The Science of Getting Rich, MONEY-WEALTH

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The Science of Getting Rich
Wallace D Wattles (1910)
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To this day this classic remains a course of
study by those who do want to acquire
wealth. Many other programs are based
on the teachings introduced by this book.
Those who are diligent in the practice
found in this book have will swear by its
phenomenal power to transform their
outlook and assist them in becoming
The most effective way to use this book is to
study it.

Take it slowly read one chapter a day and
contemplate its meaning until the ideas are
absorbed in the mind.

Each chapter will bring more insight into the
next chapter so it’s important to digest each
chapter slowly.

After you have completed reading the book,
read it again and again.

Its necessary that you practice what is
taught, it’s the only way that new
information can become permanent in the
mind and what fixes itself in the mind
becomes a part of existence.
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THIS book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical
manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for
the men and women whose most pressing need is for
money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize
afterward. It is for those who have, so far, found neither
the time, the means, nor the opportunity to go deeply
into the study of metaphysics, but who want results and
who are willing to take the conclusions of science as a
basis for action, without going into all the processes by
which those conclusions were reached.
It is expected that the reader will take the fundamental
statements upon faith, just as he would take statements
concerning a law of electrical action if they were
promulgated by a Marconi or an Edison; and, taking the
statements upon faith, that he will prove their truth by
acting upon them without fear or hesitation. Every man or
woman who does this will certainly get rich; for the
science herein applied is an exact science, and failure is
impossible. For the benefit, however, of those who wish
to investigate philosophical theories and so secure a
logical basis for faith, I will here cite certain authorities.
The monistic theory of the universe the theory that One is
All, and that All is One; That one Substance manifests
itself as the seeming many elements of the material world
-is of Hindu origin, and has been gradually winning its
way into the thought of the western world for two
hundred years. It is the foundation of all the Oriental
philosophies, and of those of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz,
Schopenhauer, Hegel, and Emerson.
The reader who would dig to the philosophical foundations
of this is advised to read Hegel and Emerson for himself.
In writing this book I have sacrificed all other
considerations to plainness and simplicity of style, so that
all might understand. The plan of action laid down herein
was deduced from the conclusions of philosophy; it has
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been thoroughly tested, and bears the supreme test of
practical experiment; it works. If you wish to know how
the conclusions were arrived at, read the writings of the
authors mentioned above; and if you wish to reap the
fruits of their philosophies in actual practice, read this
book and do exactly as it tells you to do.
The Author
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The Right to Be Rich
WHATEVER may be said in praise of poverty, the fact
remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or
successful life unless one is rich. No man can rise to his
greatest possible height in talent or soul development
unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and
to develop talent he must have many things to use, and
he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy
them with.
A man develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of
things, and society is so organized that man must have
money in order to become the possessor of things;
therefore, the basis of all advancement for man must be
the science of getting rich.
The object of all life is development; and everything that
lives has an inalienable right to all the development it is
capable of attaining.
Man's right to life means his right to have the free and
unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary
to his fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment;
or, in other words, his right to be rich.
In this book, I shall not speak of riches in a figurative
way; to be really rich does not mean to be satisfied or
contented with a little. No man ought to be satisfied with
a little if he is capable of using and enjoying more. The
purpose of Nature is the advancement and unfoldment of
life; and every man should have all that can contribute to
the power; elegance, beauty, and richness of life; to be
content with less is sinful.
The man who owns all he wants for the living of all the life
he is capable of living is rich; and no man who has not
plenty of money can have all he wants. Life has advanced
so far, and become so complex, that even the most
ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of
wealth in order to live in a manner that even approaches
completeness. Every person naturally wants to become all
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