The Lake - zasady, gry planszowe

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Carcassonne – The Lake
Carcassonne Central
expansion by JPutt927
Lakefront territory has long been a highly sought-after possession. Along
with the increased value to the surrounding area, the lake brings a supply of
water that’s sure to provide a profit...and a lighthouse in need of a keeper...

1 large lake placement tile

1 lake draw tile

6 coloured tokens
(one in each player’s colour)

25 water tokens
At the start of the game, shuffle the regular sized lake tile with the rest of the tiles. The large lake tile and water tokens should
be set aside at the beginning of the game. If playing without the
Count of Carcassonne
expansion, keep track of which tile was
the starting tile throughout the game (see below). The coloured tokens should be set aside until the placement of the lake.
1. Place a tile
Upon drawing the regular sized lake tile, that tile will be removed from the game and that player will place the large (3x3) lake
tile in accordance to the normal rules. Only one tile already in play needs to border the lake upon placement. Although the
tile is placed as 1 large tile, the lake should be considered as if it were 9 normal sized tiles. In the event that the lake tile is
unable to be legally placed into the playing area, the lake draw tile should be reshuffled with the rest of the tiles until it is
drawn again.
2. Deploy a follower
When the lake tile is played, a follower may be deployed to any of the normal features on the tile. Players may choose to
deploy themselves to either the city, the cloister, a farm, or any one of the three roads. Followers may not be deployed to the
lighthouse. Unless playing with magic portal tiles from
The Princess & the Dragon
, the cloister on the lake may only be claimed
at the time of the lake’s placement.
2. Deploy a follower - Race for the Lighthouse
After the lake tile is played, and after any follower has been deployed to one of it’s features, all players may choose to deploy
any one of their followers (except the pig, builder, or wagon) to compete in a race to become the Lighthouse Keeper. Starting
with the player who placed the lake tile and moving clockwise, a player may place their a follower onto the game’s starting tile.
Carcassonne – The Lake
A player does NOT have to participate in the race.
If playing with the
Count of Carcassonne
, players will place their
follower onto the blacksmith tile of the City of Carcassonne. If all of a player’s followers are already deployed, they may
choose to remove one of them from their current location and place them into the starting position for the race. More details
on the race for the lighthouse are written below. All players participating in the race should place a token of their colour
underneath their racer. This will help to distinguish which followers are participating in the race.
3. Scoring a completed feature
When a feature on the lake tile is completed (as according to the normal rules), they will earn extra points due to their
location on the lake. When the city is completed, players will earn 1 extra point per tile that makes up that city. For example,
a normal city will earn 3 points per tile while a city containing a cathedral will earn 4 points per tile. Furthermore, a
completed under-siege city will earn 2 points per tile. When any of the three roads is completed, it will earn 2 points per tile.
If an inn is placed alongside one of these roads, it will earn 3 points per tile. The cloister will earn 12 points upon
completion. The lake will not provide a bonus to farms. However, the farm containing the pig herd will earn the usual +1
per completed city when scoring the farm. In the event that a shrine challenges the lake cloister and wins, it will only earn 9
The Race for the Lighthouse
As was stated above, a player may deploy any of their followers (except the pig,builder, or wagon) as a racer onto the game’s
starting tile (or blacksmith tile) at the time of the lake’s placement. All racers should have a coloured token placed underneath
them at all times. These followers will compete in a race to be the first to reach the lighthouse (pictured above). From this
point on, starting with the next player’s turn, after laying a tile a player may choose not to deploy a follower, or perform any
other actions that are carried out instead of deploying a follower. They may instead choose to move their respective racer.
The racer may be moved two spaces per turn. They may only be moved to a tile directly horizontal or vertical to the tile they
are currently occupying. They may not move diagonally.
Aside from the starting placement, a racer may NOT move
onto a tile that is already occupied by ANY other follower (including the wagon, pig, mayor, builder or fellow
racer), regardless of which player they belong to.
A racer may not move through the City of Carcassonne and may
not walk through the lake. However, players may move their racer along the outermost tiles of both the lake and the City, just
outside the perimeter of each. A player may not use the barn as a racer and is allowed to move their racer onto a tile with a
barn at it’s corner. A racer’s placement will have no impact on the scoring of any features, and will not count towards
occupying a feature if they are standing on one during the race.
A racer is vulnerable to being removed by the dragon, a tower, or a catapult knock-off token (seduction tokens have no effect).
The fairy may not be used to protect a racer. If a racer is removed by the dragon, tower, or catapult, a player may deploy
another racer to the starting tile. If a player has no more followers left in their supply to deploy a racer, they may remove one
from one of their features to use as a racer. The race will continue until any one player reaches the lighthouse. They will
become the Lighthouse Keeper. All other participating racers will immediately be returned to their respective owners. If the
game ends before a racer reaches the lighthouse, no player will receive the ability of the Lighthouse Keeper. It is important
for players to determine if they will have enough time to get their racer to the lighthouse before the game’s end.
Keeper of the Lighthouse
The player who first reaches the lighthouse will become the Lighthouse Keeper. That player must place their winning racer
onto the lighthouse. At the end of the game, the Lighthouse Keeper will receive 25 bonus points. The Lighthouse Keeper
may not be captured by a tower, removed by the dragon, knocked-off, or seduced by a catapult token. Once declared the
Keeper of the Lighthouse, they will remain as such for the entire rest of the game.
If playing with the King and Robber Baron tiles, the Keeper will NOT receive 25 bonus points.
Instead, as soon
as a racer reaches the lighthouse and is declared the Keeper, that player is immediately given the choice to steal either the
robber baron card or the king card from any other player. They will have the ability to keep the respective tile for the entire
game, regardless of how large of a road or city is completed. If a player already has both of these tiles at the time of
becoming the Keeper, they must choose which one they would like to keep for the entire game. If only one tile is held at the
time of becoming Keeper, that player may choose to protect that tile for the remainder of the game, or may permanently lay
claim to the tile they didn’t originally have. If playing with any fan-made expansions that include a scoring tile similar to the
king and robber baron (such as the outlaw, angler, cleric, or serf), the Lighthouse Keeper may choose to keep one of those tiles
Carcassonne – The Lake
The Water Supply
As soon as the lake tile is placed, all players will be given a supply of water tokens. Depending on the number of players,
each player takes the number of water tokens shown below, placing them in their play area:
2 players:
10 tokens
3 players:
8 tokens
4 players:
6 tokens
5 players:
5 tokens
6 players:
4 tokens
From this point on, players will try to see who can be the first to use up their water tokens to supply the surrounding cities.
Whenever a player places a tile that completes a city, regardless of who owns that city, that player must place a water token
from their supply into any city that tile completes. This will continue until one player has used their entire supply. That
player will receive 1 point for EVERY water token that has been placed on the board. The remaining water tokens will
become irrelevant for the remainder of the game. If the game ends before a player’s water tokens have been used up, the
player with the least tokens remaining will earn a point for each token placed on a tile. In the event of a tie, those involved
will all receive the bonus points.
Final Scoring
Any features belonging to the lake tile that remain incomplete at the end of the game will score partial points. The city will
earn 2 points per city tile. However, if the incomplete city is under-siege or contains a cathedral, it will score 0 points. Any
incomplete road will score 2 points per road tile. If the incomplete road contains an inn, it will receive 0 points. If the lake
bordering cloister remains incomplete, it will not receive any bonuses and will score per tile as if it were a normal cloister.
Finally, as stated above, farms bordering the lake will not receive any special bonuses. However, the pig herd will provide the
usual +1 per completed city bonus to the farm in which it belongs to.
Playing with The Princess & the Dragon
As noted above, a fairy may not be used to protect a racer. Also, the dragon may move along the outermost tiles of the lake,
but may not move onto the center tile in the middle of the lake. Magic portals may be used to deploy a follower to any
unoccupied feature on the lake, except for the lighthouse.

My brother Scott for helping to hear my ideas and adding some of his own.

Gantry Rogue
(Gantry) for creating the Carcassonne Central web site where this fan-made expansion was
developed and hosted, and for his comments, which contributed to the development of this expansion.

Matthew Harper
(mjharper) for the Completely Annotated Rules (CAR) for Carcassonne.

(Scott) for inspiring this template, and
Jonathan Warren
(Joff) for making the original template upon which
this one was based.
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