The Ultimate Guide To Job Interview Answers-Cv-Mini-1, JOB INTERVIEW CV COVERING LETTER

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The Ultimate Guide to
Job Interview Answers!
Use these job interview answers to increase your confidence,
build rapport, effectively sell yourself, overcome objections,
and deliver a stellar performance that will get hired!
Congratulatons on your
smart decson
to nvest n yourself and your
future! Ths Gude s wrtten for both frst tme job hunters and
seasoned professonals alke. We assume that you are already famlar
wth the bascs of preparng a decent resume and cover letter. Ths s
why there s no BS fller or author ego stores n ths Gude. The only
thng you wll fnd here are pure tme-tested ntervewng technques,
ntervew answers, and real-world scrpts and examples that you can
use rght away to confdently go nto your ntervew, and ACE IT!
The layout of ths Gude s desgned to allow you to easly flp to the
approprate page when preparng for an ntervew. We suggest when
you frst start workng wth ths Gude that you read the answers out
loud and lsten to your voce as you read them.
Ths s mportant!
the answers out loud and get comfortable wth the shrewd and
ntellgent language. The next step would be to stage several "practce
ntervews" where you have a frend ask you the questons Î and agan
smply read your answers from the Gude. Ths way you can choose
the answers that best ft your personal communcaton style and job
hstory and experence. Fnally, stage a practce ntervew that s as
close to the real thng as possble. Grade yourself, and contnue
practce ntervewng wth your frend untl you are confdent that are
you are prepared to strategcally delver a performance that wll get
you hred. These Wnnng Answers wll be rght at the tp of your
tongue when "judgment day" comes!
Do yourself a favor and prnt out ths Gude rght away. Youll be
flppng through the pages over and over agan as you prepare for your
ntervews. Youll even want to keep ths Gude and study t even after
you get the job. Every tme you meet a person n a professonal
settng you wll be prepared to ntellgently sell yourself and answer
any queston that could possbly come your way.
Spend some tme wth ths Gude and gve t your best. You wll have a
serous arsenal for when you go n to conquer an ntervew and get the
job. Nothng wll be able to trp you up!
CREATIVITY. You need to spend tme reflectvely thnkng about
exactly what you dd throughout the day and whether each actvty
moved you TOWARD or AWAY from your goals. You must be CREATIVE
n the solutons you offer for clents when sellng. Your ablty to apply
creatve technques to the partculars of a gven transacton s a key
ngredent to success. The "bg guys" have been dong ths for
decades. There s always a soluton, and t usually nvolves emotonal
gfts or concessons, or OTHER PEOPLES TIME, EFFORT, OR MONEY.
Creatvty can be learned. Before you go nto an ntervew, try to thnk
of a TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND NEW way that you could present and
package yourself to the same or better effect.
What Hiring Managers Are Looking For
Whether they know t or not, all Hrng Managers are lookng for
certan characterstcs or "Behavoral Competences." One of the most
mportant s CONFIDENCE. Now, all of us have made mstakes n the
past, and maybe all of your performance revews have not exactly
been "glowng," but the pont s not to lve your lfe lookng n the rear
vew mrror. If you know you have made mstakes, and you are
workng on mprovng yourself, then there s no reason why you
shouldnt move forward wth CONFIDENCE and an EXPECTATION OF
PROFESSIONALISM. Do your homework, and read the small prnt.
Take the tme to learn the newest trends n your feld. Stay organzed.
Take the tme EVERY WEEK to go through your fles and throw away
useless paperwork, emal, and mental garbage. Records must be kept,
blls pad, your fnances mantaned. There s no magc wand. It takes
attenton to detal. If you dont have t, the other guy probably does,
and he or she s gong to get the job nstead of you. MAKE AN
APPOINTMENT WITH YOURSELF for an hour every week to get
organzed. Play the game lke an organzed, nformed professonal and
you wll wn.
Revew the followng Behavoral Competences wth CONFIDENCE.
Nobody s a super-person that exhbts all of these characterstcs at
100%, but f you have ever worked any job then you have exhbted all
of these characterstcs to some degree. EMPHASIZE THE POSITIVE
when you read these, and thnk of tmes on the job when you HAVE
exhbted these characterstcs Î NOT tmes when you mght have
faled to.
What you want to demonstrate to the Hrng Manager:
HONEST EFFORT AND HARD WORK. You need to be as honest as
you can n every respect. Always thnk wn/wn and do not le regularly
or you wll slp and eventually fall on your face and break your teeth --
whch wll not gve you a very wnnng smle! What goes around comes
around. Its a small world. Everyone has to wn n some way, or no
one wns n the long run. Honesty combned wth a ROLL UP YOUR
allow you to reach your goals. If you set hgh goals, you need to set
hgh work standards. Even f you set low goals, you need to set hgh
work standards. Are you ready to work your ass off? Combne that
PROFESSIONALISM and you are good to go!
Courage / Persuasion: Ths s your ablty to ncrease your
determnaton to get the job done when you are faced wth resstance
or a dffcult stuaton. Show the ablty to move people towards a
commtment to buy or act. Demonstrate that you are far and nce, but
also show that you are aggressve and may even sometmes ntmdate
others. Dont be modest. Demonstrate confdence and the fact that
you are not easly ntmdated. Indcate the desre to nfluence the
thnkng of others. Show that you can gan agreement from others va
logc, alternatves, and emotonal appeals.
Beliefs / Ethics: Ths s your capacty to beleve strongly n what you
do and emphasze servce. Indcate loyalty so that the Hrng Manager
knows that you wont qut after three months Î or leave your clents
hangng and out of the loop. Ths qualty s key to the development of
accounts and customer satsfacton. Show that you wll act n terms of
what s rght. Demonstrate that you follow through and actually do
what you say you wll do.
 Self-Definition Exercise: Write your own book, or others will
write it for you
"Show," Don't "Tell"
You yourself can control the way others vew you. Frst off, you should
not accept put-downs. Be assertve and let others know that you dont
lke unconstructve negatve crtcsm. More mportantly, you need to
defne your own mage for yourself, and for others. Imagne that
everyday you walk around wth two open pages of a blank book -- one
page on the left, and the other on the rght. As the day goes by, the
left page s flled n wth what others say or thnk about you. The page
on the rght s flled n wth what you say or thnk about yourself. Some
people let the left page get flled up and then walk around angry and
resentful at what others say or thnk about them. You need to fll up
the rght page wth the postve thngs that you thnk about yourself.
Eventually the left page wll be start to be flled up those postve
thngs you thnk about yourself, as others pck up on you wrtng your
own story, defnng yourself, and takng your self-mage nto your own
You may have notced n the above secton that t s suggested that
you "show" and "demonstrate" that you have what t takes to fll the
Hrng Managers needs. Ths s contrasted wth smply "tellng" the
Hrng Manager that you have what t takes. The formula for ths s
pretty smple:
1) Clarfy the ntervewers queston.
2) Confdently answer the queston by "tellng" usng two of the
above Behavoral Competences.
3) "Show" that you have demonstrated these competences n the
4) Ask and verfy that you have answered the queston to the
satsfacton of the ntervewer.
Added Value Exercise
"So È what you are askng me "X." That s a good queston and I am
glad you asked. Yes, I defntely have the ablty to "Y" and that s
because I usually have no problem dong "Z." For example, at my last
job I ran nto a stuaton where I "A," but I was able to "B" because of
my ablty to "Y" and "Z." Does that make sense? Can you see how
havng the experence of workng through that type of stuaton would
make me a good asset to your group?"
There s ALWAYS more value you can add to yourself n an ntervew.
Whether that value s a hdden beneft of hrng you, an addtonal skll,
or an emotonal payoff for the Hrng Manager, there s never any end
to the postve thngs that can be attrbuted to the product called YOU.
As an ntervewer, one of your strongest verbal tools s "Oh, and by
the way È " Ths combned wth the noton that there s always "one
more reason to hre you" are strong gudng prncples that wll keep
an ntervewer thnkng and belevng untl you end the ntervew and
"close the sale." Whle t s mportant to know when to stop sellng
yourself, always thnk "one more reason to hre me." Repeat over and
over to yourself "one more reason to hre me, one more reason to hre
me, one more reason to hre me." Oh, and by the way È
A smple answer would then look ths:
"So È you are askng me f I have worked wth mportant accounts
before. That s a good queston and I am glad you asked. Well, I
defntely have the ablty to work hard to earn the trust of my clents,
and then focus on customer servce n order to keep them happy wth
the busness relatonshp. FOR EXAMPLE, at my last job I was brought
n to work wth a dsgruntled clent after another Account Manager left.
Although t took a lot of hard work, I was able to fx what was wrong
by lstenng to the clent carefully and makng sure that we delvered
exactly what was expected of us. It took a whle, but I was able to
rescue the relatonshp wth ths mportant clent. Does that make
sense? OK. Does that answer your queston? Good. I thnk I could be
an asset to your group havng worked through ths type of experence
wth an mportant account."
 How to use Positive Self-Talk to Create a Winning Attitude
When you gve examples, use the S.T.A.R. Statement format:
You must learn to deal wth the negatve thoughts that pop nto your
head throughout the day. Negatve thoughts are lke polluton n your
mnd that holds you back from what you are tryng to acheve. In
order to get rd of negatve thoughts, you need to counteract them
wth postve thoughts. Do ths on a case-by-case bass. For nstance, f
you say to yourself "I cant stand ths" or "ths s terrble" or "ths
person should have done such-and-such" THEN YOU NEED TO ADD "so
Im gong to change ths and take postve acton to help myself." If
you are n a stuaton where your co-workers or clents upset you, say
to yourself "No matter what you do or say to me, I am stll a
worthwhle personÑ. Thnk of yourself as a loveable and capable
person. For every negatve thought you have -- whether t comes
from yourself or s caused by another person -- counter t mmedately
wth a postve thought.
Situation / Task
Descrbe the stuaton that you were n or the task that you needed to
accomplsh. Be very specfc and gve detals, but keep t short and
concse. Throughout your ntervew youll want to make many S.T.A.R.
Statements when usng "FOR EXAMPLE."
Descrbe the acton you took and be sure to keep the focus on you.
Even f you are dscussng a group project or effort, descrbe what you
dd -- not the efforts of the team. Dont tell what you MIGHT do, or
WOULD do -- tell what you DID do. Incorporate Behavoral
Competency keywords nto the descrpton of your acton.
Forgiveness Exercise for Money Magnetism
Dont forgve for the sake other people -- forgve for yourself! Many
people are taught that forgveness s a weakness when on the
contrary, t s a strength! When you walk around wth resentment and
blame nsde of you t s lke a polar magnetsm that repels money
away from you. Forgveness s an attrbute of the strong. To forgve s
to set the prsoner free, and then dscover that the prsoner was you!
When you feel wronged by a clent or co-worker, practce sayng to
yourself, "I forgve them, and I am gong to let ths go, because I
know my goals, I know what I am worth, and I am gong to acheve
what I set out to do wthout keepng nsde any bad feelngs that could
get n my way."
Descrbe what you acheved. What happened? How dd the event end?
What dd you accomplsh? What dd you learn? How dd t make people
feel? How dd you feel? How dd your boss feel? How much tme and
money dd you save?
Take the tme to develop and practce your S.T.A.R. Statements! Youll
want to have AT LEAST twelve S.T.A.R. Statements at the tp of your
tongue when you go nto an ntervew. Create S.T.A.R. Statements
from the jobs on your resume that you want to brng attenton to. As
you use the statements as examples, your ntervewer wll become
famlar wth the varous postons you have held, and wll get a good
dea of your track record of success n those varous postons.
 then wth one clck you can re-lst tems. Save tme and money and
generate ncome whle you are lookng for a job by usng Turbo Lster
to sell on eBay.

Dont ever lie. Dont be dshonest n an ntervew. It wll come
back around and get you. You can, however (wthn reason)
exaggerate, omt, be ambguous f necessary, and talk n
superlatves. You are tryng to sell yourself, after all. Advertsers
have no qualms about makng strong clams about ther product
or servce. Do the same for yourself. Put your best foot forward
and pump yourself up Î but never le.
"CueCard 1.4"
Use CueCard 1.4 to create vrtual flash cards to practce your Intervew
Answers! You can create an unlmted number of flash cards to study
from and then test yourself. Ths software s hghly recommended. Run
the flash card test n random order and then practce your answers out
loud wth a mrror. Remember that the key to ntervewng s to
prepare yourself, so take the tme to create flashcards, and then
PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE Î even f you are a seasoned

Dont inquire about salary, vacations, or other benefits
until after youve received an offer, or when you are close
to the offer stage. It makes sense that you should buld your
own perceved value as hgh as you can before you ask for the
money. You wll be able to prce yourself hgher ths way.
However, you must be prepared for a queston about your salary
requrements. Some ntervewers may even ask ths up front. Go
nto every ntervew wth an dea of the probable salary range for
the poston. Be prepared wth an understandng of the market
rate for the type of poston you are ntervewng for. If the
subject of salary s brought up and you must address t, then ask
for the hghest number. ALWAYS ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT, or
you wont get t. You wll regret low-ballng yourself, so ask for
the hgh number, but make sure t s wthn the rght range so
you dont appear stupd or greedy Î or prce yourself out of the

Dont feel pressured to answer every question. Sometmes
the best answer s "I dont know." If you dont know the answer,
say so. You cant know everythng. Use tmes lke these as an
opportunty to demonstrate your wllngness to learn. By all
means, do not try to BS somethng that you know nothng about.
Change the subject or answer wth a dfferent S.T.A.R. Story f "I
dont know" s not n your vocabulary.
Besdes these bullet ponts, just use common sense. Dress and groom
approprately, dont be late, brng a copy of your resume, dont smell
lke smoke or food, get a good nghts sleep, eat the rght meal at the
rght tme, be polte, be relaxed, dont talk about poltcs or relgon,
dont stress out excessvely, and most mportantly Î work wth ths
Gude and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! You are gong to ace t!
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