The Project Management Communications Toolkit, Ksiazki, Project Management

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The Project Management
Communications Toolkit
The technical descriptions, procedures, and computer programs in this book have been
developed with the greatest of care and they have been useful to the author in a broad range
of applications; however, they are provided as is, without warranty of any kind. Artech
House, Inc. and the author and editors of the book titled
The Project Management Commu-
nications Toolkit
make no warranties, expressed or implied, that the equations, programs,
and procedures in this book or its associated software are free of error, or are consistent
with any particular standard of merchantability, or will meet your requirements for any
particular application. They should not be relied upon for solving a problem whose incor-
rect solution could result in injury to a person or loss of property. Any use of the programs
or procedures in such a manner is at the user’s own risk. The editors, author, and publisher
disclaim all liability for direct, incidental, or consequent damages resulting from use of the
programs or procedures in this book or the associated software.
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The Project Management
Communications Toolkit
Carl Pritchard
Artech House, Inc.
Boston • London
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Pritchard, Carl L.
The project management communications toolkit / Carl Pritchard.
p. cm. – (Artech House project management library)
ISBN 1-58053-747-2 (alk. paper)
1. Management information systems. 2. Project management. I. Title II. Series.
T58.6.P736 2004

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Pritchard, Carl
The project management communications toolkit
1. Communication in management 2. Project management
I. Title
ISBN 1-58053-747-2
Cover design by Igor Valdman
685 Canton Street
Norwood, MA 02062
All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America. No part of this book
may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includ-
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International Standard Book Number: 1-58053-747-2
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