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details, B6
2014 •
U.S. in
pact on
Alleged recording is
NBA’s Sterling
Return of U.S. forces
likely to upset China
Donald Sterling wasn’t in a
where he would’ve had an up-
close view of what his coarse
words and corrosive opinions did
to his Los Angeles Clippers.
The team was drained and un-
enthusiastic despite a crucial NBA
playoff game in Oakland, Calif.,
against theGoldenStateWarriors.
The Clippers’ most impactful ac-
tion in a decisive loss came during
pregame warmups, when they
gathered at midcourt and peeled
off their team-issued warmup
jackets to reveal red shirts turned
inside-out to hide the team logo—
a sign of protest against the team’s
80-year-old owner, who allegedly
made racist remarks to a girl-
friend that were recorded and
posted Saturday on the Web site
The report is the latest in a
series of allegations of racial and
gender discrimination against
Sterling, a real estate mogul and
the longest-tenured team owner
in a league whose player pool is
more than three-quarters African
In the recording, a man identi-
fied as Sterling scolded the wom-
an, identified as V. Stiviano, for
posting to Instagram photo-
graphs of herself with African
Americans and for attending Clip-
pers games with them.
“It bothers me a lot that you
want to broadcast that you’re as-
sociating with black people,” the
mansaid in the recording. “Doyou
The United States and the Philip-
pines will sign a 10-year defense
agreement Monday, officials said,
one of the clearest signs yet of
renewed American engagement
in the region at a time when
tensions between China and its
neighbors have been rising.
The announcement — the big-
gest policy achievement to come
out of President Obama’s week-
long trip to Asia — is likely to
generate criticism from Chinese
officials, who have made it clear
they oppose a heightened U.S.
presence in the area. But the pact
may reassure several Asian coun-
tries embroiled in territorial dis-
putes with China, especially in
the South China Sea. It also gives
the United States greater flexibili-
ty to respond to threats and
natural disasters in the region.
“This is the most significant
defense agreement that we have
concludedwith the Philippines in
decades,” said EvanMedeiros, the
National Security Council’s sen-
ior director for Asian affairs, add-
ing that the United States wants
“a constructive relationship with
China” but also is determined to
Jubilation in St. Peter’s Square
Pope Francis on Sunday canonized John Paul II and John XXIII,
bestowing sainthood on two towering figures of the 20th century who
left outsize marks on the Roman Catholic Church. The sounds of the
Sistine Chapel Choir rang out across a throng estimated at 800,000
faithful from the Vatican to beyond the Tiber River, where spillover
crowds gathered before big screens. For the first time in the church’s
history, two popes were proclaimed saints at once. Story, A6
approvingly and waits a fewmore
seconds before going for the
knockout. “As a woman,” she says,
“I might know a little bit more
about women than Gary Peters.”
In the early going in races
across the country, Democrats and
paign ads that are all about wom-
en — how well they know them,
how well they have treated or
would treat them, whether they
about, even if they are one.
Land’s ad comes in response to
one paid for by the Senate Majori-
ty PAC, which backs Democrats.
“With Land, insurance compa-
nies will be able to deny you cover-
age when you get sick. Women’s
access to preventive health care
would be cut, while their costs
would increase,” the Democratic
ad alleges.
In Colorado, Democratic Sen.
sionspot toaccusehis opponent of
waging a campaign to ban birth
control. In Alaska, Julie Sullivan,
whose Republican husband, Dan,
is running for Senate, appears in
an ad praising his record on pros-
ecutingdomestic abusers andpro-
tecting women.
In her first campaign ad for the
U.S. Senate, Michigan Republican
“CongressmanGaryPeters andhis
buddies want you to think I’m
waging a war on women,” she
starts. “Reaaally? Think about
that for amoment.”
Land then pauses for several
seconds, shakes her head dis-
continued on
In Malaysia, emphasis on rights
Obama lauds closer U.S. ties to the
Muslim-majority nation but says it
needs to work on human rights.
continued on
continued on
With U.S. missiles in hand,
U.S. consumers resist treatment
Islamist extremists. Such con-
cerns have long deterred the
Obama administration from
arming the Syrian opposition.
But the arrival at the base last
tank missiles, the first advanced
American weaponry to be dis-
patched to Syria since the con-
flict began, has reignited long-
abandoned hopes among the
rebels that the Obama adminis-
tration is preparing to soften its
resistance to the provision of
significant military aid and, per-
haps, help move the battlefield
equation back in their favor.
The small number of BGM-71
missiles, about two decades old
and hardly better than similar
Russian and French models ac-
quired by the rebels from allies
and the black market over the
past year, will not change the
game in the fight against Syrian
der the leadership of a young,
battle-hardened rebel command-
er, the men entrusted with the
first American missiles to be
delivered to the Syrian war are
engaged in an ambitious effort to
forge a new, professional army.
Abdullah Awda, 28, says he
and his recently formed Harakat
Hazm — or Movement of Stead-
fastness — were chosen to re-
ceive the weapons because of
their moderate views and, just as
important, their discipline. At
the group’s base, sprawled across
rocky, forested wilderness in the
northern province of Idlib, sol-
diers wear uniforms, get medical
checkups and sleep in bunk beds
under matching blankets.
The scene is a far cry from the
increasingly pervasive view of a
chaotic, ragtag rebel movement
that has fallen under the sway of
Frank Benso uses to kill bacteria in fruit and
oysters has won widespread support from
public health officials and scientists, who say
it could turn the tide against the plague of
foodborne illness.
The Food and Drug Administration has
approved the use of radiation to wipe out
pathogens in dozens of food products, and
for decades it has been used in other
developed countries without reports of hu-
man harm.
But it has barely caught on in the United
States. The technology — called irradiation
— zaps bacteria out of food and is highly
effective, but for many consumers it con-
jures up frightening images of mutant life
forms and phosphorescent food.
Benso, who opened Gateway America
18 months ago, also knows his new venture
facility in nearby Gulfport. The treatment kills bacteria, but Americans aren’t sold on it.
continued on
continued on
the ground at
Mount Baldy at Indiana
Dunes National Lake-
shore in an attempt to
solve the mystery of po-
tentially dangerous
holes that appear before
filling in naturally with
A solar eclipse
— the
first of the year —will
be visible in some parts
of the world.
Eyes on the ball
The future of the
Corcoran’s big social
event is unclear.
to face a federal indict-
ment Monday in con-
nection with his person-
al finances.
A powerful storm sys-
tem struck
the central
and southern United
States, spawning deadly
tornadoes in Arkansas
and Oklahoma.
Virginia Board of
Education members
said they are frustrated
that a law intended to
improve Standards of
Learning exams for
public school students
is unfunded.
Montgomery County
through Rockville to
protest an academic di-
vide that they said
leaves black and His-
panic students behind
their white and Asian
First-quarter GDP
expected to drop
1.5 percent.
Iraqis head to the
to vote in the
country’s parliamentary
Out for now
Bryce Harper’s thumb
injury puts him on the
15-day disabled list.
Congress returns
a two-week break.
The Supreme Court
hears arguments and is-
sues orders.
Jobless claims
for the
week ended April 26 are
expected to total
Palestinian Authority
President Mahmoud
took the unusual
step of issuing a strongly
worded statement that
denounced the Holo-
BUSINESS NEWS ......................... A8
COMICS .......................................C6
OPINION PAGES.........................A12
New digs coming
The Smithsonian National
Museum of Natural History’s fossil hall has
closed for a five-year renovation.
Hostages seen
Pro-Russia separatists in
Ukraine paraded captured European military
officers in front of the news media.
visit the Chicago
Bulls in Game 5 of their
first-round NBA playoff
The unemployment
for April is expect-
ed to drop slightly, to
6.6 percent.
CONTENT © 2014
The Washington Post / Year 137, No. 144
Rep. Michael Grimm
(R-N.Y.) was expected
Geologists are comb-
Printed using recycled fiber
Happening today
Happening today
A guide to the major events expected to shape the news.
A guide to the major events expected to shape the news.
A guide to the major events expected to shape the news.
For the latest updates all day, visit
For the latest updates all day, visit
It’s no secret that
It’s no secret that
Republicans have
Republicans have
Republicans have
a demographic
House Speaker
President Obama
President Obama
travels to the Philippines, where he
travels to the Philippines, where he
will meet with President Benigno Aquino III. For details,
travels to the Philippines, where he
a demographic
a demographic
problem when it
All day
will meet with President Benigno Aquino III. For details,
will meet with President Benigno Aquino III. For details,
go to
problem when it
problem when it
comes to national
go to
comes to national
comes to national
elections. But
House Speaker
House Speaker
John A. Boehner
elections. But
elections. But
what many people
John A. Boehner
John A. Boehner
(Ohio) mocked his
what many people
what many people
don’t realize is
Congress returns
Congress returns
to session after a two-week break.
to session after a two-week break.
Check for updates at
to session after a two-week break.
(Ohio) mocked his
(Ohio) mocked his
GOP colleagues for
don’t realize is
don’t realize is
that the GOP’s
Check for updates at
GOP colleagues for
their resistance to immigration
GOP colleagues for
that the GOP’s
that the GOP’s
issues will be
their resistance to immigration
their resistance to immigration
reform. During an appearance in
issues will be
issues will be
worse in 2020
The National Association of Realtors releases the
The National Association of Realtors releases the
pending home-sales index
reform. During an appearance in
reform. During an appearance in
his home state, a theatrical
worse in 2020
worse in 2020
than in 2016 —
his home state, a theatrical
his home state, a theatrical
Boehner said: “We get elected to
10 a.m.
pending home-sales index
pending home-sales index
for March. See the
for March. See the
numbers at
for March. See the
than in 2016 —
unless things change
than in 2016 —
Boehner said: “We get elected to
Boehner said: “We get elected to
solve problems, and it’s
numbers at
unless things change
unless things change
solve problems, and it’s
solve problems, and it’s
remarkable to me how many of
Consider this: In 2012, roughly
remarkable to me how many of
remarkable to me how many of
my colleagues just don’t want to.
Supreme Court
hears arguments and issues
orders. Get updates at
Supreme Court
Supreme Court
hears arguments and issues
hears arguments and issues
Consider this: In 2012, roughly
nine out of every 10 people who
Consider this: In 2012, roughly
10 a.m.
my colleagues just don’t want to.
my colleagues just don’t want to.
. . . They’ll take the path of least
orders. Get updates at
nine out of every 10 people who
nine out of every 10 people who
voted for Mitt Romney were
. . . They’ll take the path of least
. . . They’ll take the path of least
resistance.” His act might not
voted for Mitt Romney were
voted for Mitt Romney were
white — even as the white vote
resistance.” His act might not
resistance.” His act might not
make him friends among his
white — even as the white vote
white — even as the white vote
make him friends among his
make him friends among his
fellow Republicans, but for a
continued its steady decline
as a
as a
fellow Republicans, but for a
fellow Republicans, but for a
party that probably needs to do
percentage of the overall
percentage of the overall
electorate. Romney lost African
party that probably needs to do
party that probably needs to do
something on immigration, it
electorate. Romney lost African
electorate. Romney lost African
American voters by 87 points and
The Washington Post is committed to correcting errors that appear in the
The Washington Post is committed to correcting errors that appear in the
newspaper. Those interested in contacting the paper for that purpose can:
something on immigration, it
something on immigration, it
could light a fire.
American voters by 87 points and
American voters by 87 points and
Hispanics by 44 points.
newspaper. Those interested in contacting the paper for that purpose can:
newspaper. Those interested in contacting the paper for that purpose can:
could light a fire.
Hispanics by 44 points.
Hispanics by 44 points.
In an essay in Commentary
on the demographic
202-334-6000, and ask to be connected to the desk involved —
202-334-6000, and ask to be connected to the desk involved —
National, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, Business or any of the weekly sections.
202-334-6000, and ask to be connected to the desk involved —
The GOP, once
“If you asked Dad the same question — ‘Should Jeb
run?’ — he’d say yes.”
— Neil Bush
National, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, Business or any of the weekly sections.
National, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, Business or any of the weekly sections.
Comments can be directed to The Post’s reader advocate, who can be
on the demographic
problem his party faces, former
on the demographic
Comments can be directed to The Post’s reader advocate, who can be
Comments can be directed to The Post’s reader advocate, who can be
reached at 202-334-7582 or
problem his party faces, former
problem his party faces, former
Bush administration official Pete
reached at 202-334-7582 or
reached at 202-334-7582 or
Bush administration official Pete
Bush administration official Pete
Wehner writes:
The GOP, once
The GOP, once
again, had to back
Wehner writes:
Wehner writes:
“It’s an undeniable empirical
— Neil Bush
— Neil Bush
, brother of former Florida governor Jeb Bush and son of former
, brother of former Florida governor Jeb Bush and son of former
president George H.W. Bush, on whether Jeb Bush will run for president. Their
, brother of former Florida governor Jeb Bush and son of former
again, had to back
again, had to back
away from the
“It’s an undeniable empirical
truth that the GOP coalition is
“It’s an undeniable empirical
president George H.W. Bush, on whether Jeb Bush will run for president. Their
president George H.W. Bush, on whether Jeb Bush will run for president. Their
mother, Barbara Bush, on the other hand, has made little secret of the fact
away from the
away from the
comments of a tea
truth that the GOP coalition is
truth that the GOP coalition is
shrinking, and it’s shrinking in
mother, Barbara Bush, on the other hand, has made little secret of the fact
mother, Barbara Bush, on the other hand, has made little secret of the fact
that she doesn’t want another member of her family to run in 2016.
comments of a tea
party ally. Nevada rancher Cliven
comments of a tea
shrinking, and it’s shrinking in
shrinking, and it’s shrinking in
the aftermath of two fairly
that she doesn’t want another member of her family to run in 2016.
party ally. Nevada rancher Cliven
party ally. Nevada rancher Cliven
Bundy was hardly universally
the aftermath of two fairly
the aftermath of two fairly
decisive defeats, with the latter
Bundy was hardly universally
Bundy was hardly universally
supported in the Republican
decisive defeats, with the latter
decisive defeats, with the latter
supported in the Republican
supported in the Republican
Party, but some tea-party-
coming against a president whose
coming against a president whose
policies were judged by many
Party, but some tea-party-
Party, but some tea-party-
aligned lawmakers and
policies were judged by many
policies were judged by many
Americans to have been failures.
aligned lawmakers and
aligned lawmakers and
conservative media figures
Americans to have been failures.
Americans to have been failures.
Which means the Republican
$2.7 million
Businessman Curt Clawson won the
Businessman Curt Clawson won the
Businessman Curt Clawson won the
Republican nomination in Florida’s
conservative media figures
conservative media figures
jumped on board with his case
Which means the Republican
Which means the Republican
task isn’t simply to nominate a
Republican nomination in Florida’s
Republican nomination in Florida’s
19th District special election last
jumped on board with his case
jumped on board with his case
against the federal
task isn’t simply to nominate a
task isn’t simply to nominate a
candidate who can fire up the
19th District special election last
week after loaning his campaign nearly $2.7 million through early April, a very
19th District special election last
against the federal
against the federal
government’s enforcement of
candidate who can fire up the
candidate who can fire up the
base; it is to find principled
week after loaning his campaign nearly $2.7 million through early April, a very
week after loaning his campaign nearly $2.7 million through early April, a very
hefty sum for a House special primary. Most big self-funders did not have
government’s enforcement of
government’s enforcement of
grazing fees on his cattle. So
base; it is to find principled
base; it is to find principled
conservative leaders who can win
hefty sum for a House special primary. Most big self-funders did not have
hefty sum for a House special primary. Most big self-funders did not have
much success in 2012, but in 2014 there are signs of early progress from
grazing fees on his cattle. So
grazing fees on his cattle. So
when Bundy made remarks in
conservative leaders who can win
conservative leaders who can win
over voters who are not now
much success in 2012, but in 2014 there are signs of early progress from
much success in 2012, but in 2014 there are signs of early progress from
government outsiders cutting their own campaigns large checks.
when Bundy made remarks in
when Bundy made remarks in
which he wondered whether
over voters who are not now
over voters who are not now
voting for the GOP at the
government outsiders cutting their own campaigns large checks.
government outsiders cutting their own campaigns large checks.
1 point
Here’s why Republicans were so giddy when Rep.
which he wondered whether
which he wondered whether
African Americans would be
voting for the GOP at the
voting for the GOP at the
presidential level.”
African Americans would be
African Americans would be
better off as slaves than as
presidential level.”
presidential level.”
It’s a problem for Republicans
Here’s why Republicans were so giddy when Rep.
Here’s why Republicans were so giddy when Rep.
Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) decided to challenge Sen.
better off as slaves than as
better off as slaves than as
recipients of government
It’s a problem for Republicans
as they face the prospect of a jam-
It’s a problem for Republicans
Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) decided to challenge Sen.
Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) decided to challenge Sen.
Mark Udall (D-Colo.): A recent Quinnipiac University
recipients of government
recipients of government
subsidies, it led to a familiar
as they face the prospect of a jam-
as they face the prospect of a jam-
packed 2016 presidential field, in
Mark Udall (D-Colo.): A recent Quinnipiac University
poll showed the Democrat leading Gardner by just a single percentage point,
Mark Udall (D-Colo.): A recent Quinnipiac University
subsidies, it led to a familiar
subsidies, it led to a familiar
retreat by the GOP from a man it
packed 2016 presidential field, in
packed 2016 presidential field, in
which the fissures between the
poll showed the Democrat leading Gardner by just a single percentage point,
poll showed the Democrat leading Gardner by just a single percentage point,
well inside the margin of error. The two are basically running even in a race
retreat by the GOP from a man it
retreat by the GOP from a man it
should have stayed away from in
which the fissures between the
which the fissures between the
GOP’s establishment and tea party
well inside the margin of error. The two are basically running even in a race
well inside the margin of error. The two are basically running even in a race
that, a few months ago, looked like it was out of reach for Republicans.
should have stayed away from in
should have stayed away from in
the beginning.
GOP’s establishment and tea party
GOP’s establishment and tea party
wings are likely to be on full
that, a few months ago, looked like it was out of reach for Republicans.
8 races
Billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer, who could
that, a few months ago, looked like it was out of reach for Republicans.
the beginning.
the beginning.
— Aaron Blake and Sean Sullivan
wings are likely to be on full
wings are likely to be on full
display. And there’s every reason
The Permanent War
The Permanent War
The Washington Post’s Pulitzer
— Aaron Blake and Sean Sullivan
display. And there’s every reason
display. And there’s every reason
to believe it’s only going to get
Billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer, who could
Billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer, who could
spend as much as $100 million (and perhaps even
The Washington Post’s Pulitzer
The Washington Post’s Pulitzer
Prize-finalist look into how
to believe it’s only going to get
to believe it’s only going to get
worse: The 2016 election will be a
spend as much as $100 million (and perhaps even
more) to influence the 2014 elections, said in an interview with C-SPAN’s
spend as much as $100 million (and perhaps even
Prize-finalist look into how
Prize-finalist look into how
drones changed the way
worse: The 2016 election will be a
worse: The 2016 election will be a
tough one for Republicans to win,
more) to influence the 2014 elections, said in an interview with C-SPAN’s
more) to influence the 2014 elections, said in an interview with C-SPAN’s
“Newsmakers” last week that he expects to enter the fray in “eight or more”
tough one for Republicans to win,
tough one for Republicans to win,
given the demographic changes in
drones changed the way
drones changed the way
America fights wars is available
“Newsmakers” last week that he expects to enter the fray in “eight or more”
“Newsmakers” last week that he expects to enter the fray in “eight or more”
contests. Steyer plans to spend big money from his own pockets as well as
given the demographic changes in
given the demographic changes in
the United States, but it may not
America fights wars is available
America fights wars is available
contests. Steyer plans to spend big money from his own pockets as well as
contests. Steyer plans to spend big money from his own pockets as well as
contributions from like-minded donors.
the United States, but it may not
the United States, but it may not
be nearly as difficult for them as
contributions from like-minded donors.
be nearly as difficult for them as
be nearly as difficult for them as
the 2024 or 2028 election could be.
and also from
and also from
the 2024 or 2028 election could be.
the 2024 or 2028 election could be.
A new study from the Carsey,,, iTunes
A new study from the Carsey
Institute, a nonpartisan public
A new study from the Carsey, iTunes, iTunes
Institute, a nonpartisan public
Institute, a nonpartisan public
policy think tank housed at the
the rest of the population. While
the rest of the population. While
minorities make up 47 percent of
GOP nominee to win a national
GOP nominee to win a national
securing the 270 electoral college
securing the 270 electoral college
votes they needed to win the
policy think tank housed at the
policy think tank housed at the
University of New Hampshire,
minorities make up 47 percent of
minorities make up 47 percent of
the younger-than-20 population,
And it’s not just the raw
votes they needed to win the
votes they needed to win the
presidency. The idea of a
University of New Hampshire,
University of New Hampshire,
proves that point.
the younger-than-20 population,
the younger-than-20 population,
they are just 33 percent of the
And it’s not just the raw
numbers that should concern
And it’s not just the raw
presidency. The idea of a
presidency. The idea of a
proves that point.
proves that point.
Using data from the 2012
they are just 33 percent of the
they are just 33 percent of the
older-than-20 population.
numbers that should concern
numbers that should concern
Republicans. It’s where the
Republican-controlled House was
Republican-controlled House was
long considered laughable by
Using data from the 2012
census, the report showcases just
Using data from the 2012
older-than-20 population.
older-than-20 population.
The math isn’t complicated.
Republicans. It’s where the
Republicans. It’s where the
younger-than-20 minority
long considered laughable by
long considered laughable by
political sharps. So making
census, the report showcases just
census, the report showcases just
how fast the minority population
The math isn’t complicated.
Winning 27 percent of the
The math isn’t complicated.
younger-than-20 minority
younger-than-20 minority
populations live that could prove
political sharps. So making
political sharps. So making
assumptions about what the two
how fast the minority population
how fast the minority population
is growing among Americans
Winning 27 percent of the
Winning 27 percent of the
populations live that could prove
populations live that could prove
politically problematic.
assumptions about what the two
assumptions about what the two
parties will look like in eight or 12
is growing among Americans
is growing among Americans
younger than 20, even as growth
Hispanic vote and 6 percent of the
Hispanic vote and 6 percent of the
African American vote — as
politically problematic.
politically problematic.
The concentration of young
parties will look like in eight or 12
parties will look like in eight or 12
years is, by its very nature,
younger than 20, even as growth
younger than 20, even as growth
in that same age group among
African American vote — as
African American vote — as
Romney did in 2012 — makes it
The concentration of young
minorities in the Southwest and
The concentration of young
years is, by its very nature,
years is, by its very nature,
somewhat unreliable.
in that same age group among
in that same age group among
whites is basically stagnant. The
Romney did in 2012 — makes it
Romney did in 2012 — makes it
hard to win a majority of the
minorities in the Southwest and
minorities in the Southwest and
the South means that states such
somewhat unreliable.
somewhat unreliable.
But, as of today, Republicans
whites is basically stagnant. The
whites is basically stagnant. The
study’s authors write: “In 1990,
hard to win a majority of the
hard to win a majority of the
overall vote when those groups
the South means that states such
the South means that states such
as Texas, Arizona, Georgia and
But, as of today, Republicans
have a demographic problem.
But, as of today, Republicans
study’s authors write: “In 1990,
study’s authors write: “In 1990,
32 percent of the population
overall vote when those groups
overall vote when those groups
represent 10 percent and
as Texas, Arizona, Georgia and
as Texas, Arizona, Georgia and
South Carolina — which have all
have a demographic problem.
have a demographic problem.
And it is going to get much, much
32 percent of the population
32 percent of the population
younger than age 20 was
represent 10 percent and
represent 10 percent and
13 percent of the electorate,
South Carolina — which have all
South Carolina — which have all
And it is going to get much, much
And it is going to get much, much
worse unless they find a way to
younger than age 20 was
younger than age 20 was
minority, increasing to 39 percent
13 percent of the electorate,
13 percent of the electorate,
respectively. If Hispanics increase
been conservative redoubts at the
been conservative redoubts at the
presidential level for decades —
worse unless they find a way to
worse unless they find a way to
improve their numbers among
minority, increasing to 39 percent
minority, increasing to 39 percent
in 2000. By July of 2012,
respectively. If Hispanics increase
respectively. If Hispanics increase
to 20 percent of the electorate by
presidential level for decades —
presidential level for decades —
could be in real jeopardy for the
improve their numbers among
improve their numbers among
Hispanics and, to a lesser extent,
in 2000. By July of 2012,
in 2000. By July of 2012,
47 percent of the 82.5 million
to 20 percent of the electorate by
to 20 percent of the electorate by
2024 or 2028, and the Republican
could be in real jeopardy for the
could be in real jeopardy for the
GOP in the medium and long
Hispanics and, to a lesser extent,
Hispanics and, to a lesser extent,
African Americans. And they
47 percent of the 82.5 million
47 percent of the 82.5 million
people under age 20 in America
2024 or 2028, and the Republican
2024 or 2028, and the Republican
presidential nominee’s
GOP in the medium and long
GOP in the medium and long
African Americans. And they
African Americans. And they
need to figure it out fast.
people under age 20 in America
people under age 20 in America
were from minority populations.”
presidential nominee’s
presidential nominee’s
performance is roughly
Now, party politics tend to
need to figure it out fast.
need to figure it out fast.
were from minority populations.”
were from minority populations.”
What that means is that
performance is roughly
performance is roughly
equivalent to Romney’s 2012
Now, party politics tend to
work like a pendulum. In the
Now, party politics tend to
What that means is that
Americans younger than 20 are
What that means is that
equivalent to Romney’s 2012
equivalent to Romney’s 2012
showing, it will be impossible —
work like a pendulum. In the
work like a pendulum. In the
1980s, it looked like Democrats
Americans younger than 20 are
Americans younger than 20 are
significantly more diverse than
showing, it will be impossible —
showing, it will be impossible —
or close to impossible — for that
1980s, it looked like Democrats
1980s, it looked like Democrats
would never again come close to
To read previous Monday Fix columns,
significantly more diverse than
or close to impossible — for that
would never again come close to
Owner draws
Owner draws
criticism from
Nothing, though, has attracted
attention like the recorded con-
Nothing, though, has attracted
attention like the recorded con-
attention like the recorded con-
versation that TMZ obtained and
versation that TMZ obtained and
versation that TMZ obtained and
posted Saturday. Some have called
criticism from
criticism from
NBA players
posted Saturday. Some have called
posted Saturday. Some have called
for Silver to force Sterling to sell
for Silver to force Sterling to sell
the Clippers, and others have said
NBA players
the Clippers, and others have said
the Clippers, and others have said
publicly that Sterling should face
publicly that Sterling should face
publicly that Sterling should face
significant sanctions if the voice
significant sanctions if the voice
significant sanctions if the voice
on the audio is proved to be his.
on the audio is proved to be his.
on the audio is proved to be his.
“The players are outraged if
“The players are outraged if
these allegations happen to be
“The players are outraged if
have to?”
have to?”
Later, the man went on: “You
these allegations happen to be
these allegations happen to be
true. They’re just outraged,” Kevin
Later, the man went on: “You
Later, the man went on: “You
true. They’re just outraged,” Kevin
true. They’re just outraged,” Kevin
Johnson, a former NBA all-star
can sleep with them, you can bring
can sleep with them, you can bring
them in, you can do whatever you
Johnson, a former NBA all-star
Johnson, a former NBA all-star
who was asked by the league’s
them in, you can do whatever you
them in, you can do whatever you
want. The little I ask you is not to
who was asked by the league’s
who was asked by the league’s
players’ union to help determine

Enjoy New Features.

Explore New Opportunities.
want. The little I ask you is not to
want. The little I ask you is not to
promote it on that and not to bring
players’ union to help determine
players’ union to help determine
its response to the latest report on
promote it on that and not to bring
promote it on that and not to bring
them to my games.”
its response to the latest report on
its response to the latest report on
Sterling, said during an interview
them to my games.”
them to my games.”
NBA Commissioner Adam Sil-
asked Sterling to keep his dis-
Sterling, said during an interview
Sterling, said during an interview
shown during the Clippers-War-
shown during the Clippers-War-
shown during the Clippers-War-
riors game broadcast on ABC.
asked Sterling to keep his dis-
asked Sterling to keep his dis-
riors game broadcast on ABC.
riors game broadcast on ABC.
“They want swift and decisive ac-
tance from Sunday’s game, in
which his clearly distracted team
“They want swift and decisive ac-
“They want swift and decisive ac-
tion, and they want [Silver] to be
which his clearly distracted team
which his clearly distracted team
was blown out by the Golden State
Clippers owner Donald Sterling, center, is shown at an October
tion, and they want [Silver] to be
tion, and they want [Silver] to be
extreme and to do the maximum.”
was blown out by the Golden State
was blown out by the Golden State
Warriors, 118-97. Silver said at a
extreme and to do the maximum.”
extreme and to do the maximum.”
Johnson, the current mayor of
Clippers owner Donald Sterling, center, is shown at an October
Clippers owner Donald Sterling, center, is shown at an October
game with V. Stiviano, right, to whom he made the alleged remarks.
Warriors, 118-97. Silver said at a
Warriors, 118-97. Silver said at a
Johnson, the current mayor of
Sacramento, continued: “This is a
Johnson, the current mayor of
game with V. Stiviano, right, to whom he made the alleged remarks.
The New
news conference Saturday the
league would investigate before
Sacramento, continued: “This is a
Sacramento, continued: “This is a
defining moment in the history of
league would investigate before
league would investigate before
deciding whether additional sanc-
Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bry-
ant posted on Twitter that he
ants of a building he owned, along
with the Housing Rights Center;
defining moment in the history of
defining moment in the history of
the NBA.”
deciding whether additional sanc-
deciding whether additional sanc-
tions were necessary.
ant posted on Twitter that he
ant posted on Twitter that he
“couldn’t play for him,” and
with the Housing Rights Center;
with the Housing Rights Center;
they claimed Sterling’s employees
the NBA.”
the NBA.”
Sterling, who made his fortune
tions were necessary.
tions were necessary.
Clippers President Andy Roeser
“couldn’t play for him,” and
“couldn’t play for him,” and Mi-
chael Jordan
, the NBA legend who
they claimed Sterling’s employees
they claimed Sterling’s employees
refused repairs to black tenants
Sterling, who made his fortune
through real estate investments in
Sterling, who made his fortune
Clippers President Andy Roeser
issued a statement Saturday, ques-
Clippers President Andy Roeser
, the NBA legend who
is now the majority owner of the
, the NBA legend who
refused repairs to black tenants
refused repairs to black tenants
and frequently threatened to evict
through real estate investments in
through real estate investments in
issued a statement Saturday, ques-
issued a statement Saturday, ques-
tioning the legitimacy of the re-
is now the majority owner of the
is now the majority owner of the
Charlotte Bobcats, said he was
and frequently threatened to evict
and frequently threatened to evict
them. Sterling settled the case for
Southern California, purchased
the Clippers in 1981 for $12 mil-
tioning the legitimacy of the re-
tioning the legitimacy of the re-
cording and suggesting the audio
Charlotte Bobcats, said he was
Charlotte Bobcats, said he was
“disgusted” by the comments at-
them. Sterling settled the case for
them. Sterling settled the case for
an undisclosed sum.
the Clippers in 1981 for $12 mil-
the Clippers in 1981 for $12 mil-
lion. The franchise was valued at
cording and suggesting the audio
cording and suggesting the audio
was leaked for the purposes of
“disgusted” by the comments at-
“disgusted” by the comments at-
tributed to Sterling.
an undisclosed sum.
an undisclosed sum.
In 2009, Sterling spent $2.73
lion. The franchise was valued at
lion. The franchise was valued at
$575 million in January, according
“El Nuevo Click”
was leaked for the purposes of
was leaked for the purposes of
revenge. He said the woman in the
tributed to Sterling.
tributed to Sterling.
“There is no room in the NBA —
In 2009, Sterling spent $2.73
million to settle another suit, this
In 2009, Sterling spent $2.73
$575 million in January, according
$575 million in January, according
to, which has report-
revenge. He said the woman in the
revenge. He said the woman in the
recording is the subject of an em-
“There is no room in the NBA —
or anywhere else — for the kind of
“There is no room in the NBA —
million to settle another suit, this
million to settle another suit, this
time brought by the Justice De-
to, which has report-
to, which has report-
ed Sterling’s personal net worth at
recording is the subject of an em-
recording is the subject of an em-
bezzlement lawsuit filed by the
or anywhere else — for the kind of
or anywhere else — for the kind of
racism and hatred that Mr. Ster-
time brought by the Justice De-
time brought by the Justice De-
partment, which alleged Sterling
ed Sterling’s personal net worth at
ed Sterling’s personal net worth at
$1.9 billion.
bezzlement lawsuit filed by the
bezzlement lawsuit filed by the
Sterling family.
racism and hatred that Mr. Ster-
racism and hatred that Mr. Ster-
ling allegedly expressed,” Jordan
partment, which alleged Sterling
partment, which alleged Sterling
refused to rent his apartments to
$1.9 billion.
$1.9 billion.
Johnson said he spoke this past
Sterling family.
Sterling family.
“Mr. Sterling is emphatic that
ling allegedly expressed,” Jordan
ling allegedly expressed,” Jordan
refused to rent his apartments to
refused to rent his apartments to
Johnson said he spoke this past
Johnson said he spoke this past
“Mr. Sterling is emphatic that
what is reflected on that recording
“Mr. Sterling is emphatic that
Magic Johnson, another NBA
non-Korean tenants, preferring
that black and Hispanic prospec-
weekend with Clippers guard
Chris Paul, who is also president of
what is reflected on that recording
what is reflected on that recording
is not consistent with, nor does it
Magic Johnson, another NBA
legend who played in Los Angeles
Magic Johnson, another NBA
that black and Hispanic prospec-
that black and Hispanic prospec-
tive tenants look elsewhere. The
Chris Paul, who is also president of
Chris Paul, who is also president of
the players’ union and was among
is not consistent with, nor does it
is not consistent with, nor does it
reflect his views, beliefs or feel-
legend who played in Los Angeles
legend who played in Los Angeles
for the Lakers, was singled out in
tive tenants look elsewhere. The
tive tenants look elsewhere. The
lawsuit quoted Sterling as saying
the players’ union and was among
the players’ union and was among
those who staged the silent pro-
reflect his views, beliefs or feel-
reflect his views, beliefs or feel-
ings,” the statement read in part.
for the Lakers, was singled out in
for the Lakers, was singled out in
lawsuit quoted Sterling as saying
lawsuit quoted Sterling as saying
in sworn testimony that “Hispan-
those who staged the silent pro-
those who staged the silent pro-
test before Sunday’s playoff game.
ings,” the statement read in part.
ings,” the statement read in part.
“It is the antithesis of who he is,
the recorded conversation as
someone Stiviano, who is of black
in sworn testimony that “Hispan-
in sworn testimony that “Hispan-
ics smoke, drink and just hang
test before Sunday’s playoff game.
test before Sunday’s playoff game.
Rather than boycott the game,
“It is the antithesis of who he is,
“It is the antithesis of who he is,
what he believes and how he has
someone Stiviano, who is of black
someone Stiviano, who is of black
and Mexican descent and was be-
ics smoke, drink and just hang
ics smoke, drink and just hang
around the building,” adding that
Rather than boycott the game,
Rather than boycott the game,
which players considered, Paul
what he believes and how he has
what he believes and how he has
lived his life.”
and Mexican descent and was be-
and Mexican descent and was be-
lieved to be Sterling’s mistress,
around the building,” adding that
around the building,” adding that
“black tenants smell and attract
which players considered, Paul
which players considered, Paul
was among those who wore black
lived his life.”
lived his life.”
Still, the ripples of Sterling’s
lieved to be Sterling’s mistress,
lieved to be Sterling’s mistress,
should avoid being seen with in
“black tenants smell and attract
“black tenants smell and attract
was among those who wore black
was among those who wore black
socks and a black armband — and
Still, the ripples of Sterling’s
words — and his reputation —
Still, the ripples of Sterling’s
should avoid being seen with in
should avoid being seen with in
public and at Clippers games.
Sterling also feuded with Elgin
socks and a black armband — and
socks and a black armband — and
then played a game that, given the
words — and his reputation —
words — and his reputation —
public and at Clippers games.
public and at Clippers games.
Johnson responded to the report
Sterling also feuded with Elgin
Baylor, a Washington native, NBA
Sterling also feuded with Elgin
then played a game that, given the
then played a game that, given the
Johnson responded to the report
Johnson responded to the report
by posting on Twitter that he
Baylor, a Washington native, NBA
Baylor, a Washington native, NBA
legend and the Clippers’ general
prompting responses from the
game’s biggest stars and even the
by posting on Twitter that he
by posting on Twitter that he
would no longer attend a Clippers
legend and the Clippers’ general
legend and the Clippers’ general
manager for 22 years. Baylor, who
matter much.
matter much.
“I think the biggest statement
game’s biggest stars and even the
game’s biggest stars and even the
White House.
would no longer attend a Clippers
would no longer attend a Clippers
game as long as Sterling owned
manager for 22 years. Baylor, who
manager for 22 years. Baylor, who
has declined commenting public-
“I think the biggest statement
we can make as men — not as
“I think the biggest statement
White House.
White House.
On a trip to Asia,
game as long as Sterling owned
game as long as Sterling owned
the team.
has declined commenting public-
has declined commenting public-
ly this weekend, sued Sterling in
we can make as men — not as
we can make as men — not as
black men, as men — is to stick
On a trip to Asia, President
Obama said
in reference to Ster-
On a trip to Asia,
the team.
the team.
Sterling’s history paints a pic-
ly this weekend, sued Sterling in
ly this weekend, sued Sterling in
black men, as men — is to stick
black men, as men — is to stick
together and show how strong we
Washington’s leading Spanish-language newspaper
in reference to Ster-
ling: “When ignorant folks want to
in reference to Ster-
Sterling’s history paints a pic-
ture of a man who has let slip
Sterling’s history paints a pic-
2009 for discrimination and
wrongful termination. In the law-
together and show how strong we
together and show how strong we
are as a group, not splinter, not
ling: “When ignorant folks want to
ling: “When ignorant folks want to
ture of a man who has let slip
ture of a man who has let slip
bigoted beliefs for years — and
wrongful termination. In the law-
wrongful termination. In the law-
suit, Baylor, who is African Ameri-
are as a group, not splinter, not
are as a group, not splinter, not
walk,” Clippers Coach Doc Rivers
advertise their ignorance, you
don’t really have to do anything.
bigoted beliefs for years — and
bigoted beliefs for years — and
has, at least so far, sidestepped
suit, Baylor, who is African Ameri-
suit, Baylor, who is African Ameri-
can, alleged Sterling built his fran-
walk,” Clippers Coach Doc Rivers
walk,” Clippers Coach Doc Rivers
said before tip-off. “It’s easy to
don’t really have to do anything.
don’t really have to do anything.
You just let them talk. That’s what
has, at least so far, sidestepped
has, at least so far, sidestepped
major repercussions. He was sued
can, alleged Sterling built his fran-
can, alleged Sterling built his fran-
chise with the “vision of a South-
said before tip-off. “It’s easy to
said before tip-off. “It’s easy to
protest. The protest will be in our
Visit us today!
You just let them talk. That’s what
You just let them talk. That’s what
happened here.”
major repercussions. He was sued
major repercussions. He was sued
in 1996 for sexual harassment. In
chise with the “vision of a South-
chise with the “vision of a South-
protest. The protest will be in our
protest. The protest will be in our
happened here.”
happened here.”
LeBron James
of the two-time
in 1996 for sexual harassment. In
in 1996 for sexual harassment. In
2003 he testified in a separate
ern plantation-type structure”
and accused the team owner of a
of the two-time
defending champion Miami Heat
of the two-time
2003 he testified in a separate
2003 he testified in a separate
court case that he occasionally
and accused the team owner of a
and accused the team owner of a
“pervasive and ongoing racist atti-
defending champion Miami Heat
defending champion Miami Heat
said Saturday, “There’s no room
court case that he occasionally
court case that he occasionally
paid women for sex. The same
“pervasive and ongoing racist atti-
“pervasive and ongoing racist atti-
tude.” A jury ruled in Sterling’s
said Saturday, “There’s no room
said Saturday, “There’s no room
for Donald Sterling in our league.”
paid women for sex. The same
paid women for sex. The same
year, Sterling was sued by 19 ten-
tude.” A jury ruled in Sterling’s
tude.” A jury ruled in Sterling’s
favor in 2011.
Julie Tate and Cindy Boren
contributed to this report.
EL613 2x7
for Donald Sterling in our league.”
year, Sterling was sued by 19 ten-
favor in 2011.
discuss the pending charges.
discuss the pending charges.
The state fined the Upper East
lowing in the United States. Pinto
is currently in discussions with
ity event Sunday evening at the
ity event Sunday evening at the
Yellow Hook Grille in Brooklyn.
Grimm violated any laws and pre-
Grimm violated any laws and pre-
dicted that he “
The state fined the Upper East
The state fined the Upper East
is currently in discussions with
is currently in discussions with
officials in Israel over a plea deal
Yellow Hook Grille in Brooklyn.
Yellow Hook Grille in Brooklyn.
dicted that he “
when the case is concluded.
Side restaurant, Healthalicious,
Side restaurant, Healthalicious,
$88,000 for not providing work-
officials in Israel over a plea deal
officials in Israel over a plea deal
in a case involving alleged bribery
rushed up to Recchia and ex-
when the case is concluded.
when the case is concluded.
House Speaker John A. Boeh-
new york —
Rep. Michael G.
Grimm (R-N.Y.) is expected to sur-
Rep. Michael G.
$88,000 for not providing work-
$88,000 for not providing work-
ers compensation. In a lawsuit
in a case involving alleged bribery
in a case involving alleged bribery
of police leaders there,
rushed up to Recchia and ex-
rushed up to Recchia and ex-
pressed interest in volunteering
House Speaker John A. Boeh-
ner (R-Ohio) has not spoken to
House Speaker John A. Boeh-
Grimm (R-N.Y.) is expected to sur-
Grimm (R-N.Y.) is expected to sur-
render Monday morning to feder-
ers compensation. In a lawsuit
ers compensation. In a lawsuit
against the company, workers ac-
of police leaders there,
of police leaders there, according
to Israeli reports.
Pinto has con-
pressed interest in volunteering
pressed interest in volunteering
with his campaign.
ner (R-Ohio) has not spoken to
ner (R-Ohio) has not spoken to
Grimm about the indictment, ac-
render Monday morning to feder-
render Monday morning to feder-
al authorities in New York as he
against the company, workers ac-
against the company, workers ac-
cused the owners of not paying
Pinto has con-
gregations and charitable institu-
Pinto has con-
with his campaign.
with his campaign.
Grimm about the indictment, ac-
Grimm about the indictment, ac-
cording to aides. Neither Boehner
al authorities in New York as he
al authorities in New York as he
faces multiple charges connected
cused the owners of not paying
cused the owners of not paying
proper wages and sometimes giv-
gregations and charitable institu-
gregations and charitable institu-
tions in the United States and
Already inclined to support
Recchia, Jessica Hauser told him
cording to aides. Neither Boehner
cording to aides. Neither Boehner
nor Majority Leader Eric Cantor
faces multiple charges connected
faces multiple charges connected
to a restaurant business he oper-
proper wages and sometimes giv-
proper wages and sometimes giv-
ing out cash payments to skirt tax
tions in the United States and
tions in the United States and
Israel, according to the Associat-
Recchia, Jessica Hauser told him
Recchia, Jessica Hauser told him
that the arrival of new charges in
nor Majority Leader Eric Cantor
nor Majority Leader Eric Cantor
to a restaurant business he oper-
to a restaurant business he oper-
ated before entering Congress in
ing out cash payments to skirt tax
ing out cash payments to skirt tax
and business laws.
Israel, according to the Associat-
Israel, according to the Associat-
ed Press, and reportedly has close
that the arrival of new charges in
that the arrival of new charges in
the Grimm case “makes me extra
(R-Va.) has commented about
Grimm’s future. The National Re-
ated before entering Congress in
ated before entering Congress in
2011, according to sources famil-
and business laws.
and business laws.
It is unclear whether federal
ed Press, and reportedly has close
ed Press, and reportedly has close
relationships with many business
the Grimm case “makes me extra
the Grimm case “makes me extra
inclined to volunteer.”
Grimm’s future. The National Re-
Grimm’s future. The National Re-
publican Congressional Commit-
2011, according to sources famil-
2011, according to sources famil-
iar with the long-running probe
It is unclear whether federal
prosecutors will eventually ex-
It is unclear whether federal
relationships with many business
relationships with many business
leaders, politicians and celebri-
inclined to volunteer.”
inclined to volunteer.”
Recchia has tried to keep the
publican Congressional Commit-
publican Congressional Commit-
tee has declined to comment on
iar with the long-running probe
iar with the long-running probe
into the lawmaker’s finances.
prosecutors will eventually ex-
prosecutors will eventually ex-
pand the charges to encompass
leaders, politicians and celebri-
leaders, politicians and celebri-
ties, including the Miami Heat’s
Recchia has tried to keep the
campaign focused on kitchen-ta-
Recchia has tried to keep the
tee has declined to comment on
tee has declined to comment on
the case. In some previous ethics
into the lawmaker’s finances.
into the lawmaker’s finances.
pand the charges to encompass
pand the charges to encompass
Grimm’s campaign activities, but
ties, including the Miami Heat’s
ties, including the Miami Heat’s
LeBron James. Forbes Israel re-
campaign focused on kitchen-ta-
campaign focused on kitchen-ta-
ble issues, but he took indirect
the case. In some previous ethics
the case. In some previous ethics
cases, Boehner has called for law-
Grimm spent much of the
weekend hunkered down, brac-
Grimm’s campaign activities, but
Grimm’s campaign activities, but
investigators have been moving
LeBron James. Forbes Israel re-
LeBron James. Forbes Israel re-
cently ranked Pinto as Israel’s
Federal charges against Rep.
ble issues, but he took indirect
ble issues, but he took indirect
swipes at the congressman’s legal
cases, Boehner has called for law-
cases, Boehner has called for law-
weekend hunkered down, brac-
weekend hunkered down, brac-
ing for the unveiling of the federal
investigators have been moving
investigators have been moving
on that side of the case against
cently ranked Pinto as Israel’s
cently ranked Pinto as Israel’s
seventh-richest rabbi, with a net
swipes at the congressman’s legal
swipes at the congressman’s legal
makers to resign or removed
them from their committee as-
Federal charges against Rep.
Federal charges against Rep.
ing for the unveiling of the federal
ing for the unveiling of the federal
charges, which will come after he
on that side of the case against
on that side of the case against
several key players, some with ties
seventh-richest rabbi, with a net
seventh-richest rabbi, with a net
worth of about $21 million.
problems. “It’s very troubling
what has transpired,” he said, sug-
them from their committee as-
them from their committee as-
Michael G. Grimm (R-N.Y.) stem
Michael G. Grimm (R-N.Y.) stem
from his past ownership of a
charges, which will come after he
charges, which will come after he
turns himself into the FBI in Low-
several key players, some with ties
several key players, some with ties
to the restaurant.
worth of about $21 million.
worth of about $21 million.
The donations from Pinto’s fol-
what has transpired,” he said, sug-
what has transpired,” he said, sug-
gesting that the criminal case will
Grimm sits on the Financial
from his past ownership of a
from his past ownership of a
health-food restaurant in
turns himself into the FBI in Low-
turns himself into the FBI in Low-
er Manhattan. The charges stem
to the restaurant.
to the restaurant.
New York FBI spokesman Peter
The donations from Pinto’s fol-
lowers proved crucial for Grimm
The donations from Pinto’s fol-
gesting that the criminal case will
gesting that the criminal case will
make it harder for Grimm to serve
Grimm sits on the Financial
Services Committee, which over-
Grimm sits on the Financial
health-food restaurant in
health-food restaurant in
Manhattan, sources say.
er Manhattan. The charges stem
er Manhattan. The charges stem
from his ownership of a Manhat-
New York FBI spokesman Peter
Donald declined to comment.
New York FBI spokesman Peter
lowers proved crucial for Grimm
lowers proved crucial for Grimm
in his 2010 campaign, his first
make it harder for Grimm to serve
make it harder for Grimm to serve
Services Committee, which over-
Services Committee, which over-
sees Wall Street and the banking
Manhattan, sources say.
from his ownership of a Manhat-
from his ownership of a Manhat-
tan health-food restaurant that
Donald declined to comment.
Donald declined to comment.
Healthalicious was run by a
in his 2010 campaign, his first
in his 2010 campaign, his first
political race, demonstrating to
his constituents. “They want
someone who is going to focus on
sees Wall Street and the banking
sees Wall Street and the banking
tan health-food restaurant that
tan health-food restaurant that
has ties to an Israeli fundraiser
Healthalicious was run by a
Grimm company that was con-
Healthalicious was run by a
political race, demonstrating to
political race, demonstrating to
party leaders that he was a viable
$10,000 to Grimm’s 2010 cam-
paign. The charges included lying
someone who is going to focus on
someone who is going to focus on
them 100 percent.”
has ties to an Israeli fundraiser
has ties to an Israeli fundraiser
who served as a liaison between
Grimm company that was con-
Grimm company that was con-
nected to another company affili-
party leaders that he was a viable
party leaders that he was a viable
candidate. He narrowly beat the
paign. The charges included lying
paign. The charges included lying
to investigators in 2012 when they
them 100 percent.”
them 100 percent.”
Despite Grimm’s legal predica-
Despite the investigation,
Grimm has remained a prolific
who served as a liaison between
who served as a liaison between
Grimm and a mystic, celebrity
nected to another company affili-
nected to another company affili-
ated with Israeli fundraiser Ofer
candidate. He narrowly beat the
candidate. He narrowly beat the
to investigators in 2012 when they
to investigators in 2012 when they
asked about her alleged reim-
Despite Grimm’s legal predica-
ment, Republicans are probably
Despite Grimm’s legal predica-
Grimm has remained a prolific
Grimm has remained a prolific
fundraiser. Through March 31, he
Grimm and a mystic, celebrity
Grimm and a mystic, celebrity
rabbi whose followers donated
ated with Israeli fundraiser Ofer
ated with Israeli fundraiser Ofer
Biton. Last August, Biton
Democratic incumbent after a
campaign that he devoted to his
asked about her alleged reim-
asked about her alleged reim-
bursement of Grimm donors.
ment, Republicans are probably
ment, Republicans are probably
stuck with the embattled con-
fundraiser. Through March 31, he
fundraiser. Through March 31, he
brought in more than $1.8 million
rabbi whose followers donated
rabbi whose followers donated
more than $500,000 to Grimm’s
Biton. Last August, Biton
Biton. Last August, Biton pleaded
guilty to filing false documents
2010 when he sought an investor
campaign that he devoted to his
campaign that he devoted to his
own biography, trumpeting his
bursement of Grimm donors.
bursement of Grimm donors.
While Grimm’s attorney has
stuck with the embattled con-
stuck with the embattled con-
gressman on the ballot because
brought in more than $1.8 million
brought in more than $1.8 million
for his reelection campaign and
more than $500,000 to Grimm’s
more than $500,000 to Grimm’s
campaign in 2010.
own biography, trumpeting his
own biography, trumpeting his
background as a Marine and an
While Grimm’s attorney has
proclaimed the lawmaker’s inno-
While Grimm’s attorney has
gressman on the ballot because
gressman on the ballot because
the filing deadline for candidates
for his reelection campaign and
for his reelection campaign and
had more than $1.1 million in his
campaign in 2010.
campaign in 2010.
While the investigation has fo-
2010 when he sought an investor
2010 when he sought an investor
visa. The plea ended a standoff of
background as a Marine and an
background as a Marine and an
undercover FBI agent as a sign of
proclaimed the lawmaker’s inno-
proclaimed the lawmaker’s inno-
cence, the charges and the investi-
the filing deadline for candidates
the filing deadline for candidates
passed two weeks ago. Some New
had more than $1.1 million in his
had more than $1.1 million in his
account. However, the case has
While the investigation has fo-
cused on Grimm’s fundraising,
While the investigation has fo-
visa. The plea ended a standoff of
visa. The plea ended a standoff of
undercover FBI agent as a sign of
undercover FBI agent as a sign of
his ethical standing.
cence, the charges and the investi-
cence, the charges and the investi-
gation have provided an opening
passed two weeks ago. Some New
passed two weeks ago. Some New
York Republicans are
account. However, the case has
account. However, the case has
left a cloud over his political fi-
cused on Grimm’s fundraising,
cused on Grimm’s fundraising,
U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch is
several months, during which
prosecutors asserted that Biton
his ethical standing.
his ethical standing.
On Friday, prosecutors with the
gation have provided an opening
gation have provided an opening
for his Democratic opponent, for-
York Republicans are
York Republicans are angry about
the timing of the charges
, fearful
left a cloud over his political fi-
left a cloud over his political fi-
U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch is
U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch is
expected to announce an indict-
prosecutors asserted that Biton
prosecutors asserted that Biton
On Friday, prosecutors with the
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the East-
On Friday, prosecutors with the
for his Democratic opponent, for-
for his Democratic opponent, for-
mer New York City councilman
, fearful
that the case could get worse and
, fearful
He paid $50,000 to McGinley’s
expected to announce an indict-
expected to announce an indict-
ment centered on his restaurant
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the East-
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the East-
ern District of New York unsealed
mer New York City councilman
mer New York City councilman
that the case could get worse and
that the case could get worse and
leave them without a viable candi-
He paid $50,000 to McGinley’s
law firm, Patton Boggs, in the last
He paid $50,000 to McGinley’s
ment centered on his restaurant
ment centered on his restaurant
business, which Grimm launched
Grimm investigation.
Grimm investigation.
ern District of New York unsealed
ern District of New York unsealed
an indictment against Diana Du-
Domenic Recchia, who barn-
stormed the congressional dis-
leave them without a viable candi-
leave them without a viable candi-
date in November. Grimm is the
law firm, Patton Boggs, in the last
law firm, Patton Boggs, in the last
quarter, and his campaign reports
business, which Grimm launched
business, which Grimm launched
after leaving the FBI in 2006,
Biton often served as a go-be-
for Grimm, a Roman Cath-
an indictment against Diana Du-
an indictment against Diana Du-
rand, a close friend of Grimm’s,
stormed the congressional dis-
stormed the congressional dis-
trict over the weekend. Recchia
date in November. Grimm is the
date in November. Grimm is the
only Republican who represents
quarter, and his campaign reports
quarter, and his campaign reports
show that he owes an additional
after leaving the FBI in 2006,
after leaving the FBI in 2006,
for Grimm, a Roman Cath-
olic, and followers of Yoshiyahu
for Grimm, a Roman Cath-
rand, a close friend of Grimm’s,
rand, a close friend of Grimm’s,
alleging that the Houston busi-
trict over the weekend. Recchia
trict over the weekend. Recchia
only Republican who represents
only Republican who represents
any part of New York City.
show that he owes an additional
show that he owes an additional
$417,000 to the firm.
according to officials familiar
with the investigation who spoke
olic, and followers of Yoshiyahu
olic, and followers of Yoshiyahu
Yosef Pinto, a multi-millionaire
alleging that the Houston busi-
alleging that the Houston busi-
nesswoman ran a straw-donor
bounced around Staten Island
and the southern end of Brooklyn,
any part of New York City.
any part of New York City.
The lawmaker’s attorney, Wil-
$417,000 to the firm.
$417,000 to the firm.
with the investigation who spoke
with the investigation who spoke
on the condition of anonymity to
Yosef Pinto, a multi-millionaire
Yosef Pinto, a multi-millionaire
celebrity rabbi with a strong fol-
nesswoman ran a straw-donor
nesswoman ran a straw-donor
scheme that brought in more than
and the southern end of Brooklyn,
and the southern end of Brooklyn,
concluding the weekend at a char-
The lawmaker’s attorney, Wil-
The lawmaker’s attorney, Wil-
on the condition of anonymity to
celebrity rabbi with a strong fol-
scheme that brought in more than
concluding the weekend at a char-
To kids, words are the most precious data. Every conversation a child has
To kids, words are the most precious data. Every conversation a child has
To kids, words are the most precious data. Every conversation a child has
with a parent or caregiver fosters brain development. Sadly, some kids hear
with a parent or caregiver fosters brain development. Sadly, some kids hear
with a parent or caregiver fosters brain development. Sadly, some kids hear
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millions fewer words by kindergarten than others. Frequent dialogue between
millions fewer words by kindergarten than others. Frequent dialogue between
parents and children leads to bigger vocabularies, stronger reading skills, and
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Ken Glusman holds on to his canoe as he rides out a spill into a section of the Swift River called Staircase
Ken Glusman holds on to his canoe as he rides out a spill into a section of the Swift River called Staircase
in Albany. The lower Swift is the most sought-after spring river in NewHampshire for boaters.
in Albany. The lower Swift is the most sought-after spring river in NewHampshire for boaters.
up to them holding her lifeless
up to them holding her lifeless
baby, Anderson said. She was ar-
N.C. boy dies from tornado inju-
Authorities say an 11-
Pilot missing after
Pilot missing after
Pilot missing after
two planes collide
baby, Anderson said. She was ar-
baby, Anderson said. She was ar-
rested after implicating herself,
Authorities say an 11-
month-old boy died from injuries
Authorities say an 11-
rested after implicating herself,
rested after implicating herself,
Anderson said, adding that in-
month-old boy died from injuries
month-old boy died from injuries
suffered when a tornado struck
two planes collide
two planes collide
Two small planes collided over
Anderson said, adding that in-
Anderson said, adding that in-
vestigators believe they found
suffered when a tornado struck
suffered when a tornado struck
his home in eastern North Caro-
vestigators believe they found
vestigators believe they found
the knife that was used.
his home in eastern North Caro-
his home in eastern North Caro-
lina. Julia Jarema, a spokeswom-
Two small planes collided over
the northern part of the San
Two small planes collided over
the knife that was used.
the knife that was used.
The stabbing occurred in a re-
lina. Julia Jarema, a spokeswom-
lina. Julia Jarema, a spokeswom-
an for the Department of Public
the northern part of the San
the northern part of the San
Francisco Bay, leaving a pilot
The stabbing occurred in a re-
mote part of Camp Arroyo, south
The stabbing occurred in a re-
an for the Department of Public
an for the Department of Public
Safety, said the boy died in the
Francisco Bay, leaving a pilot
Francisco Bay, leaving a pilot
missing after only one of the air-
mote part of Camp Arroyo, south
mote part of Camp Arroyo, south
of Livermore, a suburb about 45
Safety, said the boy died in the
Safety, said the boy died in the
hospital Sunday, two days after
missing after only one of the air-
missing after only one of the air-
craft landed safely.
of Livermore, a suburb about 45
of Livermore, a suburb about 45
miles east of San Francisco.
hospital Sunday, two days after
hospital Sunday, two days after
his home in Edenton was de-
craft landed safely.
craft landed safely.
Coast Guard spokeswoman
miles east of San Francisco.
miles east of San Francisco.
Newton remains in jail with
his home in Edenton was de-
his home in Edenton was de-
stroyed in one of eight tornadoes
Coast Guard spokeswoman
Loumania Stewart said a water
Coast Guard spokeswoman
Newton remains in jail with
no possibility of release on bond,
Newton remains in jail with
stroyed in one of eight tornadoes
stroyed in one of eight tornadoes
that hit the state. Gov. Pat Mc-
Loumania Stewart said a water
Loumania Stewart said a water
search was underway after de-
no possibility of release on bond,
no possibility of release on bond,
police said. She is due in court
that hit the state. Gov. Pat Mc-
that hit the state. Gov. Pat Mc-
Crory (R) toured Chowan County
search was underway after de-
search was underway after de-
bris was spotted in San Pablo Bay
police said. She is due in court
police said. She is due in court
Crory (R) toured Chowan County
Crory (R) toured Chowan County
and said his prayers go out to the
bris was spotted in San Pablo Bay
bris was spotted in San Pablo Bay
after the collision Sunday after-
and said his prayers go out to the
and said his prayers go out to the
boy’s family. He also viewed dam-
after the collision Sunday after-
after the collision Sunday after-
boy’s family. He also viewed dam-
boy’s family. He also viewed dam-
age in Beaufort and Perquimans
— Associated Press
Federal Aviation Administra-
age in Beaufort and Perquimans
age in Beaufort and Perquimans
counties, promising residents
Federal Aviation Administra-
tion spokesman Ian Gregor said
Federal Aviation Administra-
counties, promising residents
counties, promising residents
that he will see what the state
Port Authority paid
tion spokesman Ian Gregor said
tion spokesman Ian Gregor said
the collision off the city of Rich-
Port Authority paid
Port Authority paid
for unwanted plans
that he will see what the state
that he will see what the state
and federal governments can do
the collision off the city of Rich-
the collision off the city of Rich-
mond involved a Cessna 210 and
and federal governments can do
and federal governments can do
to help. More than a dozen peo-
for unwanted plans
for unwanted plans
The Port Authority of New
mond involved a Cessna 210 and
mond involved a Cessna 210 and
a Hawker Sea Fury TMK 20. Each
to help. More than a dozen peo-
to help. More than a dozen peo-
ple were injured and about 200
a Hawker Sea Fury TMK 20. Each
a Hawker Sea Fury TMK 20. Each
aircraft had one person on
ple were injured and about 200
ple were injured and about 200
homes and businesses were de-
aircraft had one person on
aircraft had one person on
The Port Authority of New
York and New Jersey paid
The Port Authority of New
homes and businesses were de-
homes and businesses were de-
stroyed or heavily damaged in
He said the Cessna crashed
York and New Jersey paid
York and New Jersey paid
$500,000 to a noted architect for
stroyed or heavily damaged in
stroyed or heavily damaged in
Friday’s tornadoes, which also
He said the Cessna crashed
into the water and the pilot of
He said the Cessna crashed
$500,000 to a noted architect for
$500,000 to a noted architect for
bridge designs that the agency
Friday’s tornadoes, which also
Friday’s tornadoes, which also
struck Pitt, Halifax and Pas-
into the water and the pilot of
into the water and the pilot of
the Hawker was able to land
bridge designs that the agency
bridge designs that the agency
didn’t request and can’t use, ac-
struck Pitt, Halifax and Pas-
struck Pitt, Halifax and Pas-
quotank counties.
the Hawker was able to land
the Hawker was able to land
safely at a small airport in North-
didn’t request and can’t use, ac-
didn’t request and can’t use, ac-
cording to a published report.
quotank counties.
safely at a small airport in North-
safely at a small airport in North-
ern California. The pilot was re-
cording to a published report.
cording to a published report.
Citing agency documents it
ern California. The pilot was re-
ern California. The pilot was re-
portedly uninjured.
Citing agency documents it
obtained, the Record newspaper
Citing agency documents it
Conn. student died of stab
wounds, autopsy shows:
portedly uninjured.
portedly uninjured.
— Associated Press
obtained, the Record newspaper
obtained, the Record newspaper
said the payment came after two
year-old girl stabbed at her high
said the payment came after two
said the payment came after two
authority commissioners with
year-old girl stabbed at her high
year-old girl stabbed at her high
school on the day of her junior
— Associated Press
authority commissioners with
authority commissioners with
ties to Santiago Calatrava pri-
school on the day of her junior
school on the day of her junior
prom died of wounds to her torso
Mother arrested in
Mother arrested in
ties to Santiago Calatrava pri-
ties to Santiago Calatrava pri-
vately pressed agency staff mem-
prom died of wounds to her torso
prom died of wounds to her torso
and neck, Connecticut’s chief
vately pressed agency staff mem-
vately pressed agency staff mem-
bers to incorporate the designs
and neck, Connecticut’s chief
and neck, Connecticut’s chief
medical examiner said Sunday.
son’s stabbing death
©2014 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
bers to incorporate the designs
bers to incorporate the designs
into construction of two bridges
medical examiner said Sunday.
medical examiner said Sunday.
The office ruled Maren Sanchez’s
into construction of two bridges
into construction of two bridges
between New Jersey and New
The office ruled Maren Sanchez’s
The office ruled Maren Sanchez’s
death a homicide. A 16-year-old
A mother has admitted to in-
vestigators that she stabbed her
A mother has admitted to in-
between New Jersey and New
between New Jersey and New
death a homicide. A 16-year-old
death a homicide. A 16-year-old
male classmate was charged with
vestigators that she stabbed her
vestigators that she stabbed her
7-month-old son to death at a
The pair also helped provide
male classmate was charged with
male classmate was charged with
murder as a juvenile in the stab-
7-month-old son to death at a
7-month-old son to death at a
Northern California park, police
The pair also helped provide
the architect with insider access
The pair also helped provide
murder as a juvenile in the stab-
murder as a juvenile in the stab-
bing at Jonathan Law High
Northern California park, police
Northern California park, police
said Sunday.
the architect with insider access
the architect with insider access
to pitch his plans, the newspaper
bing at Jonathan Law High
bing at Jonathan Law High
School in Milford. The attack oc-
said Sunday.
said Sunday.
Ashley Newton, 23, of San Jose
to pitch his plans, the newspaper
to pitch his plans, the newspaper
said. But Port Authority engi-
School in Milford. The attack oc-
School in Milford. The attack oc-
curred Friday morning, hours be-
Ashley Newton, 23, of San Jose
was arrested Saturday on suspi-
Ashley Newton, 23, of San Jose
said. But Port Authority engi-
said. But Port Authority engi-
neers and lawyers quickly reject-
curred Friday morning, hours be-
curred Friday morning, hours be-
fore the school’s prom, and au-
was arrested Saturday on suspi-
was arrested Saturday on suspi-
cion of murder, the East Bay Re-
neers and lawyers quickly reject-
neers and lawyers quickly reject-
ed the designs for the Goethals
fore the school’s prom, and au-
fore the school’s prom, and au-
thorities are investigating
cion of murder, the East Bay Re-
cion of murder, the East Bay Re-
gional Parks District Police De-
ed the designs for the Goethals
ed the designs for the Goethals
and Bayonne bridges as unwork-
thorities are investigating
thorities are investigating
whether Sanchez was stabbed af-
gional Parks District Police De-
gional Parks District Police De-
partment said in a statement.
and Bayonne bridges as unwork-
and Bayonne bridges as unwork-
able and unneeded.
whether Sanchez was stabbed af-
whether Sanchez was stabbed af-
partment said in a statement.
partment said in a statement.
The motive remains unclear,
able and unneeded.
able and unneeded.
The authority eventually paid
ter turning down the boy’s invita-
ter turning down the boy’s invita-
tion to the dance. Police haven’t
The motive remains unclear,
but Chief Timothy Anderson of
The motive remains unclear,
The authority eventually paid
Calatrava’s firm $500,000 in July
The authority eventually paid
tion to the dance. Police haven’t
tion to the dance. Police haven’t
released the suspect’s name, but
but Chief Timothy Anderson of
but Chief Timothy Anderson of
the park police department said
Calatrava’s firm $500,000 in July
Calatrava’s firm $500,000 in July
2012. That’s the maximum
released the suspect’s name, but
released the suspect’s name, but
people who saw him taken into
the park police department said
the park police department said
that Newton has a history of de-
2012. That’s the maximum
2012. That’s the maximum
amount the agency can spend
people who saw him taken into
people who saw him taken into
custody identified him as Chris
that Newton has a history of de-
that Newton has a history of de-
pression and appeared to have
amount the agency can spend
amount the agency can spend
without a public vote by its gov-
custody identified him as Chris
custody identified him as Chris
Plaskon, a friend of the victim’s
pression and appeared to have
pression and appeared to have
self-inflicted knife wounds on
without a public vote by its gov-
without a public vote by its gov-
ernor-appointed commissioners,
Plaskon, a friend of the victim’s
Plaskon, a friend of the victim’s
and an athlete described as ge-
self-inflicted knife wounds on
self-inflicted knife wounds on
her wrist.
ernor-appointed commissioners,
ernor-appointed commissioners,
the newspaper reported, adding
and an athlete described as ge-
and an athlete described as ge-
nial and respectful. Plaskon’s at-
her wrist.
her wrist.
Police were called at 10:30
the newspaper reported, adding
the newspaper reported, adding
that the agency justified the
nial and respectful. Plaskon’s at-
nial and respectful. Plaskon’s at-
torney, Richard Meehan, said his
Police were called at 10:30
a.m. Saturday on reports of a
Police were called at 10:30
that the agency justified the
that the agency justified the
torney, Richard Meehan, said his
torney, Richard Meehan, said his
client is being held in a hospital
a.m. Saturday on reports of a
a.m. Saturday on reports of a
damaged Honda sedan in the Del
work as helping to affirm its orig-
work as helping to affirm its orig-
inal plans for the Goethals proj-
client is being held in a hospital
client is being held in a hospital
under psychiatric evaluation.
2.1 million readers, home buyers included • 202.334.6200 • • Open 24/7
2.1 million readers, home buyers included • 202.334.6200 • • Open 24/7
Or place your ad in Express, our daily commuter read, and reach 536,000 readers.
damaged Honda sedan in the Del
damaged Honda sedan in the Del
Valle Regional Park, east of San
inal plans for the Goethals proj-
inal plans for the Goethals proj-
under psychiatric evaluation.
under psychiatric evaluation.
— From news services
Valle Regional Park, east of San
Valle Regional Park, east of San
Francisco. They were about to
— From news services
Or place your ad in Express, our daily commuter read, and reach 536,000 readers.
Francisco. They were about to
Francisco. They were about to
tow the car when Newton walked
— Associated Press
tow the car when Newton walked
Source: Scarborough 2012, Release 2. Average Washington Post newspaper 7-day cumulative reach.
C054D 3x3.25
Female voters seen as
Female voters seen as
critical in key contests
Udall’s campaign spent about
$200,000 lastweek andwill spend
Udall’s campaign spent about
“Narrowcasting to women mostly
on reproduction ignores a simple
cluding this month’s Paycheck
Fairness Act, which died in the
won the male vote by a slimmer
margin, seven points. In the Vir-
$200,000 lastweek andwill spend
$200,000 lastweek andwill spend
another $200,000 thisweekonTV
on reproduction ignores a simple
on reproduction ignores a simple
reality:Mostwomenaremost con-
Fairness Act, which died in the
Fairness Act, which died in the
Senate. President Obama instead
margin, seven points. In the Vir-
margin, seven points. In the Vir-
ginia gubernatorial race last year,
another $200,000 thisweekonTV
another $200,000 thisweekonTV
ads to highlight what it calls Rep.
reality:Mostwomenaremost con-
reality:Mostwomenaremost con-
cerned with everyday affordabili-
Senate. President Obama instead
Senate. President Obama instead
signed two executive orders de-
ginia gubernatorial race last year,
ginia gubernatorial race last year,
a nine-point edge among women
critical in key contests
ads to highlight what it calls Rep.
ads to highlight what it calls Rep.
cerned with everyday affordabili-
cerned with everyday affordabili-
ty and long-term security.”
signed two executive orders de-
signed two executive orders de-
signed to advance equal pay.
a nine-point edge among women
a nine-point edge among women
propelled Democrat Terry McAu-
Cory Gardner’s “disturbing” rec-
Cory Gardner’s “disturbing” rec-
ord on abortion laws. “Gardner
ty and long-term security.”
ty and long-term security.”
Republicans havewatchedwith
signed to advance equal pay.
signed to advance equal pay.
As a result, the gender gap has
propelled Democrat Terry McAu-
propelled Democrat Terry McAu-
liffe over Republican Ken Cuc-
ord on abortion laws. “Gardner
ord on abortion laws. “Gardner
even championed an eight-year
Republicans havewatchedwith
rising alarm as female voters, es-
Republicans havewatchedwith
As a result, the gender gap has
grown in recent election years to
As a result, the gender gap has
liffe over Republican Ken Cuc-
liffe over Republican Ken Cuc-
cinelli II, who won men by just
even championed an eight-year
even championed an eight-year
crusade to outlaw birth control,
rising alarm as female voters, es-
rising alarm as female voters, es-
pecially younger and unmarried
grown in recent election years to
grown in recent election years to
Democrats’ advantage. Women
cinelli II, who won men by just
cinelli II, who won men by just
three points.
he’ll protect women from violent
criminals, askhim, what about the
crusade to outlaw birth control,
crusade to outlaw birth control,
here, in Colorado,” a female narra-
pecially younger and unmarried
pecially younger and unmarried
Democrats’ advantage. Women
Democrats’ advantage. Women
make up a larger percentage of the
three points.
three points.
Women could be particularly
criminals, askhim, what about the
criminals, askhim, what about the
ones who paid him?”
here, in Colorado,” a female narra-
here, in Colorado,” a female narra-
tor says in the ad.
ones, have moved toward
Democratic hopefuls. Democrats
have moved toward
have moved toward
have moved toward
make up a larger percentage of the
make up a larger percentage of the
electorate than men, they are dis-
Women could be particularly
critical in key races this year. In a
Women could be particularly
And in one of the more notably
And in one of the more notably
ones who paid him?”
ones who paid him?”
For Democrats, the approach
tor says in the ad.
tor says in the ad.
For Republicans, 2014 is the
Democratic hopefuls. Democrats
Democratic hopefuls. Democrats
have exploited inarticulate or sex-
electorate than men, they are dis-
electorate than men, they are dis-
proportionately likely to go to the
critical in key races this year. In a
critical in key races this year. In a
handful of states where control of
negative ads this year, the Repub-
negative ads this year, the Repub-
For Democrats, the approach
aims to build on the success the
For Democrats, the approach
For Republicans, 2014 is the
year to fight back — not just to try
For Republicans, 2014 is the
have exploited inarticulate or sex-
have exploited inarticulate or sex-
ist remarks by some Republicans
proportionately likely to go to the
proportionately likely to go to the
polls in midterm election years,
handful of states where control of
handful of states where control of
the Senate will be decided, the
South Carolina Democrat Vincent
aims to build on the success the
aims to build on the success the
party has had in recent elections
year to fight back — not just to try
year to fight back — not just to try
to neutralize the issue but to turn
ist remarks by some Republicans
ist remarks by some Republicans
and harsh antiabortion measures
polls in midterm election years,
polls in midterm election years,
and they are more likely to vote
the Senate will be decided, the
the Senate will be decided, the
Democratic coalition increasingly
South Carolina Democrat Vincent
South Carolina Democrat Vincent
Sheheen, a trial
party has had in recent elections
party has had in recent elections
casting Republicans as anywhere
to neutralize the issue but to turn
to neutralize the issue but to turn
it to their advantage.
and harsh antiabortion measures
and harsh antiabortion measures
passed in GOP-led legislatures or
and they are more likely to vote
and they are more likely to vote
Democratic than men are to vote
Democratic coalition increasingly
Democratic coalition increasingly
ignores white men, who have
Sheheen, a trial
Sheheen, a trial
Sheheen, a trial lawyer who is
taking on Gov. Nikki Haley, for
lawyer who is
lawyer who is
lawyer who is
casting Republicans as anywhere
casting Republicans as anywhere
from insensitive about women’s
it to their advantage.
it to their advantage.
“The Democratic Party runs the
passed in GOP-led legislatures or
passed in GOP-led legislatures or
sponsored by party candidates.
Democratic than men are to vote
Democratic than men are to vote
ignores white men, who have
ignores white men, who have
turned away from the party in
taking on Gov. Nikki Haley, for
taking on Gov. Nikki Haley, for
defending “violent criminals who
from insensitive about women’s
from insensitive about women’s
issues to misogynistic — in what
“The Democratic Party runs the
risk of being one-note Johnnys
“The Democratic Party runs the
sponsored by party candidates.
sponsored by party candidates.
In Washington, Democratic
Obama won among female vot-
turned away from the party in
turned away from the party in
recent years, in favor of identify-
defending “violent criminals who
defending “violent criminals who
abused women.” The ad goes on to
issues to misogynistic — in what
issues to misogynistic — in what
both sides refer to as a “war on
risk of being one-note Johnnys
risk of being one-note Johnnys
this cycle,” saidKellyanneConway,
In Washington, Democratic
lawmakers have also pushed bills
In Washington, Democratic
Obama won among female vot-
ers by 11 points in the 2012 presi-
Obama won among female vot-
recent years, in favor of identify-
recent years, in favor of identify-
ing, persuading and turning out
abused women.” The ad goes on to
abused women.” The ad goes on to
say, “So next time Sheheen says
both sides refer to as a “war on
both sides refer to as a “war on
this cycle,” saidKellyanneConway,
this cycle,” saidKellyanneConway,
a longtime Republican pollster.
lawmakers have also pushed bills
lawmakers have also pushed bills
designed to draw a contrast, in-
ers by 11 points in the 2012 presi-
ers by 11 points in the 2012 presi-
dential race, while Mitt Romney
ing, persuading and turning out
ing, persuading and turning out
minority voters andwhitewomen.
say, “So next time Sheheen says
a longtime Republican pollster.
designed to draw a contrast, in-
dential race, while Mitt Romney
minority voters andwhitewomen.
minority voters andwhitewomen.
A recent Quinnipiac University
A recent Quinnipiac University
A recent Quinnipiac University
poll in Colorado showed Udall
leading Gardner by a statistically
in Colorado showed Udall
in Colorado showed Udall
in Colorado showed Udall
leading Gardner by a statistically
leading Gardner by a statistically
insignificant 45 to 44 percent.
insignificant 45 to 44 percent.
insignificant 45 to 44 percent.
What was significant was the gen-
It’s almost like getting
for 18 months
What was significant was the gen-
What was significant was the gen-
der gap: Udall leads among wom-
der gap: Udall leads among wom-
der gap: Udall leads among wom-
en by 17 points, while Gardner
en by 17 points, while Gardner
en by 17 points, while Gardner
leads amongmen by 15.
leads amongmen by 15.
leads amongmen by 15.
Both parties spin their own ver-
Both parties spin their own ver-
sion of political algebra that they
Both parties spin their own ver-
sion of political algebra that they
sion of political algebra that they
say will work to their advantage.
say will work to their advantage.
say will work to their advantage.
Though female voters outnum-
Though female voters outnum-
ber male ones in midterm elec-
Though female voters outnum-
ber male ones in midterm elec-
ber male ones in midterm elec-
tions, thosewho turn out aremore
tions, thosewho turn out aremore
tions, thosewho turn out aremore
likely to be married, older, whiter
likely to be married, older, whiter
likely to be married, older, whiter
and wealthier than the larger
and wealthier than the larger
and wealthier than the larger
number of women who vote for
number of women who vote for
number of women who vote for
president, all indicators that sug-
president, all indicators that sug-
president, all indicators that sug-
gest they are more apt to lean
gest they are more apt to lean
gest they are more apt to lean
To turn out more of its voters,
To turn out more of its voters,
the Democratic Senatorial Cam-
To turn out more of its voters,
the Democratic Senatorial Cam-
the Democratic Senatorial Cam-
paign Committee is spending mil-
paign Committee is spending mil-
paign Committee is spending mil-
lions of dollars on identifying and
No Money Down, No Payments, No Interest and call before May 17th to
SAVE $220 on every window
lions of dollars on identifying and
lions of dollars on identifying and
targeting unmarried women,
among other constituencies that
unmarried women,
unmarried women,
unmarried women,
among other constituencies that
among other constituencies that
are highly likely to voteDemocrat-
are highly likely to voteDemocrat-
are highly likely to voteDemocrat-
ic but far less likely to vote in a
ic but far less likely to vote in a
ic but far less likely to vote in a
Add thoseunmarriedwomen to
Add thoseunmarriedwomen to
a coalition that includes more mi-
Add thoseunmarriedwomen to
a coalition that includes more mi-
a coalition that includes more mi-
norities than usually turn out, and
norities than usually turn out, and
norities than usually turn out, and
vulnerable Democratic senators
vulnerable Democratic senators
vulnerable Democratic senators
in states such as North Carolina,
Our windows are not available from stores or contractors,
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in states such as North Carolina,
in states such as North Carolina,
Louisiana and Arkansas could
Louisiana and Arkansas could
Louisiana and Arkansas could
have an advantage.
have an advantage.
have an advantage.
“These targeted women voters
“These targeted women voters
are harder to reach,” said Ann
“These targeted women voters
are harder to reach,” said Ann
are harder to reach,” said Ann
Liston, a Chicago-based Demo-
Liston, a Chicago-based Demo-
Liston, a Chicago-based Demo-
craticmessaging specialist. “What
craticmessaging specialist. “What
craticmessaging specialist. “What
you are seeing from these very
you are seeing from these very
you are seeing from these very
different races is an acknowledg-
Don’t settle for poor-quality vinyl windows; our window’s
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different races is an acknowledg-
different races is an acknowledg-
ment that these female voters are
ment that these female voters are
ment that these female voters are
important in the overall targeting
important in the overall targeting
important in the overall targeting
strategy, and these campaigns are
strategy, and these campaigns are
strategy, and these campaigns are
aggressively going after them.”
aggressively going after them.”
aggressively going after them.”
The GOP math depends on
The GOP math depends on
blunting Democratic attacks and
The GOP math depends on
blunting Democratic attacks and
blunting Democratic attacks and
appealing to women more effec-
appealing to women more effec-
appealing to women more effec-
tively. Winning a higher percent-
tively. Winning a higher percent-
tively. Winning a higher percent-
age of women’s votes, coupled
Many of our installers have over 10 years of experience.They
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age of women’s votes, coupled
age of women’s votes, coupled
with the GOP’s dominant per-
with the GOP’s dominant per-
with the GOP’s dominant per-
formance among white males,
formance among white males,
formance among white males,
would give nominees in Southern
would give nominees in Southern
would give nominees in Southern
states amajority coalition.
states amajority coalition.
states amajority coalition.
“The irony is that Republicans
“The irony is that Republicans
have less natural support among
“The irony is that Republicans
have less natural support among
have less natural support among
women but more opportunity to
women but more opportunity to
women but more opportunity to
communicate with them in 2014,”
communicate with them in 2014,”
communicate with them in 2014,”
Conway said. “Republicans will
We take responsibility for the entire process,
warranting the windows and installation.*
And backed
by Andersen’s 110 history, we’re not going anywhere.
Conway said. “Republicans will
Conway said. “Republicans will
talk to women about the cost, con-
talk to women about the cost, con-
talk to women about the cost, con-
fusion, uncertainty and overreach
fusion, uncertainty and overreach
fusion, uncertainty and overreach
of Obamacare, the intrusions of
of Obamacare, the intrusions of
of Obamacare, the intrusions of
the IRS and NSA, and the rising
the IRS and NSA, and the rising
the IRS and NSA, and the rising
costs of goods and declining value
costs of goods and declining value
costs of goods and declining value
of earnings.”
of earnings.”
of earnings.”
A part of the Republican out-
A part of the Republican out-
reach effort has been recruiting
A part of the Republican out-
reach effort has been recruiting
reach effort has been recruiting
female candidates. Land wasn’t
female candidates. Land wasn’t
female candidates. Land wasn’t
the national party’s first choice to
the national party’s first choice to
the national party’s first choice to
run for the seat of retiring Sen.
run for the seat of retiring Sen.
run for the seat of retiring Sen.
Carl Levin (D) in Michigan, but
Carl Levin (D) in Michigan, but
Carl Levin (D) in Michigan, but
her fundraising performance has
her fundraising performance has
her fundraising performance has
impressed national
impressed national
impressed national
impressed national strategists,
and inpolls she’snowevenwith, or
and inpolls she’snowevenwith, or
and inpolls she’snowevenwith, or
slightly ahead of, Peters.
slightly ahead of, Peters.
slightly ahead of, Peters.
State Sen. Joni Ernst is one of
State Sen. Joni Ernst is one of
the GOP’s preferred candidates in
State Sen. Joni Ernst is one of
the GOP’s preferred candidates in
the GOP’s preferred candidates in
Iowa, where Sen. Tom Harkin (D)
FREE for 18
FREE for 18
Iowa, where Sen. Tom Harkin (D)
Iowa, where Sen. Tom Harkin (D)
is retiring. (Ernst’s not-so-subtle
is retiring. (Ernst’s not-so-subtle
is retiring. (Ernst’s not-so-subtle
first ad, titled “Squeal,” highlight-
first ad, titled “Squeal,” highlight-
first ad, titled “Squeal,” highlight-
edher childhood, whichwas spent
edher childhood, whichwas spent
edher childhood, whichwas spent
castrating hogs.) InOregon, Moni-
castrating hogs.) InOregon, Moni-
castrating hogs.) InOregon, Moni-
ca Wehby is helping fund her lon-
ca Wehby is helping fund her lon-
ca Wehby is helping fund her lon-
ger-shot campaign against Sen.
ger-shot campaign against Sen.
ger-shot campaign against Sen.
Jeff Merkley (D).
Jeff Merkley (D).
Jeff Merkley (D).
But theGOP still faces challeng-
But theGOP still faces challeng-
es in addressing a younger genera-
But theGOP still faces challeng-
es in addressing a younger genera-
es in addressing a younger genera-
tion of voters, one in which wom-
tion of voters, one in which wom-
tion of voters, one in which wom-
en overwhelmingly vote Demo-
en overwhelmingly vote Demo-
en overwhelmingly vote Demo-
cratic. The National Republican
cratic. The National Republican
cratic. The National Republican
Congressional Committee let it be
Congressional Committee let it be
Congressional Committee let it be
known last year that it was
known last year that it was
known last year that it was proac-
tively teaching candidates
how to
how to
speak to female voters; Democrats
how to
speak to female voters; Democrats
speak to female voters; Democrats
didn’t miss the opportunity to
didn’t miss the opportunity to
didn’t miss the opportunity to
point out that was a subject that
point out that was a subject that
point out that was a subject that
needed teaching. This year, Re-
needed teaching. This year, Re-
needed teaching. This year, Re-
publicans will try to avoid lan-
Offer ends May 17th!
publicans will try to avoid lan-
publicans will try to avoid lan-
guage that might be perceived as
guage that might be perceived as
guage that might be perceived as
sexist against two of the most vul-
sexist against two of the most vul-
sexist against two of the most vul-
nerable Democratic incumbents,
nerable Democratic incumbents,
nerable Democratic incumbents,
Sens.MaryLandrieu (La.) andKay
Sens.MaryLandrieu (La.) andKay
Sens.MaryLandrieu (La.) andKay
Hagan (N.C.), and twowomenrun-
Hagan (N.C.), and twowomenrun-
Hagan (N.C.), and twowomenrun-
ning for Republican-held seats in
ning for Republican-held seats in
ning for Republican-held seats in
Kentucky and Georgia.
Kentucky and Georgia.
Kentucky and Georgia.
The electoral key lies among
on every window
The electoral key lies among
unmarried women, who favor
The electoral key lies among
unmarried women, who favor
unmarried women, who favor
Democrats by huge margins but
Democrats by huge margins but
Democrats by huge margins but
don’t always turn out to vote, said
don’t always turn out to vote, said
don’t always turn out to vote, said
Lara Brown, a political scientist at
Lara Brown, a political scientist at
Lara Brown, a political scientist at
George Washington University’s
George Washington University’s
George Washington University’s
Graduate School of Political Man-
Graduate School of Political Man-
Graduate School of Political Man-
agement. Obama won unmarried
agement. Obama won unmarried
agement. Obama won unmarried
women by 36 points in 2012; Rom-
Interest accrues from date of purchase but is waived if paid in full within 12 months.
women by 36 points in 2012; Rom-
women by 36 points in 2012; Rom-
ney won among married women
ney won among married women
ney won among married women
by seven. But in 2010, when fewer
by seven. But in 2010, when fewer
by seven. But in 2010, when fewer
unmarried women turned out to
Call for your FREE Window Diagnosis
unmarried women turned out to
unmarried women turned out to
vote, Democratic candidates for
vote, Democratic candidates for
vote, Democratic candidates for
Congress won the barest plurality
Congress won the barest plurality
Congress won the barest plurality
among women, while Republi-
among women, while Republi-
among women, while Republi-
cans won among male voters by a
cans won among male voters by a
cans won among male voters by a
13-point margin.
13-point margin.
13-point margin.
“Democrats are at a disadvan-
“Democrats are at a disadvan-
tage inmidtermelections because
“Democrats are at a disadvan-
tage inmidtermelections because
tage inmidtermelections because
single women, like the other dem-
single women, like the other dem-
single women, like the other dem-
ographic groups that are key to a
Offer not available in all areas. Discount applied by retailer representative at time of contract execution and applies to purchase of 4 or more. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer does not include bay/bow windows or any upgrades considered
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unaffiliated with Renewal by Andersen retailers, under terms and conditions arranged directly between the customer and such lender, all subject to credit requirements. Renewal by Andersen retailers do not assist with, counsel or negotiate financing,
other than providing customers an introduction to lenders interested in financing. This Renewal by Andersen location is a independently owned and operated retailer. VA Lic.# 2701030764A. DC Lic.# 420212000031. “Renewal by Andersen” and all other
marks where denoted are marks of Andersen Corporation. ©2014 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. ©2014 Lead Surge LLC. All rights reserved.
ographic groups that are key to a
ographic groups that are key to a
winningDemocratic coalition, are
winningDemocratic coalition, are
winningDemocratic coalition, are
not as likely to turn out,” Brown
not as likely to turn out,” Brown
not as likely to turn out,” Brown
couldn’t help in the moment. So
learn why this is happening.”
In August, a second hole was
spotted nearby, this one about
10 inches wide and at least 5 feet
deep, prompting further study.
One theory is that decaying
trees beneath the sand might be
causing the holes to form.
Human activity on the dunes
and along the shore has led to the
erosion of Mount Baldy. The
126-foot dune has been shifting
away from the lakeshore at an
alarming rate, covering the old
landscape in sand, experts have
said. The thought is that cascades
of sand drifting south are burying
trees, which could be rotting and
creating the holes beneath the
surface, Argyilan said.
While nothing is certain, she
believes that holes are unlikely to
start appearing at other sand
dunes that have been kept in a
more natural state.
“This particular dune has a
complicated history,” she said.
Historical mining of the sand
to make glass Mason jars — as
well as the existence of man-
made structures such as jetties on
the harbor — could have contrib-
uted to the erosion problem, Ar-
gyilan said, adding that she has
evaluated pictures of the land-
scape from 1938, and the changes
are drastic.
Most sand dunes are covered
in vegetation compared with
Mount Baldy, where the trees and
grass — and even an old staircase
that once led to a viewing spot —
are now buried, Argyilan said.
During the closure, the Park
Servicewill be planting newgrass
where the native vegetation once
grew in the hopes that it will hold
the sand in place and perhaps
prevent new holes from forming.
Argyilan said the holes in
Mount Baldy are distinct from
the “sinkholes” that typically con-
sume cars and homes. These are
usually from rock surfaces that
dissolve over time because of
water damage.
Park Service officials say
they’re preparing for amore thor-
ough investigation of the dune
this summer, including mapping
of holes and depressions, use of
special ground-
penetrating radar, and coring of
samples of sand and organic mat-
ter. The Environmental Protec-
tion Agency has used ground-
penetrating radar to identify
anomalies beneath the surface,
but experts aren’t certain what
caused the patterns.
Park Service keeps
landmark closed as
‘phenomenon’ is probed
gyilan has in the past 10 months
studied sediment, analyzed wind
patterns and mapped terrain, but
she hasn’t solved the mystery of
the holes that appear and vanish
in the sands of Mount Baldy at
Indiana Dunes National Lake-
“We’re seeing what appears to
be a new geological phenom-
enon,” she said.
Argyilan is one of many ex-
perts who have combed the ter-
rain for clues about the origin of
the potentially dangerous holes,
which are about a foot in diame-
ter and seem to survive for less
than a day before filling in natu-
rally with sand. Investigators
have used ground-penetrating
radar and specialized GPS devic-
es to peek below the landscape,
but no one is certain why the
holes form along the surface of
this landmark, which attracts
thousands of visitors each year.
The National Park Service an-
nounced this week that Mount
Baldy will remain closed indefi-
nitely because of the discovery of
two new holes and a number of
depressions on the north slope,
although the rest of the Indiana
Dunes National Lakeshore will
be open.
Argyilan is driven profession-
ally and emotionally to try to help
explain this curious occurrence.
The geology professor had been
conducting research at the base
of Mount Baldy in mid-July when
she heard the screams of a couple
about 400 feet away, frantically
pointing at the ground that swal-
lowed their 6-year-old son.
She initially thought they were
mistaken, because there should
be no holes in a dune, which is
made up of grains of sandwith no
room for air. But when rescue
crews saved Nathan Woessner of
Sterling, Ill., after a three-hour
burial under 11 feet of sediment,
it simultaneously shattered the
scientist’s understanding of the
terrain and hurt her emotionally.
“I cried for three days,” said
Argyilan, an associate professor
of geoscience at Indiana Univer-
sity Northwest, who was seven
months pregnant at the time and
couldn’t stop replaying in her
mind the horror of the day. “I
At least five are killed as
tornadoes cut wide swath
Ottawa County Emergency
Management Director Joe Dan
Morgan said Quapaw, which has
about 900 residents, was heavily
damaged by the tornado.
After hitting Quapaw, the tor-
nado moved northward into Kan-
sas and struck Baxter Springs, a
city of about 4,200 residents
about five miles away. Josh Har-
vey, a sheriff ’s dispatcher in Cher-
okee County, Kan., said that the
tornado that hit Baxter Springs
injured several people and caused
extensive damage, but that no
deaths hadbeen reported. He said
first responders were going from
house to house checking on resi-
Tornadoes also touched down
Sunday in Iowa, Missouri and
Nebraska. Tornado warnings,
which indicate the greatest threat
of a strike, were in effect for parts
of southeastern Missouri and
northeastern Arkansas.
One of Sunday’s twisters
touched down northwest of Jop-
lin, Mo., where a massive tornado
in May 2011 killed 161 people,
injuredmany others and leveled a
large swath of the city. Sunday’s
twister didn’t hit Joplin.
The first reported tornado Sun-
day touched down in a rural area
in central Nebraska. The weather
service said it remained on the
ground for only a short time, and
there were no immediate reports
of damage.
Forecasters warned that areas
thatweren’t hit by tornadoeswere
still at risk of damage from hail
and powerful straight-line winds.
Forecasters warned of hail stones
as big as baseballs and wind gusts
that could reach hurricane-force
speed of 75 mph or faster.
Gusts of up to 60 mph were
registered during a storm that hit
southeastern Iowa on Sunday
that damaged several buildings,
including a barn that injured
someone when it was blown over.
—Associated Press
Deaths reported in
Arkansas, one of six
states hit by twisters
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mayflower, ark. —
A powerful
storm system rumbled through
the central and southern United
States on Sunday, spawning a
massive tornado that killed at
least four people as it carved
through Little Rock’s northern
suburbs and another that killed a
person in Oklahoma.
The Arkansas tornado touched
down about 10miles west of Little
Rock about 7 p.m. and moved
northeastward for at least 30
miles, the National Weather Serv-
ice reported. It missed the state
capital but passed through or
near several of its suburbs, caus-
ing widespread damage in May-
flower and Vilonia.
Matt DeCample, a spokesman
for Gov. Mike Beebe (D), said
Sunday night that three of the
deaths were in Pulaski County
and the fourth was in White
The twister, which grew to be
half a mile wide, turned buildings
into rubble and stripped leaves
and branches off trees.
It was one of several tornadoes
that touched down Sunday as a
large storm system moved
through parts of the Plains, the
Midwest and the South.
Less than two hours before the
Arkansas tornado struck, a twist-
er hit the small northeastern
Oklahoma community of Qua-
paw, killing one person and injur-
ing six others, Ottawa County
sheriff ’s dispatcher Kelli Soechs
said. Earlier Sunday, another Ot-
tawa County sheriff ’s dispatcher
reported that two people were
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