The Geheime Vernietiging (Inc Outtake) by amoredjenaue COMPLETE, FF(zachomikowany folder), FF(zachomikowany ...

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Fanfiction Based On The Characters From Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series
Rated MA for Mature Adult. Strong Language, Violence, Sexual Situations.
The Geheime Vernietiging
By AmoredJenaue
FBI Agent Edward Cullen returns to New
York to take down the Draconi crime family. But will
his return bring more than he bargained for? Or
something he never knew he always wanted? Secret
missions, secret love & family secrets abound... and
yet destroy.
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Author Blog:
The rain poured down over my face, the wetness so
heavy I felt like I was drowning. But I ran, my feet
splashing through the puddles of the dark Manhatten
alley. I couldn't think, I felt like I was hardly moving,
yet my lungs ached and my mind raced as I ran faster
and faster. Gasping and fighting the heaviness,
fighting the secret destruction transpiring in my
How could he do this?
What was he thinking?
This had to be a nightmare. I couldn't be living this.
My life couldn't be about this. Everything I ever did.
Everything I lived for.
For nothing.
Now I had nothing.
Nothing but her.
All I could think about, all I wanted was her.
I had to get to her.
But the only thing I could feel was the rain pouring
down on me. It wasn't cleansing; it was dark like soot,
like volcanic ash clogging my lungs and blackening the
atmosphere around me. I couldn't see, I couldn't
move. I could only think one thing.
How could he?
Chapter 1- Agent of Destruction
Chapter Song:
Edward, you can't catch me!"
Yes, I can, yes, I can."
I took off after my brother, his blonde hair flopping
in his eyes as usual. I would surely catch him, even if
he was older than me. Eric was always slower and
distracted way too easily.
My five year old legs carried me as fast as they could
and I tackled him. He was seven. But his 16 months
on me didn't make a difference.
I got you!" I pounced and we rolled through the
You cheated!" He screeched through his laughter.
How could I cheat just runnin' down the beach?" I
questioned as I collapsed next to him on the sand.
I don't know, why can't I be as fast as you?"
You're stronger." I offered.
And smarter." He giggled.
Hey!" I tossed some sand on him and he threw some
You think Mom has popsicles in the house?" He
asked then.
I drew a devious grin and started to get up before he
could see me.
Hopefully grape ones…I'll race you!" I jumped up
and took off.
Cheater!" He yelled again and I could hear him
behind me trying to catch up.
You can't catch me Eric!" I was laughing as I tore up
the beach to the house.
But then I didn't hear him behind me anymore. I
stopped, huffing and turned to find him.
Eric?" I called as my eyes searched for him. I knew I
had great sight, but I still couldn't see him.
Where was he? I looked across the sand and it
instantly turned. We were no longer on the beach
and my vision was blurred. Instead I was in a dark
parking lot, my eyes honing in on my next
Eric?" I called again.
Where was he?
He was gone…
I woke up to the slight buzzing of a fan and a hot
breeze gusting across my face. But the breeze wasn't
cooling, it was hot and muggy and I instantly felt the
sweat running down my back.
My eyes felt swollen and sticky as I tried to open them.
It was the waning light of day and I was sure that, as
usual, I only actually slept a few hours, probably not
having gone to bed until in the afternoon. Even the
sleep I did get was filled of dreams of Eric. Our
childhood, our high school, our college… just
Where the fuck was I anyway?
Oh right. Romania. In the heat of fucking summer and
sweltering to beat all hell. Not like I could sleep
anyway in this godforsaken place.
I rolled out of bed my knees and ankles cracking as I
pressed them to the floor.
Fuck, getting older sucks.
My thirty-two year old body just didn't bounce back
like it used to. I could feel the tightness in my muscles
from my mixed martial arts session with Felix
yesterday. Not to mention the ache in my head from
the fucking Tuica I drank last night. Once again I
indulged because even though I am deep undercover
there is nothing else to do here. Nothing but hone my
skills shooting and fighting and drinking and fucking.
Which only aids in my cover since I have to make good
with the Draconis, find their ties, find their
connections before I can take down the bosses of the
And unfortunately prove my loyalty.
I knew when I joined the Agency I would have
assignments like this. With my special skills and
ability to learn languages quickly, I had been assigned
to Romania for just under two years. I was working up
a cover to get inside with the Romanian crime family
the Draconis. The family was run out of New York and
big into all things twentieth century black market. Sex
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