ThinkEVMonitorUserManual (1), TH!NK

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//-->Think EV MonitorUser ManualTable of ContentsIntroduction...........................................................................................................................................1Installation.............................................................................................................................................1Hotsync.............................................................................................................................................1SD Card............................................................................................................................................1IR Beaming.......................................................................................................................................1After installation...............................................................................................................................2Interface and functions..........................................................................................................................3General..............................................................................................................................................3Custom colors...................................................................................................................................3Status bar..........................................................................................................................................4Logging.............................................................................................................................................4Configuration....................................................................................................................................4Registration.......................................................................................................................................5How-to's for Palm..................................................................................................................................6Hard reset palm device.....................................................................................................................6Soft reset palm device.......................................................................................................................6Background light..............................................................................................................................6List of parameters..................................................................................................................................7BMS parameters...............................................................................................................................7Charger parameters...........................................................................................................................8IntroductionThink EV Monitor is a solution for gathering and collecting informationfrom Think electric cars produced between 1999 to 2003. It is notcompatible with any other vehicle.The solution consist of Think interface cable, Palm connection cable,software for palm m500 family device. It is recommended that thesoftware is run on a palm m505 or m515 device, with background lightswitched off or set on low. Both m505 and m515 feature reflective colorscreen which is very visible in most orientations.InstallationThere are 3 major ways of installing the software – hotsync, sd card, beaming.HotsyncInstallation of the software is done via “Palm Desktop” “HotSync Manager” application, the Palm Desktop applications are installed, a double click on the ThinkEVMonitor.prc file willschedule the software for installation with the next synchronization.Please note that the synchronization between pc and palm is started via the palm device – tap on the“home” and then on the “HotSync” icon.If you experience any problems with the synchronization please see here for an excellent step by steptrouble shooting:SD CardInstallation and running of the software is possible via SD card. Put an empty SD card in yourcomputer and create a folder named “PALM”. Then move to the newly created “PALM” folder and in itcreate a subfolder named “launcher”. After that copy the prc file to the “launcher” folder on the SDcard. Eject the SD card from your pc and insert it in the slot on the palm handheld. The palm shouldopen up with the icon of the program.IR BeamingMany laptops have IR beaming capability – just point the palm handheld (while it is on) with it's top tothe IR port of the computer. In Windows XP a small popup with show up and offer to exchange files.Select the prc file and beam it to the palm device.1After installationAfter installation the “Think EV Monitor” program the tap on the icon ( ) of the program to start it.Note that in most cases it would necessary to scroll down to make the “Think EV Monitor” iconvisible.Once the “Think EV Monitor” program is installed, it could be associated with one of the hardwarebuttons on the device. To do that, tap on “Preferences” icon and then choose “buttons” (from the topright corner), click next to the button icon for the button you would like to use to start the program andchoose “Think EV Monitor” from the list.2Interface and functionsOnce started the “Think EV Monitor” automatically attempts to connect to the last Ecu used. Currentlythere are two Ecus supported - the Battery management system (BMS) or the Charger of the vehicle.Example of parameters that can be monitored is “pack voltage”, “state of charge”, varioustemperatures. All available parameters for each Ecu are listed at the end of this document.GeneralWhile the interface allows for monitoring only 7 parameters at one time, allparameters for the currently selected Ecu (BMS or Charger) are logged. Thefrequency of the logging (time between each log row) can be adjusted viathe configuration button.The main screen of the program contains 4 largeand 3 smaller parameter view boxes, each ofthem displays one parameter. For parameters thathave color settings, the view boxes change background color with the valueof the parameter.To change the parameter displayed in a particular view box, just tap on theview box and a list with possible parameters will be displayed. Tap on thedesired parameter and select the “done” button. The 4 large parameter viewboxes display parameter name and unit, while the small ones do not displaythe parameter name. Any of the parameter view boxes can display any parameter for the currentlyselected ECU.Custom colorsEach of the parameters can have custom background colors. To change thecolors tap on the color selector under the parameter list and a colorconfiguration screen will be presented.The custom background colors work based on acolor;limit;color description. The limit is thevalue at which the background color for aparticular attribute will change. There is nolimit on the number of background colors, theyneed to be specified in ascending order – like the example above – first 42and then 48.To change the configuration, just change the semicolon delimited text to theconfiguration of values and colors you desire. Only the the following color names are accepted: Black,Blue, Cyan, Green, LightGray, Magenta, Orange, Pink, Red, Yellow, White.3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
