The Economist - 2014 SEPTEMBER 27TH-OCTOBER 3RD, Economist - 2014 Full Year Collection {ge-econ}

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//-->The answer to the English questionWhy CEOs are pale, tall and maleChina’s wasteful grand canalThe beauty of boring bankingSEPTEMBER27TH– OCTOBER3RD 2014Economist.comSacré bleu! Sarko is backMission relaunchedWHEN YOU NOTICE YOUR STRATEGY ISN’T PRECISE,IT’S PROBABLY TIME TO ADJUST IT.An investment strategy thatisn’t precise can leave yourportfolio in knots. So whatdo you do when your investments are no longertied to your goals?funds, State Street Global Advisors can helpyou make the necessary adjustments – so youcan precisely match your investments withyour strategy. And with over 130*differentSPDR ETFs, you can have access to virtuallyevery asset class.When it comes to your portfolio, you don’twant any loose ends. To learn more, investing, consider the funds’ investment objectives, risks, charges andexpenses. To obtain a prospectus or summary prospectus, which contains this andother information, call 1.866.787.2257 or visit Read it carefully.The SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF Trust is an exchange traded fund designed to generally correspond to the price and yield performance of the S&PTMMidCap 400 Index.“SPDR” and S&P MidCap 400 are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services, LLC (“S&P”) and have been licensed for use by State StreetALPS Distributors, Inc. is distributor for SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF Trust, a unit investment trust.*As of June 30, 2014IBG-11506Contents8The world this week3911LeadersAmerica and IslamicStateMission relaunchedThe British constitutionNow for the EnglishquestionCorporate saving in AsiaA $2.5 trillion problemThe future of bankingYou’re boring. Get usedto itChina’s water crisisGrand new canals4040414243The EconomistSeptember 27th 20145121414On the coverThe fight against Islamic Statewill help define America’s rolein the world: leader, page 11.America and its allies launchan attack on IS in Syria, page23. The Khorasan group mayhave been planning imminentattacks on the West, page 24.It will take more than airstrikes to end the conflict inSyria, page 25The EconomistonlineDaily analysis and opinion fromour 19 blogs, plus audio and videocontent, debates and a daily, Afghan-styleIndia in spaceMOMs are from MarsIndia’s ruling partyFloating highHate speech in JapanSpin and substanceConscripts in South KoreaBlood, sweat and tearsBanyanThe puzzle of John Key18Letters20 On memorials, sharebuy-backs, Scotland,Apple, recycling, driving,Joan RiversBriefing23 Attacks on Islamic StateAnother long war24 The Khorasan groupNew kids on the block25 Syria’s deadlocked warNo solutionUnited StatesBarack Obama and theeconomyThe woes of the average JoeThe Arkansas Senate raceFried pickles and EbolaFlorida’s second districtRepublican knightmaresThe marriage marketWhere have all the goodmen gone?Women-only cabsFare LadiesLexingtonBorder panicThe AmericasBrazil’s electionDown to the wireBelloThe right in South AmericaCanada’s Giant MineGiant headacheLonesome GeorgeEcuador’s tortoiseChina44 Water consumptionDiverting water north45 Uighur activismA lone voice silencedMiddle East and AfricaElectricity in AfricaLighting a dark continentIslamist insurgency inNigeriaUnrest in the home ofpeaceSouth African holidaysTG it’s braai dayLibya’s rival governmentsToo many chiefsYemen’s violent politicsHouthis take overEuropeHungary’s prime ministerOrban the UnstoppableGermany’s economyThree illusionsThe western Balkans andthe EUIn the queueNicolas Sarkozy’s returnJe reviensUkraine in turmoilA Somalia scenario?Rebel areas in UkraineSignificant variationsCharlemagneThe EU and secession4647The English questionScotland’s place in the UnitedKingdom is settled. Time to dealwith England: leader, page 12.Scotland’s referendum hasopened cracks in the UnitedKingdom, page 54. Westminsterhas already begun devolvingpower to English cities, page 56.Giving budget authority tosmaller states boostsgovernment spending: Freeexchange, page 76. Britain’sreferendum has stoked otherseparatists’ desire to vote,page 58474848E-mail:newsletters andmobile edition:available online by7pm London time each edition:available onlineto download each is backThe formerpresident is preparing anotherrun for the presidency, page 5133Volume 412 Number 8906Published since September 1843to take part in "a severe contest betweenintelligence, which presses forward, andan unworthy, timid ignorance obstructingour progress."Editorial offices in London and also:Atlanta, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo,Chicago, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Lima,Los Angeles, Mexico City, Moscow, New Delhi,New York, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo,Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC515252343536383853China’s water problemVast new canals will not banishChina’s desperate watershortages: leader, page 18. Theworld’s biggest water-diversionproject, page 441Contents continues overleaf [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
