The Kategan Alphas 4 - Eternal Temptation,

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//-->Eternal Temptation: The Kategan Alphas 4By T. A. GreyWARNING: The content in this book contains explicit sexual content. This book is intended formature audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes that may be offensive. Please keep yourfile in a safe area on your computer and away from minors.This book is not transferable. If it is sold, shared, or given away it is infringement of the copyright ofthis work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.This book is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places, and scenarios are solely the product ofthe author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, though reference to actual events or locations may bereal.Cover image by: Imagevixen/www.bigstockphoto.comText design by: T. A. GreyEternal Temptation: The Kategan Alphas 4 © 2011, T. A. Greywww.tagrey.comAll rights reservedAlso by T. A. GreyBreeding Cycle: The Kategan Alphas 1Capturing JeronDark Awakening: The Kategan Alphas 2Ecstasy OverloadEvernight Anthology featuring “The Vampire’s Mate”Midnight Sex ShopOne Last ChanceWicked Surrender: The Kategan Alphas 3Chapter 1Most people wouldn’t have noticed the change in the air. The switch from comfortable silence tosharp anger. But Darien Kategan felt it as sure as he felt the weight of the grocery bags in his arms. Hedidn’t have to turn around to know who had walked up behind him.“Thanks, Joe.”“See you next week, Darien.”Darien shouldered open the door and caught his reason for anxiety swiftly pursuing him out the cornerof his eye. The bell above the door jingled brightly as the door slammed shut behind him. He headedtowards his truck and wondered if he’d at least have time to set his supplies down before they gothim.He wasn’t so lucky.The bell above the door banged loudly and footsteps bounded hard on the concrete behind him. Thefirst shove at his back sent him spiraling into the back of his truck like he was trying to kiss it. Hetightened his hold on his groceries and clamped his teeth together as he slowly turned around.“Darien fucking Kategan.”Darien bowed his head. “Tom.” Anger flared in the other’s eyes, white-hot and raw.“Don’t use my fucking name, you piece of shit. Don’t you ever use my name. You have no right.”Deep breaths. There everything was all good.Tom came closer, eyeing him up and down, assessing, as his two friends circled in closer. Darienstood up straight and hefted his groceries against his chest. He peered straight into the eyes of the mantaunting him--the same eyes she’d had. A beautiful mixture of gray and blue, like God had made aspecial mixture just for her when she’d been born. Of course, her brother had been blessed with thesame color. God was a son of a bitch like that.Darien saw the fist coming and didn’t move. If anything, he lifted his chin enough to help the punch tocatch. The first blow was like a balm to him. The second came from his right in a fast arch that caughthis cheekbone. The flare of pain was hot and quick and slammed him back against the truck.He sighed it felt so good. The next blow hit his lip and the sharp biting pain reminded him of the timehe’d fallen as a kid and bit down on his lip so hard it bled. Only this hurt worse, split his lip openwith burning pain.Hit after hit assaulted him. Catching his eyes, his nose, the corner of his mouth. His grip on thegroceries loosened, he couldn’t command his fingers to hold on to them anymore. They sagged thenfell to the ground. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
