The importance of supply chains, SGH, SGH Angielski

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The importance of supply-chains
Factories are reducing output of parts needed to
manufacture final products and increasing orders for their
suppliers nowadays. It's all possible because of well-
constructed supply-chain. Operation of supply-chain is
compared with domino. When one element falls, the rest
will go wrong. When the supplier doesn't deliver semi-
manufacture on time, the receiver will be able to go
bankrupt. It provides proof of supply-chain management's
essentialism. That's why, all aspects must be "signed, sealed
and delivered". Companies must have reliable suppliers and
must be convinced, that they would receive order before
deadline. Supply-chain managament is much easier
currently, than many years ago, when it was introduced for
a first time. It is caused by the fact that new technologies
provide information flow to such an extent that the owner
know exactly where his order is every minute of the day.
Mateusz Gajewski
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