The Economist - 2014 OCTOBER 4TH-10TH, Economist - 2014 Full Year Collection {ge-econ}
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//-->ROTONDE DE CARTIER ASTROCALENDAIREP E R P E T U A L C A L E N D A R F LY I N G T O U R B I L L O N 9 4 5 9 M CTHE ROTONDE DE CARTIER ASTROCALENDAIRE TIMEPIECE WITH “POINÇON DE GENÈVE”CERTIFICATION IN PROGRESS, IS A NEW FINE WATCHMAKING ACHIEVEMENT THAT REINTERPRETSTHE PERPETUAL CALENDAR AND FLYING TOURBILLON COMPLICATIONS WITH AN INNOVATIVEAND CREATIVE DISPLAY. ESTABLISHED IN 1847, CARTIER CREATES EXCEPTIONAL WATCHESTHAT COMBINE DARING DESIGN AND WATCHMAKING SAVOIR-FAIRE.Discover the new movie on cartier.comContents9The world this week451314LeadersChina and Hong KongThe Party v the peopleThe world economyWealth without workers,workers without wealthAfghanistan and AmericaDon’t let history repeatitselfEconomic reform inEuropeThe rise of the VallenziAmerican justiceA plea for change46464747484850AsiaIndonesian politicsThe empire strikes backJapan’s bullet trainsWhat a rideJapan and ChinaEdging closerSouth Korean cinemaA shot across the bowTrade and the TPPStalemateIndia and AmericaCharming, disarmingNauru’s troublesGullibleBanyanJoining the dashes in theSouth China SeaThe EconomistOctober 4th 201451818On the coverChina’s Communist Partyfaces its toughest challengesince Tiananmen, page 13.Days of student-led unrest inHong Kong are a crisis forChina’s Communist Party,page 51. Censors delete newsof Hong Kong’s protests, butnot quite fast enough, page 52The EconomistonlineDaily analysis and opinion fromour 19 blogs, plus audio and videocontent, debates and a daily prosecutorsThey have too much power. Handsome of it to judges: leader,page 20. How prosecutors cameto dominate the criminal-justicesystem, page 33Letters22 On missile defence,Xi Jinping, the Thames,healthcare,entrepreneurs, IanPaisley, ads, Johnny CashBriefing29 FranceThe last VallsUnited StatesOver-mighty prosecutorsThe kings of the courtroomEric HolderRights, not libertyThe Supreme CourtDecisions, decisionsLouisiana’s Senate raceThe dynast, the doctor andthe gator-wrestlerSexual politics on campusThe spread of “yes meansyes”LexingtonJohn Barrow, the loneliestman in CongressThe AmericasVenezuela and theCaribbeanSingle point of failurePolling in BrazilBlind dataArgentina’s economyDownward spiralBelloIntegrating North AmericaChina51 Hong Kong protestsXi Jinping’s dilemma52 Online censorshipHong Kong behind theGreat FirewallSpecial report: The worldeconomyThe third great waveAfter page 52Middle East and AfricaAmerica’s war against ISUnintended consequencesIran and the WestRohani’s outstretched handIslamist doctrineOne who brings strifeGaza after the warA sea of despairZambian politicsWhite man, burdenedPentecostalism in AfricaOf prophets and profitsThe rise of the VallenziMatteo Renzi and Manuel Vallshave a window to pursuegenuine reforms in Italy andFrance, but it is only a narrowone: leader, page 18. Mr Vallsheads the most reformistgovernment France has seenfor many years. But might thebeneficiaries be NicolasSarkozy or Marine Le Pen?Pages 29-32E-mail:newsletters andmobile edition:available online by7pm London time each edition:available onlineto download each 413 Number 8907Published since September 1843to take part in "a severe contest betweenintelligence, which presses forward, andan unworthy, timid ignorance obstructingour progress."Editorial offices in London and also:Atlanta, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo,Chicago, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Lima,Los Angeles, Mexico City, Moscow, New Delhi,New York, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo,Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC41424244Sunni backlashAre American-led airstrikes creating adangerous reaction? Page 531Contents continues overleaf
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