The Astrological Journal v53 №3 May-Jun 2011, The Astrological Journal - The International Journal of the ...

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Astrology under
the microscope
Can we prove it?
the king’s speeCh - Judy hall - uranus/pluto square - muriel spark - martin luther king
The International Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain - Free to Members -
Volume 53 - Number 3
May/June 2011
A talk with Judy Hall
Tore Lomsdalen in conversation with astrologer Judy Hall
John Green
Ian Tonothy
graphics & layout:
John Green
advertising manager:
Adam Fronteras
My Spirit Radio, Maidstone TV Studios, Vinters
Park, Maidstone, Kent ME14 5NZ
Tel: +44 (0)1634 323376
Karen Brereton
The Astrological Association
BCM 450, London WC1N 3XX
Tel: +44 (0)2086250098
The Saturn cycle in the life and dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Part I of an examination of the Saturn cycle in Martin Luther King’s chart by Judith A. Robert
Exploring Johannes Kepler’s planetary politics: the Uranus - Pluto square
Nicholas Campion on what the Uranus - Pluto square has shown us throughout history
The Neptune - Chiron conjunction in Pisces
Phoebe Wyss explores what this conjunction might mean for us all
Conversing with Heaven
Deborah Houlding’s Carter Memorial lecture from 2010
Tribute to Maurice McCann
A personal remembrance from Wanda Sellar
the astrological association
Roy Gillett B.ED (Hons Ldn), ACII
Dr Nicholas Campion DMSAstrol
Wendy Stacey B.A, M.A, Dip L.S.A
James Brockbank B.A, M.A, Dip
Robert Anderson, Frances Clynes Bsc,
Msc, M.A, Christine Chalklin, Sue Farebrother,
Amanda Jarrold
The King’s Speech
Pam Crane explores the astrology behind the George VI and Lionel Logue story
One should know 100 persons when studying astrology
Kyösti Tarvainen on how to encounter all the main astrological factors in people you know
The ‘Eagle Girl’ dies at age of 81
Andrew J. Bevan has the astrology of an unusual Norwegian event
Thanks to Astrolabe Inc (
) for the
use of Solar Fire software
The Association’s objectives are the advancement
of education of the public by the critical study
of astrology in all its branches: to encourage
and draw together all students of astrology, to
enlarge and integrate the knowledge of astrology,
to co-ordinate and publish results as desirable,
and to generally work for its more widespread
understanding as an art and science. Astrology is
the practice of relating heavenly bodies to lives
and events on earth, and the traditions that have
thus been generated.
Editor, John Green, on new paradigms
Student section: The astrological signs in mundane astrology
Wendy Stacey on what the diferent signs signify in a mundane chart
Working with the planets - battling with authority
Roy Gillett focuses on May to July 2011 and the science/astrology divide
Copyright The Astrological Association
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using only paper from FSC/PEFC suppliers
Horoscope snapshots
Frank C. Cliford looks at the chart of Muriel Spark, plus Tony Vowles on Jimmy Page
The astrological wonders of the solar system
Alison Chester-Lambert looks at earthquake predictions and much more...
Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books
Your emails and letters to the editor
Cover story:
proof of astrology?
Working with the
planets - page 27
The Astrological Journal May/June 2011
New paradigm time
I think most people in astrological circles have been aware of
the continuing argument going on between many astrologers
and the BBC regarding the comments made by Professor
Brian Cox and Dara O’Briain on the programme
early this year. You can read more about it at
. I’ve talked about my
views on similar comments made by Brian Cox on other
shows in an earlier editorial and I won’t comment further
on this. However, what I ind interesting is that the recent
arguments have been between astronomers and astrologers
particularly. his isn’t a new disagreement by any means;
Sir Patrick Moore on
he Sky at Night
has long made his
dismissal of astrology widely known. It seems that most
astronomers have a very hard time knowing the history of
their subject and the huge debt they owe to astrology within
their science, but I don’t think any of their views on astrology
are going to change without a paradigm shit.
one occurred. Now certainly astronomy has changed since
then, thanks to Einstein, the Big Bang theory, and who can
forget the ‘is Pluto a planet?’ furore in 2006, but it has largely
been the case of illing in the gaps in an already understood
system – the more and more precise measurement that
Lord Kelvin described. What has been lost within that
science is the wonder of meaning in cosmology. Does the
cosmos have a purpose? Does cosmological reasoning reveal
metaphysical truths? Expecting astronomers to change their
minds on astrology to me seems a fruitless exercise without
this necessary paradigm shit. his means there have to be
suicient anomalies discovered within it that cannot be
explained by the current paradigm and which therefore force
a change in their worldview.
So we are astrologers; we should be able to know if such
a shit will take place within our lifetime. Looking around,
things are certainly changing in the world. he events in
Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, for example, seem obvious if
we use the rules of astrology around the current transits.
he Uranus-Pluto-Saturn t-square certainly looks to make
challenges to the existing authority, with the spirit of Uranus
in Aries providing the spark of revolution, added to by the
hope of a better future with Jupiter in Aries alongside it.
Although these transits speak to us of huge upheaval and
change, do they suggest a metaphysical revolution? Certainly
Uranus in Aries allows new worldviews, but I think we have
to look to Neptune for a change in in this. Neptune has been
in Aquarius since 1998, when Uranus was there too, and
Aquarius has long been linked with that detached, rational
viewpoint that can be exempliied by science.
‘Paradigm shit’ is the term used by homas Kuhn in his
he Structure of Scientiic Revolutions
to describe a
change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within the
ruling theory of a science. Paradigm shits tend to be most
dramatic in sciences that appear to be stable and mature,
such as physics at the end of the 19
century. At that time,
physics seemed to be a discipline illing in the last few
details of a largely worked-out system. In 1900, Lord Kelvin
famously stated, “here is nothing new to be discovered
in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise
measurement”. Five years later, Albert Einstein published his
paper on special relativity, which challenged the very simple
set of rules laid down by Newtonian mechanics, which had
been used to describe force and motion for over two hundred
years, and boom! Everything changed.
Personally, I don’t feel Neptune was ever really comfortable
in Aquarius; the ixed and rational nature of the sign just
isn’t right for Neptune. So we got the fashion of science,
computers became cool, technology glamorous, sexy iPhones
for all, and we got stuck with reality TV shows (
Big Brother
started in 1999) in which everyone could be famous for 15

an Aquarian ideal, surely! So Neptune sneaks into
Pisces this year, before leaving again and entering fully early
in 2012. While I certainly don’t think that Neptune in Pisces
is without its problems, it does give me a slight sense of hope
that the fascination with pure scientiic thought will start to
wane and the interest in the more metaphysical viewpoint
will be waxing. Maybe, just maybe, things can start to change
then to a more holistic worldview.
here was certainly a paradigm shit in astronomy when
the transition from a Ptolemaic cosmology to a Copernican
Is this a
rabbit or
a duck?
shits can
cause us to
see the same
in an entirely
diferent way.
Will it happen? You decide!
Contributions to the Journal are very welcome. Material submitted must be PC format, saved as a text ile or in Word. Include graphical horoscopes and data sources with
your copy. Emailed copy is ideal. Whilst every care is taken with the material submitted, we cannot guarantee its inclusion. he Editor reserves the right to amend, cut or
otherwise make editorial decisions in line with normal journalistic practice. he Editor’s decision is inal. he Astrological Journal publishes articles of general and speciic
interest to all serious astrologers. Writer’s guidelines are available here:
Contributors are at liberty to express such opinions or employ or advocate such astrological techniques as they wish for readers to consider and question. Readers
should also seek qualiied professional advice before they act upon them in their lives. Publication does not imply that the author’s views are those held by the Editor,
or the Astrological Association. Copyright of signed articles and correspondence remains with the author except that the Astrological Association retains the right to
republish the material in full, once, without further permission from the author.
The Astrological Journal May/June 2011
student section
The astrological
signs in mundane
Wendy Stacey
lanetary cycles and
their aspects to each
Boston, USA in 1679, when Jupiter, Uranus and Chiron were
travelling through Aries. Fire departments had been around
for thousands of years, but this particular period saw the
introduction of publicly funded ire departments which set a
global precedent.
other depict pivotal points in human history. hey
represent social and economic change on a global
level. However, there is very little written on the
astrological signs and oten the analysis is limited, as the
signs are analysed only in reference to when they are visited
by the outer planets or when a planet ingresses from one sign
to another. In mundane astrology there is more emphasis
on the astrological houses, which are speciic to the birth
of a nation, a nation’s leader, an event or ingress and this is
valuable when interpreting a precise point in time.
Aries also has attributes to do with defence. In mundane
astrology we see this represented on a collective scale, and
military matters are raised. It is no surprise that when NATO
formed on 4
April 1949, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and
Mars in Aries (defence) opposed Neptune (the collective),
respectively trine and sextile Saturn in Leo.
When the astrological signs are visited by outer planets,
they depict more of an era or a period of time, and the
planetary cycles are coloured by the signs they are visiting.
he signs tell us something of the nature of the era, what
themes and characteristics are expressed on a much larger
social scale, and what sort of change and experience is
received by all populations.
Ater the Taurus planetary line-up in May 2000, the UK was
hit severely with foot and mouth and mad cow disease – a very
literal image of the cow! Although a national crisis, this did
raise global concern and issues of consumption were raised.
Taurus is about the physical body. Issues relating directly to
the body will come into social awareness. Issues of obesity,
body types, and what we consume (and waste) in general will
be addressed. he year 2000 also saw the period of organic
produce being regarded as highly important and being
spearheaded in supermarkets.
his article reports a brief observation of what can be
expected when the signs are transited by the outer planets.
here are other considerations which are not addressed
here, such as the signiicance of the dispositors, the shadow
of each sign, and how the characteristics of a sign in outer-
planetary conjunctions are carried through an entire cycle.
Instead, some examples from recent history are given as
expressions of the signs.
When planets travel through Taurus there is an emphasis
on resources, from the development of tools we use to do our
work, through the production of goods and services, to the
natural resources supplied to us by the planet.
he sign of Aries refers to individual choice, freedom and
independence, and in mundane astrology this extends to the
collective. When planets travel through the sign of Aries,
these issues are highlighted. Separateness and conlict are
key areas, as Aries will seek to be self-reliant, challenging and
daring. his can manifest in the form of broken alliances and
treaties, and nations who wish to become independent from
previous associations.
Consumerism, as Taurus needs to own things, also becomes
an area of interest. With consumerism, spending, debt and
inance in general also come under the radar, and issues in
these areas will be spotlighted.
Gemini rules all forms of communication. When this
sign is visited by transiting planets we see an emphasis
on publications, literature, language, media, and forms of
transportation. As we know, Gemini is about thinking. It
tells us about the processing and distribution of information,
which on a larger scale involve all forms of data. In 1977,
when Jupiter in Gemini opposed Neptune and trined Pluto,
Aries is iery and about brevity, but it is also impulsive,
fresh and naïve, not always thinking of the consequences.
When this sign is activated by transiting planets the issue
of risk is highlighted, or perhaps the lack of it. We see
examples of the establishment of the Fire Department in
The Astrological Journal May/June 2011
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