The Magpi - November 2015 (issue 39), The MagPi, The MagPi 2015

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//-->YOUROFFICIALRASPBERRY PI MAGAZINEWin!10RasPiModel A+sMODMYPI.COMThanks to100 pages of hacking & makingIssue 39 November the most of thePi Camera ModuleINTRODUCINGGPIO ZEROControlling yourelectronics hasnever been easierASTRO PIUPDATET-minus onemonth andcounting!30:00MINUTE PROJECTSAmazing ideas made in momentsEverything youneed to know toget started today3D PRINTEDGAME BOYPlay your retrogames in stylePIXEL ARTWITH THESENSE HATBUILD APINGOMETERAmazing old-schoolgraphics made easyHow to visualise yourinternet connectionAlso inside:>MAKE GAMES WITH RASPBERRY PI>MASTER PIMORONI’S SKYWRITER HAT>CREATE AMAZING MUSIC WITH SONIC PI>REVIEWED: SCRATCH, RASPBIAN & MORETHE ONLY MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY THE COMMUNITY, FOR THE COMMUNITYWelcomWELCOME TOTHE OFFICIALPI MAGAZINE!PRSUPPOOUDRTERSOF:Time is often our enemy. There never seemsto be enough of it. I’m often frustratedthat, after a long day at work, I rarelyget more than an hour to pursue my hobbiesbefore it’s time to climb the wooden stairs toBedfordshire. Since I’m in charge around here, it’sonly fair that you indulge me this month’s coverfeature about Raspberry Pi projects I can completein 0 minutes from start to finish.It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, a seasonedpro, or you’re simply looking for a project that holdsthe attention of the most demanding o springwe’ve got something for you. Get started todaywith our feature on page 16 – please let us know ifyou’ve got a 30-minute project of your own, too.By the way, do you have an Android or Applesmartphone or tablet? If you do, you might beinterested to know that you can now download all30 original issues ofThe MagPiin our app, as wellas get the chance to subscribe to automagicallyreceive every new issue for as little as £20 for ayear. Just search for us in your store of choice orfind out more on page 0. nce you’ve downloadedthe app, you’ll also find the first in a new range ofThe MagPi’s Essentiale-book range: learn to love thecommand line with the help of our resident Bashe pert, Richard medley. ou can find out moreabout his e-book on page.THIS MONTH:16MAKE QUICK-FIRE PI PROJECTSGot half an hour spare this weekend? Here’s an idea…6RASPBIAN GETS RELOADEDLearn more on page 6 and read our verdict on page 78We speak to Ben Nuttall about GPIO Zero, a new way to hack12GPIO HACKING IS NOW CHILD’S PLAYRussell Barnes42MASTER THE PI TOUCHSCREENOur eight-page special feature shows you howFIND US IN TOUCHmagpi@raspberrypi.orgPUBLISHINGManaging Editor:Russell +44 (0)7904 766523Features Editor:Rob ZwetslootTechnical Editor:David WhaleSub Editors:Laura Clay, Phil King, Lorna LynchCritical of Design:Dougal MatthewsDesigners:Lee Allen, Mike KayIllustrator:Sam AlderFor advertising & +44 (0)7904 766523Publisher:Liz UptonCEO:Eben UptonDISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution Ltd2 East Poultry AveLondonEC1A 9PT |+44 (0)207 429 4000This magazine is printed on paper sourced fromsustainable forests and the printer operates anenvironmental management system which hasbeen assessed as conforming to ISO 14001.SUBSCRIPTIONSSelect Publisher Services LtdPO Box 6337BournemouthBH1 9EH |+44 (0)1202 586 848CONTRIBUTORSSam Aaron, Mike Cook, Gareth Halfacree,Lucy Hattersley, Richard Hayler, Jasper Hayler-Goodall, Phil King, Simon Monk, Matt Richardson,James Singleton, Richard Smedley & Sean Tracey.The MagPi magazine is published by Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd., Mount Pleasant House, Cambridge, CB3 0RN. Thepublisher, editor and contributors accept no responsibility in respect of any omissions or errors relating to goods, productsor services referred to or advertised in the magazine. Except where otherwise noted, content in this magazine is licensedunder a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). ISSN: 2015March3ContentIssue 39 November 2015Featur30-MINUTE HATTERSLEYA technology writer and accomplishedmagazine editor, Lucy is well versed in allsorts of areas in the tech>BUILD A PINGOMETERJoin Dr Simon Monk for more Everyday Engineering funCOVER FEATURE505456CONNECT YOUR PITO YOUR SMARTPHONE AND WATCHAdd Pushbullet to your Pi and get pings right on your wrist>MAKE MAGIC PRESENTATIONS>TIME-LAPSE PHOTOGRAPHYMake incredible videos using cleverly captured picturesUse Pimoroni’s Skywriter to baffle & amaze your audience!INFO CARDi cultyMediumTypeProgrammingRequirementsiPhone or Android phone(optional Apple Watchor Google Watch),Pushbullet accountprojectoverviewou can set up Pushbullet on yourphone and smartwatch, and use itto get your alerts from your Pi.The full Pushbullet PI re uirescoding in Ruby, but we found it alot easier to build a script in Unithat sends the alert, and thenuse themodule in your Pythonprograms to run the script.The Pushbullet PI works byusing thecurlcommand, alongwith your ccess Token, to call thePushbullet service. our ccessToken is a uni ue number thatlinks the Pushbullet service withPushbullet apps installed on yourdevices. ou can learn more aboutthe PI,butwe’ll walk you through it and showyou how easy it is.>MIKE’S PI BAKERY: AMAZEHow the Pi can help you navigate a tricky maze58>PIXEL ART WITH THE SENSE HAT64How to put stunning 8×8 retro imagery up in lights>SONIC PI: CREATE AMAZING BASS66Dr Sam Aaron continues his series. This month: the TB-303One neat trick werecently discoveredis how to hook up aRaspberry Pi to an AppleWatch. You do this using aservice called Pushbullet, whichnormally syncs notifications fromyour desktop computer, but handilycomes with an API for the Raspberry Pi.It’s simple to set up and comes in useful forall kinds of projects.16>GAMES WITH PYTHON: PART 9In his penultimate piece, Sean starts making a space shooter6830-MINUTE PROJECTSPushbullet is an app for the iPhonein their programs. This is greatInstallingPushbullettart by installing the freePushbullet app on your ndroidphone or iPhone. hen you firstlaunch Pushbullet, you’ll need tosign up with a oogle or acebookaccount enter your email andpassword for that and tap ign In.That’s it for your phone and ppleatch everything else needs to bedone on the Raspberry Pi.ndroid thatbecause ityouAt aand notificationsenables youPtoloose end? Grab your toolkitturns outsendscanone of these quick-fire projects a tryand giveeasilysendfrom yourcreate a script thatyou anor ac to your mobile device. It’smainly designed so people can syncalerts from their main computer toan iPhone or ndroid phone, andget notifications on their phonefrom their computer.owever, there is an PI forPushbullet that developers can useto include support for the service20November 2015IN THE NEWSA BRIEF HISTORYOF ASTRO PIalert with a custom message. ndyour Pi can easily call the script.hy we really love this is becausePushbullet has support for the newsmartwatches, such as the ppleatch and oogle atch. ith a bitof tinkering, you can get alerts sentfrom your Raspberry Pi directly toyour wrist. ow cool is thatHook up aRaspberry Pi toyour Apple Watchto get alerts fromyour programsdirectly onyour wristThe AccessTokenooking your Pi up to the app you’veust installed re uires an ccessToken. This is a long alphanumericalkey that is uni ue to your 2022/10/2015 09:56RASPBIAN UPGRADESTO DEBIAN 8 JESSIERaspberry Pi’s own Simon Long gives us thelowdown on the latest tweaks and changes10Find out what’s been happening withthe incredible space mission that’ll seetwo Pis taken to the ISS this DecemberINTRODUCINGGPIO ZEROBen Nuttall tells us all about hisnew easy-to-use package fortalking to the GPIO pins on yourRaspberry Pi4November BIG FEATURE91A STRONGERFOUNDATIONGet started with the official touchscreen for Raspberry Piwith our eight-page special feature42We speak to the new CEO of The Raspberry PiFoundation about plans for 2016 and beyond146YOUR PROJECTSREGULARS>NEWS>TECHNICAL FAQSGot a problem? Our experts answer all your questionsKeep up to date with the biggest stories from the world of Pi76>BOOK REVIEWSThe latest computer books reviewed and rated869630MINI MAC PIAdafruit’s Ruiz brothers do it again, this time bringing back the 128kB glory days>THE FINAL WORDMatt Richardson welcomes the Pi going mainstreamCOMMUNITY>EVENTS>SKYCADEMY UPDATE>LETTERSHave your say on the magazine and the communityFind a community gathering near you in the coming weeksMason JarMatt Reed shows us how to preserve digitalmemories in style, with this amazing project328892Schoolkids launch a Pi balloon up into the stratosphereRaftBerrySuper GameGirlCNC MachineHow do you combine a passion for beautifulwoodworking with an interest in electronics?3494A Raspberry Pi-powered raft, perfect for a picnicon the lake next summer…REVIEWS>RASPBIAN>SCRATCH>MEDIA PI PLUSThe latest image brings some new features to the fore3678It’s smaller than the original Game Boy and playsjust about any classic game you can mentionScratch is evolving – find out what we think of the new build8038We check out a new multimedia case and remote for theRaspberry 20155 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
