The Economist - 2014 SEPTEMBER 13TH-19TH, Economist - 2014 Full Year Collection {ge-econ}

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//-->SURVEILLANCE IS ADVERTISING’S NEW BUSINESS MODEL: A SPECIAL REPORTObama takes on Islamic StateA dangerous boom in share buy-backsChina abroad: soft power, hard questionsThe global crackdown on NGOsSEPTEMBER13TH–19TH 2014Economist.comBrokeback mounting: sex and backacheUKRIP?The painful consequences ofScottish independenceContents9The world this weekLeadersScottish independenceUK RIP?Fighting Islamic StateThe long haulShare buy-backsCorporate cocaineEmerging economiesHold the catch-upAdvertising andtechnologyStalkers, Inc.Foreign funding of NGOsUncivil societies40 Russia and UkraineA brief intermission42 CharlemagneEuropean CommissionportfoliosThe EconomistSeptember 13th 201451314151516On the coverDitching the union would bea mistake for Scotland and atragedy for the country itleaves behind: leader, page13. The sundering of theUnited Kingdom is lookingmuch more likely, page 29.Even if Scots rejectindependence, England andScotland will diverge, page30. The separatist campaignis exhilarating—butnonsense: Bagehot, page 36.An independent Scotlandwould need a new currencyand a new central bank: Freeexchange, page 79434444454646474718Letters20 On American business,Chinese, Los Angeles,Nigeria, Europe, internsBriefing24 Economic convergenceThe headwinds returnBritainScottish independenceRise of the ayesA pro-union cairnStone rosesThe constitutionThe Unitedish KingdomMarkets and ScotlandMore questions thananswersScotland and psephologyPolls taxedThe Green PartyA UKIP of the leftStudying ChinaRe-orientationJaguar Land RoverBaby on boardBagehotHow Scotland went madEuropeSweden’s electionThe eight-year itchFrench public financesRétropédalageGermany and the euroYou Kant do thatPoland’s governmentAfter TuskTurkey’s presidentSecularists at bay48United StatesBarack Obama andIslamic StateIt’s war againImmigration policyReady, steady, do nothingPrimary electionsWhy Rhode Island mattersCalifornia politicsRebranding RepublicansWhere guns are firedCalling the shotsWho gets murderedYoung black menBuyPartisanAn app to ruin shoppingThe richest members ofCongressMoney and powerLexingtonGreg Orman, moderaterevolutionarySpecial report: Advertisingand technologyLittle brotherAfter page 48The AmericasStephen HarperCanada’s political predatorBelloRemembering dirty warsThe Petrobras affairA charged campaignSuicide in GuyanaDesperate measuresMiddle East and AfricaIslamic StateFighting global jihadismSomaliaShabab decapitationYemenWho’s Houthi?Social media in SaudiArabiaA virtual revolutionSouth AfricaSpy v spyKenya and theinternational courtPresident off the hook?Obama and Islamic StateAmerica’s plan is a decent onebut will take a worryingly longtime to bear fruit: leader, page14. America is gathering alliesto fight extremists in Iraq andSyria, page 532930The EconomistonlineDaily analysis and opinion fromour 19 blogs, plus audio and videocontent, debates and a daily andmobile on NGOsIlliberalgovernments are blockingactivists from receivingforeign cash. Liberal onesshould not join in: leader,page 18. More and moreautocrats are stifling criticismby barring non-governmentalorganisations from takingforeign cash, page 653232333336Print edition:available online by7pm London time each edition:available onlineto download each 412 Number 8904Published since September 1843to take part in "a severe contest betweenintelligence, which presses forward, andan unworthy, timid ignorance obstructingour progress."Editorial offices in London and also:Atlanta, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo,Chicago, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Lima,Los Angeles, Mexico City, Moscow, New Delhi,New York, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo,Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC373838393956575758Chinese soft powerA decadeago China began openingConfucius Institutes abroad topromote its culture. Somepeople are pushing back, page63. Chinese managementideas are beginning to get theattention they deserve:Schumpeter, page 721Contents continues overleaf [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
