The virtual worlds handbook (2009), SECOND LIFE, Book

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Virtual Worlds
How to Use Second Life
Other 3D Virtual Environments
Elizabeth Hodge
Sharon Collins
Tracy Giordano
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Production Credits
Publisher: David Pallai
Editorial Assistant: Molly Whitman
Production Assistant: Ashlee Hazeltine
Associate Marketing Manager: Lindsay Ruggerio
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Composition: Glyph International
Permissions Coordinator: Kesel Wilson
Title Page and Cover Design: Kristin E. Parker
Cover Images: Sky/Ocean 3D scene © Arenacreative/; 3D Earth Globe in Ocean © Olikli/; Second Life Screenshots featured on
the cover are courtesy of the New Media Consortium
and of Linden Research, Inc.
Printing and Binding: Malloy, Inc.
Cover Printing: Malloy, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hodge, Elizabeth.
The virtual worlds handbook : how to use second life and other 3D virtual environments / Elizabeth Hodge, Sharon
Collins and Tracy Giordano.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7747-0 (pbk.)
ISBN-10: 0-7637-7747-1
1. Virtual reality in education. I. Collins, Sharon, 1956 Sept. 19- II. Giordano, Tracy. III. Title.
LB1044.87.H64 2010
Printed in the United States of America
13 12 11 10 09 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Elizabeth Hodge
To my husband Ronald for supporting and encouraging me to explore new
methods for teaching and learning. To my children Gray, Tyler, and Mikeala for
knowing that my promise to make them their own ‘S’ avatars when I finished the
book would happen eventually with patience. To my mother Diana for the sup-
port, encouragement, and help in keeping my family sane throughout the writ-
ing process. And with special thanks and appreciation to my co-authors Sharon
and Tracy, who challenged me to think outside of the box and who kept me
grounded during the final editing phase.
Sharon Collins
To Brent, my fiancé, for always being there and helping me get through the hard
times. To my children, Megan, Christie, and Nikki, for constantly supporting me
and encouraging me to go my own way. I’d like to thank them for all the things
they all took care of when I could not possibly move away from my computer.
Tracy Giordano
I would like thank my greatest supporter—my husband Tony—and my patient
family who have walked with me through this journey. To my co-authors, who have
truly felt the writing pains, I would like to congratulate and thank you sincerely for
everything you have done for me and this book. And Tony, I owe you lunch…
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