The Economist - 2014 OCTOBER 25TH-31ST, Economist - 2014 Full Year Collection {ge-econ}

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//-->Cheaper oil: winners and losersHow big data could help stop EbolaCameron’s European bunglePakistan’s Taliban crumblesOCTOBER25TH–31ST 2014Economist.comSkiving at work: a guideEurope’s economyIt’s only resting...Contents9The world this weekLeadersThe euro zoneThe world’s biggesteconomic problemThe oil priceCheaper oilEbola and big dataCall for helpTunisiaA light unto the ArabnationsBritain and immigrationKeep open the gates40 Greece’s bail-outNot so fast42 French local governmentSlimming down43 CharlemagneThe euro is gummed upUnited StatesBusiness and themid-termsThe fury of the makersPolitical advertisingGolfers to the right, jokersto the leftNorth Carolina’s lavishSenate raceHow to spend itFlorida’s governorshipA man, a fan, many plansReligion and politicsVoters like preachersBen BradleeThe editor who toppledNixonLexingtonHow to win 99.6% ofthe voteThe EconomistOctober 25th 20145131416164546On the coverDeflation in the euro zone isall too close and extremelydangerous: leader, page 13.The world needs inflation, butsome countries face deflation,pages 23-26. Europe’sleaders need to rediscoverthe will they showed duringthe euro crisis: Charlemagne,page 43. The debt of someeuro-zone economies looksunsustainable, page 75The EconomistonlineDaily analysis and opinion fromour 19 blogs, plus audio and videocontent, debates and a daily On gay rights, investordisputes, pumpkin riotsBriefing23 The dangers of deflationThe pendulum swings tothe pitBritainImmigration and politicsThe melting potBritish Business BankAngels and bankersLondon embassiesEnvoy envyThe tattoo businessInked inMedieval must-seeSalisbury, global cityThe fall in real wagesWhat recovery?City devolutionDevo MetArt and forgeryImitableBagehotBoris is backEuropeUkraine votesThe battle for the futurePoland’s governmentFlashes of competenceA sub hunt in SwedenEchoes of the cold warThe Italian budgetMamma’s boy484849OilPrice falls will boost theworld economy and harm someof the world’s least pleasantregimes—but they have a stingin the tail: leader, page 14.America and its friends benefitfrom falling oil prices; its moststrident critics don’t, page 6552273030303232343435E-mail:newsletters andmobile Americas53 Terrorism in CanadaOttawa under assault54 West Indian cricketThe calypso ends54 BelloBrazil and its backyardMiddle East and AfricaNigeriaA country dividedJustice in South AfricaEqual and colour-blind?Tunisia’s electionSpring is still in the airHuman rights in EgyptSilence in classAsiaPakistan’s militantsTaliban tumultIndonesia’s presidentTaking the reinsJapanese politicsSukyandaruMalaysia and SingaporeMilking itBanyanModi’s enablersPrint edition:available online by7pm London time each edition:available onlineto download each and EuropeBritain’sprime minister is risking thecountry’s future prosperity ona flawed bid to cut immigration:leader, page 18. Britons’ viewson immigration are a perplexingblend of myth and reality,page 27. Boris Johnson lookson, no doubt sympathetically,page 35Volume 413 Number 8910Published since September 1843to take part in "a severe contest betweenintelligence, which presses forward, andan unworthy, timid ignorance obstructingour progress."Editorial offices in London and also:Atlanta, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo,Chicago, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Lima,Los Angeles, Mexico City, Moscow, New Delhi,New York, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo,Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC373838405960606162Pakistan’s TalibanStrains areshowing among the country’sjihadist groups, page 591Contents continues overleaf [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
