The Dragon. Volume 1 - Gwain Jones, Chess, Chess T

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//-->,Grandmaster RepertoireThe Dragon1ByGawain JonesQuality edition 20 1 5 by Quality Chess UK LtdCopyright©20 1 5 Gawain JonesThe Dragon 1All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without priorpermission of the publisher.Paperback ISBN 978- 1 -78483-007-6Hardcover ISBN 978- 1 -78483-008-3All sales or enquiries should be directed to Quality Chess UK Ltd,Suite 247-248 , Central Chambers, 1 1 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6LY, UKPhone +44 1 4 1 204 2073e-mail: in North America by National Book NetworkDistributed in Rest of the World by Quality Chess UK Ltd throughSunrise Handicrafts, ul. Poligonowa 3 5A, 20-8 1 7 Lublin, PolandTypeset by Jacob AagaardEdited by Andrew Greet&Daniel McGowanProofread by John ShawCover design by adamsondesign .comCover photo by capture365.comAuthor photo by Fiona Steil-AntoniPrinted in Estonia by Tallinna Raamatutriikikoja LLCContentsKey to symbols usedPrefaceBibliographyMove Order GuideDragon Themes45679Soltis Variation13.�½g5 Ei:c5! 14.�½bl2345614.g414th Move Alternatives13.�½h613.�½bl13th Move Alternatives29497286102128Topalov Variation78913.ctJd5 - The Main Line13.h4Other 13th Moves142168181Yugoslav Attack101112131415Burnett VariationMinor Lines after 10.0-0-010.h4 - Minor LinesEarly Deviations9.g4 without 10.ctJxe610.ctJxe6196221241250266295314Variation Index [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
