The M.M.C. Guide to Hacking, Komputer, More Hacking

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The Mickey Mouse ClubPresents.......The M.M.C. Guide to Hacking, Phreaking, CardingBy: The Dark LordIntroduction:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is a text file is made by The Mickey Mouse Club and we askthat it would be distibuted to others for their use. This file is going togo into depth on how to hack, phreak, and card. There will be informationthat should help everyone, hopefully!!Hacking:~~~~~~~~~~Hacking is a long hard process, unless you get lucky. There are manyprograms and aids out to make the job a lot easier, but the concept isthe same no matter how you use it. First, at least on most things that youhack, you need to get some type of account or vacancy, etc... This is doneby randomly entering numbers and or letters until you come up with theproper combination to find the account. Knowing the size of the accountnumber makes this job one-hundred times easier. Thats why I suggest youfind out from someone who allready has one or card one. By carding theaccount, it will die quickly but at least it will give you the lengthof the account numbers (More on that topic will be expained in the cardingsection). The accound numbers, do not always just contain numbers or havenumbers at all in it. If it has a mix, it makes it a hell of a lot harderto get. You will just have to experiment to find out what charactors arecontained in the account. Some Examples of ones that do have mixes ofnumbers and letters would be Pc Persuit accounts. The forms of them areusuall as such:Account: Pgp014764gPassword: 23632kIt looks from these that you are pretty much screw because of the wayletters are mixed with numbers, thats what makes having a program so mucheasier. In a lot of circumstances, getting the account is the hardest partthat is why having a good background of the system is a major plus in yourfavor.Once you have got the account, it is time to get the password for thisaccount. Once again having the length and such makes this process not onlyeasier, but faster. just keep entering random passwords of the length orthe thought length in until you get a stoke of luck and get it. You MUSTremember that 99.5 out of 100 times, this is a long process, and you haveto have patience. If you don't you might as well forget ever getting onto the system or have someone else do it for you. Once you have gottenthe password, look it over long and hard. Write it down and keep it,examine it. 99% of the time there is a pattern to all the accountpasswords. Things to look at is the password in reference to the accountnumber. check to see if things have been added to the end or beginninglike 00 or 01 or 99 of 0010 thing like that. If you see no relations,the only other way to really find out the pattern in to get another one.Look at both of them together, see if there the same or it account 400'spassword is 3456 and 402's password is 3458 (they go in order) then justthose as a reference to other passwords, take away so much from accountswith a lower number and add the required amounts to accounts with a highernumber, etc.... But bassicly, LOOK FOR A PATTERN! Once you have got thepassword and the account, you have got yourself a passage way in.Although this is what you do to succeed, you have to takemany precautions. They do NOT like us messing with the system and theyobviously want you to pay just like the others, so they will take necessarymeans to nail you. They trace like you wouldn't belive. They will traceright as you get on, if you happen to be unlucky, you will never know whenthey are doing it either, you must ALWAYS be aware of the dangers and takeprecautions!!! Even on things that you wouldn't think that they would traceyou but, be carfull. Whether they trace depends on a couple of things, hereare a few major ones:1. There bank balance2. There desire to catch you3. The amount of infestation in there systemThere are things that you can do to protect yourself, these are not allof them and none of them are sure fire ways, but hey, cutting down yourchances of getting caught makes a world of difference, because remember,All the fun is taken away if you caught. Some things to do to protectyourself is:1. Use a diverter2. Use false information about you3. Never stay On-line too long4. Call during late or early hours, were there is most likely no onemonitoring the system5. Don't call frequently or during the same hours, regulate itOnce again these are not all of them but these are some of the "More"helpfull things. If you follow all the step, you can reduce the change ofgetting caught by about 40%.If you do get caught there is not a whole lot that you can do, but sometips are, first, don't reveal any information on what you have done. Denyall charges. Sencond, plea bargin with knowladge of things, like hackedsytems etc.. But never admit that you did it. Three, and most important,get a GOOD LAWYER!!!!!!!DIFFERENT TYPES OF SYSTEMS:Pc Persuit Cp\mTrwUnixVmbVmsThese are just a few systems, if I made a complete list There wouldbe pratically no end to it, there are millions.Phreaking:~~~~~~~~~~~~Phreaking, Ahhhwwww, the wonderfull world of phreaking. Well to startwith Phreaking is "The use of Telecommunications to others besides peopleof the Phone Company". Well thats my version of the definition at least.Using codes is wuit easy, there are different parts to it, the Dial-up,the code, and the number. First you will have to dial in the dial-up andon most dial ups you will get a tone or a buzz or click or something tothat effect. Once you hear this, and you will know when you hear it youdial in the code. Sometime you will get another tone or beep etc. and whenyou do that is when you dial in the number. If you do not get another toneor whatever you just dial in the number right after you enter the code.You might have to have a test dial up to see how the tones go.In dialing the number once agian the nubers differ. You must enter thearea code and then the nuber. Some require that you have a one before thearea code but most that I have used do not. You can tell if the code workedright after the number has been put in not just by the error recording thatyou get but if right off the bat the phone begins to ring, it doesn't work.A code can also be busy. If it is busy it could mean that the code isdead or that too many people are using it at once. You might experiancethis often.There are numbers that make phreaking much safer, they are calleddiverters. What the do is when the number that you have dial is beingtraced it diverts it to that number. Unless this is virgin or nobody elseuses it, you will find that with in a couple of days after it is out, itwill be busy, that is the annoyance about diverters, and they are also hardto get.Hacking is also put into play in phreaking by using programs to getdial ups and the codes. Getting these are done in the same way you hackanything else. Just get a program like code thief or code hacker, or makeone yourself, it is quite easy.There is a danger with useing the codes. If you hack a code yourself,not just the code but the dial up amd no one else has it you can pretty wellbet that it is safe. A newly hacked dial-up/code is considered "Virgin".those Ma bell is not having the problem with people phreaking off of itso they don't bother doing anything with it. But after a while, it willeither Die (No Longer work) or they will start tracing off of it. Thewhole pain about it is, is you will never positively no when they starteddoing traces or things like that. The codes might be being traced but youare getting the luck of the draw. On most codes they don't trace on everycall, they just file it away and watch for like the 50th or 100th callerand then that person gets nailed. You might think if they do trace every100 calls, that means you have a 1 in 100 chance of getting caught and thoseare really good odds. Well the odd is 100 to 1 but the is a lot of peoplethat live in areas that they can call with that code. If you figure about10 million people could use it then about 100,000 of them are. 100,000,hummmmmmm, how odes your odds look now. In a couple minute time spand99 peoplecould have used it, and lucky you might be the 100th caller. Alot of times the take like every hundered calls and then when they get the100th caller, that don't just trace one, they trace 100, 101, 102, 103, 104200, 201, 202 etc. So you chances of getting caught when the heat is onthe code is pretty good. There are a couple different types of codes andthe two major ones are 1-800's and 950's. 800's can pretty much be dialedfrom anywhere in the states, but 950's stay in certain areas. Some 950dial ups are:9501001950026695003559501388And there are others, but like take me for example, where I live youcannot use 9500266. It will tell you that you cannot use that number fromyour dialing range or it just won't work. You might get to the point wherethe dial-up works but not the code. If this is the case it will say:"Invalid authorization Code"Some examples of 1-800's are as follows:1-800-255-22551-800-759-23451-800-959-8255There are many others but those are just a few, very few. There arealso 1-800's and others that will send you directly to the oper... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
