The Economist - 2014 FEBRUARY 1ST-7TH, Economist - 2014 Full Year Collection {ge-econ}

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//-->Emerging markets: don’t panicMobile health, miracle cureBehold Bello, our Latin American columnBrands in the age of scepticismFEBRUARY1ST–7TH 2014Economist.comHow Neanderthal are you?The triumph ofVladimirPutinConfidence to buildThat’s what developers and their investors and lenderscan achieve when they’re smart about managing risk.And smart managers work with CME Group, the world’sleading derivatives marketplace. Businesses and financialinstitutions around the world partner with us to help themmanage every kind of risk. Interest rate fluctuations, stockmarket movements, changing currency valuations, energycosts – whatever the risk, we help the world advancebeyond it. Learn more the world advancesCME Group is a trademark of CME Group Inc. The Globe logo is a trademark of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright©2013 CME Group. All rights reserved.Contents5The world this week277LeadersRussia and the worldThe triumph of VladimirPutinBarack Obama’s state-of-the-union speechDeal or no deal?Emerging marketsDon’t panicThailand’s political crisisA way outTax rates in BritainFrançois Miliband28293030313132Letters12 On climate change,Turkey, housing,hospices, Asia, sex andpublic life, Spain,marijuanaBrie ng16 Putin’s RussiaSochi or bustAsiaAfghanistan’s futurePlaying with reThailand’s political crisisThe show staggers onJapanese politicsThe odd coupleAgreement in MindanaoA fragile peaceAsylum-seekersGo north, young manNauruAussies out!Western AustraliaThe Devil in the deepblue seaBanyanSnarling, not pouncing inPakistanUnited StatesThe state of the unionObama vows actionThe Republican responseSaying no with a smileClass in AmericaMobility, measuredUtah’s dirty airIn the bleak midwinterPete SeegerBolshie with a banjoThe cadaver marketDeath, where is thy bling?A map of MexicansThe border jumped themLexingtonHeads and heartsThe AmericasArgentina and VenezuelaThe party is overBelloRelearning old lessonsCanada’s Liberal senatorsKicked outChile, Peru and the ICJA line in the seaMiddle East and AfricaSouth AfricaJacob Zuma’s headachesSaudi ArabiaNo satisfactionSudan...Downhill...and its borderlandsRemote and restlessYemen and al-QaedaAn island prison?Israeli politicsPoised on the right wingEuropeUkraine’s protestsPraying for peaceHungary and theHolocaustStatue of limitationsTurkeyMadness on the BosphorusThe German mentalityThe Swabian housewifeParis’s mayorAn all-female raceCharlemagneThe euro’s hellhoundThe EconomistFebruary 1st 20143889On the coverThe Winter Olympics andsuccesses abroad makeRussia look strong, butwhere it matters, it is weak:leader, page 7. The deeperproblems in the Russianeconomy, pages 16-18. InUkraine the governmentfalls, but protests continue,page 41. Why Barack Obamaand Vladimir Putin will neverget along, page 721033343636State of the unionAmericanpolitics may be becoming a bitless dysfunctional: leader,page 8. The state-of-the-union address revealed anadministration hoping forsomething to turn up, page27. Cathy McMorris Rodgers,the Republicans’ new face onthe national stage, page 28.America is no less sociallymobile than it was ageneration ago, page 29The EconomistonlineDaily analysis and opinion fromour 21 blogs, plus audio and videocontent, debates and a daily andmobile edition:available online by7pm London time each edition:available onlineto download each new Latin AmericacolumnAndrés Belloexempli es Latin America’senduring need for the rule oflaw, education and openness,page 3424Volume 410 Number 8872Published since September 1843to take part in "a severe contest betweenintelligence, which presses forward, andan unworthy, timid ignorance obstructingour progress."Editorial o ces in London and also:Atlanta, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo,Chicago, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Los Angeles,Mexico City, Moscow, New Delhi, New York, Paris,San Francisco, São Paulo, Singapore, Tokyo,Washington DC4142China25 The cost of medicinePhysician, heal thyself26 EnvironmentBrowner, but greener26 Tennis and patriotismFree spirit42434446South AfricaThe ruling AfricanNational Congress faces itstoughest election since theend of apartheid, page 37.Life, love, fear and sweat inapartheid Johannesburg,page 711Contents continues overleaf4ContentsThe EconomistFebruary 1st 2014Britain47 Scottish independenceAyes to the left48 Labour’s strategyThe Mili-plan49 BagehotIn praise of parliamentaryjoustingInternational50 Teaching mathematicsTime for a cease re51 Measuring health careNeed to know51 BrailleJoining the dotsBusinessWalmartLess amazing than AmazonTurkish conglomeratesToo big to fail, but in agood wayEuropean chemicalsFixing a atM-healthHealth and appinessMachine learningDon’t be evil, geniusSchumpeterBrands and scepticismFinance and economicsEmerging marketsLocus of extremityButtonwoodThe dollar’s momentICBC and Standard BankLimited partnershipShadow banking in ChinaCredit paroledBitcoinBittenEuropean banksVolcker plusMicro nancePoor serviceThe Consumer FinancialProtection BureauCaveat vendorFree exchangeThe price of getting backto work6667676868Emerging marketsThere is noreason for a global crisis:leader, page 8. Developingeconomies struggle to copewith a new world, page 59.Latin America’s weakesteconomies are reachingbreaking-point, page 33.Other currencies’ losses maybe the dollar’s gain:Buttonwood, page 60Science and technologyHuman evolutionKissing cousinsMelting ice shelvesFilmy rnPreventing anaphylaxisNot a nutty ideaMoths and slothsSlow food movementCreativity and cheatingMwahahahaBooks and artsThe search for neutrinosDig deepJonathan Lethem’sctionFrom near and farSurnames and socialmobilityHave and have moreGrowing up inJohannesburgCall of the wildRussia and AmericaTesty relationsLars von Trier’sNymphomaniacStrange tastes6970How Neanderthal are you?The genetic contributionNeanderthal man made tomodern humanity is clearer,page 66Principal commercial o ces:25 St James’s Street, Londonsw1a 1hgTel: 020 7830 7000Rue de l’Athénée 321206 Geneva, SwitzerlandTel: 41 22 566 2470750 3rd Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017Tel: 1 212 541 050060/F Central Plaza18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong KongTel: 852 2585 3888Other commercial o ces:Chicago, Dubai, Frankfurt, Los Angeles,Paris, San Francisco and Singapore5354707155565758Mobile healthCan gadgetsand apps work the miracle ofmaking health care bothbetter and cheaper? Page 56.Google buys a Britisharti cial-intelligence startup,page 57. To improve healthcare, governments need to usethe right data, page 51. InChina medicines are overprescribed and over priced,page 257272596061626263636476Economic and nancialindicatorsStatistics on 42economies, plus a closerlook at global smartphonesalesObituary78 Claudio AbbadoThe art of listeningSubscription serviceFor our full range of subscription offers,including digital only or print and digitalcombined can also subscribe by mail, telephone orfax at the details provided below:Telephone:+65 6534 5166Facsimile:+65 6534 EconomistSubscription Centre,Tanjong Pagar Post OfficePO Box 671Singapore 910817Subscription for 1 year (51 issues)Print onlyAustraliaChinaHong Kong & MacauIndiaJapanKoreaMalaysiaNew ZealandSingapore & BruneiThailandTaiwanOther countriesA$365CNY 2,000HK$2,000INR 5,000Yen 34,500KRW 299,000US$210NZ$400S$365US$250US$250Contact us as above65PEFC certi edThis copy ofThe Economistis printed on paper sourcedfrom sustainably managedforests, recycled and controlledsources certi ed by PEFCwww.pefc.orgBrandsThey are nding it hardto adapt to an age ofscepticism: Schumpeter,page 58PEFC/01-31-162© 2014 The Economist Newspaper Limited. All rights reserved. Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording orotherwise, without the prior permission of The Economist Newspaper Limited. Published every week, except for a year-end double issue, by The Economist Newspaper Limited.The Economistis a registered trademark of The Economist Newspaper Limited.Publisher: The Economist. Printed by Times Printers (in Singapore).M.C.I. (P) No.076/09/2013 PPS 677/11/2012(022861)The world this weekPoliticsaccused of being part of ascam that siphoned o analleged $100m of governmentmoney.A cease re betweenSouthSudan’sgovernment forcesand rebels was declared inAddis Ababa, capital of neigh-bouring Ethiopia, after aninternal con ict that has left atleast 10,000 dead and 700,000displaced. But there weredoubts that it would be fullyimplemented.InEgypt,terrorism and agovernment crackdown ondemonstrations marking thethird anniversary of the startof the unrest that led to theoverthrow of Hosni Mubarakleft at least 49 people dead. Thegovernment announced thatpresidential elections wouldprecede parliamentary oneswithin 90 days of the rat-i cation of a new constitution,recently endorsed in a referen-dum. The armed forces’supreme council urgedGeneral Abdel Fattah al-Sisi,the de facto head of the gov-ernment, to announce that hewould be a candidate.MeanwhileMuhammadMorsi,the Islamist presidenttoppled by the army last July,appeared in court again, thistime on charges of escapingjail in 2011, when the Mubarakregime had him detained.Syriandelegations from thegovernment and rebel groupsmet face-to-face for the rsttime at a peace conference inGeneva. A proposal was airedto bring food and medicine toparts of the city of Homs be-sieged by government forces.But a plan previously mootedfor a transitional governmentgot nowhere.TheTurkisharmy said it hadattacked a convoy carryingmen and arms belonging tothe Islamic State of Iraq andal-Sham (ISIS) in northernSyria,an unprecedentedaction indicating a determina-tion to limit the in uence ofjihadists among Syria’s rebels.The rst two of 70 defendants,most of them civil servants,appeared in court inMalawi,sures. In an encouraging de-parture, Mr Obama mostlyveered away from takingpotshots at Republicans.The House of Representativespassed afarm billextendingfat subsidies to farmers for thenext ve years. Attempts totrim the handouts, which haddelayed the bill for two years,mostly failed. The bill alsoextended food stamps forhard-up Americans, a pro-gramme that has expandedgreatly in recent years.The EconomistFebruary 1st 20145Calling for more sacri ceUkraine’spresident, ViktorYanukovych, went on sickleave. For weeks protestershave been calling on him tostep down. His prime minister,Mykola Azarov, had earlierannounced his resignation,but this had not been enoughto placate the protests, whichspread outside the capital,Kiev. Ukraine is on the brinkof civil war according to aformer president.A summit of theEuropeanUnionandRussiawas domin-ated by the crisis in Ukraine.Vladimir Putin, Russia’s presi-dent, warned theEUagainstinterfering, just minutes afterJosé Manuel Barroso, thepresident of theEUCommis-sion, announced that Cather-ine Ashton, Europe’s foreign-policy chief, would go to Kievto hold talks. Mr Putin alsosuspended a Russian loan toUkraine pending the forma-tion of a new government. Hehad earlier assured Ukrainiansthat he would honour the loanregardless of who was inpower.Ratko Mladic, the formerBosnian Serbarmy chief whois being tried for war crimes,was called to testify in the trialof Radovan Karadzic, theformer Bosnian Serb leader, ata court in The Hague. MrKaradzic, the Butcher of Bos-nia , had asked his former allyto speak in his defence. But MrMladic denounced the court,calling it satanic .All at seaThe International Court ofJustice in The Hague handeddown a ruling on the disputedmaritime border betweenPeruandChile.The judgmenthanded Peru control of 50,000square km of ocean, but letChile retain inland waters.Neither side was completelysatis ed.Justin Trudeau announced thatthe 32 Liberal senators inCanada’sSenate would nolonger be members of theparty. The Liberal leaderclaimed the move wouldbuttress the independence ofCanada’s second chamber,whose image has been hurt byan expenses scandal.Nicaraguanlawmakerschanged the constitution toscrap term limits. The amend-ment will allow Daniel Ortega,the country’s president, to runfor a third term in 2016.Fighting for peaceThe government ofthe Philip-pinesstruck a breakthroughpeace deal with the MoroIslamic Liberation Front in thesouth of the country. The armylaunched a two-day o ensiveagainst insurgents who belongto a group which opposes theaccord, killing at least 37 rebels.Six people were shot dead bypolice and six were killed inexplosions amid clashes inChina’sXinjiang region, thehome of many from the Mus-lim Uighur minority. Chinesemedia claimed the clasheswere caused by terrorists ,but Uighur activists say thattight Chinese control is usuallythe cause of tensions. Mean-while, police detained IlhamTohti, a prominent Uighurscholar, at his home in Beijing.A Chinese court sentencedXuZhiyong,a prominent human-rights activist, to four years inprison. Mr Xu, who cam-paigned against o cial corrup-tion and argued for theCommunist Party to follow thecountry’s constitution, wasconvicted of gatheringcrowds to disrupt publicorder . Several other activistsface similar charges.Organisers of the launch of abook byMalala Yousafzaiinthe Pakistani city of Peshawarcancelled the event underpressure from local govern-ment. Police insisted it wasstopped because of securityconcerns. Ms Yousafzai was 14when she was shot in the headby the Taliban in Pakistan,because of her campaign topromote girls’ education.I’m in chargeBarack Obama used hisstate-of-the-union speechto Con-gress to promise a year ofaction , especially on tacklingrising inequality. He said hewould bypass Congress anduse executive orders to pursuehis agenda if need be, thoughhe proposed only small mea-François Hollande, the presi-dent ofFrance,con rmed thathis shared life with hispartner, Valérie Trierweiler,had ended. All references toand photographs of Ms Trier-weiler were erased from the1Elysée presidential website. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
