair?
4. - Where is Dwight going to work?
5. How will Dwight keep in touch with his mother?
Directions: Read the passage and fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition. (Not all of the
prepositions have been deleted.) Some blanks may use more than one word.
I have always been well taken care of. Since my father died a heart attack, my two older
sisters and my mother have been taking care me, their little boy. When my sisters got married
and moved out of the apartment, it was just Mama and I sitting alone night listening the
neighbors fight door. When I finished college and went the Police Academy, Mama was
really proud. She thought that I would get ajob in the city and be able to stay
her. But when
recruiters came Arizona, I was offered a job Flagstaff.
"Where is that girl?" Eleanor was looking out the window
Sara. "She ought to have been
here now."
"Give her time. You're always after your sister. Let her alone." Mama got up her chair and
moved over to the sink and began putting away the dishes she had washed earlier. "She'll come
when she can. She has that new baby
home, you know. You can't just up and leave a new baby,
you know."
"She can get a babysitter." My sister walked over to my mother to help put the dishes
cabinet. "They make enough money to get a babysitter."
"You can't trust just anyone to stay
your children. You'll find that out." Mama returned
to her chair and began rearranging the things
the table. She avoided looking
"Dwight, come here and help me. You mother's getting lazy in her old age."
"Nothing lazy
me. There's just no need to put those dishes away now. I'll have plenty of
time when I'm alone."
My mother's lack of humor was matched her capability to produce guilt. It was sad to see an
independent woman my mother a dependent image herself.
"Mama, how can you say you're going to be all alone? Why, every child this street is in and
out your apartment all day long looking treats your cookie jar. And the eve-
ning you play cards and bingo the ladies on the street. How can you say you're going to be
alone. You should be happy that you don't have to pick up
this boy here."
"Who are you calling 'boy'?,,' --
"You think just because you're going off to be a police detective in Arizona that you aren't our
little boy. Just don't you forget who looked after you... "
"Stop your picking on him; let him have a little peace his last few minutes here."
The teasing was interrupted by Sara's coming the room her little daughter Jeannie
asleep her arms. The entrance of the grandchild shifted the focus me her, and my
mother immediately took charge of the child's welfare. "Sara, what do you mean --dressing that
child that light outfit? Why, she'll catch a draft and get sick in that... "
"Mama, she's all right. I'll just put her
the bedroom where she can sleep." The child shifted
in her mother's arms, but did not wake up-.-
I followed Sara the bedroom and watched her lay my niece the middle of the old bed.
I knew that the next time I saw my niece she would be walking and talking. My sister put a light-
weight sheet over her and holding her fingers
her lips, she motioned
me to follow her
the kitchen.
1. How did Dwight's father die?
2. Why does Mama think Sara is late?
3. Who will keep Mama company after Dwight leaves?
4. How was Sara's daughter dressed?
5. What did Sara do with her baby after she arrived at her mother's?
In the kitchen she threw her arms around me and gave me a sisterly squeeze. "I'm going to miss
you. Who's going to come and look after Jeannie when you go away?" She kissed me and then
slipped an envelope into my pocket. I felt the outline of the envelope and knew she had put money in
it. I was embarrassed and happy at the same time. It had taken a lot of money to study at the Police
Academy, and I knew I would need a lot moreto start in Flagstaff.
"Well, you two sure are quiet. Is that how you want Dwight to remember his family when he's off
on the other side of the world?" Holding me by my arm she brought me over to the kitchen table
where my mother and other sister sat staring into their coffee cups. "Let's have a little laughter. Our
boy is going off to be a famous detective. " She turned to me suddenly and looked at me as if she were
trying to figure something out. She went over to her handbag and pulled out a newspaper with the
headline ARIZONA HEIRESS KILLED IN FALL. "This will probably be your first case, Dwight."
"Deaths from falls are all routine police work; it's not work for a detective, and besides it will be
all over by the time I arrive."
"When do you leave?"
"What time is it? 5:15?! I'm going to miss my bus. It leaves at 6:00."
My mother started to cry and held me tightly by the hand. Promising again to call when I arrived in
Flagstaff, I headed out the door and down the stairs. I ran to the subway but still had to wait for the
train. The man on the platform next to me was reading the paper. I looked over his shoulder and read
the headline ARIZONA HEIRESS KILLED IN FALL. The train came before I could read more. But
my curiosity was aroused.
1. What did Sara put in Dwight's pocket?
2. What did Mama take from her handbag?
3. How was the Arizona heiress killed?
4. What time does the bus to Flagstaff leave?
5. Where did Dwight wait for the train?
Questions about the Picture
A. Directions: Look at the photo and fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition. More than
one answer may be correct.
Mama is sitting
the table.
Dwight has his arms
his mother.
Dwight's sister Sara is
the refrigerator.
His other sister, Eleanor, is standing
a chair.
Eleanor is
two chairs.
Sara is standing away
his mother.
her mother.
Eleanor is leaning
a box.
Sara is dressed
a light blouse and skirt.
Both sisters have smiles
their faces.
B. Directions: Look at the photo and answer the questions.
1. Where is Dwight standing?
2. Where is the empty chair?
3. How is Dwight dressed?
4. Where is the refrigerator?
5. Where is Dwight's mother sitting?
6. Where is Mama's handbag?
Dwight is
A. Directions: Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions. More
than one answer may be correct.
next to
1. The woman
the magazine counter is buying something.
2. The briefcase
the floor belongs to the man.
3. The man
the train is the conductor.
4. The man
the sweater is reading a magazine.
5. One
the women is wearing gloves.
6. The clock
the wall says 1:30.
7. The man
the magazine counter is giving the woman her change.
8. The bags
the baggage cart belong to the woman.
9. Two
the people are sitting.
10. The man
the ticket counter is buying a ticket.
11. The sign
the ticket counter is a travel poster.
12. Both
the women have short hair.
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