The Kategan Alphas 3 - Wicked Surrender,

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//-->Wicked Surrender : The Kategan Alphas 3By T. A. GreyWARNING: The content in this book contains explicit sexual content. This book is intended formature audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes that may be offensive. Please keep yourfile in a safe area on your computer and away from minors.This book is not transferable. If it is sold, shared, or given away it is infringement of the copyright ofthis work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.This book is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places, and scenarios are solely the product ofthe author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, though reference to actual events or locations may bereal.Cover image by: Phillyphotog/www.bigstockphoto.comText design by: T. A. GreyWicked Surrender: The Kategan Alphas 3 © 2011, T. A. Greywww.tagrey.comAll rights reservedAlso by T. A. GreyBreeding Cycle: The Kategan Alphas 1Dark Awakening: The Kategan Alphas 2Evernight Anthology featuring “The Vampire’s Mate”Capturing JeronEcstasy OverloadMidnight Sex ShopOne Last ChanceChapter 1Vera wanted nothing more than to be back on her couch with a book.The atmosphere at the Kategan’s house was happy and bustling with excitement. Vane grilled on theoutdoor barbeque while his pregnant mate Sarina sat nearby chatting with her best friend Alison.Rome, the youngest of the brothers, sipped a beer and talked over the grill to Vane.The scene was nice, almost perfect, but Vera Kategan felt a grueling pain in her stomach. It wasn’tfrom anything physical though but something far deeper and emotional. Something that she didn’t wantto think about but her mind wouldn’t let her forget.Two of her three brothers were mated and disgustingly happy, but she wasn’t happy. Happy for them,yes. She could honestly say that. While she was concerned for her older brother Darien, she knewbetter than to be overly worried. If there was any man who could take care of himself, even in theworse of situations, it was Darien. He wasn’t just a rock, but a solid boulder of stability. His stomachprobably wouldn’t get sick at the sight of Sarina’s rounded belly.It was petty and stupid;shewas petty. Why she couldn’t just be happy and content with her life wasthe agonizing question that had been driving her lonely nights. But now that was all going to change.Vera shimmied her way into a lawn chair and crossed one leg over the other. “Big bro, we need tochat business.”All conversation stymied to a stop. It was hard, but she barely managed to maintain her aloof smile.Vane flipped the burgers over before answering.“What business is that?”“The treaty with the vampire clan is coming up soon. With Sarina pregnant, I think it’d be a smartchoice to send me so that you can stay here with her.” If she thought the atmosphere was still beforeshe was wrong. It was absolutely suffocating now, and all those unnerving eyes were focused on her.“Actually, I was just going to take Sarina with me.” Vera shot a quick glance to Sarina as if searchingfor confirmation that his mate was indeed very pregnant. Judging by the big round belly she had, goingon she was pretty sure she was.“Wait, wait. Are you telling me, Master Alpha, that you’re willing, and happy, to take your near-to-bursting-pregnant mate into possible enemy territory.” Her brother’s vicious growl was accompaniedby the spatula in his hand snapping in half.Vera shrugged and leaned back in her seat. “I prove my point. You can’t go. You’ll be beating everyvamp’s face that even looks in her direction let alone raises a voice during the negotiations.” Sarinanodded at her with a smile. At least she had one person on her side; Sarina didn’t look like sheenjoyed the idea of going either. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
